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5 Harry Potter Gadgets in REAL LIFE

May 11, 2020
What's up with one of the ninjas? It's Chad Wild Clay and you guys have always been talking about making Harry Potter weapons, so today we're going to buy five Harry Potter weapons,


toys, and try them out in



. In the last video you saw me crush my neighbors' cars with an army tank and many of you were wondering Chad, how did you not get arrested for doing that? Of course, we got permission to do it first and bought our neighbor two new ones. cars, one of which is his dream car, the Batmobile, look, he loves it, so our neighbor is not happy with us anymore, he is a very happy neighbor, so today we can go filming outside again next to the pool, wow! and the first Harry.
5 harry potter gadgets in real life
Potter's weapon is the Sword of Gryffindor made a thousand years ago by goblins the most skilled metal workers in the wizarding world pure silver set with rubies the stone that represents Gryffindor look what we have here Harry Potter Wizards Sword of Gryffindor all metal Godric with leather she $44.95 Yes, this looks amazing exactly like the sword in the books and movies anyway, let's order this and try it. You know, a legend persists in the goblin community that Gryffindor actually stole this sword. I don't believe it, but now I stole it. So now I have it, let's see what we have here.
5 harry potter gadgets in real life

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5 harry potter gadgets in real life...

Okay, here's the leather sheet. Good, very light. Take the sword out of the plastic. Look at this Sword of Gryffindor for a long time. I'm rolling over bubble wrap if you hear a check pop. "Look at this beauty, look at these engravings here, so we have a gem here, a lot of little gems along this thing here and on the sides here too. I'm very impressed with this sword, it's not that super sharp, but it will be ". I'll cut some things up pretty good. I think this is the second longest type I have in my gun collection.
5 harry potter gadgets in real life
I'm sure I have one that's taller than V. You probably remember that one now, since you know we always take our weapons outside and take on some fruit ninjas, but today we're going to take on some fruit Dementors, so let's see how this sword works. , but wait, I can't go out looking like this, well, I mean, I can, I mean, look at this amazing thing. shirt I have here covered in ninja weapons if you're wondering what it is it's a wild clay shirt from Chad look at this it has CWC right on the back and to go with this shirt look at this backpack that goes with my shirt you guys don't even you can see I'm wearing it look at that and look at this thing on the inside of the backpack here it has a sweet dragon with a sword approaching if you want to get this shirt or this backpack they are on sale right now click here in the corner Upper right.
5 harry potter gadgets in real life
It's going to be a little. I also linked them right there in the description below, but anyway, enough of this cool merchandise that sells like a god. Church, let's become Harry Potter. and destroy some Dementors Wow, here we go, now we're more like Harry Potter, let's grab the Sword of Gryffindor and head out. I'm Harry Potter better than me. I can't, well, your eyes are down, wow, you look like Harry Potter, Harry Potter. very wild game yeah look what I have here I have the aura of Gryffindor's sword whoa Gryffindor oh yeah oh she swings that up it cuts my face off your face it just slides down from your stand those stores aren't going to do much against my amazing leather she is now you Do that Vy Oops I guess that's not a bad spell, you cursed me, sorry, here we go, that's why I put the eyeball back.
I have to show you guys what I just found here. This hidden umbrella sword for 38 95. This thing looks cool, it actually is. a real umbrella, but then the handle comes off and the umbrella turns into a sword, so I would love to try this. I always give every video a thumbs up and if they hit it, I buy this gun and try it. let's see if this video can reach 80,000 thumbs up if this video reaches 80,000 thumbs up I'm going to buy this hidden umbrella sword and try it in real


