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6.5 kg. TIGER GROUPER!! Fishing Thai Food + Grape Seaweed in Krabi, Thailand!

Jun 04, 2021
Hello everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens. I'm in Lam Sak, which is a community in the Krabi province of southern Thailand known for lobsters, fish and


. Therefore, today we are going to take a boat. We are going to see the community, where they raise amazing fresh sea


, we will buy our own sea


and then we will return to the community center where they will prepare the seafood for us that we will get as complete seafood. feast and I am going to share this whole experience with you in this video, so the first thing we are preparing is to take the boat right now and we are on our way and welcome to the community lam sac is a layer that enters panga bay, which It is one of the most beautiful areas in Thailand, the amazing karst mountain peaks, the calm lagoons and the water forests, it is a spectacular scenery, so this morning we will immediately take a boat to see where lobsters and fish are farmed, okay , here we go, I can't wait to see the lobsters, especially, but also the fish.
6 5 kg tiger grouper fishing thai food grape seaweed in krabi thailand
I know they have black pong and blacao bakapong is baramundi and


. Grouper is one of the best. There are few things better in life than moving forward. a boat to get fresh seafood from the ocean and then cook it to eat later and now we are arriving at this incredibly beautiful cove surrounded by mountainous islands again and there is like a little floating seafood village. It will be


, there will be lobsters, there will be fish, yes, there is a duck too, I'm sure it eats well, welcome to this floating seafood island, oh, they are, oh, horseshoe crabs, I see them swimming right there, but you have to be careful Where you step, it's just a series of wooden boards and little hallways that go from net to net or you could be in the net, so be careful where you step and just as we got there, another guy, a fisherman, just came back, parked his boat here and got a a couple of crabs that he just tied oh, you also have a lobster.
6 5 kg tiger grouper fishing thai food grape seaweed in krabi thailand

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6 5 kg tiger grouper fishing thai food grape seaweed in krabi thailand...

I think one must be a wild lobster. It's small but it looks amazing, okay, so it's actually like a trip to the seafood market. We're just talking to the guy and he's telling us what he has in stock right now, including a seven-kilogram type of


. The lobsters are small, so we might focus on grouper today, but we will definitely buy some small lobsters. We'll get some seaweed and that grouper that I think is in this bakau uni chamacao. It's right down there. I've been warned that a big splash is coming, so we'll see. I'm excited that it's about to come in.
6 5 kg tiger grouper fishing thai food grape seaweed in krabi thailand
Okay, they took it out. that's a huge grouper, wow, and it's a certain type of grouper, they said, I'm not totally sure what that is in English, but it's a huge, meaty grouper, I guess we have the grouper and now we're moving to the other side to to get it. some lobsters and they said lobsters are not that big only 1 200 200 300 grams per lobster oh there is a duck, I think seaweed is one of the most amazing, it is a superfood with vitamins, health and minerals, but simply because of the way it grows quickly. and growing in the ocean, uh, just after two months, it grows to that size, it's ready, you can see those little clusters like


s and they just explode with a salty seawater flavor, they're so good, it's great to see. a whole tray of seaweed, what a meal.
6 5 kg tiger grouper fishing thai food grape seaweed in krabi thailand
I'm taking every step with caution on these boards because they're pretty wobbly, but you could, you could run on these across the boards, from tank to tank, you really have to run. Be careful, you will definitely end up with fish, shellfish and seaweed, which is a sustainable superfood. I'm as excited about seaweed as I am about fish and lobster, and on the other hand, the guy has already done it. some of the harvested seaweed uh but they're still floating they're still in water to keep them fresh in salt water to keep them fresh so you're just grabbing some uh cleaning them and then rinsing them in the sea.
I have to try this fresh seaweed on the spot. but make sure you wash it with fresh water to avoid it, otherwise it is extremely salty, oh yes, oh, that taste, that salty taste of sea water, that crunch, it goes into your mouth like little orange segments or like a little of caviar, but a little sticky, a little sticky, oh. It's delicious, there's a lot of flavor in these seaweed


s, everything you prepare the fish here you also cut it into pieces, so you'll scale it and cut it into pieces here, huh, but that's a very meaty fish and now that you're holding it now.
When you hold it up you can see that the fish, the grouper, is almost like a


