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5 Used Cars You Should Buy

May 29, 2021
Rev your engines, today I am going to talk about the five best



you can buy, now I know there are a lot of people talking about what is good and what is bad, but actually, if you want to learn about what



for buy, ask a mechanic like me, because just out of curiosity I googled, some of those tips on the internet, wow, stay away from that, I even saw some that had three of the top five Chrysler products, which every mechanic knows. They are some of the worst made vehicles out there, to say they are good to buy used, you don't want to listen to advice from people who don't know what they are talking about, I hate it when I buy something that doesn't hold up over time, and for the last few 51 years old I hate when my clients buy cars that don't hold up over time, hey I like my client, I want them to tell their friends about me to say hi.
5 used cars you should buy
He's a good mechanic, he knows how to fix your car and it doesn't always break down all the time and he's making things up just to make money, so of course don't listen to used car advice from someone who just works. about Jaguars, it will tell you to buy a Jaguar, you know, I work on all kinds of different cars, I don't care what people drive, but if they want a good car, I will give them advice and here are my tips on the five used cars to buy, and number five is a 2012 Honda Accord, and I know some people will say, Hi Scotty, you warned us about Hondas with weak automatic transmissions, and that's true, 2005 to 2010 Honda Accords with automatic transmissions They have a recall for their automatic transmission because it had a design defect but not for 2012, I have customers with 2012 Honda deals and they love the cars, from my experience with my customers cars the four cylinders seemed to be the longest until the end. , some guys want the v6's because they want more power and stuff, but they have a tendency to wear out a little faster and the 4's have a lot of power and get better gas mileage, and a lot of family guys.
5 used cars you should buy

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5 used cars you should buy...

