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5 Must Have Guitars For Every Player

Mar 19, 2024
So if you're just starting to play guitar or


been playing for years, chances are you've asked yourself how many


should you


, how many


do you need, it's a very popular question that other YouTube channels have tried to address and have discussed online for years. I'm not going to try to answer that specific question in this video, but what I am going to do is recommend five guitars that I think


guitarist should have in their setup, whether you play at home for fun or play gigs on the weekends or If you want to become a professional guitarist and make a living with a guitar in your hand, I think these five guitars are totally necessary for all those situations. now if you are new to this channel my name is rhett shull should i play guitar for a living?
5 must have guitars for every player
I've been doing that for a little over 10 years as of now and these five guitars are the ones that I learned during my time of performing and doing sessions and spending time on the road which I couldn't live without these five models, so Without further ado, here are five guitars for


guitarist before you get started quickly if you're interested in learning how. To find your sound on your guitar or learn more about great guitar tone, I took a video course called a tone course. It's available in the description box below and if you follow that link you'll get 20 off. tone course, so if you are interested, check it out, let's get started.
5 must have guitars for every player

More Interesting Facts About,

5 must have guitars for every player...

The first guitar on my list is pretty self explanatory and in fact most of you watching this video probably already have this guitar in their setup and it is now a good acoustic. Like many guitarists, I started with an acoustic guitar. If you're watching this video and you're thinking about buying your first guitar, I would probably recommend starting with an acoustic because it's completely self-contained, you don't need anything. To play the guitar, apart from the guitar itself, there are no amplifiers, pedals, computers, cables or anything, you just need the guitar, probably a pick and some kind of tuner, besides, no matter how far you go as a guitarist, you go until the end.
5 must have guitars for every player
To be a professional you will need an acoustic. I can't tell you how many times I've brought this guitar to sessions or used it at gigs or taken it on tour. I couldn't do my job without good acoustics. my setup now, what acoustics would you recommend? Actually, it's impossible to say. The world of acoustics is wide and vast and there are as many different shapes of acoustic guitars, wood combinations and styles as there are musicians. Almost now I made a whole video about this. topic how to find the perfect acoustic guitar last year, you can check it out here above or below in the description box below when it comes to purchasing an acoustic, I would recommend that you go to a local guitar store and talk to someone who knows what do.
5 must have guitars for every player
We're talking and just try a few things and whatever resonates with you is the guitar you should have next on my list. It is possibly the most famous and most recognizable guitar of all time and that is the strategy. Now there is no list of essential guitars. You will be complete without this, this guitar literally changed history, in fact two of the other guitars on this list changed history, but we'll get to that in just a second. 1954 Leofinder introduces the Fender Stratocaster to their lineup and music and as a result the culture was never really the same as this is truly one of the best guitar designs of all time, if not the best.
You've grown up listening to this guitar, whether you realize it or not, and for many guitarists, this is the guitar that rules them all. Many well-known and famous musicians have relied on the Stratocaster for their sound and for good reason, first of all it is simply a perfect guitar design when it is sitting on your lap, it is really comfortable, the neck is in the right place, the Body contours really, really fit. Well, it feels good, so we have the three single coil pickups and this is the Stratocaster sound. This is the main reason to have one of these guitars or a guitar like this because it is the most popular guitar of all time.
It is the most copied guitar of all time. You don't have to go to Fender to get one of these guitars or a guitar like this, but for me the important formula here is the three single coils, the bolt-on neck and the length of the fender scale, all of that in combination with the system five-way. The selector switch really is the sound. For me, my favorite part of the Fender Stratocaster is the neck pickup. In fact, I've joked that I could probably have a Stratocaster that's just the neck and it would be totally fine, but if you're not familiar. with the sound I mean this is it, I mean that sound is so famous, it is so well known and for me it is one of the best sounds in the entire world of guitar, but it is not just about the neck pickup, the bridge pickup is just as important.