anyway Harry Potter's next weapon is Hagrid's crossbow he is the ranger half-giant and his main weapon is the crossbow since he broke his wand when he was expelled from Hogwarts in 1943.
He sometimes kept his crossbow outside next to his door and often carried it for protection when making trips to the Forbidden Forest. Yeah, this thing looks pretty big. Wooden Bamboo Kids Toy Crossbow with Three Bolts and Quiver Sixteen Dollars and 49 Cents I like how it's made of wood, just like Hagrid's. I think those arrows look sharp enough. Let's sort this out. What do you know? Hagrid's crossbow wrapped in a bunch of plastic let's get out of here Haggard's crossbow okay here's the crossbow here's the quiver here's the bow part and here's the gun it didn't come with instructions on how to put this on it does ha there's a hole here and a hole on the right Here I'm going to go ahead and pass this over there.
I assume I just screwed it tight. I finally managed to assemble his crossbow. It looks pretty good here. There's a little trigger right down here, so what you do is you pull the rope. here, back towards the handle, you pull it back and it will go down into this little slot right here and then when you're ready to shoot, you pull the trigger and you can see a little piece of wood coming out. I'm going to make that string go here, oh, the strings will push the arrow and so, this will be great for shooting Dementors from far away, let's go ahead and take this outside, try it in real life against a water emoji.
Dementors, let's do that, what's for this one, I just want Vy to say what it is, what's this, what's that, Vy, I want you to get it right this time, the bow and arrow, no, she calls everything, crossbows , but your problem is more precise. Do you remember which character uses this crossbow from Harry Potter, of course he doesn't, no, he's really Nevil? butterbeer yeah exactly oh my god hey cool I totally knew I totally knew all the Harry Potter fans are going to be so disappointed everyone look I'm going to say oh my god you guys like Harry Potter I love Token now I'm just I mean , I'm a big fan of the world of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, yes, butterbeer, yes, what do you like best?
Do you like frozen butterbeer or do you like to just drink butterbeer? Sounds like three different varieties of butterbeer, let us know. in the comment below what's your favorite type of butterbeer these kids can't drink here isn't here Josh - oh there's butter and that doesn't make sense guys? No, I don't know why they called her that last time. you guys saw me use or really master the bow and arrow, yes, yes, which ones to sharpen. I don't know, I don't want to help you figure that out, okay, I got it, oh my gosh, I'm just going to put the camera here. right here I think it will go there perfect, it's a perfect shot and I'm going to run away, we'll see how it goes, but those were legitimate metalheads, the first ones again, a surprise and a big shout out to audible who. not only sponsored this video but also inspired it because they have all the Harry Potter audiobooks available to listen to including Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, you can, they have them all, if you're like me, I'm just super busy with all your ninja training and that's why Audible is perfect because I can listen to their audiobooks and I can feel like I'm in the book.
I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing up and their audio interpretations. They are so incredible that I feel transported to another dimension and then to the world of Harry Potter, it is almost as if I were the same Harry Potter, something like what I am today. Audible has an incredibly large library, so any book you want to listen to. there's a good chance they have it, definitely check out slash Chad wild clay and start a 30 day free trial because your first audiobook is free, check it out at slash Chad wild clay grappa, let's get it. in the next weapon, which is Bellatrix's dagger, if you remember, she held this knife to vent the throat of my knees in the spring of 1998 at Malfoy Manor after she had tortured my knee into unconsciousness, which caused Harry Potter and Ron Weasley ran to her rescue.
Found here is the Bellatrix Lestrange dagger from a noble collection as seen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, yes this thing looks identical. Wow, they like it totally handmade, to match the movie. It's perfect, let's try it in real life. It's the box of tricks. Not really, it's Bellatrix, it's almost like a little coffin, it has foam padding and red fabric lining and here we have that dagger. Wow, it's actually pretty heavy guys, super small intricate engravings don't like a skull right on that handle, very detailed, very intricate, no. Too incredibly sharp, but we'll easily fend off any Dementor with this knife.
I think you've heard of this dagger or this knife. Sometimes it's called a dagger, sometimes it's called a knife, but I'm going to call it Bellatrix's dagger because we're. I'm gonna walk swagger and walk out with it and scare away some Dementors here we go what's in the box what's in the box what's in the box Bellatrix dagger Bellatrix I don't know tricks hey tell us a really bad joke terrible check that baby Yeah, everyone makes fun of me when I say dagger, so I'm trying to say dagger because everyone makes fun of me. I'm from Minnesota.
Okay, I'm fooled and dagger. No, I can't say ready. I don't even know what it is, I mean I think they want it to say dagger within the dagger, dagger like Mick Jagger, yeah, and you know what I liked about this dagger is that it comes in this box that looks like a sleeping Bellatrix coffin in it maybe I wouldn't be surprised if she slept in a coffin this is staggered it has special powers like a flow by itself anything like you know that would have to be answered by our in-house experts on Harry Potter from start to finish On screen here I'm pointing out that there are Harry Potter ninjas, yeah, wait a second, Justin, we didn't do our kick today, no, I'd say I'd like to throw this dagger, but I don't want to ruin it, you know?
Me and my miss hit the wall, Miss Prudy, she's like a collector's item, you know, she's very, very nice, so I think we're going to go ahead and keep it up and touch a dementor or an evil ninja. Dementors are pretty insane. You, oh yeah, I think that's how you know. Dementors have been growing mustaches lately. Oh, you know, it's a new look that they've been testing pretty well. Let me ask you this. Okay, would you hurt Dementor? He taught you a lot. Oh, that was it. too fast too fast for my mentor why would you hurt the mentor? to the apprentice he's been my mentor for so long a mentor now I get it I'll slap him on the back he's right behind you all your magic tricks Harry now I'm going to betray my mentor we're demon mentors we're mentors to the mentor yeah you mess with me I cast the Aquaman spell T we were afraid our neighbors would be mad at us because he got in the bathtub so we took him out real quick in the next Harry Potter's weapon is that bell symbol, it reminds me to thank everyone the notification ninjas who have that bell symbol on and who not only have it on but they also have the bell symbol ringing because you guys get here quick, you leave comments and I give you a shout out. at the end of each video, so stay tuned for the end of this video.
