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50 vs 50 Players in Minecraft Superflat

May 22, 2024
recent ones I gave to the team was a tracker egg that they both tried to hatch by sitting down. That helps the blue team finally finish the hole in its core, they opened it and even filled it with lava. Also, their base seemed a lot more complete, they built a lot of roads and I don't know, it just feels like a lot more connected and nice on the red team, they were almost finished in their huge trench, they started building the framework for the lava fall and the tower looked pretty complete too, okay let's move on to the games.
50 vs 50 players in minecraft superflat
I know you like them because I do. Plus, it's fun to watch people with lives fight over meaningless resources. Not only me. Can you both raise the banner behind you? So how is it going to go? At the end of this parkour there is another iron bar, the first one of you. to put up your banner your iron bar would be the winner if one of you falls the other wins instantly you guys ready yeah 3 2 1 come on njo somehow managed to fall on one of the first jumps and the milk didn't even have to move njo, man, what is it?
50 vs 50 players in minecraft superflat

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50 vs 50 players in minecraft superflat...

This gives me a choice between two different resource packs and this is the one I chose. This was huge for the blue team yesterday, they had lost twice to the red team and now they were at it again, don't forget this wall separates them. they can fall at any moment and those resources they are fighting for are the main thing they can use to defend themselves and their core blah blah blah we don't care about R we want action okay second game this game is really great, it's a The game, my friend Chu and I, who were executed on the first day, created it once because we were bored.
50 vs 50 players in minecraft superflat
The game is quite simple. Two


are on that platform and can push each other first. The first one to get to the top of this flame looking thing wins GG the red. the team player won and I had to make chopped cheese the blue team player thinks he had to jump into the void bye bye chopped continue my legacy that was a joke don't die okay wait what am I evil for the red team they won the other resource pack , a couple of minutes later I was flying over the bases and I had a really funny idea: how about I pick one of the


from the red team and free him up on the blue side?
50 vs 50 players in minecraft superflat
If the blue team kills them, I will make them choose. one of them and send them to the other side and repeat the same test if they accept the move and make them part of their team. I'll stop this loop and who better to send than my good friend Blankie Heit, hold on, hold on, please man. Please, please, I don't know what's going on, but it seems like a red player managed to get on your side, what's his name? B him in the trap B him in the trap towards her BL, reserve, brother, reserve, don't put him in the trap, what is he going to do?
Okay, okay, now wait, wait, wait, putting it together. Everyone take a step back. Blanky managed to run for quite some time until they locked him in a box and just killed him without even considering it. Blanky is okay look, he's okay, he's still alive, where is he, oh Blanky, man? I told the blue team that they had one minute to choose one of their own and send him to the other side and everyone instantly and when I say instantly, the entire team voted choppy. cheese to be sent, man, that poor kid, the red team acted a little different than the blue team, instead of killing him right away, they decided to keep him in a box and interrogate him about the blue one.
Bays Choy didn't say much, but the blue one. So the team decided to accept it and make it red. I thought we were done with all of this, but 5 minutes later, choppy, even though his entire team betrayed him, he decided not to speak or say anything about defending him, the Red Council murdered him for them. It was too much of a risk to keep him alive even though his neon leader said not to, red also failed the test and I told them that they had to choose someone to be sent to the other side again, but before that I decided to run.
I will make the last game of today brief. I placed two players on a small platform next to them was a pile of diamonds. The game is easy. They have to write on a piece of paper. Split or steal if both split. They split the diamonds if one of them steals they take it all and if they both steal no one gets anything of course they are both extremely greedy. The players at my events are super greedy. They want everything. What did you expect? What did he do? I guess back to the red team they still had to choose one of them to send to the other side.
The team was discussing it together, but the neon leader asked me to talk privately, so you have to send someone. What if we ship? I Neon felt guilty about what happened with Choy and I didn't want to lose another member of his team. He decided that he wanted to be the one sent to the other side. I told him that he would lose his crown if he did it. that and accepted before that he spoke with the second in command P and who decided to pass the crown here if you are going to fall keep your head up I will at least they can't take away your dignity hey we rigged this election from the beginning yes sir it is time for us to finish the job if he dies, I send one of yours there and your other option is to make it blue, you decide.
The Blue Team, surprised by the sent leader, was really conflicted about what to do. One part of the Blue Council wanted to kill him but the other wanted to keep him alive, they didn't want to repeat the same mistake and Neon was a great asset to have on his team knowing how much he knew about the Red Bays afterwards. a long-talking neon managed to convince himself not to be executed and was allowed to remain on the blue team under personalized surveillance for the red team. It was a shock, none of them expected Neon to do that and even less the advice from him, they had already talked about it and He decided that someone would send Pu and he revealed himself as the newest one to the rest of the team.
Remorse was pretty low and everyone was a little lost, but now wasn't the time for that. They had to stay focused on the plan and figure out what to do. The next thing we do today is we gave the teams the most resources and you can probably guess what will happen soon. The teams are surprised by how much we gave them as they have never seen anything like this before in case they start dividing the armor we gave them. them among the pvpers before this session I held a vote on Discord on what kind of resources they wanted and everyone voted by surprise.
This is the surprising question. Remember when I said at the beginning of the video that the most attractive foundation? We would be getting a bonus, me and the staff flew around the bases and looked, and I think it's safe to say the red got crushed. That is our opinion. Let me know in the comments which foundation you think looks best, as promised. They were given an additional set of resources which mainly included a Netherite chest plate, this is what made them happiest. I think considering the equipment we gave them, the players began to suspect what was about to happen and began to prepare, everyone began to prepare and finish the final part of their bases preparing for the wall to fall.
I just want you guys to know win or lose. I'm so proud of each and every one of you the last time I did it I was fighting alone but this time I won't fight alone. I've got every single one of you here behind me oh hell yeah guys we're doing it. My heart. My heart just dropped. Ready. We got it, we got it, we got it, we got it. I'm down there, there are people down there. I'll leave a card. I'm so close I'm so close I'm close I'm so close the red team despite losing their leader managed to do it Min the blue team scored and won looking back at this place it's really impressive to see how much the team managed to create on those empty platforms by stay together and organize, they really did something beautiful, so they won with red GG, but this was until we extracted their core and killed them all, thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video and love me. to make a 200 player version with four teams, let me know in the comments and if you want to enjoy those events you can join the Discord in the description, it's been Ray and I'll see you next time.

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