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60 Saddest Facts You Never Noticed in Attack on Titan (Eren, Armin, Mikasa ...)

May 27, 2024
Attack on Titan was


a story about sunshine and rainbows, although the sad moments that fans witnessed in the story are surely not few, in reality most of the devastating details about Attack on Titan could go over your head. everyone's, but not mine because I spent 50 Hours rewatching Attack on Titan and these are the 60


and most devastating events you've probably



. Have you ever


the way Levi holds his teacup in a very unusual way? Well, actually there is a deep reason behind this while he was young. and poor Levi worked very hard to buy a tea set, which he did, he grabbed a cup by the handle and the cup broke, as a result the tea spilled and Levi was essentially traumatized by all his hard work to finally be able to taste even something as simple as a cup of tea was wasted, therefore, holding the cup by the edge forever, this was just the first fact of the first level of sad details that we will present in today's video and believe me when I say that it is almost impossible.
60 saddest facts you never noticed in attack on titan eren armin mikasa
To get to the end of the video without shedding a single drop of tears, let's continue. We mentioned the way Levi holds his teacup, but did you know that Levi drinks his tea alone, honey and sugar are too expensive for him? Therefore, he considered it a luxury that he simply could not afford, but since we start with Levi, let's mention another sad fact about it. You see, Levi has an obsession with cleanliness because of the way he lived when he was a child in terrible conditions on Starvation and most importantly. He lived among diseases that were spread due to poor hygiene and although it is not confirmed, Levi is probably shorter due to his malnutrition that followed at an early age, as proper nutrition is essential in the development of a child's body.
60 saddest facts you never noticed in attack on titan eren armin mikasa

More Interesting Facts About,

60 saddest facts you never noticed in attack on titan eren armin mikasa...

Next, I would like to talk about the overall message of Attack on Titan, which especially in this era we live in, shows great parallels and is a great example showing the futility of war and the fact that no matter what , not all people are bad, regardless of their background, just like Gabby was brainwashed. believe that the opposite side are all demons, not everyone in a group of people is bad just because some of them did bad things, war and bloodshed only bring more death and the cycle of hate never ends, but getting back to the


to Titan, have you ever realized that multiple Titans we saw are actually humans who lived decades ago, these, for example, are kind comrades, all these people are still being tortured in the eternal nightmare of being a


without sense, even after all these years in hanji, her last name Zoe literally means life in Greek.
60 saddest facts you never noticed in attack on titan eren armin mikasa
Which, if you ask me, is a little ironic since you know she's not exactly alive in the first place. Related to that is the fact that the only people of comfort Levi had left were Hani and Irwin, who also died in the line of duty. That Attack on Titan's ending wasn't the happiest, but did you know that it was originally supposed to end with everyone dying? Yes, this would have been even sadder than the ending. We have a small detail, on the other hand, that many people missed. Yamir does not have freckles while Historia remembers her, that is because Historia is little by little forgetting what Yamir was like or because in her memories Yamir is represented without any imperfection, that is quite sad, true, but not as sad as the next fact you see .
60 saddest facts you never noticed in attack on titan eren armin mikasa
JN covers his ears. whenever he is too stressed, which as we can see here indicates a lot of emotional damage in Jean's former best friend, did you know that Marco was not supposed to die, but he was killed due to the unpopularity of the character he? His death was surely emotional for Jean, but someone even more emotional than JN is Levi. You see, canonically, Levi is the most emotional character in Attack on Titan, but because of the way he was raised, he is too strong to show it. This was just the first level of


. Get ready to cry because we.
You are moving to the second level in the world of Attack on Titan. Killing a Titan prepares you and makes you more apathetic to killing, although killing a human would never sit well with Armen, he didn't just kill one, he didn't just kill one. many of them, Armen killed a human before he killed a Titan, so yeah, that's even worse, but speaking of Armen's colossal transformation, did you ever realize that the Titan Shifters' forms have meanings? deeper in terms of your body characteristics? Riner's armor. The Titan resembles the character of him holding the Shields. and does not let anyone into the sealed mouth of Berto's Colossal Titan represents Berto's inactivity to say what he thinks.
The Titan of G's lack of lips, sharp and pointed teeth, symbolizes his failure to say things and rush into violence. He found Yamir's Titan form which has a complete skeletal face. It seems that she has no sense of personal identity and even Armen's Colossal Titan's lack of hearing shows that he wishes not to hear the screams of the people he killed while he was on Titan. It forms something tragic, true, but not as tragic as our next point, the Titan Sasha. fought and killed to protect that little girl is none other than Connie's father, even though that was something fans realized, the fact that most fans missed is that these are Connie's baby siblings. in Titan form while they play fight, since we mentioned the family, did you know that shatas?
He stays single because he believes that he does not deserve happiness, the reason is that he led so many soldiers to their deaths. Something similar applies to Irwin, who does not marry because he does not know when he will die. Additionally, before joining the survey, Corp Irwin fell. in love with a girl named Marie, however, he chose to fulfill his father's dream instead of his love, that is, he married Nyle. Instead, something even more tragic about Irwin is the fact that he feels responsible for all of his men's deaths, yet he is willing to do it. sacrifice himself and his men to achieve the survival of humanity.
Irwin's death was surely devastating for many fans, after all, they lost one of their favorite characters from the series. Did you know that Irwin's English voice actor stopped watching much when IR died? pay homage to IR when Irman died without finding out what happens next and the fact that his father was right all along has some of the best foreshadowing in all of anime, but one of them is probably the