It's bright and vibrant, but without being too harsh or brittle in most cases, plus it overdrives very well. It's that bridge pickup that made this such a popular guitar for rock stars of yesteryear and even today, but there's also the quintessential Strat sound that the two are. and four positions that are on the selector switch if I go to position two, I'm combining these two pickups, the bridge in the middle and if I go to selection four, I'm combining the neck and the middle and this is the sound where you get everything that thing that's super cheesy, you know, it's instantly recognizable as a Stratocaster guitar, so these guitars are incredibly versatile, they're super comfortable to play, but another reason to have one is the upgradeability, the aftermarket support for the Fender Stratocaster is huge.
Literally completely rebuild this guitar from scratch with spare parts, from pickups, switches, bridges, tuners, and even necks and bodies to build your own guitar from scratch. The guitar sound is so unique and so widely used that I think it is absolutely essential for Every guitarist out there, possibly not as famous as the Defender Stratocaster, but equally powerful and influential, is the Gibson Les Paul and in my opinion opinion, this is another essential guitar, even if it is not a Gibson brand per se, some kind of solid body with double humbuckers. Fixed neck guitar that is a combination of mahogany and maple construction, which is the Les Paul formula and really is one of the best guitar designs of all time, in my opinion, it is without a doubt one of the best sounds of guitar, especially from my point of view.
The real secret sauce behind the beauty of the Les Paul sound is the pickups, these are humbucking pickups, more specifically on this guitar I have what is called paf or patent applied for humbuckers and I made a whole video on paf which you can see here, but they are really exclusive to this guitar. seth lover was a designer and engineer at gibson in the early to mid 1950s and was looking for a solution to a problem that all single coil pickups have: they hum, they have a 60 cycle hum, and So, looking for a solution to That problem, Seth Lover and Gibson developed this pickup, the paf humbucker.
Now not all humbuckers are paf and not all Les Pauls come with paf. In fact, depending on the style of guitar you're trying to play, you might not go for a paf pickup, but for me they're my favorite. The reason I love the PAF humbuckers on a Les Paul is because of the wide range of sounds you can get with a single pickup, they have clarity and definition. and a dynamic response that I think is quite unique, so if I go to my bridge pickup here and turn the volume up halfway, they can be bright and clean and bright, but if I turn the volume up and play a little bit louder and I like the bridge pickup the neck pickup is just as versatile - you change the neck and turn the volume down and you get a nice, sweet clarity that's not muddy at all and then when you turn it up it's part of what makes this guitar unique in comparison. to something like the fender strat is the construction, it's completely different to a strat in every way, in fact in the world of solid body electric guitars it's harder to separate than the gibson les paul and the fender stratocaster, a one of the big differences is how the neck is actually attached to the body, this has what is called a fixed neck design whereas the fender had a bolt on neck and we say bolt on but it is actually bolt on, they are not bolts but also The neck angle on the guitar is different, the Gibson is angled back while the fender is angled and the scale length or distance between the bridge saddles and the nut at the top of the neck is also different.
It's different and if you're looking for one of the things to keep in mind to find a really good Les Paul for me is, first of all, the weight: the lighter the guitar for a Les Paul, I think the better, for Generally, lighter guitars will be more resonant. a little louder when played unplugged, which is good. The other thing to keep in mind with almost any style of Gibson is whether or not the headstock has been broken if you are looking for a used one. Due to the angle of this headstock, it is common for these guitars to fall off the stands or fall into a case and break somewhere in this area so if you're looking at a useless ratchet check the weight and make sure the mast hasn't been broken if it has and it's been repaired properly that's fine but it's something that you'll want to know if you're trying to get one now, if you could point out one guitar that helped musicians more than others shape a whole new style of music that then the culture as a whole has to be the fender telecaster, this is without a doubt probably the most important electric guitar design of all time, possibly one of the most popular, if not the most popular, behind the stratocaster, now, unlike the strat, the les paul and the mini acoustic, this La Guitar is pretty basic, it's very utilitarian, it's literally just a cutting board with a neck, as Brad Paisley would say now.
