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ALASKAN FEAST | Catch and Cook Spot Prawn and Octopus

Jun 05, 2024
I'm having a good spiritual day guys, it's beautiful out here, it's about 6:30am. m. and my goodness, it's so flat and calm right now, the air is so fresh. The freshest air the fish has ever jumped in, get it? I was pointing straight in that direction, but right above it is probably a salmon, watch out, oh, there you go, yeah, see that guys, I gotta grab the rod, oh.this one right here right in front of me you see that wake you see the line the fish is creating is right there that's the casting distance there we go perfect oh no, I got it, I got it, I went right on top of a jellyfish, I think I'm good now come on, where did it go?
alaskan feast catch and cook spot prawn and octopus
I could see one jumping in the distance too oh come on we gotta get one oh another jump oh they jumped twice gotta get one here first Alaskan salmon is right there oh come on Oh come on right behind him damn it oh, I think he turned around, come on, there's a good amount of salmon here, they're all coho and I see them swimming on the surface and if they're close enough. I'll just try to cast right in front of them and get that bite reaction - they're not feeding anymore because they're in spawning mode, so once they go into that mode, they're not really eating anymore, but you can get them to do that.
alaskan feast catch and cook spot prawn and octopus

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alaskan feast catch and cook spot prawn and octopus...

I still bite so that's what I'm trying to do just swim right in front of them try to get them to bite into a little breakfast burrito here just eating and seeing if there's any fish that might come I'm going to cast I think there's one coming towards here, right in the middle, right in the middle of the screen, he comes, he comes, this comes, I have one, yes, I have, oh, yes, yes. Trey stains. The tree


s aren't bad. Come on man, put that right in front. off his head there it is, oops, there it's nice, yeah, I got it nice, good net, good net work, that's a pretty decent size, here you go, you get a, you get a bonkin with a shampoo, the champagne bunk , drowned, that hook.
alaskan feast catch and cook spot prawn and octopus
I wasn't going anywhere my first alaska coho salmon guys 7 man they were making fun of me all morning I look forward to watching them swim by constantly and then I finally got one to bite these guys they are like I said they go upstream there is a waterfall right up there, maybe a few hundred meters from here and that's where they go to spawn, got this one to bite the heart is still beating, looks like you ate the same thing, I should eat it first, Alaskan salmon, let's eat the bean. heart is very soft it has a strange texture it doesn't exist anymore it's not bad let's go with some soy sauce we're just having a relaxing morning everyone had breakfast I was just hanging out where they were hanging out I was fishing All morning, it's still morning , but Dawson is trying to get one too.
alaskan feast catch and cook spot prawn and octopus
There are bears up there so make some noise and she has bear spray and a flare. Great, she sounds good. Okay, let's go on a little kayak adventure. Now you hear there are bears. I have my rods with me, so in case we see any fish, we take them out and


each other. Wow, wow, wow, being in Alaska, I can't believe it took us so long to get here. I know you know what I mean. I've been to Iceland twice before I've been to Alaska once, that's pretty crazy, oh they're jumping, yeah, okay, let me try to try and film one, there's a fish, yeah, uh, no, sorry. my gopro I think they're still there you see that tail oh yeah oh cast it good oh oh we got it we got it take it take it keep the rod tip up that's a good one oh no wait let it go let it run let it run good I like it pump it, pump it, it's easy, a little loose, wait, wait, if it is, if it is, if the drag goes, no, uh, really there you go, bring them, wait, wait, wait. rod tip up sometimes that hook comes out of his mouth keep rod tip up you come back up yeah okay that was awesome yeah yeah you did it thanks buddy time put it in the pink, the last one from the boat was the orange one of these well, that was great, okay guys let's get out of here, that was a lot of fun, I connected right when I connected, I took a step back and tripped on a rock .
My ass, this video is sponsored by Spruce Root and I was so excited to actually get contacted. I had no idea about their organization or anything, but Isabel told me a little about them. Spruceroot works with local businesses that prioritize caring for people who care about small businesses and the environment, so when he told me all about them, I was beyond excited to get on board and be a part of this sponsorship and , yeah, I'm very excited to do this and I'm very excited. I'm so lucky to be in such a beautiful, amazing place and they put together this trip on the equinox for Jocelyn and I to come enjoy and show you guys a real vacation in Alaska and here in Southeast Alaska, and their goal really is to promote individual travelers, like us, to come to Alaska, it is much better to be with local guides.
You meet people who have been here for years and they can show us that you know where the fish are and yeah, I think that's the best experience. In my opinion, and if you are like me, we have been stuck inside for so long, we have been waiting to travel for so long and we can finally travel more than we have been dreaming of and they are finally here, so this is the perfect time so that you do too, don't wait any longer, Alaska is here, you should come here, fish and enjoy this beautiful place. Visit Southeast for more information on flights, hotels and charters, and local small businesses to visit in Sitka and throughout Southeast Alaska.
You can also find information about each community's Covid guidelines to ensure you have a safe and coveted travel experience here in Alaska. Yes, when we spoke before, she asked us what we wanted to do. I told him the first thing I want to do is get some


s, it's just a matter of knowing what you want and having a little bit of local knowledge in the area and that's where Brooks and I come in because I grew up here. and has been fishing here for 20 years so we are very familiar with sitka and it is our home.
What do you hope visitors take away from this trip? I hope they take away an appreciation for the area and an appreciation for sitka and, um, you too. I know we're here, we don't have cell service most of the time, so I really hope they take away the ability to connect with everyone when they're here, which is really cool because you can really meet people. and when you have a kind of shared experience of taking out the shrimp traps or going fishing or hiking in the forest and somewhere remote and untouched, it's very special, we just flew for this trip, so we're going to fly back. to Seattle and we're actually going to try to cross the Canadian border again to get our van so we can spend more time in Alaska the rest of the summer in Alaska because it's so beautiful that we want to spend a lot more time here in the southeast.
Alaska is awesome, we're heading back to the dock right now, but that was a fun morning. Alright guys, well that was our equinox trip. Thanks to Brooks and Cameo for inviting us to join us. It was amazing, yeah, we had such a It was great, we caught fish, we caught


s, some kind of


, it was amazing, it was super cool and thank you to the Spruce Root team, thank you for choosing us to be here, inviting us and sponsoring this video, yeah, yeah yeah that was awesome thanks guys. I hope you liked the video, be sure to like, subscribe, see you next time, peace.

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