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a mod with CUSTOM items

Apr 06, 2024
flying, that's actually really fun, that's really cool, actually, yeah, that's kind of sick. Wait, I'm starting to rethink my tier list after seeing this, what is this? I'm going to jump oh my god dude you just screwed them up and they went to jail yeah that's wonderful my amulet doesn't work for my spiders for the sake of my safety. The next item. The next element was the. one that was playing there, you got a music record called Rascal, watch out, oh man, sorry ravers, this is sick, we tried to get copyrights for this awesome, yeah right, it's time to face the music, y'all They're, oh, closed, it's time to face the music.
a mod with custom items
Jay, you are banned, okay, the clock broken, okay, when you die, it will be consumed, give me a delay in death, whoa, that's it, what time to kill me? That's crazy. Jay, do the honors I can kill, jump. Crush the skull, wait, no, Dan, hold it and do it. body acting oh of course get rid of that so Dan is invincible right now for 15 seconds guys guys I'm going to die oh any second oh I'm slowly recovering so Dan can go put his stuff away , oh wait, when do I like to act?, oh, right there. There you say it, wow, when does this work?
a mod with custom items

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a mod with custom items...

So you like Purgatory, cool, that's cool, cool, that's cool. Purgatory is cool to me and my friends love Purgatory, yeah well you're on borrowed time, what do you wanna do buddy? I'm a ghost now you have 15 seconds left treasure your life go away D I just have to tell you something I don't see what all this has to do with you being okay flying around me oh I'm sorry you don't I don't see something J, yeah, no you see nothing oh I love it so if we use the back talisman we can use this to find nearby monsters uh how about highlight the spider over here oh they're glowing that's fun yeah so it is. a way to find caves that is nice Neato, is it just the nearest monster?
a mod with custom items
I mean it works pretty far away there's a vine over here oh hey little daddy found one anyway okay we got the witch bag Jay what's this? Damn. Well, po, that right into my mouth, buddy, oh, dance again, oh, dance again. “Sorry,” he coughed and poked his eye out of his face. Open the mystery boxes of the witch's bag, oh, the adaptation fla. Who cares about the text? Let's see what happens to me. My God. Okay, the adaptation jar, they both liked turning to me at the same time. It was incredible. I don't know why it felt creepy.
a mod with custom items
It was great. It allows you to have a complementary effect on the environment you are in. Yeah, so when Dan's in it. lava oh he has fire resistance oh look at that so it gives him contextual potion abilities oh that's really cool do you have a lingering effect right now? Does he say he's like a witch or whatever? Haunted, um, I don't really have any effect here. You take a step, from bottom to top, nothing, I don't have any effect either, weird, I still don't know what this is for, try and go under the water and see if you can breathe water, oh oh oh oh oh yes, let's try it.
Let's try it yeah, yeah, breathing water is fine, take a sip, um, no, oh, no, he's going to drown if only he had a context-sensitive potion to save him, oh, uh, oh, uh, oh, uh oh drink a terrible way to drink if you want to live uh oh we got a sun brother hey wait it worked look hey he's back oh it actually worked I got water breathing fine okay how wonderful it took you to be on the stage of ORF fighting flight, good on this creeper. I want to show the forbidden spell ah, you did it a little baby body away, you did it right in front, I just made a Lugi on it and it turns into a slime, you made it chibi, throw any non-boss mob in my way , sure, okay, too strong. too strong my magic doesn't do anything my magic doesn't do anything uh uh maybe go back to the first year of Hogwarts kind of thing worry jump I'm here to save you oops U maybe I could try this spider does this job like tits a cat maybe just Monster C are monsters, that's true as soon as he starts knocking things down, maybe that's when he can use it, yeah, that's when he becomes your real enemy.
Blaze, wow, that's awesome, jump, be careful, wait, wait, like it's not working. big slime huge slime how big can you make an infinitely big slime you can make them pretty big now I just summoned a size 100 slime oh god and it jumped high enough where it came out of our render yeah there it is we're part oh me Look at it oh , what a funny guy, oh don't kill him, uhoh this could be a problem, yeah we're really getting to that point, oh man I did it and this is how chocolate is made. I have some swamp essence.
Swamp Essence, that's what happens when you don't shower for a long time and play a lot of video games, I love it, it's okay, I don't have Swamp Essence, come back Bob, stop, I love that video, okay, Swamp Essence can be used to make a poison potion 2, but also to make a new potion that immunizes you against poisons. Wow, that's pretty sick. Did any of us get the Bo Whale Ringer? No, I didn't ring the whale's bell. What was that? That is the bell of the whale. It could slow down enemies and take away the effects of the potion. they get slow I guess they're slower but they all jump so it doesn't matter not long ago next is piglin's bag ooh the piglin what now I feel like I shouldn't have access to this sorry domain okay no . what I expected, so let's make the withered bone meal first so that this charred bone meal is like a super bone meal, oh, here you have normal bone meal for reference, good job Jay, unfortunate, I know that if we have Soul Sand you normally can't make bone meal.
