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Adam Savage's One Day Builds: First Order Retrievability Tool Cart!

Apr 15, 2024
Hello everyone, here we go. I don't need a hat right now. I'm wearing the hat because it's really cold and I'm cold, so I'm also wearing my NASA American Giant Savage NASA Patch Hoodie. Hello everyone, Adam Savage in my cave it's weird I'm in the store and I don't know what to do today I'm very ambivalent ambivalent I'm moving like a lot of different projects are moving through my head and when that happens I start to think, okay, Is there a workshop infrastructure that I should be doing? It's always yes, uh, and one of the


videos that got a lot of traction without being tested was on my


sorting philosophy for


recovery, which I call




recoverability, which is that all things.
adam savage s one day builds first order retrievability tool cart
I need them to be mission critical like uh uh micrometers and Forstner bits and I handled Allen and punches and drill bits and all of that is here on this tool


right next to the main body of the shop, this is like this without a doubt, the tool


. most important tools in this store and it is in terrible condition. look here look this look this is months of neglect months let me give you the opposite this is where all the clamps normally live this holder for all My Allen turns for all my tapping turns failed and now they're just sitting here and the tabs are all in


and the bits are all here and I don't even need all of these and then these bits are here and I don't even need all of these and yeah, all of these here, oh, I also have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, I have ten of these containers, I actually have 11.
adam savage s one day builds first order retrievability tool cart

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adam savage s one day builds first order retrievability tool cart...