in season 1, Masasa is shown observing a mantis, you see that female mantises are known to decapitate their lover. Isayama always intended for the ending to go on as it happened, both there and Masasa were always meant to be tragic characters, but speaking of the ending, did you notice that in Erin's flashback he was shown Chasing a butterfly as a child, this same one?
Butterfly is shown dead in the opening, showing the tragic development of Erin's character and the things she was forced to do growing up. Next, let's flash back a little to the epic plot twist of Aaron seeing Gisha's memories alongside Zeke across the roads when Aaron and Zeke see Gia's memories. Aaron acts harsh and emotionless, however, as soon as Zeke isn't looking, he looks back at his grieving family, the look was even more obvious and emotional in the manga. Also in Erin's flashback, Gia held the knife to transform with her left hand, what is the meaning of that pit?
When Gisha was younger and pulled her sister out of the walls, she was holding her with her left hand, which means that the hand that is responsible for her death of my sister is the left hand that is now trying to get things done. good. The next fact is something very out of character for nyama but at the same time quite devastating. Check out this Hanji transition and tell me the people in charge didn't know what they were doing. we were doing there, yeah this surely came after Isayama's request and I have to say this guy delights in the pain and suffering of his fans, if you haven't cried yet the challenge gets harder and harder as We advance to the third level.
A few months ago, Isama was invited to ComicCon in New York and was afraid of what the fans would say to him. He asked fans to be kind to him for the ending. He thought people hated him because of that ending. He even apologized numerous times throughout the event. He was extremely sad because the fans didn't like the ending, but the fans still applauded him, which actually made him cry. He could see how important it was for him to move forward when Ain asked him about Sasha's last words. Did you ever realize why she did that? this was the future he saw with those words he realized that the future can't change no matter what he does eron's laughter during sasha's death was the same reaction he had when hans died this is just his way of dealing with the great emotional damage when it comes to Aaron's actions and Aaron's loudness alienated his friends so that they would not feel responsible for what he was about to do when he was talking badly to basa and hitting Armen, he felt more pain than the other two.
If you look closely, even Aaron was seen. Holding back tears as he fought Armen, going back to season 1, did you realize that Carla lied about his legs? She said that she could no longer move because she could no longer feel her legs. However, as soon as the Smiling Titan picks her up, we see her kicking her legs. In agony, she lied to Aaron so that Aaron and Masasa would leave her behind and thus survive even before her. We saw a mother crying over the death of her son. When the explorers returned from their expedition, she was asking if her son would at least help. the cause of humanity the one in charge however knew that they returned with nothing and basically sacrificed their son for nothing let's move forward once again to the moments where the scouts infiltrated Marley during this scene Erin and masasa symbolized a couple on the verge to marry this The boy here symbolized a priest.
If Mikasa confessed her true feelings for good, this would basically mean a happy ending for both of them. What makes this even sadder is the fact that Aon knew Mikasa's answer but asked anyway hoping that maybe Mikasa would say something diff


t if he noticed that Aron was sad before asking her because he knew what was to come in season 4, the iconic Freedom of Aon scene. It's actually not above the clouds, but above the steam that the Colossal Titans emit as they kill hundreds of thousands of people when Aaron I said that when I saw that humanity was alive beyond the wall I was disappointed that this was not intended be a racist statement but rather empathy because Erin knew she had to kill to protect her loved ones when the Brawn family was having dinner.
After she returned home, another sad fact was revealed: the scene with the window opening was because Gabby was about to realize that not all the people in Paradise are evil, since Riner was saying that the people in Paradise are evil. Paradise are not demons not even in the slightest opening. of the window symbolized that people had an open mind however Riner's mother stood up and closed a window showing that any other type of thought was not accepted this exact way of thinking was what led to the extermination of 80% of the race human that we mentioned quite a bit Some sad


about Hani's death, but did you notice who were the people Hani saw after he died?
They were Irwin Mike zakarius Moet burner nanaba Keith shadis Sasha deer Luke Ki Ian Dietrich Abel ELD flock and even yamir while and Marley Aaron seemed ramsy of the three men who


