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9 YEAR OLD VS DEADLY SKATE TRICK! / Warehouse Wednesday

Jun 06, 2021
You hit it really hard today my head hurts now Wednesday at the


that was funny that felt really good that was really fun guys what's up was that feeling of satisfaction? It was very satisfying, can I have it? uh like what on the floor no, I put it back, it's Ryden's turn, it's your turn only if he ties his shoe, oh yeah, you're definitely talking, your warm up will be first, tie your shoes, yeah, damn, second, you have to do three


challenges that we are going to set. For you we'll tell you what to do and the mystery challenge is a mystery, that's right, it's a mystery, he's right, he's right, it was your


Wednesday when you got hurt, oh, when I got hurt, he took me out for like a week, so you're going to have to do a handstand on the


board and all you have to do is put your feet back on it, handstand back on board, you have 10 minutes to do it, if you don't do it, you'll get a We'll get a mysterious prize as punishment.
9 year old vs deadly skate trick warehouse wednesday
What does that mean? You will find out. I hope you don't find out. If you do, you will receive forty dollars. Well, we'll give you a real test, you know what? this is a this is a real Wednesday challenge somewhere else, okay, okay, so if you get it, you get a prize movement law, what are you going to spend it on? I'll save it so I can have enough money for my book. publish your book, yeah, that's the most a nine


old said and we can buy pokemon cards, yeah, I mean, but there will be more information about your book in the future, right, yeah, okay, I love you, come on Let's see what he accepts.
9 year old vs deadly skate trick warehouse wednesday

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9 year old vs deadly skate trick warehouse wednesday...

Casey, I think so, yeah, jump all the way up to see the bottle flip over. I was like the whole time everyone was here except Ryden, okay, your first


is to get a


board. Did you have a creeper mask? Yes, I like it, it doesn't explode. Does it explode? Well, hey, your first trick is what uh, I don't know the first warm-up trick of his. I don't know how he fell in line. You have to make your fall. I love doing it. Alright. You're ready, wait. I need a skateboard. to film it you will do it first try it um yeah, is Brian doing it with you?
9 year old vs deadly skate trick warehouse wednesday
I'm going to go after him. I have no idea what he's lying about. You forgot to do this part. I should have told you more. You have to make the descent. the bench is good too, you're ready, he just came out of the warehouse, so for the second trick we'll need that red rail over there and one of the flat ones, the other flat bar over here, double hippie jump, hippie jump, hippie jump , you I have never done this. Are you nervous? I don't know I don't know do you think you can do it yeah, okay, let's see it oh oh, you're okay, okay, okay, yeah, okay, you got this oh oh, you're okay We need a hype team guys, let's go here everyone come here we need a hype team for when it lands well, okay, hype team in a position that was super good, they did it literally like on the first try, they really got here. really good, did you overdo it, team help, oh yeah, okay, the third one is the hardest, you gotta make a pop, push it, come here, pipe team, right there, just open that queue, oh, okay , that was it, buddy, okay, just throw that tail in there you say, oh, what were your feelings when you fit in?, oh, just back up a little quick, you got it, oh, that was it, this is warehouse Wednesday harder, but, no, no, it was the stairs, the ollie is probably fine, thanks buddy, is the treadmill where?
9 year old vs deadly skate trick warehouse wednesday
Did they record it? Well now you can land it, yeah I almost can that was it buddy so yeah you can I guess I can no you guys hate confident I can let's see you actually killed that guy because that was the right. do you remember independence day when will smith was going like this yes exactly duck tales brett novak you paused at that yes, i thought you were about to turn it inside out, turn your heel really hard right at the back of the tail, There you go, that was Awesome, I think your grace period had passed, yeah, no, that counted.
Your mystery challenge is to flip the bottle over Brian's head. Can I make it like the hat? Yes, in the hat. So what will be the strategy? Did you know who is going to do that? No, so you need to like it, there you go, that's going to work, how do you feel now? Okay yeah this is going to be a little difficult for that one I mean Sandcape you have to do it very gently okay and like little one that was better even if you don't land I have so many quick clips of you getting hit it's amazing still there oh good strategy good thinking break my hat well, well, happy 40


