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I Ranked All Asian Car Brands from Worst to Best

May 30, 2021
Today I am going to rate the Asian cars sold in the United States from




. I have now been repairing cars for 53 years. I can only speak from my experience, so I'm not talking about Asian cars sold in the United States. other parts of the world, only those that we are stuck here and that are no longer sold or are continuously sold here, now there are eight on the list, we start from




, since Suzuki Zhu is key to an interesting company. The Suzuki 750 engine plug was a scream, 175 miles per hour, always started, no oil dripping, but their cars not so much.
i ranked all asian car brands from worst to best
The US Suzuki cars were a massive failure, they were little piles of cheap junk that fell apart and since Suzuki wasn't really a big car manufacturer in the US you couldn't get parts for it, people didn't know how to work with it, but they were mainly underpowered garbage, especially with automatic transmissions, not when you realize that 90 percent of Americans now drive automatic transmissions which I practically finished it because Suzuki was able to get out of its own way, bro, it made noise, we are rolling loads of crap for the US market and now they retired some people like those little Suzuki Samurai GP type things, they were a niche market.
i ranked all asian car brands from worst to best

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i ranked all asian car brands from worst to best...

I still remember one of my first customers who bought one and loved the thing, banana, he said: I'm going to take a trip to visit my brother in Florida from Texas, when he came back he said: I'm going to get rid of that piece of garbage that It traveled like a washing machine on the road, they certainly are vehicles that travel on the road, there are fun little GP things that a certain amount of people want in the US. Suzuki was a big flop, you know, tell them more here, it's probably good stuff now that you're at it.
i ranked all asian car brands from worst to best
You'll find out if you watch this whole video, AG's don't necessarily build cool cars, some do, some don't, some people get to the myth, all of these are good, all of these are bad, no you have to go case by case talking about a case bad thing coming. at number seven for one of America's worst Asian cars, it's no surprise that Nissan, you know, could do a day-long video on Datsun. The original company made great small cars and great sports cars. They were the first to make reliable sports cars. They were a lot of fun, they didn't leak oil, they started all the time, but for some reason they decided to change the name to Nissan and then around the year 2000, the French company Renault took over a parity that was already starting to decline and fell into bite at Nissan since the mid-2000s, IC head gaskets were blown all the time and engines were failing in the automatic transmission.
i ranked all asian car brands from worst to best
Nissan owns the Jack Coke transmission company and makes some of the crappiest transmissions in the world. Now other companies have bought them in the past, but if you look at it now many of these companies are switching to Japanese Aysen transmissions, which is the company that Toyota owns. I worked on a ball the other day, I had an Ace and Toyota transmission and I see some of the Chrysler products that Aysen is starting to purchase. transmissions because they had so many problems with their own vehicle they make shit transmissions, shit transformations and shit Nissan cars, they go hand in hand and it's a shame because I'm used to making really good cars but the Nissan company has been declining for a while time.
A long time ago, decades ago, Ford was talking about buying it, but then Ford's stock fell, so it couldn't buy anyone. Renault buys into the French company that today is practically on the verge of bankruptcy; the children simply are not the vehicles they used. They used to make great cars and really good sports cars, not anymore, the quality is going down and now they are even talking about their fancy versions, which are endless, calling them Nissan advantages, instead, if you change the name, but no. To fix the quality there is still junk and smart people won't buy them.
It's a shame to see that a company like Dodson made fantastic little cars that could go three-four hundred thousand miles regularly, but that was back in the 1970s and they don't make that anymore. They are not worth the money you pay for them and as they age they generally become endless money pets and sometimes with as little as 60 or 70k miles they start to fall apart and if you noticed I lumped Infiniti in with Nissan and that's what I'm doing in this video Nissan also makes infinite Toyota makes Lexus, they are the most elegant. I'm putting them all together and Honda makes Acuras, so when I talk about those companies I include and Acuras, a Nissan Infiniti is one and Toyota Lexus is one. company, it's the same companies that just brand them and Kia and I stuffed the Genesis that they split up, but I'm including them because it's the same company, they're just trying to fool people with names like they used to do to get around the Rams, now they are just called Rams because all the other Dodge and Chrysler have such a horrible reputation that they just decided to call them Rams, they didn't change the way they built them they just changed the name now number six on the list of top two Asian cars worst, number six. es Mitsubishi now Mitsubishi is part of a large Japanese corporation and cars are a small part of their business, more of a sideline than anything else.
