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Two Sushi Chefs FORAGE for SUSHI Ingredients!! [Catch and Sushi Series Ep.11]

Jun 06, 2021
Good morning guys, welcome back to the outdoor chef life. I'm Taku and today I'm with a very special guest chef. He will be Diary of a Master Sushi Chef. He is someone I have been watching personally for years. I think what we do. It's not cool when I started becoming a


chef. I was watching your videos and trying to learn from your channel too, so I've been watching his channel for a long time, so I'm really excited because today is going to be amazing. Let's go find some uni right now, yes, Unni first and maybe we can look for some deals and maybe we'll find some crabs too and after all, everything will be cooked right on the beach, okay, it'll be beautiful, it's really exciting , any approach today, octopus, maybe I'll stay, most likely not, but you never know what you're going to discover here.
two sushi chefs forage for sushi ingredients catch and sushi series ep 11
I really want to thank you for coming here, from Miami, I flew to LA and drove to San Francisco just to do this collab and we're doing one today and tomorrow and then the following Monday in San Diego too, oh yeah, so stay tuned , let's do this, today is supposed to be a negative six point, which is really good, which is a very low tide, let's take a little of this here, this is a baby Colombo to eat, better, better, the ones they're like the young ones and all of these are pretty good to take yeah, you just want to cut it like right where I.
two sushi chefs forage for sushi ingredients catch and sushi series ep 11

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two sushi chefs forage for sushi ingredients catch and sushi series ep 11...

I did two likes so they couldn't grow back that way and it's a sustainable way to harvest just go here and I'm pretty sure we need the right thing and the right thing there let me go check first let me open it up. see how it looks, oh, not bad, this looks good, I'll throw it in there and then so you can take a look at it, okay, that's really good, oh, okay, cube, cube, cube, oh, it feels Try to poke, pulling in, how did I get it, oh. I got it, fine, so the limit is 35 per person.
two sushi chefs forage for sushi ingredients catch and sushi series ep 11
Go ahead and get it. 20 of them in about 10 minutes. Oh, this is sea lettuce, this is good for seaweed salad now, but okay, now go away, this is good, here's one. one this year, this is not D, no, no, leaves e, it takes several years, that's something you're going to do to the others who drive to the other spa because there are crabs who think we can do that so we can do a little California roll, yes. Well, yeah, real California rolls, what you want to do is make sure you look under all the rocks, look under the rocks and see if there are any crabs and if there's some kind of hole, you can stick this in there. see if you


anything maybe 30 seconds 1 minute if nothing just move out here oh my god there are two there are two in there but only the big one the one on top is going to dig big enough there it is oh yeah oh-ho look at those claws oh no, No, no, those claws will get there, even if you don't cry, there's no crusher, yeah, that's a California red rock crab.
two sushi chefs forage for sushi ingredients catch and sushi series ep 11
Donna fish. I think someone tried to eat it. Look at both sides scratched. I think a big fish is trying to eat it. I'm going to let this one go, yeah, I think this is really cool. Wow, look at this, it looks like it's an isopod, yes, this is called rubber boot chitin or not, yes, touch it, it's kind of hairy, kind of fuzzy, really interesting creatures, oh hell, that's it. Pretty big, okay, I know. I'll do it with the claws facing me too when they're here. I'm pretty sure they're sleeping, so I can sneak up on them.
Wow, a small one. he's got the one o'clock the one o'clock for a big claw, okay, that's a male that almost got me a big claw, look at that, yeah, nice, okay, that's too much California stuff or even here it looks good too , nothing, eh, it looked good, guys, do you want to try. some sashimi, can you use my knife and I'll go right under it? Okay, let's try this. Take one, take one. They did it? It's crunchy. I like to break bread here. It's crisp summer. Hangy Tomo. There's someone about to


a fish right now.
Oh, there's something there, okay, let's go for it again, no, guys, you won't be able to catch it this time, I've got it, yeah, I've got it, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, that's huge, yes, Monkeyface's backbone, yes, they try to lift it. God, that could be a disaster that could be a record maybe because that's huge, that's huge, yeah, he just caught one. I'm going to try it on the exact same hole, the rule is if you catch one there you try again and chances are you'll succeed. catch another one there it is there it is Oh little walk my second little rock that is a six six six and a half incredible incredible day here in the tide pools we have many sea urchins we have three very good sized crabs also a giant one Giant eel with a face monkey, that thing is crazy, it's the biggest one I've ever seen, anyway, we have more than enough to make a meal, so we'll go back, go to a cooking place and make some


