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-60F/-51C Winter Camping in Hot Tent

May 12, 2024
oh, okay, oh, here we go, you have to investigate, is it cold out here? Yes, it is very cold and the temperatures will only get colder if we go


. So cold, all the plastic is frozen, hopefully nothing will break. You have to insert the post. the elastic is not very stretchy at this temperature, it's okay, I already did the first step, I better take this off and say: "uh oh, my lips are going numb, it's hard to stalk the tarps, they're so frozen and wrinkled that are too small to fit in all the buttonholes. pull it with all my courage so it stretches and goes where it's supposed to go, here we go, we're hot, thank goodness, well it's four o'clock and we're already turning off the flashlights, just sit down, oh here. okay, now I want you to sit here, it's hot, here we go, there, go buddy, you can sit down, here we go, we were very slow starting this morning, it took us a lot longer to get here than I anticipated and it's done.
60f  51c winter camping in hot tent
It's dark, it's 4:30 and it's terribly cold, but we take out the


with the stove on. Jacob we're finally okay, let's go inside and bundle up for the night. Well, we have a caribou hide here in the grounds can you take off my boots oh that really helps to have another hiding place to sleep oh yeah, I take off some layers it's hot in here oh well Jake, what do you think you're warm? Okay, let's get our sleeping bags out, I'm going to let the sleeping bags inflate, I'm going to put a thermometer up here so we can see how warm it is inside the


and I have another thermometer that I'm going to put outside, oh, look at my arm , my arm is smoking, that's right, let it melt.
60f  51c winter camping in hot tent

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60f 51c winter camping in hot tent...

Some hot water rises up here at the top of the tent, it's 98 degrees, the heat from the stove rises and builds up at the top of the tent, so there are really extreme temperature differences here, my My head is a little sweaty, but my feet are a little numb. Put the thermometer down here and I'll show you the difference, so look at it here on the ground, it's around freezing at 32 degrees. I have another thermometer here in bed. You can see this one is at 60 degrees, which makes a big difference. The temperature difference is just being a little bit off the ground every inch of the ground when you're in a hot tent, the warmer you're going to be, that's why you use cots in these things.
60f  51c winter camping in hot tent
It makes a big difference between being on a cot and on the floor. the thermometer says we're right about negative 40. It's cold out here guys and it's only going to get colder tonight oh my gosh I went outside for just a few minutes without my balaclava and my ears hurt so much oh it happened so fast that a difference of 138 degrees between outside and inside is a little early for a full dinner so we're going to have dinner earlier and we're going to have a traditional Swiss