They have been trying to sell cars in the United States. Quite a long time ago, they had a deal with Chrysler a lot of these cheap little Chrysler cars the problem with Mitsubishi is that the quality is not the best when I was a younger mechanic. Mitsubishi, for some reason, made horrible piston rings that burn oil as they age. I remember mine Custer had a diamond Mitsubishi and then they drove down the highway in a beautiful little pileup and it got to the point where they had to put a quart of oil in Avery between 80 and 100 miles in that piece of junk and it was because they used cheap pistons and seemed to continue doing that, the quality of them just isn't there and in an ultra competitive world today, if you have a lower quality vehicle, it makes a lot of noise, burns oil, transmissions, hair problems, no you can sell it to that. a lot of people because people will generally find out that a neighbor made a mistake and bought one or they bought one or this song or daughter who bought one has problems they are going to say no those people had problems with they would not have put more quality and engineering into them, hey , it's a Japanese company, people always ask for Japanese cars thinking about the quality from Japan, but that's not always the case with the missing ones, since she's just not there, yes, they made cheaper cars and I had some clients, hey.
They would get a hundred and fifty thousand miles out of them, but they often had to replace the engine or transmission, they gambled and put in a used engine from a junkyard or, translation, for a junkyard, one guy went through three transmissions in five years They are not the best quality, there are better things out there, so my advice is don't waste your money on a Mitsubishi. Next on the list is number five. They are starting to improve a lot. Subaru, now Subaru, will do it all. That number of vehicles is another Japanese megacorporation, but Subaru was the company that really revolutionized it by making almost all of its vehicles with all-wheel drive.
A lot of people up north are going to scan people who live in muddy areas, they like that and I'll buy a Subaru. The problem with Subaru is that they have those boxer engines that are obsolete engines and to get more horsepower they demand them and then blow up the tarsal head gaskets and burn out the automatic transmissions. Subaru now builds all of its own transmissions. The better the quality of what used to be their 6 cylinder boxer engines with three cylinders on one side and three on the other are known for having engine problems, but many other days Acosta put 70,000 miles on it and the engine started running , you can hear the noise. away and it's typical of those things in this was a guy who doesn't drive hard and maintains his car religiously and he said to me Scotty, that's more mileage, why is this thing breaking down?
I told him this is the showroom, now I concede that they do have them. a loyal follower of people like all wheel drive and if you take care of them and especially if you get a standard transmission my neighbor's plumber has two he has a hundred and eighty thousand in each of them there are standard transmissions and they are the four engines cylinders no the six are getting better still not the best now number four on the worst list the best is getting better is over there Ikea yes they are separate companies but they are like octopus tentacles all intertwined one owns part of one one owns on each other's side, they share all kinds of technology and here I'm including the Genesis because it's just the fancy brand, they're getting a lot better than they used to be, they were relatively bad vehicles that were pretty cheap and fell apart.
As they've gotten older and yes, they've come a long way since then, especially in the last decade and a half, they still have some problems, whereas when they had a lot of engine problems, it turned out that one of the American machines and factories had a problem they were doing the engines wrong and the engines kept blowing up and they had to rebuild hundreds of thousands of them and they didn't even do that good of a job rebuilding them right, a customer took us in to fix a couple thousand miles later the engine blew up , they didn't give them another round, they start with something else, you know, so you want quality, you don't want something, they put a band-aid on it, they fix it and then it breaks again, now of course they've become whole. get on with this Genesis now it used to be just a car now it's a whole car brand and they are making these fancy ones with more quality but if you saw it in my videos you will see that I have analyzed used ones once and I saw that they would have five times more wear inside of the engine than an equivalent Lexus or Toyota.
They would have 100-something thousand miles. The Genesis are great builders. They lead. They are fast. Are funny. But they can't stand it. like a Lexus now, if you were those people who buy a new car every five or six years and get rid of it before it's put a hundred thousand miles on it, you'd probably be perfectly happy with the Genesis because it's their top-of-the-line car and I'd go back to before. The big advantage of Ikea was that it cost much less than Toyota and Honda, but today they are practically on par for the same price, you will pay almost the same price, so you buy a Honda or a Toyota, what is the point if not save a lot of money now number three on my list the worst the best is Mazda lately the quality of Mazda has increased a lot Mazda and Toyota now have some agreements together, they are making cars in the same semi line here in the United States Says that their quality has definitely improved with Mazda, you are choosing the Sky Active technology, more power, more gas, a lot originally they had problems with stalling because they had a lot of engine parts and in the cams those variable valve timing systems were breaking down. all the time because they were using these engine systems that were breaking down all the time it was not a smart move but today they are more aligned with Toyota a lot of companies are on the way down they have actually had it up there is some good quality . cars that there are now we are going to be number two, which is Honda.