s look at that oh wow look yes, that's a special trip, what's the rally? when your team starts to gather you turn your head upside down continue the meeting I didn't know you're not really a cat no I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know so Every time you start trying it, you'll get out your salad tongs.
Have you had tacos this week? Not my brother, but I've had three smoothies that don't help you at all. I called it my bread, that's what. I said, I said, give me tacos, my bread, where did it go? Oh, he ate quesadillas, okay, so what's up, what's his time? 10 minutes, as soon as you start going, it's 10 minutes 10 minutes to land, yeah, and you have to stand up. up there it's okay and be careful just get comfortable and get comfortable it's okay every time you start going oh that was good it's hard to land again pretty good mate well 11 seconds oh my gosh I mean, he's doing good, very close, you're getting your feet up there are good too, oh, let's see, let's be careful because that's when you get hurt when you move them back, is it difficult?
Well, take a breath, you can, you can always pause and take a breath, okay, okay, you're ready, let's go, oh god, he almost kicked me in the face, I mean, youtube, oh, are you scared?, some tricks are scary and some are just difficult, yes this is a bit difficult, you've already nailed it pretty well. Do you mind if I practice my cannonballs, okay? a cannibal, what's a cannonball, I mean, I know what a cannibal is in skateboarding, just like he did, oh, it's a lonely home, I remember that part, it's in lost New York, it really owes you like pushing your legs in and honestly, I don't I don't know dad, I don't know if I've ever done this, so you're doing something I've never done.
I don't think anyone before. What is the time? What is the time? uh, nine minutes and 20 seconds. he left oh you were being nice to me hello great, Paul doesn't quite realize this now oh okay I think he was more motivated when he wasn't there you have to put your feet up okay it's more easy, it's easier if you put your feet up, so if you really like it, first do a handstand and then stand up, buddy, are you okay? Yes, that was very good. Stand on your head and turn it all the way up, Brad.
I feel like it's easier on snowboarding. Well then you. I want to skateboard oh, you're getting like the muscle workout of your life right now hey, be a fish, be a fish, no, you're tired, right? Yes, do you think you're going to make it? Yes, you're going to roll. You're supposed to catch your breath and you're doing this. Thanks Casey hooked it up. It's okay, if you get it in three tries. Brian has to act like a fish. Okay and give me five dollars. I don't know if he agrees. with that, oh, four, four minutes, took five tries, oh, okay, okay, just cut your feet off, uh, probably, yeah, oh, really, hit it at the beginning, you were hitting it, okay, do it, let's go oh oh oh no, and actually I said three tries and then he said he was going to give me five dollars and that's why you thought five dollars oh three four you didn't do it man fourth grade four I'm sad, you can't act like a fish, can't you?
How dare you not act? Like a fish I wasn't going to act like a friend act like a fish Hey, you did great, I don't even know if I have 40 on me like cash, well, I have your money anyway, so I'll add 40 dollars to your uh, How much do you have of your Christmas and birthday money? um I'm 55 so now you're 95 and you want to dedicate that to publishing a book that you feel good about today yeah I love you I love you too do a skateboard trick. whatever they want to do, okay, that's called hipster and bombshell, it sounds like a real name.
Well guys Ryden actually has his own channel that I help him on and he has two videos coming up soon which one was from a year ago yeah we need to edit it uh but he always asked us to do it somewhere else on Wednesday and when you came up to the handstand i thought it was a good reason to use this


but you did very well in everything so if i want to watch your channel i will put it in the info and we also do turbo toy time together and he's here in my videos from time to time too so I love you buddy I'm proud of you you did great and if you need skate gear on the other side of that wall it's uh we've got you for anything whatever you need skate related but if you have a local shop support them and they can always carry our gear but if not we are here for you so that's it I'll be back with another video hit the subscribe button if you want to watch more and uh, and the extra scope will be Brian acting like a fish, I really hope you don't make Brian's face a falling fish. exactly what he was going to do, yeah, no, I don't want to act like a fish.

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