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5 Basic Fundamentals Of Life And Success | Jim Rohn Motivation

Apr 09, 2024
Now what I would like to give you is what I believe are the five main pieces of the puzzle of


. The five main pieces of the puzzle of


. If we can study each of the pieces and then put them all together, chances are it will work well. just so much better Mr. Show gave me a simple formula when I first met him let me give it to you he said there are usually about half a dozen things that make eighty percent of the difference there are about half a dozen things about wealth about half a dozen things about health that can give you the 80 percent solution to the problem, so Mr.
5 basic fundamentals of life and success jim rohn motivation
Shoaf said be a student of those half dozen


things, good advice,


is not doing extraordinary things,


It is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well, so if you learn to do them well, the key is things learn to speak well the poor can speak and the rich can speak it seems that the rich speak better learning to speak is called survival learning to speak well is called success so let me give you what I think are fundamental pieces to life and um we From there, here's the first philosophy, philosophy in very simple terms is simply what you know and what you know greatly affects how your life develops.
5 basic fundamentals of life and success jim rohn motivation

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5 basic fundamentals of life and success jim rohn motivation...

We could also add what you don't know greatly affects how your life unfolds. The idea you missed could be the missing number when trying to put the numbers in the lock, so what you don't know will hurt you. To correct an old cliché and correct another. Ignorance is not happiness. It is important to know that it is important to obtain the. information now we do something very important with what we know we weigh it that's another good word we weigh everything before we do it before we buy it before we try it make sure you weigh it everything you're ready to do you can decide if it's a major or a minor and you don't want to give minor things do your time you don't want to give something insignificant significant amounts of your energy so we just use the phrase long before you pay sophisticated people learn to weigh everything and what All we need is a good set of mental scales to weigh everything .
5 basic fundamentals of life and success jim rohn motivation
What if you had information and your mental abilities were turned off and things insignificant to you were significant? Wouldn't that be a major disadvantage for the rest of your life when you weigh something? important things weighed unimportant we would call it a big disadvantage so it is very important to weigh everything properly and that is the reason for sermons, songs, lyrics, lectures, seminars, conversations, professors and teachers , it's one of the reasons why we confirm that we talk to each other and debate and think and reflect and perceive and weigh and try to figure out where the values ​​are because you don't want to go ahead and give large parts of your life to something that is insignificant. , OK?
5 basic fundamentals of life and success jim rohn motivation
We obtain information, weigh it, and then come to conclusions about values. The big question when it comes to forming your life. Where are the values? What is important? What should weigh heavily on my mind? And you should dedicate a lot of time, a lot of energy and a lot of money to it. Trump told me Bad thinking habits keep most people poor, not because of work habits. Most people work hard but don't think much. They don't use their mind to really try to perceive where the values ​​are so as not to waste time. It is easy.
Spending much of your life on insignificant things is one of the main pieces of life's puzzle. What you think about knowledge. How do you weigh it? The conclusions you reach. The values ​​you have perceived. Think if you really want to help someone change their life you have to start changing their mind, change their philosophy, change the way they think, someone says well only