grouper, it almost has


skin with, uh, yellow stripes. I'm not sure exactly what the English variety of grouper is, but it's a beautiful fish and you're just preparing it, you're going to peel it, you're going to cut it into pieces beforehand so we can take it back to cook the fresh fish. Wow, now you are cutting the fillets from both sides. It's a huge steak, there's so much meat and it's total. In total he weighed six and a half kilos, I think that's the necklace, that's the necklace he's cutting and when he says that yacht suit you know it means incredibly good, you know it's good, but he said it's like meat, yeah .
Wow, that necklace that will be tasty foreigner, yes this place is amazing, a fisherman floating seafood is a paradise and we are on our way back to the coast, back to the community where they go to cook and, in fact, the The original plan was to focus more on lobster, but we didn't know what we would get, so a change has been necessary. Now we're focusing on the grouper and they're going to make a variety of different dishes from the grouper from the different parts of the grouper that he uh, cut what he cut, as well as the lobster and the shellfish, but we're getting ready to a fish feast at the end of the cape and, in fact, I think that's where you can see, that's where we went. boat to get seafood eh, but at the end of the cape there is a community center there is a whole community there is a town here they have a hotel they have a kitchen I'm not sure if it's actually a restaurant or part of the community center part but this is where They are going to cook and this is where we are going to eat it is a beautiful place although at the end of the cape the water is so calm the scenery is spectacular they are going to make three dishes with the fish one is called jim which is simply a blanched fish and needs fish really fresh for that and then served with seafood sauce.
The second is a gengson, which is a sour turmeric curry, one of the best dishes in southern Thailand and number three is. Silver only fried fish, so there are three different dishes on the menu, dishes of that fish, the lobster will be steamed and then also a salad, a mix with the seaweed, okay, the lobsters are going to come in, they will be steamed for about 15 minutes, so the pineapple will go into the curry, I think the ingredients are prepared, it's time to start cooking, that fish goes into the oil, so there is no seasoning in the fish, just a little salt in the oil, he said, so that it doesn't stick, but it immediately turns golden. crispy and you can see the white flesh of that grouper just bursting oh man it's so incredibly fresh okay that's amazing I didn't know that I thought it was going to be just a fried fish but she made all this sauce out incredible, uh.
I sizzled some shallots, caramelized them with a little oil, then added water, added soy sauce, dark soy sauce, a little palm sugar to thicken the sauce and then the fried fish goes back in to create a glaze on top. fish, oh man, that smells amazing with those. shallots the fragrance um and now she's just basting it dipping it in that sauce that liquid that glaze oh man sizzle in that glaze bring it out more crispy oh she added some chopped chilies too um and then and then a little bit more crunchy shallots on top that smells amazing, okay my mouth is watering but we have some more dishes to prepare for curry curry paste sour curry paste with turmeric dissolve in water with shrimp paste then add some tamarind juice sour and seeds and the pulp a little bit of palm sugar and then, yes, the sliced ​​pineapple and finally the pieces of fish that they are using for the curry are the ones that came from the neck, the neck, the neck of the fish that when it was cutting up the fish, he said that's one of the best parts, oh man, gangstown smells amazing and then the next dish is boiled, so for the majestic ones, uh, it's just boiling while they said, make sure the water boils for that doesn't taste like fish. and then they add someone prai, which are herbs, there is kaffir lime leaf, lemon grass and galangal, which are boiled quickly before the fish, but I think in Thailand this is one of the purest ways of eating fish, and while she boils it, maybe just for about a minute just to cook it, but it should be fully cooked, it should be perfectly cooked, not overcooked and when she takes it out you can see the texture of it, uh, the firmness of that fresh fish, oh, that It will be good for Namjoon next. seafood a seafood sauce that will go with everything that goes with lobsters the fish chilis with garlic there will be fish sauce probably a little palm sugar and lemon juice now the final dish will be the delicious salad made with seaweed so so what food, what a place under the palm trees, the breeze, we are at the point, we are at the end of the cape, so here too there is a continuous breeze and it is perfect for sitting outside, the seafood sauce and the antis who prepare the food.
