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Minecraft's Best Players Simulate One Block Civilization

Mar 11, 2024
I divided 100 of the




into four different


s to see how they use their vast knowledge and skill of the game to survive and build thriving


s from nothing. After 2 weeks of progress, each group will receive a score based on how successfully they grew.


and how well they defend and fight on Judgment Day, when the walls separating them fall and Total War breaks out. The first day started as you would normally expect Minecraft to start with a


. Not everyone jumps on three. Ready. 3 2 1. Come on, my God. OMG bro, it didn't take


long to realize that your block regenerates resources from their biomes, and if they do it enough, it will upgrade to even better blocks.
minecraft s best players simulate one block civilization
Sam Yuri Sam Yuri is going to build a big computer or whatever I have. I got a 16x 16x 16 CPU design that I've been sitting on for a few years and this seems like the perfect opportunity to recreate it while Sammy Yri and many others started working on the big plans they had in mind. The


players on the blue team made a bold bet. play by joining the middle, where they could access the no man's land within the no man's lands, everything can be done pvp, exchange duel in the same center, an additional block with special resources, so they are already colonizing, they are getting food .
minecraft s best players simulate one block civilization

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minecraft s best players simulate one block civilization...

Right now, what's going on guys, oh my God, oh my God, do you know what you're going to get fired for who left that guy on the list? While most of the civilizations were busy mining their block and turning things blue, they continued to play aggressively taking over no man's land, but it wasn't long before they encountered some resistance, oh wait, we have an altercation here, okay, players are being attacked, no, what was that? During the conflict, one of Blue's members discovered a way to enter enemy territory using a ship that would normally be teleported out of it, so of course he had to start afflicting Red's base, but watch while I I'm taking care of this war criminal, wait, say what you did, okay, stop yapping, uh, I want you to write a five-page apology to Red Team, oh my god, brother, although currently they were just small fights, more later these battles would have a much bigger impact, oh my god, oh you guys are cooking, oh wait, oh it works because you don't have water, that's some kind of genius, no.
minecraft s best players simulate one block civilization
Even after a few hours of the event, we start to see the Green Team making adaptations to this empty world. Players knew that mobs spawn more frequently the lower they are in the world, so by making these platforms easier to access they could obtain items like food. bone meal and many others so that they could start working towards reaching their full potential, although each civilization began to expand in size and follow similar strategies, there was still one important resource that players could not obtain from the water of their islands, that is great, so the desert team, obviously, there is.
minecraft s best players simulate one block civilization
It's not raining around here, yeah, it's not raining around here, so they went to the middle, which is obviously a normal biome, since it was easy for the greens and purples to get water, since the cauldrons will fill up in their biomes, they started to sabotage the red and blue who desperately tried to get water out of the way, we literally have two of the most dehydrated teams on the server trying to fight each other right now, finally the red ladder strategy worked and luckily for blue turned out to be the first team in achieving the third upgrade of a block in which they then exchanged these new purple-colored products for their additional water and now each team had a secure base.
The first day was over, but as I got to the second day I realized how serious this competition was going to get and what happened. overnight and they got the automated block led by genius pi player and professional builder. Phelps' purple team had absolutely cooked overnight. In addition to beginning construction of this gigantic mass, they discovered a way to automate the block by connecting it to a zero tick piston machine. and repeatedly pushing him into a TNT explosion chamber where they collect the drops, they had also created tons of beginner farms and by trapping a witch that spawned on one of their bridges and mourning a naturally spawning zombie villager, they were able to make him a whole villager will trade.
Room that they can use to get items they couldn't get anywhere else. The Green Team announcement went ahead and also moved up in the world and established the first Commerce spot in KFC, but on the other hand, the red one had a different strategy in mind, oh what. What is the game plan? What is the strategy here? Each of these civilizations were beginning to prosper and had now reached level three resources in their single block, but unfortunately the blue one was having difficulties once again as friendly mobs were not spawning on their island. was delaying progress a lot, fortunately for the blue team, the first world event of a block was about to happen every two days, a custom island appeared in the middle of the map, each of which rose in value as they progressed the days and it was not a surprise for all the teams.
