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How I beat Super Mario Odyssey WITHOUT SEEING OR HEARING the game! PT. 1

Jun 02, 2021
We need to get the fluff guys now that we're around, so from my perspective, tennis is running like a taxi driver right now. jump dives okay here we go here we go I made it I landed on the tree below let's go oh I think I've got it yeah I've got it it's so close how oh that's a good sign that's a good sign Moo any other chat would just make me roll but my chat It's very useful, they are the best 1 2 3 4 5 6 down wait delay hey, that's the kingdom, should we tell you to go get food?
how i beat super mario odyssey without seeing or hearing the game pt 1
Yes, I think I could make pizza because it's the easiest. What is this? fearsome fire, I mean, you guys are telling me to do everything else in this broadcast. You might as well let them choose this too, so okay, we have some ideas, choose your crust, Italian container, okay, I'm


a lot of skinny Italian. tropical sauce tropical alright goat cheese goat goat goat goat I guess we'll do capital goat cheese capocollo okay we'll do capocollo I don't know what that means we'll do capocollo okay now we can pick our vegetables, okay? I have pineapple three types three types of olives spicy jalapeƱos nothing more let's check the delivery coming back we're in the


now jump, there's no cable, okay, who just told me to jump?
how i beat super mario odyssey without seeing or hearing the game pt 1

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how i beat super mario odyssey without seeing or hearing the game pt 1...

I'm pretty sure you spell Joe, right? what are you doing? Oh, wait a minute. Oh, I did, come on. Okay, if I do a long jump, I'll do it. Long jump. Are we almost like the Bowser posters? Have we come this far yet? How did we get here leaving wet pizzas? My old roommate delivered the pizza. Okay, let's take a break for a few minutes. I'm going to eat this pizza and you. guys you can figure out what we have to do, not bad, not bad, all that did a great job of you, this is really good, so what did the chat decide?
how i beat super mario odyssey without seeing or hearing the game pt 1
What are we doing? Face 12 is roll like crazy, okay, we bomb, jump forward. okay oh my god we made it yeah I'm on the ladder come on let's clear this space here you know what I don't need a damn chat to help me cross that space did that work? Yeah, okay, I don't need it. you to when it's golden, got it, we're actually at City Hall, now we're at the top of the pool, so we can go down a little bit here, cross up, I'm up, it's north of the top, now we keep held down. a little zip they do it I think I did it there is Moo above and on the right I have it how is that left? good left right down right that right got it excellent phase one killed good cool extreme right down left left 180 up left down a little up and higher left higher or left literally on top of the spam there right right some more forward like right much more up higher left up higher left again left again spam down higher right text-based shooter


