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Tandoori Pork Belly!! THAI STREET FOOD - Insane Meat Tour in Chiang Mai, Thailand!

Apr 29, 2024
Hello everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens. I'm in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, and today I'm taking you on a


of Thai



. We're going to a place that serves some of the crispiest golden dishes. Pork


cooking in a giant ceramic clay pot over the fire. Wow, we're going to eat at some other legendary


stalls, some nam nyao, some Thai rice and curry and then we'll probably have some roti to finish off this


she's been doing. roti for 39 years she is a legend, there will be a lot of food action, a lot of delicious



food and i will share it all with you from


mai in this video right now to start this


mai street food tour.
tandoori pork belly thai street food   insane meat tour in chiang mai thailand
We are in a place called nang, this place is on the side of the road and you will immediately see all the pottery, they are like tandoors where they roast



, crispy


belly and chicken, the aromas of which come from. The street side in Chiang Mai is out of control and this is the place I have wanted to come to for a while. I'm finally here. I'm excited that we'll see the whole process, so let's get into it. action and see how they do it. You are getting ready to add a fresh batch of chicken and the chicken is marinated.
tandoori pork belly thai street food   insane meat tour in chiang mai thailand

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tandoori pork belly thai street food insane meat tour in chiang mai thailand...

You can immediately smell the spices, especially garlic, black pepper, probably a little lemongrass and also ratakshi, which are coriander roots that have been marinated. They're juicy and he's going to add a new batch to the clay oven oh my gosh, Roy, uh, and he's using pork belly, but he told me there's not a lot of fat, there's not a lot of fat in the pork belly and you can see by the pork is marinated not in many things but just in a light marinade, i think a little garlic, maybe a little soy sauce and salt, another big bag of pork comes, it will fill it completely and You can also see that the pork is cut in a way that it will get maximum fire, heat and penetration from the coals so that it charges completely and you can feel the heat as if it is radiating from the top as you the heat rises and you can feel that the heat will provide this oven roast like an oven baking from the inside out but roasted and crispy on the outside all at the same time so it's covered they will cook for about two hours and then it will look like they rotate.
tandoori pork belly thai street food   insane meat tour in chiang mai thailand
They move them from one clay jar to another, they cook for about an hour and a half or so in a jar and then here, if you go down the line of jars, you come to the crisping station, I'll call it the crisping jar where they make the finishing touches because that's pretty precise and it needs to be over a hotter fire, stir those coals to get them burning and then wait for the skin to completely bubble and crisp up to finish before you're ready to serve. hiccup so the chicken is ready it's time I can't take it anymore after watching them prepare it we move to the ordering station a lot of people order take out but then they have a pretty big table section with quite a few The table and the tables are also great because they are full of jars, but you move here where they are cutting the mukhrab, crispy pork belly and chicken, you can order and I think Ying is also ordering some additional dishes, happy. oh okay all the food is here we have a variety of different dishes they serve including the one we just had to get a whole plate of crispy pork belly and half a chicken and the skin of the chicken but actually if you come here alone and If you don't want to eat a lot of


, one of the dishes you can get is just the prepared plate that comes with a serving of rice with half a hard-boiled egg, a little cucumber and about 100 grams of crispy pork. belly and then drizzled with sauce served with a variety of sauces some soup and some vegetables some herbs on the side but everything looks amazing but I have to start with just a pure piece of crispy mugrab pork belly the skin is charred and Fully cooked pink, the fat has turned into the