will do and the answer is no


, it won't work. If a guy is an idiot, then you motivate him, you have a motivation. idiot, say no, that's not what's needed now, it's very easy to make errors in judgment, errors in judgment now that teaching people, even after they've finished school, at University College, they must read at least one or two books a week, it's easy when you get out of school well and get a job to let all that go, not continue with the learning process, but if you don't continue with the learning process, many values ​​become confusing if you don't you keep trying to perceive. what is important, what is not important and then start spending a lot of effort on minor things, so we have to keep learning.
What would happen if a guy spent his book money on Donuts? We would call it very mentally private. In 10 years, the guys bought two tons of donuts and only two books, mostly with correct pictures, and wonder why their life is not working out well, because after leaving school they did not maintain the flow of ideas that can help you refine your business and help refine your decisions and help. you come to better conclusions you have to keep up the learning curve even after you have finished school to ensure you don't make errors in judgment the reason most people end up average at 40 instead of rich is simply a misjudgment about what to do with your money.
What would you suggest a 15 year old start as a plan to do with his money so that by 40 he will be rich instead of average? I have a good plan, right? If you start winning. Early mistakes with your money Those mistakes can make your life mediocre instead of rich, end up with pennies instead of fortune, and want to end up with crumbs instead of a feast simply because you made mistakes early about what to do with your money. The guy says, well, it's only ten dollars, so what does it matter what he does with it? And the answer is that that's when it really matters, that's when you don't have much.
The guy says, "Oh, if I had a fortune, I'd really drink well." Take care of it, but I only have one paycheck, so I don't know where it goes. We call those big errors of judgment. It is very important to make sure you have a good plan when the amounts are small, but it is easy to achieve. mistakes it is easy not to know it is easy to miscalculate and if you miscalculate some things keep adding and adding and adding I have a good phrase for you life is accumulated good phrase to know that life is cumulative our mistakes accumulate in what we do not obtain or Our wise decisions accumulate into what we get now.
The key is to correct the mistakes as soon as possible. Luckily, Mr. Show caught me when he was 25 and started asking me important questions at age 25. He said Mr. Owen, how long have you been working and me? He said I've been working six years. I started working when I was 19. He said well, six years, how much money have you saved and invested in the last six years? I told him no, none, he said who sold you on that plan? Wow, six years. Now is enough time to check and see if you have a good financial philosophy and the time to catch mistakes is early, so Mr.
Show started asking me those tough questions at age 25. Fight your money, how about your resources? Investments and you say, well, I have a lot of time to worry about that and worry about it later and the answer is probably not Now is the time to fix it wherever I hear the good information, that's the time to start fixing it, so we are. Teaching children now a good philosophy of wealth starting at age 50 15 will make you rich at age 40. 45 at the latest If you are a little slow at doing wise things with your resources, when would you suggest that people should do wise things with their resources? respond as soon as they get the best information now you can't do what you don't know but the key is to keep learning so that good ideas keep coming to you now you can do wiser things okay but philosophy is where it's all at. start what you know now to know Wise things you just have to study as you go keep reading keep the conversations keep listening to lectures keep reviewing the information keep hiding it taking notes, there is no better way to adjust your philosophy than to have a continuous flow of ideas but that's the first piece of the puzzle of life philosophy now here's philosophy number two determine attitude attitude is simply how you feel first what you know set the sale of your life now how you feel begin get you there attitude now there's all kinds of ways to feel good you can feel good or you can feel bad here's an attitude if this is all you pay I won't be early and I won't stay late at work that's an attitude right if this is all you pay , I don't come early and I don't stay late now.
Do you think you would maintain that attitude for the rest of your life? Do you think that attitude would greatly affect your life as the years went by? unfolding the response is overwhelming of course, it's another attitude, no matter what they pay, I always arrive early and always stay late to invest in my own future, isn't that attitude fascinating? It's a choice, you can choose to arrive early or you can choose. to be late you can choose to leave early or you can choose to stay late attitude is a matter of choice now to make an intelligent decision we need educated attitudes emotions should go to school to learn where values ​​are good good phrase emotions let's school when kids are little, right, a three-year-old, you know, falls to the ground, kicks and screams, we say, well, that's okay when you're three, but it's not okay when you're 30.