I love these Accords because they are fast sports cars, you have a four door, yes you can fit a whole family in there, but it's not like you're driving a minivan, and here's another thing you want to realize about buying a used car, no Always go for the cheapest price, because many of the reasons cars are cheap is because they are not very good, you will pay a reasonable amount of money for a 2012 Honda Accord that is in good condition. way, but hey, I've seen them with three hundred thousand miles, so you'll get a lot of mileage out of things, as long as they don't already have three or four hundred thousand miles on them. , now number four on the 2012 Ford Fusion charts, used its often seen as an affordable family sedan, one of the reasons they were built when Volvo and Ford had to meet halfway, the first time I owned one.
5 used cars you should buy
I rented it when I was on holiday at an airport and was totally impressed by how it worked, I was never really a fan of the Ford Taurus but when I rented this fusion I was impressed, they proved to be very reliable cars. also, and they didn't have the transmission problems that many Tauruses have, it was a pretty good move, now I mean, Ford doesn't make cars anymore, they said they would only make one, the Mustang, and then the SUVs and trucks, but the Ford Fusion It's a really solidly built car, and since Ford will no longer be making cars, you can usually get a used car cheaper, because when a company stops making cars, the value of the old one goes down. below if they are still well made Ford will still make parts for them hey you could get a really good price on a used Fusion now number three on the list is a 2013 Honda Civic those things were solid reliable small cars .
5 used cars you should buy
Honda surely came a long way from their first Honda that they sold in the United States to this Honda Civic, you would think they came from different planets if you look at both cars, a lot of young people like civics because they are fast, a lot of guys prepare them and give them They put out a lot of horsepower, Honda engines can handle it, but at the same time they are very reliable transportation, I have a lot of middle-aged and older people, they bought civics. and they love them, and they would say that it always starts, never breaks down, and uses almost no gas, and is sure to hold its value, which is why I tell you not to go too cheap when buying a Used car think about the expenses over time, that's one of the reasons why my son, who I was going to buy for, used a Tacoma truck, he ended up buying a new one because he said, Dad, I'll probably keep this for 30 years, it's almost no It's going to cost me money a month if I keep this for 30 years, so I'll buy a new one, but if you're going to buy a used car and want to save a lot of money, that Civic is a great choice, yes, you'll certainly pay more for it than a Chrysler. used or a smaller used GM car, but sometimes it will outlast them two, three, four times longer and will probably cost you 20% of your repair bills.
You're going to spend on those cars that aren't as well made and of course I realize that if you buy used like that, your insurance rates, because let's face it, you buy a new car, let's say it's totaled, stolen or flooded, whatever. , the insurance company has to buy you a new car, that's a lot of money, well used cars have less value so the insurance is less for them too, and with the smaller four cylinder engine the insurance is minor. Because it doesn't have the big power of a V6 or V8, you're saving in all kinds of ways if you buy a Civic, now number two on the list of the five best used cars to buy, is a 2012 Toyota Corolla.
Corollas can run practically forever if you take care of them. I remember years ago a mechanic friend of mine was at a party and they said, "Let's see if we can blow up the engine of a Toyota Corolla," so he drained most of the engine oil and that put a brick in the accelerator and it stayed there revving, and it ran for quite a while and finally one of the cylinders exploded and made a noise and the cylinder broke, but then it kept running for a while and only three cylinders, I mean things are very designed, Toyota used the Corolla design on a lot of cars, that's an 07 matrix, it's actually a Toyota Corolla, my Celica is a 94 Celica, it's actually a Toyota Corolla too, it has the same engine. transmission, just a different body style and a little different suspension, that's all.
I have to laugh these days when some customers tell me that I just have to buy an SUV for my family, and I say that my children, my two children, myself, my wife, traveled for years in a four-door 81 Toyota Corolla, They fit in that Corolla, we drove all over the country in that thing, and did it ever leave us stranded, no it didn't, and a big plus of buying a car like a 2012 Toyota Corolla, they made tons of them, sold tons of them, so there will always be a reasonable amount of them for sale, if a company makes a really good car but there won't be that many sold, there won't be that many used ones for sale, it will be hard to find them, but there are Corollas everywhere in all kinds of different ways, maybe you're a fixer. top, so you're going to buy one that maybe has 300k miles on it, you're going to get it cheap, you're going to fix it up and you're going to drive it, or maybe you don't care much about the body style, so if they didn't care about the paint and it had some dents, you just drive it that way like a beater car and you don't mind investing money in it, because like so many of them did, there's a crazy aftermarket for that stuff, let's say you go and need a fender, well you go to the Toyota dealer and the fender who knows what he wants, maybe five or six hundred dollars, you can get one made in Taiwan for about $50, sheet steel. stamped on who cares, you'll just bolt it on and paint it, so you can get parts that work perfectly well and very cheap for that stuff, so take advantage of mass production if you want a really good car to get around in, hey get it to use Corolla, now number one on the list is the 2011 Toyota Camry, which doesn't surprise most people, and I know some people will say, Oh Scotty, what a boring choice, the 2011 Toyota Camry, well, yeah, That's exactly why I choose it. like a good used car to buy, it's boring, you buy it, it won't break down, it starts every time, and it's still fun to drive, they have more speed than a Corolla, but they are totally reliable, although here again, Let's say, I advise the people who buy the four cylinder version, it has enough horsepower to get around, the 6's, hey, will get worse gas mileage and wear out faster.
I mean, yeah, okay, so it might wear out at 300,000 miles instead of 500,000 miles, but it will still wear out quickly, and as an interesting fact, usually the cheaper models from manufacturers sell more cars than the expensive ones, but in 2011 Toyota in the United States sold more Camrys than Corollas. It's usually the cheaper models that sell the most, but Camrys were so well made that they actually sold more Camrys than Corollas in the United States in 2011, you can easily fit an entire family in a Camry, they have tons of room inside . I had clients who were very tall, six six or six seven and they always said, I can't get a Toyota, I'm too big, I don't fit in, I said, get in a Camry and sit in it and look. what you think, and they did it and said, hey, comfortable car, enough room for me, you're going to pay a reasonable price for one of these cars, they hold their value because they're very well made, but don't do it. like one of my clients did who was looking at a used Camry and then said, oh look, I can get this Chrysler for half the price and it has a V6 engine and leather seats and all this, and then a couple of years later , they came in and said, we have to get rid of that Chrysler, what a bunch of crap and what did they do, then they went out and bought a used Camry, so my advice on that is to learn from other people's mistakes, if you don't have to make make the mistake yourself, learn from someone else's mistake, make sure you get a decent used car because there's an old saying, oh, I never buy a used car because you're buying someone else's problems, well, yeah If you're going to buy a camry , if it was taken care of it won't be anyone's problem, but of course, as I always tell people when buying a used car, have it checked by a mechanic before you buy it, because you can't trust anyone when it comes to buying something used , cars can crash, flood, be stolen, catch fire, all kinds of things can happen, so you'll want to have a mechanic look at it and with this modern technology in all these late model cars, hey, when we mechanics plug in our machines , we get more head-spinning history, and within an hour any mechanic can tell you, yeah, that's a really good car or not, stay away from that one, so now you know The Five Best Used Cars You Can Buy If You want peace of mind and have a nice, solid, reliable vehicle to drive, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring the bell!

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