meal called rock-alette rocklet raclette rocklet braclet okay, pronounced raclette, but it's basically grilled cheese on potatoes and bread.
60f  51c winter camping in hot tent
You can use raclette or gruyere or even gouda. All the frost on my knife still cuts. I would put a little olive oil and salt on some potatoes. Here we have the potatoes with cheese and the bread underneath. stove, let's see what happens, look at that, oh, that smells amazing. The bread is perfectly toasted. Oh, that tastes so good. This is basically a fancy grilled cheese sandwich with pants. It's so good, it's so warm and tasty. This recumbent is so good I almost forgot about it. i have some salami to go with it oh yeah it's really nice and warm in here but the ground is so cold my toes are frozen this feels good oh ho negative 51. oh man much much warmer here, it's really cold outside and so well, here you want some hot chocolate, yeah, yeah, okay, I'll bring you some hot chocolate, so this here is a water tank, you put a bunch of snow in here or water whatever and it heats up against the side of the stove and then you can turn it on and get hot water whenever you want, you have to admit it's amazing, it really is, oh we already have some chopped onions and olive oil, here we go, let's go to add some chopped reindeer sausage, here you are.
It's too hot, yeah, okay, let's take off your jacket, open the window a little bit and we can close the flue a little bit. This tent is made by Arctic Oven and the model is called an igloo and I have heard from people. I claim that it is the warmest tent in the world and I think they are right, I mean there are 51 negatives outside and we have to open the window and close the flu box on the stove a little, I think that is the only way What can I improve? This tent will have a battery powered fan on the ceiling to blow out hot air and maybe more insulation on the floor.
That's all. I have the bag of boiling rice. I'm going to start cooking it and we're going to have curry. Here a little bit, okay, we have some mango curry sauce that we're going to add to our reindeer and onions. This might be the first mango and reindeer curry ever made. Okay, the bread is cold, I warm it up, we have mango and reindeer curry. Do you want to try some? of that cunt you like that oh that's good you need to use a urinal okay let's go out and pee buddy it's going to be cold there you go you have your balaclava come on that's crazy you go p and your p starts to freeze immediately.
There's like this little p snow that dusts off, okay, let's go back in. It looks like we're down to about 55 negatives. Dad is lucky to have such a sweet boy that he comes camping with me. He may have bribed him with lots of hot chocolate and cartoons, but I'm still grateful he came. I'm going to take out Jake's sleeping bag, let it fluff up and warm up. This is the snowy owl from Feathered Friends. It's a negative 60 bag. From what I can tell, it's the warmest sleeping bag in the world. Feathered Friends will even customize the length for you, so I asked them to shorten it a little to fit the kids, these are really serious sleeping bags and that's what you want in this situation because when I go to sleep, this fire will go out and I may not wake up in time to stoke it, so if you have really good bags then you're not going to have to wake up as much to stoke the fire if you have shitty bags you're going to wake up every hour or two hours to feed the fire.
It's a bit miserable. We had a lovely dinner, but we have a lot of rice left over, so I think I'll make some dessert. Do you want some rice pudding? Okay, I've got some milk with a little bit of vanilla extract and I've got all the spices. bag is basically sugar cinnamon nutmeg a little bit of fennel seed a little bit of salt and a lot of raisins basically we're going to boil that mixture until about eighty percent of the rice is broken down then we're going to add a little bit of butter and we're going to crack an egg inside and it will be rice pudding.
The rice pudding looks pretty good. Okay, let it cool a little bit and then we'll have a beautiful rice pudding. Okay, it looks cold. Hey, the rice pudding looks pretty good. It may have some chips and definitely some caribou hairs, but other than that, it's good. I like rice pudding. They like? Yes, I'll tell you what you want to do next. What is your mouse? I need to get a marshmallow stick and it's going to be cold which seems negative 57 maybe damn it's serious so brittle it just broke yeah this is a green switch look at that oh it's so cold out there I breathed and like it was making me cough, that's no joke, it's that good, yeah, no one, it's late, I think we need to put you to bed, you look tired, you have marshmallow on your face, look at all this, you got in there, you warm up well.
Good night Jacob Jacob is asleep and I'm getting ready for bed. I have to go get more firewood and tinder. If the fire goes out in the middle of the night and we are freezing, we should be able to get it back on very quickly. without getting out of bed, I have all my cut and split logs and some firewood, my fire starting equipment, everything within arm's reach so I can stoke or restart the fire without having to get out of my bag, another thing I did was Put some rope around Jacob's sleeping bag. His bag is so swollen that I'm worried he'll get too close to the edge and maybe put a hole in it or something.
What I really need is a piece of chicken wire that I can just wrap around the stove to prevent people from accidentally bumping into it while they're sleeping, but I think this will do now that the fire is roaring. I'm going to lower it a little. There we are going to calm the fire a little. But I'm going to hunker down for the rest of the night, we have about 12 hours before the sun comes up, so let's take it easy. I'm going to read a book for a bit. Go to bed and just enjoy a quiet, warm night.
Hopefully I went out to use the bathroom before going to bed and the thermometer says negative 58. oh oh it's cold, I think I went back in, oh oh I went out for a minute and it feels. Like I'm never going to be hot again I'm going to bed guys I'll see you in the morning I'll take you up I had a bit of a fitful night's sleep I was just worried about Jacob Make sure he was okay and so I was checking on him throughout the night night and ended up stoking the fire pretty regularly, I still managed to get a good night's sleep and man, these sleeping bags are warm, although I really had nothing to worry about me and Jake, they both woke up too hot, not in the middle of the night. night at some point, but it's around 9:00 a.m. m. and I'm going to light the fire, then we'll get up and make breakfast.
The sun will rise in about an hour and a half. Look, this was a little cold last night. the store floor, uh, the milk with the vanilla extract froze, yeah, so did the curry, that's why you leave your water bottle next to the stove. I was planning on doing some fun demonstrations to show you how cold it is outside, so I brought. one thing about blowing bubbles unfortunately I left it very close to the door and now it's hard as a rock I hope we can thaw it here we go that looks pretty good oh that needle is buried that seems negative to me 59 you take a breath and your snot freezes oh, It's hard on the lungs.
I'm going to take a bunch of stuff to the car and make sure the car starts. It is very cold. I'm really worried. about the car starting fine, let's see if it starts. Moment of truth here, oh that was sketchier than I thought. You know, a lot of times when you watch these videos, you get the impression that I just run out and go camping and there's really a lot of safety stuff that happens in the background to make sure I can do this with my kids safely. I had to buy this car specifically for this trip.
This car was