, literally, it's like kamu on the top, which has crispy bubbled skin.
tandoori pork belly thai street food   insane meat tour in chiang mai thailand
Wow, that skin is so crispy and the meat is tender, flavorful and smoky, and that's without anything added, no sauce, or anything. That is. that is extraordinarily tasty and they have a variety of sauces, this would be the main mukhrab dipping sauce, which should be some kind of sweet soy sauce, right, I'm going to follow that fresh and hot sticky rice, wow, that's the combination in your mouth at the same time, yeah, that pork belly is crazy, man, you knew it was going to be good when we saw them grill it. The final product is even better than we imagined.
Another dish we ordered is tom yum, which is grilled chicken, which is then made into tom yum and I love how they literally put a handful of fried chilies on top, stir and around you can smell the galangal, but there are tomatoes, a bunch of basil and pieces of roast chicken. having a whole chili in this bite wow, yes ok it's a blast of chili you taste the smoky flavor of the roast chicken I love so much lemon juice here it's tangy it's refreshing all the herbs the taste of galangal there, that's a really good tom yum and then on top of that, with the taste of the next layer of flavor from the smoked grilled chicken, all the herbs there too, the holy basil there yang or the oven roasted kind in the barrel ceramic, let me go get this piece right here.
Look at that skin, oh man, if you see how oily and wet the chicken is underneath and we should make a dip. This is Nam Jim Jail, which is a dried chili sauce. There are herbs there. There should be some fish sauce and lime. Cilantro juice, cilantro loaded with all those herbs and chili seeds, is so moist and oily and juicy, and you notice not only the dipping sauce, which is cool and refreshing, but also the marinade that you added all those roots to. of coriander, pepper there. and the way you roast it, man, it just sucks up all that smoke and keeps the juices of the chicken in itself, dip that in the num som la bala, oh wow, that completes the bite and in that bite of sticky rice we'll taste the palamu crab, so it's crispy pork belly on top green papaya salad with fermented fish uh green papaya salad sauce oh man, I don't know if I've ever tried this combination before, you got folded chili there's fermented fish there's pork belly oh man and then with the addition of pork belly from the oven I think it enhances everything you have the richness the crunch you have the umami of the fermented fish sauce palate the chili is there the lime juice is refreshing and spicy all at the same time , okay and finally we have the rice with the crispy pork belly on the side, okay, this is a complete meal on a plate right here with your pork belly, essential rice with pork belly and side dish.
I will accompany it with some sprigs of cilantro as a garnish. completes the bite that sauce they've drizzled until it's a little sweet just brings it all together it's really good this would be my favorite sauce right here so I'll skip the jailhouse chili the salty and all that cilantro in there oh wow follow it with an onion green, pork belly and chicken are fantastic and then all the different dishes that use garnishes that you can get, as well as the method in which they are cooked, is just fascinating and fun to watch. great place to stop by when in chiang mai so sour in your face smoky and spicy oh man you just won't beat the crunchiness of that foreign skin oh wow highly recommend we'll finish this meal and then move on to the next place to continue with this main street of Chiang Mai.
The next thing is that we are in the old town, inside the old square, and we go to a place called a family store and they specialize. I've been doing it for decades preparing one of the number one dishes of Northern Thai food. Oh and here's the pot, yes, yes, Namiel's pot and I'm here for everything, so man this is the friendliest street food stall. The guy is very friendly and he. he mainly serves a dish called which is a stew like dish of pork and blood and tomatoes especially and from what I read, he only makes one pot a day once it's gone, some of the bones are gone. from those tomatoes you smell the aroma of that tomato broth that smells so good and then in your noodles and then you top it with some green onions, some fried garlic and that smells delicious, I'm ready oh man this place is so cool most of the seating just goes down the alley and there are tables facing the wall again, this is one of the most comforting dishes, probably one of the number one northern Thai dishes that is associated with northern Thailand and that people eat frequently, it's a huge part of the culture. let me try it first before adding anything, oh man, I like how the noodles melt into the curry, what a homey meal this is mm-hmm, oh man, oh, that's delicious, it's nice, sour and very pork, as you can see in that layer of oil on top but the taste yes it's more sour and sour and pork the noodles are really good the rice noodles just melt in your mouth oh man that's comforting but now we have to season a little bit, so there's a lot of vegetables, mainly bean sprouts and some pakatang, some pickled mustard greens which I think you can add on top and then my favorite topping and probably the reason why I love eating nami, almost the fried chiles, these little ones, wow!
You can see they are blistered, these are beautiful fried chilies, you can see they were taken out of the oil just before literally burning, so they will be so smoky, fragrant, blistered and spicy, it's really tasty, oh wow, with that. a dash of lime that contrasts the richness of the pork and then with those little chiles that are fresh again they are fried until they are literally almost burnt, giving them such an incredible smokiness and heat and they are incredibly friendly. and you can see, the color is not that dark, it looks a little watery, but it is very tasty.
These chilis are so good you could eat them like popcorn, which was delicious and plus after your bowl of noodles you can eat them. desserts that you can choose from and you have to choose something from the jar and then they will combine it with ice that he is going to grind the uncle and coconut milk so I'm going to order the dang