Just when you were a little boy. true, you can retaliate and hit someone, but when you're 23 we say no, no, you have to learn now to take that emotion and send it to school and find out where the values ​​are. It's okay to feel strong, but you have to do it. learn to control yourself in a society if you want life to go well for you, so attitudes now become a matter of educated choice, educated choice, but how we feel will largely determine how our life works now, it's how you You feel about a variety of things, let me give you list number one, is how you feel about the past now, when you're young, you don't have much of a past to feel about, but I'm sure you've had some ups and downs. some victories and defeats, so part of our attitude is based on how we feel about the past some people still carry the burdens of the past they are affected by some difficulties some losses whatever they carry it as a burden instead of using it the past as a school they are using it as a threat to their life, so part of this is resolving the attitude about the past, how you feel about it, number two, is how you feel about the future, facing the future, a key part very important of our in life now there are two ways to face the future here is an anticipation that is one way to face the future anticipation here is the other way apprehension now most people face the future with apprehension mainly because they bought the vision someone else's future doesn't have their own well-designed future, so in the absence of having your own well-designed future, you have a tendency to be persuaded to buy into someone else's future, this is what's going to happen, this is what's going to happen.
Come on, boy, it's easy to let your days get clouded by all that, so some days, at some point you have to start making up your mind about how you feel about the future and how you feel about it largely determines what you do if you don't feel good about the future by having set goals, you take what we call uncertain steps it's hard to be confident in the day if you don't have your future well laid out so here's one of the key things you should do regarding your future set goals write them down the future where you want to go what you want to do What do you want to be?
What do you want to see? What do you want to have? What do you want to share? Even if everything changes in 12 months, the key is to start making a list now of the cities you want to visit and the people. you would like to achieve your health goals your investment goals all of that start writing it down put it in a journal somewhere and let everything change as time goes by something you think is very important right now in two years you will say that It was Kinda silly, how did I think that was so important?
Because you will grow beyond that, but right now it is important to have as clear a picture as possible of the future. Set your dreams. Set your goals because it is important how. the day goes by is largely determined by your confidence in the future now here is another attitude it is what you feel for each other it is what you feel for the society and the community of the country is very important it is not that difficult to be cynical and Cynicism greatly influences how your life works, but it is also important to understand that if you want it to do well, it takes all of us helping each of us. good phrase, it takes all of us to help each of us do well.
It's hard to find a rich hermit You can't be successful on your own You need to market You need a partnershipwe need each other's ideas we need each other's collective ideas Collective market participation Society okay so how we feel about each other is very important now here's the biggest one is how you feel about yourself how you feel about yourself self esteem understand your own strange value begins to develop for you who have the brain you have the talent all you need is instruction all you need is some training all you need is help all you need is some advice some experience yeah you are going the wrong way, hopefully, someone has already been on that road where the bridge is and comes back saying don't go any further on this road, the bridge.
It's gone, so we take someone else's advice and say wow, I'm glad you came. I am following this path, so I will learn from other people's experiences and collect all the ideas so that we can feel good about ourselves and now, mainly, self-esteem. comes from engaging in the disciplines that lead toThe value of self-esteem comes from engaging in the disciplines that lead to value. We do not lack potential, but to generate value from potential we need the disciplines. Now one of the main things that makes us feel good about ourselves is not participating in the disciplines.
If you keep letting go or just hum it and let it go, then you don't feel good about yourself like the ant philosophy. The right to feel good about yourself do the best you can. Gather as much as you can during the summer we call. that the philosophy of ants ants do not settle for half, they go for everything they can do the best they can is the greatest increase in self-esteem is to do the best they can, okay, then attitude plays such a role important in the five pieces of the puzzle of life now, what is the next number three versus philosophy, the second is attitude philosophy and attitude determine the activity the activity is what you do key phrase success is a doing in Actually now you have to do it seems as if God designed but most of the value of our life depends less on our own mental genes.
You have to decide what you want to become, then you just have to do it and engage in the now, now disciplines that are so important. How hard should you work when? you prepare to work when you prepare to try to succeed in the market you spend how hard you should work well let me give you a phrase from the Old Testament for you to consider it says six days of activity one day of rest now that's called a philosophy about correct activity What should be the proportion of rest activity? ​​The Old Testament suggests 6-1. Now I know that goes back a long time.