I'll shout out to you guys who left comments on the last video and the next weapon we're testing out from Harry Potter is the winged catapult. one of the forbidden objects hidden inside the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Now I always wonder why they called it a catapult because where I'm from we always call it a slingshot, so in the UK, let me know in the comments below. Do they call them slingshots or catapults? I found this Beaman Marksman Laser Hawk doubling slingshot for only $9.99. This is a catapult. I guess I'll ask for it.
Let's shoot some shots, here we go, it's responsible, no, with the slingshot, whatever it's called. I'm actually really excited to use this because I always wanted one of these when I was younger and for some reason I never had one, oh yeah this is going to be fun guys so let's see if I know how to use it. Put your hand over here and this goes to your wrist or your arm because I pull back here, apply pressure like this and this will go. on my arm and give you a little extra strength so I don't have to use all the powers of my wrist, so I'll put a rock or some kind of object right in this little bag here, throw it back and into the lens, right?
OK? never do that with anything in there, it would break this very expensive camera and I don't want to do that, so let's go ahead, load this puppy up and get out, here we go, well I have something special here, what are you guys doing? call this shot blank, okay, what do you call? I thought I was at the doctor's office for a second. I thought it was like a stethoscope or something. Oh yeah, listen, that's how you talk when you're at the doctor's office. Justin, that's how it's supposed to be. to leave, I only felt a drop of rain, yes it's starting to rain, but you guys made that happen with your Harry Potter, oh yeah, raise astorm of the x-men around here or what you know, we always keep some of them in our clutches, who?
Did you know that in the UK they call this a catapult? Oh, instead of slingshots. I think that is the case. I'm actually very excited. I've never had one of these. Have you ever had one? Justin aho let you know. homemade with rubber bands, are you cool? I'm going to do a rubber band trick, I think so, so I think what we could tease is probably some Dementor emoji balloons, aha, just don't shoot yourself with that by accident, let me try again, now you're ready. Lord Voldemort has turned. in a watermelon or were you born you are a muppet now you are Swedish you are PewDiePie Justin yes Swedish Lord Voldemort beautiful work on my feet from Vy I already took out one of the Dementors emoji water balloons she has done half the work for me but I have my catapult, okay slingshot, looks like this guy already had an accident with one, I'll see if I can get the other one, I put another second eye patch on him and gouged out his eyes, now I have a special spell for that Dementor emoji that it is there.
That's good, that's good to bomb Maxima, that means to bomb your enemy, which is what I'm going to do here in a maximum way, in a maximum way, right, oh, laugh at you, that Dementor is a face really tough guy. He's been in a couple of fights, you know you're not going to get them a little meter up, you're going to have to bomb Amor hard, this is the real bombing. Oh, Mรกxima, it's okay, he's difficult to mentor, he's the strongest, yes, it seems. a work by Vy, yes, that time the magic words, the third time is the charm.
I'm just saying you know sometimes it takes three spells to take out a Dementor, those are tough Dementors and we can't do a Harry Potter weapons video without using the Harry Potter wand. So let's take a look at the 11-inch long Harry Potter wand made from Holly and possessing a phoenix feather core. The feather was donated by Dumbledore's phoenix. Yes, here we have the Harry Potter Lighting Wand for $39.50, a recreation of the famous hand-waving wand. and the light comes on, shake it again and it goes off. Let's become Harry, water. Harry wah. Harry walks, let's become Harry Potter and get the wand from him.
Look at this. It looks incredible. We have the Harry Potter wand with a illuminating tip. It comes in a nice box here. Let's open it with the wallet and the light comes on, shake it again and it turns off just fine. Look at this wand. All of you who are big Harry Potter fans, let me know if you think this is a pretty good recreation, okay? I have the batteries in one and all you have to do before you do that is there's a little button on the side of the wand here that says if you press it while the light is on it will increase and decrease the intensity of the light, like this So why don't we turn off the lights here?
You can see what it looks like. Alright guys, here we go. I'm going to back up a little here. I'm going to put my wand there, come on and now look at this. I hope you guys saw that, okay, I'll have to do that again. I think I've understood it for a long time. I'm going to move my wand up and now be careful with my waifu's power. Let's try one more. Here we go. A big scream. To all the early notification ninjas leaving these amazing comments. I'm shouting out your comments below, ones I thought were just funny, really funny, or just really nice.
Thank you very much for them and a big greeting. for audible, make sure to get your free audiobook at, drag the chat while the clay link is in the description because not only will you receive a free book, but you will also be supporting this channel by doing so. Thank you very much if you wish. this shirt, yes I'm back with this awesome gun covered shirt, it's the CWC shirt, if you want that organization let this dumb CWC backpack go ahead and check out this link right there, also link below if you haven't seen this. video but definitely check it out if you're not subscribed to me, what are you waiting for if you're not subscribed to V?
There's a few more things that she and I do or run her channel, a lot of collaborations and challenges and fun stuff and So here's another really awesome Fruit Ninja video. I'll see you very soon with a new video.

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