Bottom wart but now we can wow you normally can't B with me oh you can wow look at that cute it's actually very useful for brewing it's cool okay dominance whip show it this whip was once used to ride hoglins, but it was put. aside, during the Great Abyss Famine, where the piglins had to feed on hoglin meat, oh god, poor boys, they had to eat bacon, oh what a shame, poor baby, okay, then you need a hoglin, yeah, I'm in a friend zone, listen Yo, oh my god, they're looking at you, see, they're not really listening to me, wait, do you need a saddle or something to do?
Let me try to get a saddle, hey, stop, come back here, buddy, increase the proficiency so you can write. to dominate it uh yeah, no, I can't, I can't, uh, put a chair on them, I'm not really sure how dominant this is. I'm kind of an overpowered being, you can't right click on it to activate it, you have to hit them, you have to whip them, I guess that makes sense, the fact that it leaves is also a disappointment, that's disappointing. Pork chalice, allows you to hydrate in the abyss and eliminate all the withered effects and become extinct, let's try it.
I like to bring a little sippy cup when I go down why is there a slime here why is there a slime here oh that's where it was wao who did you say he jumped out of our render distance no he just went into the portal uh okay to know ready Dan, come on guys, it doesn't work on lava, it doesn't work on lava, help, uh, let's try it with fire, okay, it works with fire or whatever, so it's better against flames, okay, oh god mine, I love my job pow oh, it's for hostile mobs sorry, yeah, well, try jumping, that's awkward, get some bad ones, you know, that's hard for us. hole and get better leverage on it, let's try maybe we could yeah, yeah, here, yeah, look at it, go right, oh, you killed the damage.
I want one of those, here it comes, here it comes. J lure him back into the hole, look at him, go, that was it. It's a good time to get rid of them sick look how far it's come this is my favorite for sure I need one of them I need one of these things oh oh oh jump look here it comes hit it up catch nice wa you're like divert them I call this beat box that one no here they come to jump I like that each video goes into a kind of duck hunt we're just kids C for Min it's like the game I would play when I was a kid where you try to keep the balloon in the air as long as possible yes, yes , yeah, hey, yeah, oh, how about this one, wait, how do I, how do I right click?
Oh, here we go, here J. I'll hit him. For you, oh, this isn't exactly the volleyball I want to play. I used to do this in my house with gas, it was terribly destructive. Here we go and my dad tells him to go to bed and I'm like he's playing GH. keep me awake dad we had a good relationship okay guys last bag do it first okay here we go oh I have two of them oh I'm sorry I'm sorry give it to me you have it before Go Echo sword ah ah ah ow ow ow wow works perfectly, yes wow, completely effective, good, the Echo sword vibrates the enemies' flesh and then the next hit finishes them off for more guys, I like that they both come at me with this, so the damage increases, wait and hit me. once and then hit me baby one more time, okay, okay, three hearts, okay, five hearts, all hearts, yeah, that does more and more damage, that's exponential, Jay.
I found out that the H for vibration, this is a very durable casing that allows the user to absorb small shocks and can damage monsters around them by pressing G, yeah, buddy, wait, let me just let me charge you again, let me, that's cool, buddy , it's like Black Panther's attack where he charges his suit, that's pretty dumb, wait, what if you hit me? He hits me a lot. What happens if you make me fear for my own life? What happens if we try? I'll try it as low damage. What if you really make me afraid? Oh, I can hear the crash in your fall.
Oh yes, oh friend, I had it. Chipotle jokes with you Dan, oh my god, it worked anyway. These skull roots can make a night vision potion with echolocation. Wait, it makes them shine even if they are hidden. OK. There are noises. I do not like. Works? any mob, yes, fly a little, all mobs will start glowing. Oh weird oh I could see them dude that's how I find my friends at a con yeah let's get rid of these effects they're scary yeah I'm basically crying last item. harp of madness wa what what is this is the harp of madness summon hostiles okay incoming hostiles it makes them deal damage to themselves because they hate the sound so much wow I'm doing it look they're just taking random damage oh , they are wow, what's playing one of my old videos in front of them doing?
It's just the Lavender Town theme song, oh my god my horrible gas killed them, wait, summon a bunch of green baddies again. Daniel, a harmful column of bad guys. harmful column of bad guys. That's it, uh-oh, uhoh, well, it works and with those people, YouTube thinks they might like this video, so see if they're right and have a good time.

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