Honda started a small two-cylinder car in the United States with the motorcycle engine cooled by air and a fan inside. I remember being a young mechanic, one of our cousins, on my father's corner, Texaco. He came out of a gas station, you look like a Shriner, one of those came out. Costigan was six six and got out of this little car, but he loved it because it had good gasoline modifications, well, they start with a little motorcycle engine and they've gotten better. and it showed that Honda is a typical classic Japanese car manufacturer, they like to perfect things, not just good, what didn't work, throw it away, try something else, now, like anyone, people make mistakes, they have problems with oil dilution in those 1.5 turbocharged gasoline engines.
Direct injection engines because they put in too much technology without testing it and the oil is diluted. The gasoline gets into the oil and of course that will start to wear out parts of the engine faster and as time went on they had some problems. with their somewhat weak automatic transmissions and they fix it with their own engineers, they designed and built their transmissions, they are not buying these shits now. If you had asked me 20 years ago Toyota versus Honda, I would have said it's almost dead. With the heat now, Honda slipped a little more than Toyota, definitely put Toyota higher than today, but still being number two is not a bad position to be in my personal opinion of Honda, they are great small cars, big cars that They really aren't there for the time. some of their biggest cars and problems now my wife drives a Lexus.
She wouldn't buy him an Acura, the fancy Honda because Lexuses are better cars everywhere, butIf you want a small and fast car, there are actually many small and fast Hondas. more fun than small Toyotas because Toyotas are not attractive it's not their thing their thing is more reliability long term use low maintenance you don't even have to touch the stupid things this is like 240,000 miles it has the right wedge system it's never like that ha been on fire, it still works perfectly fine, you wouldn't get that with a Honda, you would have to do maintenance on the adjustment.
That's the big drawback of Honda is that their valves need to be adjusted more frequently and I often get older Hondas, they don't. they work well they don't start well and when they are hot and it's all because the valves are not adjusted correctly and they have to be adjusted many of my owners still have to adjust them manually and that is a big maintenance that a lot of people don't do or it is done wrong and then they have problems, it does the Toyota design although it costs much more to adjust the valves since you almost never have to do it, it is a better design and now we are going to go to number one.
In you, Corsa is Toyota, not the fast one, it's this old Celicas, it's not a race car, it's basically a Toyota Corolla with a different body stuck on, but they break down, they run and they run and they look good. Toyota is not and has never been a sports car company. look at their recent stuff, they brought back the Toyota Supra, well it's not really a BMW roadster and as any company should respond, make and add their big fuel pump recall, guess what Toyota doesn't make the fuel pumps they they give them and dance most of the time and also Honda Honda just had to recall a bunch of their cars because of the Nippon Denso fuel pump clamp that ruined them, it wasn't the company itself and of course They have to fix them all for free, it's not like you're going to pay anything to have them fix their problems.
If you look at the video I have on the history of Toyota, at the beginning they made mistakes, but mr. Toyota itself made sure to solve its problems so that they would not be known by the cars, if there is a problem, they take care of it, they fix it and then they learn, it's okay, we won't do it like that, now no one is perfect, everyone does it. they will. They make mistakes, but if they support them and, most importantly, if they learn from their mistakes, you're the one who benefits from that, they won't be like Fiat Chrysler, who makes crap and then they keep making more crap and then I think there's a radical loop and what does it do?
It doesn't work because they didn't test it well or they made it too cheap. Yes, you are going to pay more for quality. Well, your combined Mercedes doesn't always cost $100,000 and look. falls apart when it turns six, seven years old or even before, you don't necessarily get your money's worth, but if you do your research, you should get your money's worth. I tell people to buy a Toyota, it's invariably a group of people say but Scotty, new ones are very expensive and so are used ones. Guess what is the reason why they are so expensive, especially the used ones, because their quality.
Get a Jaguar for $70,000. When they are eight years old, you can pick them up. for four or five thousand dollars on roads at the moment because everyone knows they are garbage, so now you know my selection of the worst to the best Asian cars you can buy in the United States, so if you never want to miss another of my new Chi. repair videos remember to ring that doorbell

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