Some people say no, six, six, one the old fashioned way, five two, is better. Well, you have to take a look at five two and see if. okay, you don't just want to buy into someone's philosophy without seeing if it leads to fortune and if it leads to unique and wonderful things, it's probably good, but you have to check if 5'2 is okay, that would be four or three. better I don't know you have to review everything I do know this good phrase don't rest too much I have a good point for you make rest a necessity not an objective the objective of life is not to rest the objective of life is to achieve growth growth full achievement total just the outer limits of your abilities that's what life is about look at everything you can do that's what life is about look what you can do with the seasons in the soil and the seed look what you can do with your brain look what you can do with your talent and your gifts and your abilities that's what life is about look what you can do now we need to rest but you must make rest a necessity not a goal if you make it a goal you start to fall into what We call it the average syndrome, right people who live mediocre lives are always wanting to get ahead successful people are always wanting to get ahead successful people don't want to get out they want to get on they want to get on with the job they only get enough rest to gather their strength so consider that in your argument in your debate about how hard you should work, let me give you another biblical philosophy.
My parents made sure that I was a good scholar when I was 18 years old. I'm a Bible buff, but here's another good philosophy. Whatever your hands find to do currently, do it with all your might. Whatever you are doing, do it with all your mind. We call that philosophy of activity. How hard should you work as hard as you can? in the time allotted to work in leadership management conferences we teach when you work you work when you play you play you don't play at work and don't work at play correctly make the most of your time when you're working, spend it and when you're playing, have fun, but don't play at work, okay, so activity is a very important piece in this lifelong puzzle at work, so you have to test how hard you can work, part of this is physical, your own physical limitation. people can take 14 hours no problem, some people tend to stretch their physical limitations, so everyone has to decide how hard they can work and how much time they can dedicate when they come to college.
Workload you can handle How many classes can you take? How much can you unravel? How many hours of study do you need? How much effort do you have when you are going to run out of gas and need to replenish the supply so that we can all We have to study our own activity habits, but let me give you what I think is the best philosophy: just do the best you can, inactivity, We call it doing your best. A man asked me one time and said I'm making about fifty thousand dollars. One year is not enough, what would you say to someone?
A businessman told me that my children are not starving and that I have already paid my bills and that we are doing quite well and that I am making about fifty thousand. dollars a year is not enough he asked me what do you think I told him I told him yes it is enough if it is the best you can do we did not call a sufficient amount we called the best you are enough I said if you are able to earn half a million dollars a year and you make fifty thousand dollars a year we call you a loser and we don't call you a loser for the difference between fifty and a half million we call you a loser because you're not doing your best if you do your best and you make ten thousand a year that's enough if You do the best you can and you make a million dollars a year that's enough it's not the difference between ten thousand and a million enough it's just doing the best you can that's the key to a good life when the day is done if you say yes I did the best I could and if I'm not doing the best I could, why not?
I have some mistakes in My Philosophy that says, "Hey, half the effort is fine, just move on." quite a hermit cross your fingers and everything will work out, hopefully say no, I don't want to take those kinds of risks, I don't want to get sidetracked, okay, so the activity just puts a big question mark on the activity and says Here's a important piece of life to keep checking to make sure I'm doing the best I can that's all I need to do the best I can a group of psychiatrists asked me to come give a lecture for them in Los Angeles once, which I thought interesting since I only went to one year of college and then in the middle of my lecture I had the audacity to say, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you what I think affects the mind the most.
They said: what do you think affects the microphone the most? I said: I think what affects the mind the most is simply doing less than you can creates all kinds of psychic problems doing less than you can guess when you really feel good about yourself when you've done the best you can you don't even have that earning full price if you do your best we call it the most to earn by doing your best wow there's nothing like the growing self-confidence that comes from putting what we call full effort into anything you do is called total effort philosophy activity attitude leads to result number four and that's what life is all about: putting the first three together good philosophical attitude High activity to get the last thing called results I have a good phrase for you results is the name of the game now the challenge of the life is a very simple phrase Let me tell you I'm telling you, I think you'll find it interesting at least Reflect on the challenge of life is to make measurable progress in a reasonable time first we don't want to be unreasonable with time if you and I agree do something five minutes later I ask you how you are you say I haven't left the building yet you can't ask in five minutes five minutes is too soon that's not reasonable now if I don't ask you in five years we call it too late you can't wait five years and you can't spend five minutes well, we all have to learn what is a reasonable time to expect someone to progress, grow, change, develop, so we all have to learn especially.