Obviously, Telecasters are incredibly popular with country musicians. If you know anything about the Tele, you probably think of it as a country guitar, but this one. It's probably the most versatile guitar we've talked about today and if you're looking for a guitar on this list to own or start with a solid body electric, I might recommend the Tele for a few reasons, firstly the tone. It is completely unique, it is not a strap, it is not a Les Paul, it is nothing other than a TV. Teles are known for being kind of vibrant, vibrant and bright in the bridge position and that's great for picking up chickens quickly and getting around the field cleanly, which is great.
I'm not good at it, but it's also great for rock. The clarity of that bridge pickup really helps this guitar cut through an overdriven amp and subsequently cut through a band mix on stage really well, and like Les Paul, I like the Paf bridge pickup. It cleans very, very well and stays shiny and shiny, but for me one of my favorite things about the TV is the neck pickup. Now it's a single coil pickup like a Strat neck pickup, but again the construction is different and as a result the sound is a little bit different too and then when you combine those two pickups in the middle position you get something that also It's incredibly unique, also because these guitars have a simple construction, they're incredibly robust, I mean, they're basically bombproof, they stay put.
They tune incredibly well if they're set up the right way, they're not as susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity and stuff like other guitars, I mean they really are a work in man's guitar and if you're a modder or a tweaker you'll love them. like to change things up, there's really nothing better than a Telecaster to do that like the Stratocaster. The aftermarket for the Tele is so big that this guitar isn't actually a fender. This was a piece launcher that I built about six. o seven years ago the body was made by a local luthier I painted it I put all the hardware on it I installed the pickups I assembled the neck which was also handmade by the same luthier but for all intents and purposes this is a telecaster but for me I like it Les Paul when I look for a TV.
I like to look for one that is very light and seems very resonant. The guitar makes a lot of noise when unplugged, which means the wood resonates very well. If you can find something like that, I think you've already done it. I have a really cool guitar in your hands and the last one on my list at least is a p90 guitar, literally any p90 guitar, I think it should be essential for all guitarists, this is mine, this is a novo saras j, actually I bought it, right? four years ago, if you're not familiar, p90s are this style of pickups and they're actually the oldest in terms of design of all the pickups we've talked about today before humbuckers existed paf before humbuckers existedsingle strat. telesingle coil coils the p90 essentially reigned supreme as the definitive electric guitar pickup from the early 1940s to the 1950s or so, now like the pickups on a Stratocaster or a Tele, a p90 is a pickup single coil, which means it's just a coil of wire passed around a series of magnets, but the p90s don't sound like a Strat or a Tele or a Les Paul or a 335, in fact, it's kind of unique, if you think about it. a single coil like the Telecaster bridge pickup on at one end of the spectrum and you think of a humbucker bridge pickup, at the other end of the spectrum a p90 sits right in the middle, it has the snap, articulation and sparkle of a tele single coil because it's a single coil, but it has a little more weight, a little more girth from the midrange like a humbucker does, but not as much as a humbucker and as a result a guitar like this, like mi novo, it's the most versatile guitar I have without a doubt now, if you listen to the bridge pickup you should understand what I'm talking about, it's right between a single coil and a humbucker and if you turn the volume down a little it will clean up even more .
What about the neck pickup you should be able to say that it has a unique voice and with the neck all the way up and then we can't forget the middle position. This guitar with these pickups is wonderful now if you are Les Paul.


, you can get a gold top Les Paul with p90 if you are more of a tele


, you can get a tele with p90 either way. I think the ap90 guitar is something super important and many more players should start. adopt into your own setups, so those are five guitars that I think are essential for all guitarists.
How does that compare to the guitars you own or have on your list? Let me know in the comments section below, don't forget. If you want, you can get 20 off the tone course and all my other video courses via the link and discount code below. You can also find links to my other products on my website as well as on my podcast, my second channel, everything is linked down below. in the description box below, if you haven't already, make sure to subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified when I go live and post new videos here on the channel.
Thank you all so much for watching, I hope so. I enjoyed today's video. My name is Rhett Shaw and remember there is no plan for you.

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