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A simple Practice to deal with Anger | Buddhism In English

Jun 04, 2024
welcome to another video in today's video let's talk about how to control these emotions of


, well,


itself is a natural human emotion, we all feel anger, but if we don't know how to control this emotion, if we don't know how to


with gonna. Sometimes it can be destructive and if we let anger control our life, we will get into a lot of trouble, so today I will present to you a little


that you can do in your practical life to


well with this emotion first. All I have to remember is that none of these


s are easy, in fact, nothing in life that gives us the happiness that brings peace to your life is not an easy task, it is difficult, although it is difficult, we cannot abandon it because we like it. .
a simple practice to deal with anger buddhism in english
Let's be happy and we like to be at peace in our life, that's why Buddha said that everything that brings happiness to your life is a difficult task, so what are the things we can do to deal well with these emotions of anger the first time? and the first time? The most important thing you can do to deal with these emotions is to recognize that your thoughts are angry. If you don't know your thoughts are angry, you can't deal with it, so this includes mindfulness when you're about to get angry. When you feel this anger triggering you, simply ask this question: What am I thinking now?
a simple practice to deal with anger buddhism in english

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a simple practice to deal with anger buddhism in english...

What mode are my thoughts now? every time you ask that question and when you answer it you will be able to find oh, I'm about to get angry now. my and my thoughts are angry, that is the first step to know that you are angry when it comes to the second step, so in this second step, if you look at this, I ask you a question every time you feel angry, imagine a situation. that you have felt angry about something or someone, your breathing pattern works how our breathing pattern changes when we feel angry, it speeds up and we take short breaths correctly so that it gives the signal to our body to give the message to our body that now you are ready to get angry, you are breathing hard, we breathe in short periods and we breathe quickly, so the first thing you can do is slow down your breathing, better inhale deeply and let it exhale, take another deep breath.
a simple practice to deal with anger buddhism in english
Inhale and release the rhythm, slowing down the breathing pattern will help you calm your body and mind just when we feel calm and when we are about to rest, what do we do, for example, after a long time? work day when you get home and after taking a good shower, if you fell on the couch, if you fell on the bed, what is the first thing you can do? You take a deep breath in and out, that's the point. What you do means that you are giving the signal to your body that you are about to calm down or rest, so what we have to do whenever we feel angry, when we feel like we are panicking, just give the message to your body. body.
a simple practice to deal with anger buddhism in english
That is to be calm when inhaling and exhaling deeply two to three times, so breathing can help you a lot. Then, as a third step, you are now a little at peace and calm. Now you can reflect wisely on your thought pattern when you reflect on your thoughts you can find why I got angry with this person what is that then you can find that anger does not prevail in an outside world in that person or that specific thing anger prevails in my mind right, it is something that I have created Every time you come to a situation where you feel angry, you come up with these two options: react with negativity or respond with positivity, that depends on you and your experiences and your good and bad experiences depend or depend on these.
The choices you make so that you totally have the power and the privilege to respond with positivity, so you have to believe in patience for that, remember that there is nothing in this world, there is no problem in this world that has been sold with anger that's why I, Buddha, said that anger does not take over anger, oh, hate does not cease with hate, hate takes over love and kindness only, so you have to believe in patience , compassion and forgiveness, that is the way you are going to solve the problem. problem, even if you react with anger, even if you shout or yell or take actions in anger that are not going to help, that are not going to solve the problem, they will make it even worse.
I have seen many people who couldn't control it. their anger for a split second just because they couldn't control their anger for a split second now they are regretting it for their whole life so remember that anger will not help you so when you believe in patience, kindness and compassion you will have this strength to face that situation in a more positive way remember what the Buddha said the Buddha said before doing something from your body from your speech or from your mind simply reflect wisely that what I am going to do is worth doing, do it, it is what brings happiness. to myself or it is bringing happiness to others it is going to hurt others or it is going to hurt myself if it is hurting you and if it is hurting someone else I do not try to do it remember that it is okay for us to feel angry sometimes in our mind, but it is not okay to let anger flow from our bodily actions and our words, so remember that this is how we can control it, always believe in patience and kindness, that is where you will solve the problems.
This is a small practice in which we can deal with these angry emotions, so practice these practices little by little and make your life a more peaceful and higher number.

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