He immediately rushed to No Man's Land once it appeared, oh wait, everyone can enter. Now that the event has started, players quickly realized that these islands had limited resources that they could use for their civilization, such as cherry blossom trees and passive spawning mobs, which the blue team was. quick to catch the inventor you are dead inventor you are dead just jump why is there something like P run run run not only were they collecting resources but blw blue was once again playing aggressive and rushed to take over the Island Half on his one block, but green was starting to have enough oh oh oh oh despite the valiant efforts of each team, blue continued to hold his ground and take over Middle Island, but what he didn't expect was that once he They got the resources they needed, blue retreated to their base, giving purple a perfect opportunity to make a power play on the third day.
What the heck are you guys really farming the core block right now? Yes, we have created Pistons that push it back to our base even through that. Wait in bed, no way, while the other three teams were concentrating on building their civilizations, the purple one was pushing the middle block to its base with a chain of Pistons where they could then farm it with TNT, but what they did to theirs. one block was even crazier, going so fast it shouldn't even be possible. Oh my gosh, look at all these items literally flowing, bro, you're so rich you're just sending them out.
The purple had become one of the richest civilizations in the world. the server and even had a wandering merchant farm to get rare resources that his main player pie was on for hours, my men weren't leaving, but anyway the green civilization had also been prospering economically, oh look at this, oh , it's a slime farm. What is this? They are making giant platforms up here using this slime farm that they would eventually scale. The green team could make all kinds of redstone contraptions and farms, especially the ones that will be used in doomsday. The red team had done too. a few moves when starting what looks like a mega construction themed base, but just as impressive, blue had also done some important work while taking a break from no man's land.
Wait, these builds are coming together and they have weird little Minecart things going on here. Look at this, there's a whole system down here that pursues a Japanese theme. The Blue City had completely transformed the void of nothingness that used to be their base and had basically developed an entire industrial system beneath their houses that housed things like their one-block farm and super foundries. Unfortunately, someone had destroyed the PP Block Farm in No Man's Land and now this place looked like a ghost town, but upon reaching day four, the next world events would occur this time, a nether themed castle with the first functional portal inside. , everyone is making a bridge, everyone is making a bridge, come on, we have this, we have this, come on, come on, come on, come on, all the teams run towards the center, some come across hidden chests that give them the first taste of inferior rights.
I'm ruining this. blowing this up I'm blowing this up oh she oh oh oh my god oh no way brother is going for it oh after locating the nether portal several players tried to restore it and illuminate it and in the midst of the chaos mulphin and whbl of The purple team managed to enter first, one of you hit the pigment for the meme real quick. The chasm was completely empty, aside from the structures that would allow Purple to be the first to obtain netherite and burning dust for strength potions, although he looked purple. was about to dominate this event an unexpected appearance of red was about to dispute this oh G no way oh murin the first man in the abyss is about to be killed oh damn Pigman there's no way he has much time left oh oh no despite lying Under most of the game, Red appeared and took over the Fortress, then they brewed strength potions and proceeded to dominate No Man's Land.
One of their most notable players was actually a top-tier player who had been widely known as a danger in no man's land for the past 4 days, but after eliminating the purple, green, and blue players today, all the civilizations changed their hatred towards him and the rest of his team, but you know Red didn't care because after today's world event they were enjoying The Spoils. of War and Fay were chosen as the team leader as he eliminated the other civilizations. Blue followed his lead by choosing Quinton, one of his best builders, who has countless megaprojects under his belt.
Purple chose Pi as his own, who has demonstrated his ability countless times throughout my past events. and of course, Aoma, who was just elected, was showing top leader energy me me me me me oh my god oh, now it was at this point that each team had established several starting farms like Cobblestone Sugarcane and MOB Grinders, so for the rest of days four, five and six they would start using them to really get down to business, oh mushroom players. Phelps and the inventor had begun building a gigantic mushroom-themed kingdom and beneath it was a cave system that housed their super foundries on a block.
Farm in Auto article. swordsmen hello, he never catches a swordsman, he's just relaxing. I'm already doing it. I am not going to lie. I've been betting on purple for a few minutes now, but the red team was about to be a real contender. Red team, hello. The platform is becoming massive or that's just 10%. This is only 10% of what you are going to build. Red's base looked like a trading center and apparently this gigantic platform was only 10% of what the final construction will look like. These structural advancements, players like Fay were stacked in PvP gear and had even built an intricate TNT cannon to shoot over the wall so when doomsday came, red and purple weren't the only ones thriving because blue It seemed like a real civilization. like you're looking at some kind of factory from below, but when you go up to the top there's just a civilization cooling down.