ed him because whoever got lost, the one who hit Ramsay is none other than the father by Riner. Then we have the final moments of Aot and the death of Aaron. The fact that Masasa puts on the scarf right before heading to kill Aaron means that she decided to remember him forever, even if she has to kill him first. A mind-blowing fact about it is that the last two acans killed the last two joer.
Levi killed Zeke and Masasa killed Aaron when the people were saying goodbye to Annie, everyone seemed like Basically, I've already forgiven Annie, I mean everyone except Levi, he still remembers what she did to his squad and the girls. people he cared about on the top level of sad facts, if you haven't cried yet, get ready to do so now, it's a tragic time. Annie's actions that scared Levi were as follows: two Scouts wanted to go back to retrieve a corpse, so Levi gave them a patch saying it was that person's, however, Levi lied, that patch was taken from Petra's corpse and Levi took it to remember. she even gave away the last thing she had to remember her because otherwise she would lose more people she cares about in Levi and Hani's final confrontation instead of Levi putting his fist on his chest to do a normal salute, he put his fist .
Hani's chest to feel her best friend for the last time moments later he is seen looking and also holding the hand with which she touched Hanji in disbelief that his best friend is alreadyno this. I swear Levi's life has been nothing less than pain and suffering. I mean, get this, Levi's mother used to cut his hair when he was younger because of this in the manga, he once burst into tears while cutting his hair remembering his mother, it was even said that Levi went through a period in which he was considering ending his own life, as we already showed, Levi really cared about Hani, I mean since Hani lost his left eye, Levi was always placed on his left side to protect Hani.
Hani was the last person Levi considered a true friend. This Hani's first words to Levi were: I was watching you, while Levi's last words to Hani were Keep watching us, as we all know, Flock joined the jurists when Yena exposes his plan. Flock is seen looking away as soon as Zeke is mentioned while suffering, he has to work with the one who massacred everyone around him. Just the sound of his name is enough to destroy him mentally, but let's go back to season 1. Did you know that when Masika thought Aon was dead, she had lost the will to live and all that to kill him herself a few years later, if this doesn't It's tragic, so I don't know what it is, if you think about it, everyone was willing to sacrifice themselves with the entire world, including their own mother, all to save the people they really cared about.
Well, the people he really cared about preferred to sacrifice Aaron for the good of the world. Remember the guy Sasha saved from falling off the wall? In the first few episodes of season 1, this guy was Samuel, the man Sasha saved from falling off the wall, he was actually murdered by none other than Sasha's best friend Connie in season 4 and that fact still hurts more so when you realize that the only reason Samuel shot Armen in the first place was because he knew he could heal himself. He would never and would never have the willpower to kill Connie or his fellow Scouts.
When it comes to Erin's plan, it surely wasn't executed with an art of light. Aaron had to remind himself. he keeps fighting in order to achieve his goals that's why he was seen in his prison cell talking to himself telling himself to keep fighting he hated every moment of what he was doing when he attacked Hanji and asked him if he had any other way not to do it. trying to show off and point out that there is no other way he was actually begging for someone to give him another solution so he wouldn't have to do what he was about to do.
Another behind-the-scenes symbolism was that Aaron saw his death through future memories of the Attack Titan because of that Aaron desperately yelled at Hani asking him if he had a plan knowing that Hani had no solid plan to fight the Colossal Titans other than sacrificing himself. . Aaron was desperately trying to believe that this wouldn't happen, he imagines having the ability to see future memories but at the same time he can't change the bad things that are about to happen to his loved ones. Aaron is the embodiment of a tragic hero turned antihero. The next reason Aaron apologized to Ramsay while he was at Marley.
He did it not only because he knew he was going to kill him, but he also saw exact future memories of him actively killing and brutally stepping on Ramsay. He felt very guilty about that, but there was nothing else he could think of doing. In fact, there was a lyric in the season 4 opener, My War, that said "The kids are holding on to their last coins," which was a direct ref


ce to Ramsey's friend who was trying to collect coins while some literally colossal


s They were about to crush him. A question that many fans asked. Why did Aaron let the scouts attack him?
Why did he allow them to keep their titan powers? You see, Ain's instincts compel him to fight for his own freedom and protect his friends even though he can stop his friends from trying to stop him. He does not want. that he wants them to fight back, so even if Aaron manages to win, they won't feel guilty for doing nothing while Aaron killed the entire world. Below, let's present three devastating facts about Masasa's death. Aaron Aaron taught Masasa how to live and Masasa taught Aaron how. love, however, Aaron doesn't get to live and Masasa doesn't get to be loved, if you watched the end of this episode this is basically Masasa heading towards the tree holding Erin's head, damn but the next fact is still worse, masasa doesn't even do it.
If you have a photo or video of Erin, think about it, little by little you will begin to forget what he looks or sounds like even though you loved him your entire life and you will close with a devastating realization that we may never experience another such enemy. attack. Titan, whether you believe there are better animes or not, the fact is that what we experienced with Attack on Titan was something that not many series can achieve, check out this video where we present what would have happened if Ain joerger had never been born. when you click on it

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