melon it's like a thai ding melon hi it's okay, and then I looked up bangtai, it's a musk melon, a musk melon, first he added melon, then a little coconut milk, then the grated ice and then a kind of syrup that he makes himself, that coconut milk overflows wonderful . and a refreshing treat after the end of that spicy bowl of noodles oh it's amazing and not too sweet the crunch of the ice is so refreshing the melon is sweet like honeydew melon but has more of a slightly soft texture but that all blends together Oh, and the richness of the coconut milk flavor is wonderful, plus the guy makes it really good, very traditional, simple but hearty and feel-good flavor, and the smallest bowl is 30 baht and the biggest special. the bowl is 40 baht, okay, we will continue this Chiang Mai street food tour to the next place.
Next, in this Chiang Mai street food tour, we are at a place called o den and it is one of the most legendary places. eat kaurat gang or thai rice and curry all over chiang mai, this place gets absolutely packed and you just walk around and look at the different curries that are available for the day, see what looks good and order, so we're ready to move to the front and order some curry next, okay, maybe enough meat, like gimme, okay, one of my favorite food styles in all of Thailand, just casual curry is ready to go, this is fast food, just choose what looks good for the day. fresh and everything to eat with rice.
You can order two ways: you can order vaca gap, which is like I ordered each dish on the side, separate plates with a bowl of rice or you can order, which means you just choose a couple of different dishes. Right on top of your rice, in and out, delicious freshly prepared food. This place is so popular that it is also open, I believe, around 7am. in the morning and some of the main dishes they are famous for are sold. It comes out in a couple of hours if you come at the lunch peak I think they probably don't have everything anymore so you have to come in the morning and this is one of their signature dishes here which is penang so it's a penang of meat. curry, she brings it out, you can really smell the aroma of the magrude lime leaves and then she puts some sweet basil in it, okay, let's try it, oh wow, okay, it's penang, it's usually sweet, the first taste you try It's sweet and then the meat, the meat is so tender that it melts in your mouth, it's boiled and cooked for so long that you can feel the fibers, but it melts in your mouth, it has a nutty flavor, you taste the flavors and aromas magrude citrus. lime leaves and basil in there, balancing that with some chillies and fish sauce would make it complete, well drizzle some more of that penang sauce, oh man yeah that's amazing, balancing the sweetness with the salty spice of the sauce of fish, okay, next we have some pakatang which is stir-fried, it is pickled vegetables stir-fried with egg and a little porkchopped too.
I think it's good, it's classic, it's tangy, it's crunchy and it goes really well with that egg. Topping each piece of pickled mustard greens, next up is the gengari, which is a chicken curry served with this pickle, so gengari is like a curry, a dry curry powder with Indian flavors, so it has curry powder and contains turmeric. here are some chilies and we have a chicken thigh and some potatoes here too and this is an ajat, a fresh pickled cucumber that you can then eat, you can eat it along with it, okay, have a little bit of everything, all the potatoes, so tender Oh. man there is a tasty gengari, you really taste the flavor of the poneri which is the dried curry powder and then it has this richness to it.
I'm not sure if there's coconut milk in there or not, but it's incredibly rich. it has a little bit of sweetness, a little bit of spiciness and then it contrasts with that vinegar pickle, yeah, that's wonderful, okay, and then the final dish that I got is the padpet baduk, which is fried catfish in a kind of sauce of chili completely. crispy, so the thin slices of catfish are fried completely before being mixed with all the seasonings and curry paste. It's just another classic disco dish of any cocaine spread, fragrant, the taste of basil, chilies and everything ready. the sweet side is also sweet and a little spicy again, I mean these are some of my favorite styles of restaurants in Thailand.