Quinton, tell us the plan we are going to follow to remove all the membrane, so we are a little more conservative. We may not win the battle, but we will win the war. Quinton and the rest of the blue team were anticipating a world event today that somehow predicted and involved the Final Dimension and instead of playing extremely aggressively like they had the first few days, they planned to get only what they needed and leave quickly instead of let their pride and hunger for blood attract them, but the blue was not the only civilization that was strategically approaching the event because the green team had developed an absolutely crazy offensive strategy.
Pearl Cannon, let's Pearl in the middle while building some farms like Enderman Farm. The most impressive creation I've seen from Green was his Ender Pearl Cannon, using precise math and extremely timed TNT explosions, they can charge this contraption with Ender. pearls to launch into the air as soon as the event starts and by sending them through a hole they smashed in the Bedrock wall with pistons, they could theoretically gain an extreme advantage by taking over No Man's Land and its loot, so now It was time to put this contraption to the test when the Final Dimension world event happened, look at them all, they're levitating oh, they're already storming the temple, oh wait, they made it no way?
That works, they're all up here somehow. Green ender pearl cannonas Phelps and Pie had spent countless hours building this mushroom landscape and finishing their castle with the countless farms beneath their buildings. like this new creeper, Farm purple had to be the most economically sustained civilization so far and now look at the walls around their base, although what is the machinery doing here? I don't get it dude, this looks scary. I'm going to be curious. As for what this will do, not only was their civilization thriving, but they also had a series of flying lava machines aimed directly at their enemies, a rather cheeky looking stasis chamber bunker, and not to mention the giant walls protecting them. your foundation, last but not least.
Watch how Blue's passive approach played out over these past two weeks. Oh wait, what is this above? What is this strategy? Oh wait, look at them all here. Blue had designed and built this absolutely beautiful cherry blossom biome surrounded by a gigantic river. which they created by placing ice in specific patterns and then breaking it all blue, also turned out to have one of the most unconventional and risky war strategies yet. Well guys, the plan is very simple, there is a big player, Cannon, we are all going to carry ourselves. to the cannon and we'll shoot into the sky and we'll all be safe up there until all the teams are down and then we'll come down from the sky and rain down on them and completely destroy them.
Although they could save some players by jumping all into the sky, they will leave their civilization completely defenseless, apart from a couple of Cage-designed cannons and a few players they will leave behind, now let's drop the walls between them and see the best in the world. The Redstoners and Builders pvpers fight until only one civilization is left standing. Oh, look at the civilizations that are already shooting, they are already shooting immediately when the walls fell. Cade's rapid-fire TNT cannon started firing while Purple's Pvpers pushed halfway, which was fun. It's Purple used the walls of Bedrock to trap a Wither with a name tag on it that said purple on red, but now that Bedrock is gone, they accidentally unleashed it on themselves.
Can we TP with the sky team? Was your launch successful? They did it? Check it out. What the hell are you waiting for? What is our height right now? 34,000 Blues TNT cannons had launched them 34,000 blocks into the air, allowing them to wait out the competition and luckily their gigantic walls were defending against enemy artillery, but poor green is about to get smoked by him. Most of the green team was evading combat in their bunker, but without walls to defend themselves from the purple lava launchers, they only had a short period of time before their civilization was destroyed and in the end we're going to do a One V.
You're in the ring, you've entered the ring now, oh God, oh no one, someone screwed it up, well I want to see this one, okay, okay, no. The winner will be executed immediately oh oh oh first battle we're organizing in Fight Club I guess such a crazy fight yeah oh you're nice no no with the purple team now taking the first kills they went to pain Green's defenseless base and one of the whbl players would launch the first attempt to infiltrate his bunker, what the hell, there he goes, no way, no way, he's going in. This is the most amazing PvP battle I have ever seen.
Look how much air he's unfortunately getting with all the chaos and defenses he had. He was unable to enter and asked his team to keep it in his chamber before he died. The thing was, every team had stasis chambers, making it extremely difficult for anyone to eliminate their enemies for good, but it was only a matter of time. before someone was going to sabotage one, wait, I just saw something crazy, wait, I think Green is going for his stasis right now, wait, I just saw a green guy here, I swear, there was a green guy here , no, wait what he said, no, I guess you That sounded like a green guy, although, oh my God, it was, it was, oh my God, teleporting to me.