I have a new one, now I have metric, the question arises: how do I put this metric bit dispenser in this cart and keep it useful and there are a couple more things that I've noticed that I don't use it all the time so I basically need to rebuild this entire stroller right now and it's like two. We'll see if I finish it today. It is unlikely but possible. The first thing I'm going to do is start rebuilding it from scratch right now. There are two cars. I want it to be one, so I'm going to build a cart that will be the place it sits on perfectly.
adam savage s one day builds first order retrievability tool cart
I'm not even sure exactly how I want to start this, but it's what I want to do today, so I have to think of something. I think I'm going to do it. What I'm going to do is go to the Loft and look for some wheels. Look at this. I had four of these. They are great. I love the red wheels. I love non-marking wheels. I love locking the wheels. All that. It's great means I can take this to a van if I need to. Okay, let's take action. 48 inches wide, 10 and a half inches deep. I have something strange, I'm going to give him another stiff member and then, uh.
adam savage s one day builds first order retrievability tool cart
We're going to start building the vertical shelves, so I built this like this to achieve some anti-fall and I have the wheels that are not in the corners again so this doesn't move. It starts to sink in the middle and I think I'm putting both towers, that's how that works, I could uh, where do the cars go, this is up in the air in my head, but the next thing I have to do is put um, this is a technology worth talking about t bolts, tea nuts, t nuts in the realm of lug bolts, we have your regular nut which is a quarter 20 mild steel regular nut, we have your nut Nylock with a little bit of nylon up there on the front grabs the anti-vibration keeps the nut from coming off you get a wing nut yeah I know a lot of wing nuts out there uh and then you get the T nut and the nut in T is this.
Lovely little thing where you drill a hole of that diameter which I think is actually 5 16. And then you hammer this in from the other side. You can use a bolt to hold the thing to the wood and the teeth here. here they grab the wood they get into the wood they cling to it um it has its limitations but these are like if peanuts didn't exist it would be much more difficult to be a theater technician today aha, yeah, you know. I'm fine, now we place the televisions, which is the process. It seems like hey, oh hey, foreigner in the middle.
Yeah, I'm going to keep you with 16 of those. One thing I'm doing here is every time I'm. Tightening a screw I'm putting my hand on the T-nut. I feel the T-nut sinking, so if you look at this one you'll see it's a little proud, look at this, it gets a lot smoother, that's what I want, I want . they should all be more or less the same good, good, nice and durable, very happy with that, so now I have to get to the top, oh yes, I should clean the work table because I have to put my things here. foreigner foreigner foreigner thank you foreigner How are you today?
So I walked in and saw the cart and the car just fine. The card is calm. The cart currently has a wonderful agglomeration of things that I use all the time. Tapas. Cover keys. Long tips. I have short pieces. there and the long parts are the ones that are hardest to find, between the bondhus, the calipers and all the Forster nonsense. I was also particularly interested in this. I did it last night just before I left. These are my compilations of the entire collection of cat twists I made. I don't know I had a lot of them, uh, they're glorious little things with beefy dreams, they hold well more than their size would indicate, so I'm going to add a little more support here for some of these guys, but I had this. business here and I've been thinking about buying more of these drill bit dispensers, they're expensive, they're like the cheaper knockoffs they're like 70 bucks and I know it's not much but I like it, sorry. for turning around so quickly it was always going to be an imperfect solution because what I really have is a very strange drawer let's see it I don't know if we've been to this drawer before oh strange bits now bits or bits so you think there's a whole universe within drill bits, the geometry of a drill bit tip is a repeatedly discussed, designed and searched solution, there are all kinds of different ways to take down a thing, but that's not who I am.
I'm here to talk about I'm here to talk about the fact that in any normal store you have some atypical drill bit puppies like that, where where does it live? Do you have a drilling index for this thing you bought that time? I have a bunch of, um, what look like 12-inch airplane drills. I have a medium look at that eighth of an inch. Six inch long airplane drills, that's what they're often called because they allow you to get in and out of tight spaces, um, you can. I don't have too many long drills. I'm not kidding.
I go to this drawer more than most in the shop now I also have step drills. I have a large complement of step drills and have often found that step drills are step tools. They are one of those tools that you don't need to spend a lot of money on, you don't need to buy the hundred dollar step drill set. I have found very little difference overall between Harbor Freight's 10 step drills and all the other guys, I have them all I have them all I don't notice any of them lasting longer than others uh I also have a full set of acrylic drills with the 60 point points Point 60 degrees um, acrylic drills, what is it?
I don't even know what that one is. It looks like a normal half inch drill, so it's perfect for my illustration. You see the tip of the half-inch drill and you see how the leading edge rotates right there. Leading Edge so that Leading Edge I'm sorry, yes, that Leading Edge comes up and scratches the material, but that also means that it gets into the material, the Plex bit just scrapes it, scrapes it and doesn't break the acrylic drills. I do not do it. I don't even know if I have a favorite brand for them. I only buy a faucet from them.
I have glass drills. I have ceramic drills. I have diamond drills. I have some diamond hole saws. This is a very regular visit. for me I need to go somewhere else I see, I see, you see what I'm thinking is going to go and this is the best part is that I have this long unrealized plan to make myself a completely custom set of machinist tool boxes, it's a plan not realized for a long time. I have drawings that I've never been able to do, it's a big swing, but what I have is a bunch of these little baby drawer slides and they fit in here about a half inch to a half inch. that's enough for me, so yes, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, I'm going to install weird bits on the royal bit cart.
Deuteronomy, I mean, what are we going to do next if we're going to look for the collection of reinforcement bits I have? I have a pretty impressive selection of brace fillers here and something tells me oh wait, here we go, we'll leave it for now. I can see in the execution of this that I had something I like, but the next step I don't. It's clear to me, so when I come in this morning that's when you let your brain do that, when you let your brain brew overnight and think about something. My favorite feeling is when you walk in.
