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7 Body Language Secrets That Turn Men On

May 12, 2024
There are seven





that you should know and that will make you feminine and irresistible. Unfortunately, many women have lost touch with their femininity these days, but these



tricks will not only make you reconnect with your feminine self, but they will also make you feel more attractive. So, let's find out what these tricks are. My dear elegant ladies, welcome back to a new video. Ladies, if you are new to my channel, make sure to hit the subscribe button because every Sunday I post videos about everything related to elegance, personal transformation and lifestyle.
7 body language secrets that turn men on
So don't miss it. Now, let's get into point number one. Now point number one has to do with posture. And I have seen many beautiful and elegant women become instantly less attractive by not following this rule. And you know, even I've been guilty of this, ladies. And when you practice having, you know, good posture, it elevates your physique instantly. It slims you down and also accentuates the best parts of your feminine silhouettes. Plus, ladies, it also indicates confidence. So instead of looking like this when you walk into a room, I don't know, be a little like this.
7 body language secrets that turn men on

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7 body language secrets that turn men on...

There's only one thing you need to do, and what is that? Well, just straighten your backs, ladies. Shoulders back, chest up and lengthen your neck so that when you answer a room, you are like this, instead of like that. Point number two, gentle movements. Clearly that was a joke because I don't want you ladies to take something like that anymore, even if it is exaggerated, but you know, sometimes we are a little like that and nothing more. If we want to be feminine, a little more elegant, we have to be slower in our movements and softer.
7 body language secrets that turn men on
Okay, maybe not slow motion when it's too exaggerated. No lady, instead of being so harsh, be more delicate. Do you see what the difference is? Ladies, don't make this elegance mistake. When you leave the house all wrinkled, this is not elegant at all. In my free workshop called 10 Brutal Mistakes That Prove You're Not Stylish and How to Fix These Mistakes, I'm actually going to give you even more essential and classy mistakes that I see so many women making and will love you for. to never do them again. So visit and take this free workshop, but hurry because it will only be available for a short period of time before it disappears.
7 body language secrets that turn men on
Point number three, ladies, it's all about elongating your body, even when you're doing something as boring and simple as just sitting. But we want to sit in a very elegant way and elegant women certainly sit differently. And the key is to keep both legs together. As you can see, I wouldn't sit like this because it makes you look a little more closed and also doesn't lengthen you at all. But you know, when you do this, when you put your feet in front like this, it creates an optical illusion that you have longer legs and it flatters you more.
And ladies, keep your legs crossed so as not to expose certain parts of your body when sitting, which is a common mistake, especially when sitting in shorts or skirts. Oh, and don't forget, that's good posture too. Add it here. Number four, instead of looking like this, ladies, expose your neck, expose your feminine and sensual area, which is the neck. So you know I like to keep my hair on one side like this. And there is a very strategic reason for this. I like to wear this collar because I feel like I look longer and more elegant that way.
Sure I can wear my hair on both sides like this, but I feel like it clutters this area and you don't really see the neck. Now, you don't have to have your hair on one side like I do, but sometimes you can do something like this and tilt your neck in the direction you want to show it off a little bit. It definitely works with the opposite sex we want to attract. And you can also lightly touch your neck, a little bit gently, not too much because we don't want this to look like a foreplay show.
Just slightly subtly, just to get that little bit of attention that makes people look at you from a more feminine perspective. Number five, Anna Bey's signature pose. And ladies, I'm going to share a little secret trick of mine. And in fact, I call it Anna Bey's signature pose because if you go to my Instagram account @annabey and scroll through my feed, you'll see that, why does she look pretty much the same in all the photos? Why is she standing like this? There's a specific reason why, ladies, because this is a very flattering pose for photographs. And what it does is when you put your leg in front of you, first of all I do it in a very feminine way, I don't just hit it like that, but I do it a little bit like that.
Lengthens my body. So I look taller, which is great because it's easy to look shorter in photos when you're standing like that. Now, the other thing I do is push my hips a little bit. I can do it with one arm here or I can do it without, but this creates a very elegant and feminine silhouette that I feel like all this together is the winning combination to always look your best in photographs. So make sure you use Anna Bey's signature pose and now you will look fabulous, trust me. Point number six has to do with those slower body movements.
And now ladies, I'm not a weirdo here, but we talked earlier about sudden movements that we want to avoid, but we also want to avoid really fast body movements. On the other hand, ladies, an elegant lady is always a little calm, she is not in a hurry. It doesn't seem like she's panicking or anything. She just has this really calm energy. And she remains calm. And this is a very feminine energy that is essential to possess if you want to convey more femininity. So ladies, next time you walk into a room, just don't rush it. Point number seven, you see, many studies have shown that when you tilt your head a little and nod, this is the best form of non-verbal communication to show that you are relaxed and engaged, and that you are listening to the other person.
But ladies, keep in mind that you are not becoming that person who just nods her head all the time. It just seems like you're overly anxious and a little unsure of yourself. In my next video, 10 Powerful Body Language Secrets That Turn Men On, you'll discover more incredibly powerful


that will truly change your life. So go watch that video because I'll see you.

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