ized and the fluid was changed. A new battery. All this specifically for extreme


. The temperatures if I had done this in a normal car probably wouldn't have started, we would be stranded in -59. In addition to the car, I have a satellite phone. My wife knows where I am when I'm supposed to check in. and what to do if I don't and I have people on standby who can come pick us up if something happens to the car. It is very easy for equipment to break down at this temperature and when it does, you have minutes before. you start to lose the tips of your ears and fingers the cold is very hard on my lights and my video equipment I have to have special batteries for the cold and when I'm not filming I have to put the camera under my armpit inside my jacket to keep it from freezing and even with that I usually have about five ten minutes of filming per battery.
Okay, we seem to think about our bubbles, uh, let's go see what happens when we blow some slightly warm bubbles, let's try blow some bubbles here at negative 59 degrees look at this just exploded into snow it froze oh that's so cool oh look at this oh it's so hard to film this but the bubbles go up in the air and in two or three seconds they freeze and you can see them crystallize and freeze and then they kind of deflate a little bit look at this, it's like deflating, it's hard to catch them on the wand because the wand is hot and it melts them, but that was cool now let's try boiling water, oh that made the whistle cooler, it's like little pieces of fine snow or fog floating in the air, oh man that's so close to negative 60.
This thermometer has hit rock bottom, oh yeah. cold guys, I was out there for a few minutes and I'm cold, it's very aggressive out there, it's so cold that I can't hang around and film while I'm trying to put things away, so I'm going to go put the low camera away and I'm going to start packing all our stuff and get in the car here. I'm going to go ahead and gather up as many things as I can before I take the fire, put it out and take it to the car I'll make sure it's nice and warm before I put this fire out as best as you can okay guys we're at that point in the I have to put out the fire once I do, it's a race against time to do it. all put away before my fingers and feet freeze oh my lips are going numb okay I'm going to put the camera down and do this okay oh okay now that we're loaded we'll see if I can.
I leave here four by four in reverse. The car is very bumpy right now because the tires are flat. The part that was resting on the ground is frozen and flat.You have to drive a bit and warm up the tires before they go. again oh oh my toes are so cold, yes these cars are not good insulators and the problem with driving in this extreme cold is that even with the foot warmer on full power my feet are freezing.My boots negative 40 I have to stop, stop and warm my toes. This is a jug of water that I had on the floor of the car.
It's frozen. Luckily, Jacob has small legs, so his feet don't touch the ground. and warm your feet, warm up, my feet are getting warm. I think we can do this. I hope all of you snuggled up at home are staying warm and enjoying this video. If you want to see more great camping adventure videos from the Outdoor Guys YouTube channel, don't. forget about clicking subscribe, we post new videos every Saturday morning and check out our camping adventures playlist with over 50 extreme camping adventures with me and my kids. Big moments. I'll put links in the video description below, but I'll go in and warm up my lip, it's getting really hard to talk to the camera again, okay guys, see you next Saturday, if you like this video, don't forget to visit the channel Outdoor Boys YouTube where we have hundreds of videos like this, and don't forget to hit subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that bell button.
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