I walked in and saw this and was like, oh, more clam storage here, there's so much space, it's cool, that excites me and then I come here and I'm like I still don't know what to do with this pile of spaghetti, weird drill bits, it's a drawer what we're going to do, we're going to do it right, we're going to do it with a really nice quarter inch material, not a half inch, yeah, I'm going to make probably four or five small ones. drawers and I'm going to have a shelf to store those bits and everything else.
Now I'm wondering if I could store all the hole saws in there. I mean, there is a lot of space, the problem is that I don't use all of it. I use hole saws twice a year at most, so when you want to do a full drill, we've been talking about drill bits. If you want to make a hole, a drill bit is how to do it, there are many. There are different ways that drill bits do their job but they make specific sized holes or they do, the thing is if you take a piece of metal and you take a half inch drill and you just pour into it the hole you get wouldn't have a half inch in diameter, which, within reason, is probably if you measured it with a fine measuring instrument, you would find that its interior finish is uneven, meaning that it is not a consistent diameter, it is a little marred from being cut by the drill and it could be 10 to 20 thousand, usually around ten eight to ten thousand, which means if I want a whole size, I usually like to say I want a half inch.
I usually make a pilot hole in a quarter inch, then I'll make the size just under a half inch, what's that, 3164. and then I'll reame it, there's a reamer, now a reamer has a set of edges cutting edges fluted in a spiral and this is called a chuck reamer. I put it on my tailstock and I put the hole that I want to ream on the lathe or I can do this on the mill and the reamer drills a hole of incredibly precise dimensions, uh more or less. a few, less than a few tens of thousands, really, um again, how well you've prepared matters, but um, one of the reamers is amazing for mechanical assembly, I mean, it's really critical, it's mission critical for Uh, really.
A good mechanical connection between parts for which a drill bit will not be sufficient. I don't want to say never, but drill bits usually don't get the job done if you ask them to do all the mechanical precision you need. of a machine with holes and shafts and things like that, bits are fine, they're fine, they're fine, but reamers are fine, about foreign reamers, there are a couple of things that reamers can also do for you that are really incredible, that is, they can. uh you can do what's called an interference fit where you have a hole let's say 999 thousandths of an inch, one thousandth under an inch and then you have a one inch shaft or a one inch plug that you can drive. two things together that that mil will allow you to use an arbor vise or a vise to press fit those things and then it's very difficult to separate them is a very positive mechanical connection how do you drill a hole 999 mil right with this? reamer, so what I have here is a set of what I think are called over unders.
I don't know what they are called. These are reamers that span standard sizes, so here's an eighth of an inch, but this is one of a thousand. less than an eighth of an inch and this is a thousand over an eighth of an inch this is a thousand less than five sixteenths or three uh, you know what I mean, I'm not going to do the fractions in my head anyway, this it goes up to half an inch 501 499 yeah and then I have uh I have another 501 499 that I collected here it's three quarters of an inch um this one is 0.75 and that's 0.751 this is 999 that's one inch it's one oh Oh, anyway, I use the reamers often enough now that my quest for zeros has resulted in me using the reamers often enough that they need to be in a holder and I must tell you that I have a particular distaste for making drill bit holders alone because it is extremely boring.
I have to find bits in each of these arbor sizes and drill them all so I don't have a wall of numbers and basically once I looked at this I realized it really should be five eighths. I really should have five. eighth overs and unders, so six two four six two five and six twosix and I ordered them but they haven't arrived yet so I'm going to have to fit holes for them because I know I will, I just know. I know how I do these things myself, so I'm going to make a reamer on the bottom kit which will have three rows, the center row will be the absolute dimensions and the left row will be the bottom and the right row will be the end and that will be I also live on a shelf under here oh and the other thing I'm going to do with that shelf put lights in here because what I notice is that when I got closer I didn't realize how much I was going to talk this morning 13 minutes um I realized that the lights make me keep these shelves really nice yeah my other problem is making a holder for the clamping reamers the clamping reamers those clamping reamers um the other reason I was having a hard time starting to make a support for my chuck and the reamers um I didn't have a 2x4, there isn't one, I need a big piece of wood, right, I want to make a hole to keep it upright and what I want is a two by four, something that it fits me well and everything.
I have here half an inch I have some pieces of three quarters of an inch there is no there is no one inch much less the one and three quarters that a two by four now it is um but I found one I found a reader um it is Here is the middle layer in the part bottom of my old tool cart, so I'm going to take this apart and make my reamer stick out. I guess that's where we start. Ok, I have drilled the 2x4 piece. I put the holes in it, I labeled the holes, I know it was a little ugly, I'll fix it a little bit later, that's it, that's enough anyway, these are my reamers, the upper lower ones of oh oh 0.001 of an inch and we.
We're going to fill this in now, so let's go, that's 1001, which is an inch, which is 0.999 Yeah, 0.99, this is 0.75 and 0.7501. I need to add something, this is my half inch, there you have 5 8 and this is correct, yeah, so this is four nine, right? 499 yeah let's put them in this one and yeah it happens there we go now I need the ones that go in the middle 7 16. so let's get one of those good ones a quarter there she blows each one of these is one of uh one of the reamers for standard fractional sizes and each of these is one thousandth above each of these and each of these is one thousandth below very exciting oh oh and here it is this is a particularly fun part oh ladies and gentlemen please, it's a very happy make Bang Okay, now I have some reamers.
I need to make sure I have stock, so let's do that. Next I want to put lights here facing that direction. I'm going to turn this on. They will be great. They're for sharpening, I'm going to keep them underneath because who knows when I'll get to the Sharpie? These are bits that just need to be sorted on those shelves yeah they will live right there reamers I'm so happy these are the weird bits and frankly it's a plexus oh yeah so that's okay so I have my beds of carbide, I have my long bits, I have my aircraft bits, I have my medium aircraft bits I guess I don't really need a second one, yes it certainly can be much better, so I want to label it, but I don't like the black on white label, but I think I'm going to do it.