further right a little Okay and I spent a little more.
how i beat super mario odyssey without seeing or hearing the game pt 1
Turn right. I don't know your goal. It's gone down a little. I gained a lot in three cycles, but I lost count. Oh, I think that was it. We caught him. Yes, haha, we have. Baby, it's a triple moon gone black Metro making our way through this game, so what am I doing? Okay, now we're making the impossible leap. Now we turn and do triple vector jump. Our Frehley, okay, did I do it? Where I go? Keep in mind we're doing the impossible jump, we're not getting him, no, we're not getting the cable, we're doing the impossible jump down, everyone, get that through your thick skulls, yeah, you know, we won't , we won't do it.
I'm not going to do that. I promised someone we'll do the impossible jump, we're going to do it, we're going to jump and vector all the way down, turn 90 degrees and dive in the direction 90 degrees, buttery shark, this is impossible, that's what they call it. all youtubers. Mario is looking slightly to the right, forward, vector to the left, no, too much, okay, let's set it up again. I tried to look at the game daemon. No, my mom said she couldn't play Super Mario Odyssey, so I'll let chat play for me. this could work and I'm moving to the left yeah okay I'm inside another man this man ate my hair no respect for Helen Keller's face oh sorry face how's that?
What are they trying to make me do, huh? We are not going to take that pylon. I could feel that guy in my hands, oh, the guy, the guy literally pushed me against the wire, sure, sure, he did it, this is good, okay, let's vector to the left, oh, that was close, This jump is vital if yes. If I don't understand just walk over it, wait 12, okay, the man is pushing me, this man I have no idea what man they are talking about Travis % says perfect, do it, perform your backflip to the left and cover no no no no no no trap, turn, throw forward, the pylon is in my face, monsters, you trying to give a, he's a pilot, man, go ahead, oh baby, we've done it, yeah, get out of here, pile up the gang, ha ha, oh it's so painful, I said it. the moon man i got the man i got the moon yeah i'm at the top now i'm trying to get to the top we're getting to that moon what do i need to go guys backflip okay 12 backflips guys how do you was? that works back foot twice yeah there's two backflips more backflips black II I know a little more now what we doing more black Filipinos okay face nine and backflips do more backflips it may work just keep doing backflips how big can this platform be touch six and backflip ok ok ok I'm staying here I'm staying here oh I think we got it jump hello that's my impression of the Lim cube of a small ant print, okay, go straight, oh we've done it, jump right on the edge, monk, okay. there, yeah, I jumped forward, it's straight ahead, did I do it, you guys go, we can find our way to the room of people, like the room in the alley full of people, full of the man, oh, so I'm looking directly to the switch right now, like perpendicular to the wall. yeah okay I'm lost the camera changes when you move the stick good to know okay I bought where we are ahead jump and dive Oh Moo how are you going to do this?
Where I am now? I'm just before the beam. directly in front of me, okay, you guys are going to hate me. I'm doing this, how do you do it? How do you do it if I messed up? Everyone in the showers will yell at me. The pylon game never dies. Oh, there we go, there we go. I think it's him looking at that man. Am I bouncing on the man? I'm about man getting back at man. Oh, I sat down, I sat on it, I felt it. We spent three and a half hours in this kingdom, oh my goodness.
I just don't access completed, let's go well. I guess we're going to snow first because that's the default and I think they tried to squish a, so where do we go? Let's just roll lul okay so I just rolled okay now what we do. I'm going to be towed first, so we're going to be towed. I'm on a lake of ice. I can die in this lake of ice. You guys have to help me find the trailer. Come on, we'll get there. We will get there eventually. I think it s true. I'm just hitting the jump button.
Are we out yet? You didn't go home. It's in his father's house. I'll never find it. The Kingdom may be frozen, but it is absolutely blind. Hell yeah, it's a shame a little Italian plumber is gone. outside to fend for himself in the harsh arctic winter I wonder if he will survive open the map we are lost hey there is your help guys you are supposed to be lost you are the guys I can see Mario is cold we need to get the area of the ship is two for me oh oh I think we have a moon okay, let's go into Siberia now I think we're in oh I think I'm in the store okay, let's go buy a better hat, can you guys? get the mechanic cap for me, it's really cool, okay?
Do we have the cool cap on backwards now? Yeah, that's really cool Oh, let's call you I wish you were me Of course we are, are we awake? I think we're awake. go, move, oh, I didn't get it, nevermind, abort, luna, Maya's hat is sick, I know we bought the best hat my knee has, now I'm right, I spy the knees behind me, that's been her body working for man, the real enemy is man who we. I've found out the real enemy how much HP in my ass they're blowing up as we speak ah screw it they make it yeah let's blow up the guts blow up all the spies knees wait for the moon man ASMR video oh those prickly guys ever.
I had a chance, it was my blindfold move, but I did it with vibration instead of sound. I


the man, okay, okay, wish me luck, what just happened, why don't we take a leap of faith right near the edge of the salary? Yeah, what's hitting me? The goombas respond. The goombas are back. The man who sent them. Send it. He's fine. This is not functional. Not now. Another Goomba suicide to kill the goombas. Good idea. The strategy is more murder than suicide. I did not do it. I left what I just want to get the last moon so I can go to bed.
It's midnight. I started this dream 11 hours ago. Long jump, cap dives, center chamber, just do one dive, okay, dive twice, just dive, just long jump, it's safe, why am I? jumping steps, what are you bringing me? You are actually knocking down the great pillar. I don't even know if I did this in my casual backflips file for days, okay, coming backflips, this is much harder. I don't want to walk all the way like that, I just meant walk, so it's less of a jump like that, okay, we knocked one down, I felt like there are two, oh guys, that's the Snow Kingdom finished, we have lunch next to the sea, we ruined Bowser and the moon to see five more I'm going to split up here let's pause this timer I'm going to leave this exactly as it is we'll come back tomorrow and we'll finish this race it was it's a good it's a good day man I enjoyed this, it's a lot of fun , guys.

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