If you are going to become leaders, entrepreneurs, if you are going to have administrative responsibilities and work with people, you need to understand what a reasonable time is. We don't want to be unreasonable with time, but this is what we expect from measurable progress. in a reasonable amount of time how many years should the child spend in fourth grade approximately one you say well if they are good children you would give them three or four you say no you cannot spend four years in fourth grade it is unacceptable we put the family pressure on them that we put on the pressure of Peers right, we put all kinds of pressure on you, you can't spend four years in fourth grade now, wouldn't it be interesting if we applied the same kind of peer pressure all our lives?
What would be acceptable? to society to have smart investments made before the age of 30, so that you can truly take proper care of yourself and your family, we have somehow overlooked those standards, shouldn't it be popular to be rich at 40? years? If we look at someone who at 45 is not at least financially independent and says: Where have you been in Tibet or Bangladesh? You've probably spent, you mean you've been here all this time, shouldn't we make it a little unacceptable? well in what we call a reasonable time, but what would happen if a man spent his potential fortune on non-essential things from the age of 15 to 45?
Shouldn't we call that unacceptable? Teenagers asked their parents why we are not rich, we live in a rich country, this is America, aren't those good questions? How about the wisdom of a good plan versus a bad plan? What if a man were a farmer and ate his corn seed instead of planting it, he ate it? Wouldn't we arrange to go find his children and tell them that the children are not safe, the man is crazy, he eats his seed corn, not plants it. Wow, I just offer that as an interesting question, if we make such pressure demands for fourth grade, why shouldn't we? we make those same pressure demands for the rest of our lives interesting question true, good question debatable now part of it is that society simply relaxes us in terms of the continuous demand for results, but this is what I would ask you to do: make the demands on yourself I'm asking you not to get off the hook Society will allow you to get by on much less than you want when you leave college Approximately how many books will the community require you to read each month?
If you're going to read more, guess what you have to develop that philosophy and put that pressure on yourself, but what I'm asking you to do is take a good look at the results. Now, another reason why we look at the results. at age 25 results at age 30 on a wide variety of things health and wealth and culture and sophistication and lifestyle and uniqueness we keep reviewing all those results here we explain why to see if there are any errors in the activity guess how easy What it means to make mistakes in activity is easy, which we teach in our leadership series.
Don't confuse movement with achievement. Boy, sometimes it's easy to fool yourself by being busy. Boys are busy 10 hours a day but it's going in a figure eight. The boy is not progressing. He is stuck but he is. busy and he thinks being busy will do it. Say no, you have to be busy doing the right things, so maybe you need to fix your activity, maybe you need to fix your attitude, who knows the guy who says that since they don't pay well, I come late and leave early? We say John, that will affect you your whole life and you probably have the results to prove it or maybe we need a correction of the philosophy, that's why we check the results now, here is the last piece of the puzzle of life, it's called lifestyle. life, lifestyle is simply how you choose to live we call it lifestyle The genius of living well now this is what is exciting about lifestyle as a theme of one of the main pieces of the puzzle of life that we can all choose, especially in This country, we can all choose how we want to live, guess what you can get for your money, joy oranimosity, however you want to live, a father takes a ten dollar bill, crumples it up and throws it to his son and says: if you need those damn things, take it, we call it money. without style the father has the money but he doesn't have the style he studied economics but he didn't study happiness so let me give you the phrase happiness is an art, not an accident some people have figured things out economically but they haven't.
I did not discover the lifestyle to live well culture is a study it is not an amount someone says if you have a certain amount of money you will be cultured nances not cultured it is a study cultured culture is a refinement of the Mind to be cultured you must study culture and practicing culture money doesn't solve the cultural challenge money doesn't solve the happiness challenge to be happy you have to study and practice happiness and Mr. Shelf taught me all the simple ways to get joy from substance a sophisticated gentleman knows that a rose on time is more valuable than a thousand dollar gift too late it's not the amount that counts it's the genius that counts it's the ideas that count, so this is what I challenge you to do: how to be happy with what you have while pursuing what you want and I'll give you time to take note of that sentence because I think it's very important to finish it, you should be happy with what you have while pursuing what you want, so I would challenge you to the last piece of the puzzle of life find ways to live uniquely now if you look at your life in these five pieces that is why I ask you to review these notes again how am I doing in philosophy? things I don't know am I making some errors in judgment that won't lead to any good ending three years from now five years from now key phrase ten years from now you'll get to the question is where good question where and move on -up is Now's the time to fix the next 10 years now is the time to fix the next 10 years and hopefully with the discussion of these five topics we have given you some insights at least from my experience and I hope I have done a little bit of training today here and can take these issues and debate them and talk about them and think about them and they will help. you alive in the future

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