I love the atmosphere, it's very friendly, there's a constant flow of people coming and going, lots of takeaways, the food is good. It's delicious, you're sitting underneath on the side of the road on the side of a highway under a tree. I couldn't be happier than in a place exactly like this and our total bill was 165 baht for everything we ordered plus some microphones too. he had a rice dish which wasn't included so I think it's about 30 baht a dish what you get here oh my goodness curry right across the street and then he also had a curry dish and then we invited him to his coffee shop, which is right across the street, it's called black car coffee and he's in an old black car, this is cool, he has all this coffee brewed here, he's making coffee in the back, I could use an espresso, hello police, thank you very much.
I'm gonna take this seat right here on the side of the freshly made express car oh yeah that'll be a boost of energy before we move on to the next before we move on to the next food stall man that's a really good espresso and he said it, it's using all Thai beans, their own three mountain blend, that was the energy I needed, so to complete this Thai street food tour in Chiang Mai, today we are at Roti Pate and it sets up outside Wat Maha Wan temple at night. From 6pm. and as soon as they open there's a line and she's an absolute legend and she's just starting out and one of the things she uses is coconut oil so it's a whole drop of coconut oil that's just melting and then she'll put it in the pan to use with the roti man which is immediately so fragrant, smells so good and she is about to start on the first batches of roti of the day and there is already a crowd standing outside today so nice and she just takes her time to make the roti carefully and simply explains to us why he only uses coconut oil because it is very clean and immediately healthier than most roti that use palm oil or other oils, but the fragrance and aroma of coconut oil is very clean. she keeps feeding it until it's golden and crisp she knows exactly what she's been making how long she said she's been making it for you she's been making roti for 39 years she's a legend how i like the city um okay here's part of the adventure, but again, she's incredibly nice and friendly and has a couple different versions.
First I will start with the savory ones and then we will move on to the sweet ones, so I will start with the mataba, which is a filling. sparkling, she added a mixture of potato and spices and I think there's chicken in here too and then she wrapped it and then she waits until it's golden brown and she serves it with an ajat which is a pickle on the side that you could try to just poke. oh the flavor just keeps coming oh yeah that's delicious it tastes like a potato tortilla wrapped in crispy dough you feel the layers the thinness of the dough oh man and it's surprising I only use coconut oil because most other grotes I'm going to use maybe palm oil, refined palm oil, and then they keep adding tons and tons of margarine to the oil that she doesn't use.
She didn't use any margarine that I saw in our roti, which is the cleanest tasting grote I've had in Thailand. man, I think it's amazing, oh yeah, your roti is amazing, I think I'll take a seat for the next rotis, conveniently, there's a little table and a chair here, perfect, oh, this is the best roti chair ever moved on to the sweet roti, this is the roti with banana and egg inside so the banana egg inside wraps it filling this is one of the classic sweet rotis of Thailand again it is clean, it is crispy the banana melts in your mouth it is quite sweet but the end is good The roti is called roti and this is a ball of roti that she crushes and then it becomes completely crispy and has butter inside, maybe it creates like a small hole in the blanket and then it does, it You can see almost like a turn. in a cookie almost oh wow, you taste the saltiness of it in contrast to the sweetness, the layers of all the dough in that one and then how crunchy that one is, oh that one is really good, crunchy all the way, okay, back to the savory Mataba, what an amazing corner I saw in Chiang Mai on a beautiful afternoon, what a day it has been, I will stay here, we will finish the roti and that will conclude this whole Chiang Mai street food tour today, ma'am, we have met.
So many nice people, the hospitality, the friendliness, the friendliness and eating very good food today, starting with the crispy pork belly in the clay jars, that was the highlight, but really the whole day has been excellent and I will have all the places we visit. in the street food tour in the description box below that you can check out, highly recommended and I want to thank you very much for watching this video. Remember to like it if you enjoyed it, leave a comment below. I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure to subscribe now for lots more street food videos.
Thanks again for watching Goodbye from Chiang Mai. See you in the next video.

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