, maybe some miso soup. some CG salad, what do you think, BBQ chef?
You know, yeah, but we'll do it, so now we're in our kitchen, look at this view, beautiful photo, dude, all we need is some beautiful food and I'm with the best, right? Here I was saying before, like I used to see you, you know, when I first started and it was like, oh wow, you know, that's amazing, I don't want to be so good and all this stuff, and you know, I worked really hard to where I am. every once in a while it just shows you that if you work hard one day you will be able to meet your heroes, we admire you Channel yes, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, it's an honor, no, I really appreciate that that means a lot coming from Guys, thank you amazing , now the hero will be on this side and Iron Chef, yes, I am on this side, here now, what are you doing here?
So I'm going to start cooking the rice and on this side with the little one. outdoor stove and I think I'm going to have here son start the crab in this pot and then we'll go from there then we'll clean up a little bit and then we'll start everything once everything is prepared and we'll make some sushi miso soup and look at me salad yeah , let's do this yeah, the outdoor chef plays really well, yeah, so yeah, it works pretty well, you know, have my dough a few knives here, I've got the chopsticks here, I think I need the scissors, this one I think the crab should.
We use ocean water, yeah, I'll go get it, I should get it, so these are purple urchins in California with two species, mainly purple origin and rhetoric, and to be much bigger than this, not so much, okay, no produces a lot, usually this is. like I said, it's like a medium size, but the red hedgehogs get you like in the restaurant in Santa Barbara, yeah, that's like we have a date, your head has to prepare a little or else I don't have patience, too you can cut it in half. What do you use it to make miso soup?
Now this is ocean water, so it's going to be very salty. Dilute it. What do you mean by this way? Things are as they seem. Like a bear sign, right, yeah, if I did, you saw that the pot I give you is like a skunk run, yeah, this is called black trade. Sam, see you, Sally makes it indirectly salty, but it looks very good in the flavor, you can taste that crab. a lot of buffets in a kind of wait she's my she's here says she saw she and I'm going to finish it with a little lemon just and by the way, the seaweed was in this, it was marinating inside an amazing box, they have sweet vinegar sauce of longer lasting soybeans there Olympics oh yeah oh yeah how cool this is amazing thank you leave this collab thank you ladies you did a great job if you think this looks good be sure to like and subscribe.
I'm so excited Guys, this meal is very, very special. I can tell you that, but everyone is like you. My sight. Great texture in the seaweed. Yes, humble, good, young. Quiet, but they could mention. Yes. You are doing very well. Snails, yes, yes, snails are good. I can really taste the crab mm-hmm okay, sushi time, okay, don't taste these waters, I'll try, so it's worth walking and risking our lives for me, it's worth it, yeah, that's so good, It's sweet, you're very sweet, you and you climb. up the ridge that was incredibly sweet, sweet, but I even sweet, I'm Justin, what's it like?
I think I finally got the taste good, yeah, one year, let's get to it, my favorite thing here, oh shit, mmm. Moony and crab roe, California rule with the university. It was really good, oh man that's so good, good fall, that's a great combination, some simi salad, which one is your favorite? Oh, which one, all good, thank you, there are four types of seaweed in there, kombu nori sea lettuce and rock grass, which one is your favorite I think my favorite is that California roll with Unni that is so good crab the texture of the crowd and then you get a creaminess on top of that honey it's all so good it's so good yeah it's all good everything is so good it's all good guys thanks for watching this was an amazing episode.
I think for me personally it was a real pleasure. I got to work with Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki in Anna's Bathroom, so if you haven't seen it, go check out his channel Master Sushi Chef Diaries and thanks for watching, see you next time, hey Joslyn, you let go of the cube now that it's in the middle, it comes back, you feel yourself trying to push, pulling in, oh, you've got it.

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