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45 Minutes of Joe Lycett on Would I Lie to You? | Would I Lie To You?

May 04, 2024
to relax is to see someone rapping the presence on my computer? Well, ever since I was a kid I've had this strange, strange feeling when I look at people with Bits of Paper particularly where I feel this beautiful tingle in the back of my head and I remember when my grandmother was doing some paperwork and she licked her finger and He turned a page and made me feel really lovely. The saddest thing is the thought that when you used to go to your grandparents' house as a child, she used to do her paperwork while you were there, mine used to take me out, maybe they made lunch.
45 minutes of joe lycett on would i lie to you would i lie to you
Joe is coming along brilliantly, he has some receipts to look over. So do you think what you were saying, John, is that because of the years of neglect that Joe suffered when he was a child, he has come to substitute love for paperwork? It's kind of relaxing, it's like having a massage instead of something sexual it's not an opening I understand I understand a video of someone receiving a gift and watching The Joy watching someone break a gift Can you see who opens it or does it just get wrapped and that's the final? Couldn't you be okay, David, who else


you like to ask?
45 minutes of joe lycett on would i lie to you would i lie to you

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45 minutes of joe lycett on would i lie to you would i lie to you...

She is the best, she gives the best impression of you and how did you find out about this. I walked into the production team on the floor two floors down from my studio and she was in the middle of RP, she was rapping and then I just remind you who said what she was in the middle of the impression, right, okay, so she works on the beam, yeah, she's a researcher, right, okay, so she was imitating you, yeah, behind your back. I really took liberty at one point, laughing and you rewarded her by hitting her, not hitting her, sorry, you rewarded her by putting her on your show, that wasn't my show, it was his show, so she read a little bit of your show. newsletter yes on her show her idea oh it was her idea she's a little imp isn't she so what


the introduction be?
45 minutes of joe lycett on would i lie to you would i lie to you
I mean, I'm trying to think now and I listen to you every day, of course, I do the introduction is this is BBC news on the date I'm Moira Stewart, good morning. I'm really having a panic attack because my kids are late for school and that's the part Charlotte did. If possible. I think it would be difficult to imitate Moira's voice. No, don't root for Rob, no, try it, okay, I'll try, but if it doesn't work, you may never do Ronnie Corbin again. I'm out, no, that's too good for this, and what about Lee? Lee, yeah, tell us how you got into judo in the first place, well how does someone get into judo?
45 minutes of joe lycett on would i lie to you would i lie to you
I was watching Kung Fu Panda and thought and dismissed kung fu. My children loved it and decided to take up martial arts. They decided to study in Judah, so I took my children to Judah and it was something that brought them together. I said okay, they said come on dad, do it, so I joined the adult class. They did the children's class. How many weeks are you? I've been going to Judia, I'd say I've been through about 30 lessons, so it's like a weekly run Judo class, but how does the tournament work well afterwards? It's just that it's the same day as the class or yes, so we do it every week.
We have a class and then he told all the men and women in the class and he said who he is. Charlotte no, I haven't gotten to Charlotte yet, I haven't gotten to Charlotte yet, so I thought it was her. your judo instructor is she is she is she is yes but he said let me finish I said I said tournament tournament it's over I said I'll do a tournament when you have a sex change partner then she said said next week we'll be Let's have a uh let's go to have a small tournament among yourselves.
I thought it would all be a bit of fun, so I showed up the next week ready for my tournament and arrived a little early. I left the kids go out, but the adult class starts a little later and I saw the pub coming up and I was chatting to the other guy, one of the dads, okay, so they're both in their judo gear, yeah , what's it called? the white dress, wow, she came to bowl, so she came to bowl. I said bowling is next door and why is she in the pub? Because she's looking for us and we're a little late.
Oh, you know what really happened. It was her? We're a little late, yeah, what is she? In reality, she is walking through the pub. We were actually at the bar, looking out the window, having an art in chat, and we literally saw someone just walking by, going, and then walking in. pub and tell us why you two know the star students, you obviously know you were going to do it, that's not how it works in martial arts, it's not just the star students who get respect, ah, they're all the same and what's your favorite move in Judo? because Judo.
It's filled with a wide variety of poses and which one really makes Lee think? You had to narrow it down to your six or seven favorites. I think it's probably Tepanyaki, sorry, it's a starter, isn't it okay? That's the The funny thing is that all the Judo moods are named after the dishes I made, the serak sushi and the weird, you won't believe it, the noodles if you want to demonstrate some movement, the clue is yours if you feel that That would help you prove your point. So what you do is, I mean, what would you like to see?
Well, first of all, your opening stance. Okay, don't do it backwards. An example of movement. Rob, come here. I'll show you. I'll show you. You never in a million years started it, you started this Ro, remember a minute ago when you said quit? You're regretting that, aren't you? It is not like this? How well you taught St right there, so what will you do? the first, the first move, you bow to him, Rob, for God's sake, take it or he'll kill you, not you, so if you get it, come here Ryan Ryan, you take a lapel like this, yeah, you'll take a lapel like this , yes that's fine. go ahead like this, yeah, don't you dare and then you get like that and then you lean in and then you feel it Rob, they just said in my ear, are you okay, Rob?
I'm a BA-nominated actor, so we need an answer David's team is Charlotte Joe's comforting stranger, Moira's impersonating sidekick, or Lee's martial arts teacher, well, let's get Le off the dumb path. Come here and say yes, well I did it, it doesn't sound like much, but it was a good movie. He checks EAS, right? I think it's more, I think Jo Joe is a strange Mark, but I don't know what you think, John, I think it's Moira, yeah, I think we think it's Moira, I think on base. that Lee has proven to be able to push Rob and that's nothing at the same time it's not much of who I am just the wrapping thing that's so confusing like something I think I'm going to pretend I have I never heard it let's go get Moira we'll go by Moira, the impersonation, the first news.
Okay, Charlotte, could you reveal your true identity? My name is Charlotte and Joe watches my videos to relax one night. Thank you very much, Charlotte, okay.

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