They were very funny They were very funny They warmed up after a while They were testing the taste They were balancing They asked me if I liked it and I told them spicy and sour less sweet So they even made the sauces and dishes according to the way I like it, uh but they were great I think actually the most popular dish despite the lobsters in the center the dish I'm most excited to try is just the simple boiled fish because that's the true flavor of the fish nothing added freshness well , fish and what a fish dish, again, just slices of fish boiled with lemongrass, just with a little bit of fragrance to eliminate any kind of fishy taste, they said, wow, look at these pieces. in the meaty texture of that oh wow, that's what you call fresh fish, oh man, that's just the pure flavor of the fish and that texture, that firmness, that meatiness, oh, that's extraordinary, oh, it's so good, but it's not any type of fish you've ever tried. so neutral taste, wow, that's good, really good, and again, this dish has almost nothing, it's just based on fresh fish.
Okay, we have to have one more piece with the sauce, although before we continue, that seafood sauce includes a little bit of chili garlic fish sauce. of palm sugar and lemon juice, oh that's like a fish chip, what a sauce, it's good and as good as the fish is just with that seafood sauce, the garlic punch, the spices, the acidity of the juice lemon, which is incredibly good, okay? lobsters and just grab this guy right here and they're not, they're not huge lobsters, but I like this size, you can see the meat inside, they're like really huge shrimp, and again, ultra fresh, they come out of that body over there. oh wow oh that's juicy you can feel the juiciness of it oh and it's going to be sweet oh look at that meat inside oh and probably some tamale juices and head butter coming out of the top open this up until they just cut it with scissors , but they're not that big, but there's a lot of meat on the tail, which is solid meat, okay, oh wow, again, that's so firm and like, oh yeah, that's sweet, wow, that was amazing again, Extremely fresh and again with some of the seafood. it will be even better, some seafood sauce works perfectly as a perfect dipping spoon, wow again it's the simplicity but the freshness is okay and then the fried fish, which they then made this amazing sauce, it's a little fragrant with the shallots. of chillies in there um a little bit of palm sugar in that sauce is also very fragrant and that fish is just blooming, it's bursting I want to get some of those shallots from this house, you see, I think this should be eaten with rice, yeah. when you put your spoon on that fish it just crumbles its meatiness oh wow that's amazing too and the sauce is not overpowering it's like a glaze a little salty not too salty a little sweet not too sweet the fragrance of the shallots sizzling and again you know when a fish is so firm and so fresh that it almost has that kind of rubber between your teeth, that's exactly what makes you feel good to me, this is a meal where the fish surpasses the lobster.
Well, the lobster is still amazing, but that fish, well, again, with the collar it almost looks like red meat, it's so thick and so firm, and then with pineapple with curry paste, as you can see, the chili is blooming in there , let me try it. curry first yeah oh you really taste like lemongrass in that thing so um and then they added tamarind they added a little bit of palm sugar they added uh oh it's the sweetness that also comes from the pineapple and then I can't wait to try this fish necklace. necklace necklace that bounces wow, oh, the thickness of that wow, it's almost almost you have to bite into it like a thigh, okay, okay, curry fish necklace, it's a totally different texture than the body, it's just a little bit thicker silky, it melts a little more in the mouth. but equalof firm and squeaky, oh that's what it is, a fish as fresh as this and so firm. squeaks, you can actually feel the squeak and hear the squeak in your teeth, that's squeaky, okay and then finally, the seaweed and I think what you do is mix a little bit on your plate with that carrot, something that Made take a little bit of the seaweed that salad includes dried shrimp and peanuts, added jicama, carrots and tomatoes all together in that dressing that's what it's for like a mashed dressing for those seaweed again, I think it's the texture of the seaweed that makes all the difference is a little burst like caviar in your mouth the taste the saltiness the taste of the salt water combined with that salad which is sweet and sour chilies with garlic and all the different crunches and different textures of the vegetables and this fried fish is kind of the unexpected winner it's also extraordinary that flavor of those shallots and again the freshness and she cooked it perfectly actually like it wasn't overcooked it's sperm is juicy it's silky it's squeaky no that flavor is just addictive that balance of sweet salty shallots all the purity oh Okay, and again, it was really about the grouper and the freshness of that fish, the firmness, the quality that was absolutely excellent and I don't think we ate even a quarter of the fish, but we gave the rest of the fish to the community. so none of this will go to waste and that was oh man just simple but delicious again the freshness is what shines through and I want to say a huge thank you to the lam sac community for arranging this for us and taking us shopping. the fish to get the fisherman's fish a food experience a seafood experience I'm happy I'm full this is where we're going to end today's video so I want to thank you very much for watching this video please remember to like it if you enjoyed it , leave a comment below.
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