Aoma from the green team was about to try to get revenge for everything the red team has done to her. Oh oh, wait, look. this strategist Heber this could be he's killing so many people he's going to be like oh my god play play oh my god come on the red team is on the ropes now bro in just a few seconds the whole room Red's stasis exploded along with a couple of his members and with several other players bombarding his base with TNT one could only wonder if becoming everyone's enemy was a smart move Frey, where are you headed with your guys here?
Yes, our base, our base is, we are trying. To fight, we are trying to occupy the green base for ourselves, it was no surprise that Fay didn't take Green's attack too well and now that she didn't have a stasis chamber, she had nothing to lose when she went to infiltrate his bunker. Is your team coming? No, because if I bring my team with me, they're going to die, okay, he's coming in, bro. Look, oh, oh, okay, that was a mistake and they didn't realize it yet, oh, there he goes, oh, he's coming in, oh, he didn't.
It takes a long time for some of Green's goons to notice For's appearance and get back there, bro, oh, great move right there, oh no way, Fay, you're crazy, oh wait, he's on their side Now, oh oh, he's gone, he's gone, he's gone, he feels himself. Now feeling himself despite his ability, there was simply no way in, so Fay retreated to support his dwindling team, but the third time was the charm, because Purple's leader, Pi, had just gotten an invis and moved stealthily along the floor of the water's tail. all their training for the last 2 weeks had come down to this, oh, with this bunker, the green had kept 95% of their players and the blue was now landing back from their flight without a single death, but now it was the time to reduce the borders and this is where we would really start to see players fall no wait he died where is the scrap waiting? teleport to discard your scrath go after him me scrath scrath no way an event player known by the name scrath had gone AFK during my event and now I was facing the consequences this guy is going to die, he's going to die, he's going to die no, no, stay away oh my god n no no no no no no no no way it's going to end like this no way it's going to end like this why can I? t use PS I TP me brother TP me brother TP me brother no way dude what the hell oh my god no come on brother look listen to their keyboard please look they are returning to their base what happened to your base?
The purple civilization had suffered minor injuries, the reds and greens had taken a beating, while the blues were largely intact and now, as the edge shrank past all of their bases in stasis, Chambers' players began to establish ground. into no man's land, oh wait, oh wait, there's a battle going on, we have the best pvper in the world right now versus blue violet, everyone is in the middle right now, red and purple are getting the most amount of hits due to their rocky starts, especially since one of Blue's pvpers was going completely crazy. I mean, this guy eliminated several players from each team. your crayons are chasing him bro oh oh wait look there's an oh wait there's an archery battle come look at this oh my god aoma green versus blue they're drilling you all the teams besides purple started taking the sky to avoid falling into the void and soon there was an all out war just in this small radius no way no way oh unfortunately aom's luck would soon run out aoma died like brother how aoma H yeah um I threw a pearl trying to get to the red sky base and the fell down world and landed like outside the border just no, you retreated with the voma, several other dreams of surviving the entire event were being shattered and it wouldn't be long until one of Red's most notable players saw his fall, wait, wait.
Fay oh no and just like that, Fay got caught up in the mix and as he was knocked back, his Pearl left the border and from there his fate was sealed, all of that just to go down like that, a pearl outside the Border, not much . I can do it brother I had to play risky and that ended up excusing my death now using the edge to their advantage the blue team slowly squeezed in red and green while the purple hid underneath everything had been reduced to these totems that are going to be burst. appeared dead that's a dead man that's a dead man right there oh blue look blue from behind oh oh oh he has three in there he has four he has four four it's over it's over he's taking off so many oh my god it's over no, this guy is dead friend look I, Robo was desperately trying to get out, to my surprise the few remaining red, purple and green players were actually reducing Blue's numbers.
Oh, that guy is dead and someone fell. Blue became complacent despite all of his efforts. Blue managed to get close to the final enemy players. No, there is no way we won. Good friend, it still wasn't a win for blue because Grock Sewa and I still had to score each civ overall to find out who wins the $3000 prize. I think for me before doomsday I'm shooting a 3.5. like his base is cool and then in his apocalyptic performance, I think I'm going to pick four for that purple one that were looted a little bit before the end of the world.
I think their civilization is a 3.5, their Strat wasn't that crazy, even though they were just running around I'll give them three fives before doomsday 2.5 I don't think it's that good of a base, it's beautiful. I don't think it's a good base like the red one so I'm going to give it a four four too so it'll be an eight for me 4.5 even though I was close at the end they won so maybe like 4.5 4.5 I'm going to get there with a 4.5 after Doomsday and no way so purple got a 21 red and green got a 23 meaning the blue team takes the dub as the largest civilization in Minecraft.
Thank you all for watching, seriously, it was a really fun video to work on and I put my heart into it, so if you enjoyed it, please subscribe, there are a lot of them. good videos are coming

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