Okay then, oh no. I don't have to label them as strange. I can make long airplane parts. Great lighting, I just need to do some soldering and then the last thing we're going to do is find a way to hang the wires from the clip, yeah weird. it should be negative meaning this should light up here we go that's great that's just what I wanted it should be like this now when I plug this in I should get surgery and I don't so why not? So, oh my goodness, always check the polarity. man, why would it be reversed who would reverse the polarity?
Damn hell, there we are now, that should do it, famous last words, okay, let's try it, see what we got, yeah, okay, yeah, here we go, oh so light, join me, won't you count? thank you come over there cool foreigner what is a bucket tap that's a bucket tap that's what you mean in a movie set okay so let's understand this and this should be light Aziz light Hey there she is she goes oh oh look, come into the The light draws you to it, oh, it makes you keep things pretty. The light is beautiful. The light is very happy.
How am I going to do it? Yeah, I'm going to hold on to that clip. The truth be told. I need about six of them, the rest should. go to a drawer, let me think about that, well, here we are, here we have first order resilience written big here we have the tap wrenches and the faucet guides and the faucets and for the faucets that need sorting, I have a little bucket here all my long screwdrivers the important ones the T-handle link who are the screwdrivers weeha the drills still need to do some for that guy but this is all back to normal oh look at that the wood top reamers uh Brad Bits Point, oh yeah, the long trip is there, oh, the black Simon Trail Stone beds down here, we have metric drills, we have everything from the smallest bits, two of the largest, we even have taps.
I have little faucets like this, uh, it will never focus, it will never focus on all kinds of big faucets, wait, wait, there we go, yeah, this is it, wait, oh, wait, wait, this is a hardware store, that's it what it is for me, oh wait. also over here the clamps oh the CL the jack swivels are here yeah I know I still need to fix that's already done don't pay attention to it okay we'll just lock it right now and then we have the other clamps over here oh, It's great, it's great and here's two inches longer and yeah, yeah, so this is a lot more useful for me like this.
I'm really happy with this and when I look at this I think, oh. I look at the free space and then I look at the Hammers and I think you should deal with the Hammers, oh what was I thinking with this, this, this, this is ridiculous, so we're not done building the workshop infrastructure yet. Doing this half of the equation wasn't enough because the round storage of the long items, the brass and aluminum, is all in excellent shape. I am very happy with my stock storage, brass, Delrin, Teflon and aluminum and steel, all of this is great.
I'm very happy with the storage, yes, there we go, I'm very happy with that storage, but the hammers, the hammers, yes, the hammers, Zara, are a disaster right now, so let's deal with that. the Hammers oh I don't know how I haven't done it right I have an idea for the Hammers I have an idea for the Hammers but I'm not a bit happy with it because I'm worried that's what I concluded this morning This morning I concluded that I have to take the plunge. I've got an idea for the Hammers and I've got to execute that idea, so that's what we'll do.
I'll take them all out, make a pile and count them. with some averages yeah we go foreign here so I have a circular template here and what I have determined with the Hammers is that I will have three levels of holes that will be like this and two will always be this big two will always be this big and the rest will be this big I think that covers me for all my hammers with large handles, so let's see how to draw a line and make a foreign template. Yes, I counted about 40 hammers. gives me one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen times 44. that gives me 44 hammer holes distributed like this and then wait a minute foreigner, this is the best part about doing something like this is the fact that get to populate this so the ax has a home my uh my uh my favorite my favorite hammers they all go right where I want them to go oh the phenolics yeah foreigners okay foreigners this is super super awesome uh I'm so happy with this, so I'm going to add one more finishing touch to this style.
I have room to expand. I know that almost never happens. I often design store storage for what I currently have and then when new things come out like boning but not today uh I'm adding a little bit more help and that's I'm adding yeah I'm adding this right here yeah so this just makes a little bit of a shelf okay okay and this will house the replaceable heads for my hammers yeah and the hammer shims look at the hammer shims so you can find everything related to the hammer one just come here, let's go better you know not, but it might feel better I think this guy, this guy could be here oh, maybe this guy can live here a lot better, yeah, oh, the hammerhead sharks and the extra stuff just stay here waiting for I used them, didn't I?
Yeah look, this is where all the extra stuff goes, oh I love having everything at my disposal, I can't. tell you how long I've been thinking about fixing this like years like two years at least for two years. I knew it was a bad solution that was going on here and it was unworkable and it wasn't working for me and it still took me a long time. I didn't trust this arrangement. I didn't think this would produce the amount of hammers I wanted to store. Funny, this is what it takes to get to a task, isn't it?
But between oh. Look, I feel like I'm at the gates of those Warriors and The Lord of the Rings, the river you know at the end of the Fellowship of the Ring. Yes, I feel like this is the entrance door to the store. the and and now we have these two old guards here new guards um I'm very happy with the storage of the hammer. I think this will be a real game changer for me and the lights in all the cabinets. I know one last thing I want. To address here because years ago I definitely got a lot of attention on this channel for saying that drawers are where things go to die and over the years I've given in to a genuine appreciation of what drawers can do and when Drawers have a specific and singular purpose. that you know what is there and you know what you will find there, it is categorical, so the drawers are fine for me, but when you have a store with drawers you need to check them a lot, that is another thing is that the drawers require maintenance we do not think about the drawers like a machine that requires maintenance but we also don't think of stairs as a machine and stairs are a machine they are a machine to do work um look at all this mess how chaotic and spectacular after the effect um I'm very happy I don't want to break the spell uh thank you everyone for joining me on this I'm going to clean up and I guess I'll film until the camera dies oh my battery is dying but uh yeah I know I somehow took

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