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3 Mario Games - 3 Times the Glitches...

Jun 07, 2021
Hey guys, uhd is finally here to bring you a new episode of Game Breakers, this time Super Mario 3D All-Stars. This amazing title for Switch comes with three incredible 3D Mario


. Super Mario 64 Sunshine and Galaxy. So I'm here to show five.


you can make in each of the


Nintendo didn't really bother to clean up these games, so almost all


from the original releases are still possible, from going out of bounds, messing up the game's texture storage, breaking physics and everything a lot more, so let's start with Super Mario 64, a really cool one that you can do a lot of levels, some will have these little boxes that you can pick up and take out some coins instead of doing that, although just choose pick up the box and crouch to put it back down, a countdown has just started which will make the box disappear after 30 seconds just before you do so and while flashing, pick up the box again if you did this within the last few frames of the box still generated.
3 mario games   3 times the glitches
Once you've done the glitch, you'll see the effect shortly after you start walking away, the box will disappear from Mario's hands and he'll start containing nothing or random textures from other objects that were loaded into memory that you can hold. a wide variety of things like a goomba, a coin that stops randomly when spinning the animation and little things like this bubble, the fun ends when you take damage, grab a ledge or throw the item. Fortunately, there are boxes on other levels. Womp's fortress has one. You can fix the problem, but it takes a long time to know if you have it or not.
3 mario games   3 times the glitches

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3 mario games 3 times the glitches...

I'm guessing this box stays loaded in memory for a good portion of the level, since half the fight of making it in this world is getting far enough. far away to really see any effect, if you make it this far the box will eventually disappear, you can start holding other things. I couldn't keep it for long, but I ended up holding an entire platform of the fortress at one point. which was pretty cool, but quickly changed to a small drifting cloud of smoke. The sand land also has a box and luckily you will see the effects of it almost immediately after you take it out.
3 mario games   3 times the glitches
I managed to hold the head of a pokey that was right behind. with me with matching flashing animations and all, while this bug doesn't have much real use, it's definitely one of my favorites since you can get a lot of fun results. The best advice I can give you if you are having trouble timing the The box grip starts a synchronized timer when you put the box down and just when it reaches 30 seconds, pick it up again. It worked for me as I got a few of the boxes on my first try. I enjoy sticking to this theme of holding strange objects.
3 mario games   3 times the glitches
Why not hold Mario's hat while you run around the level in Bomb Battlefield? Approach this red-winged cat box and open it. Don't pick it up, but leave it there against the wall and when it starts to disappear. the box will respawn again and this time open it and pick up the first lid while this animation plays the other wing lid should land right on


making this


now just holding the wing lid in his hand permanently , it never will. put it on this creates some interesting visuals as you run around the map doing whatever you do, the wing cap theme still plays and you can still take flight by triple jumping or launching yourself out of a cannon, it obviously looks very strange to see Mario holding his hat like this while sliding when the power runs out, Mario will still hold his normal cap like before, it's not as interesting as the brimmed cap, but it's still something you could never do before.
There are also some interesting side effects when you try and Grab objects, they just disappear I guess, because technically Mario is already holding one object, so it makes the other one invisible, but he's still holding it anyway. The bombs are also strange because when you pick them up, they still emit smoke even though you can't see them, but when they're supposed to explode, they don't. Mario simply stops holding the object and you take no damage. I'm not sure why they don't, but the bomb eventually went back in. An interesting way I grabbed another wing cap I found is one of the only ways to correct this problem and jumped into the barrel.
I was flying over the top of the mountain and a bomb appeared out of nowhere and exploded almost as if it had disappeared. Before the explosion I stored the bomb and something I did while flying brought it back. I don't really have an explanation for this whole sequence and I don't even know how I triggered it to appear there of all places anyway while there are cat wing boxes and other levels the bomb on the battlefield seems to be the only place where you can do this glitch thanks to this wall, the lid stops sliding everywhere, allowing us to collect two at the same time, other levels don't really have this as they just have a mind of their own, regardless of another fun visual glitch that's easy to do and gives you some interesting results.
In the next one, you may have heard of going up to the castle with only 16 stars as soon as you collect 15. mips, the rabbit will appear in the basement, chase it until you catch it and a star will appear. You don't actually have to pick it up, though just carry it to the exit door as if you were leaving the basement. Push Mario. against the door and hold it slightly to the right so it starts sliding along it, pay attention to the shadows being cast as they will disappear when you reach the edge of the door, when you hold down either zr or zl, Mario will duck and explode. inside the door you are on the right path and now all you have to do is turn around while crouching and get up without moving the control stick, pick it up, turn it around and place it on the other side of the door now just make it Mario goes through the door and you can go back to pick up the mips on the other side.
We have to do this clip one more time on the 30 star door and it's a very similar technique: pushing mario against the door. The door slides to the right and once the shadow disappears, crouch, Mario will reappear inside the door and you can run inside and enter the terrible docks. We need to collect a star here so we can move the painting back, so grab one and you'll be able to enter Bowser in the sea of ​​fire, throw them at a bomb, grab the key and boom, you're done, you can't actually get out the door. of the stars, since you still need 30 stars to open it, so you have to do it. enter dire dire docs or bowser pause again and select exit to end up back in the main area of ​​the castle, go up the stairs and you are free to enter the key and go up the stairs with only 16 stars, this bug is usually used .
The speed runs to complete the entire game with only 16 stars, but you can't do a long jump back in this version of the port, so this is where the problem ends, unfortunately it's still a fun problem and being able to access these levels. early is a good advantage while you are still up there is another mistake we can make on a high tall mountain as soon as you land on the level turn on this small block you want to run and long jump on this wall while you are slightly towards the The left side of this block points to this spot on the wall, and if you got the position right, Mario will simply go through the wall and land in the water on the other side.
Be careful not to swim too far in or just fall to your death, so once the camera cooperates, you can take a look around. It's cool to see the level from this way, as you can see parts you're never supposed to see once you're done admiring the view, although swim up to this corner as soon as it looks like you'd fall, you'll be randomly transported to this patch of water up again once the camera decides not to do this, you'll notice that you're up in a different part of the level for some reason in that corner. of Bounds transports you here allowing you to reach the upper parts of the mountain much faster, so if you are running the game at full speed or just don't want to climb the lower parts of the mountain every time you enter the level, try this. one out of the final bug in mario 64 i wanted to show something weird you can do with bowser in the first of his stages bowser in the dark world get to the boss fight and take him to the edge throw him so he just jumps back to the stage but while this is happening , we must grab its tail while it is still in the air.
I did it by doing a side jump, but there are other ways anyway once you successfully catch it and fall back to the ground. you need to throw it at a bomb once you do the bows will be sent flying across the map much further than it's supposed to. That's not all, although he will try to jump back onto the stage, he will fall short as he is too far away and then magically. Go back to the center of the arena, the whole sequence is just interesting. I guess grabbing his tail while he's still in the air ruins his momentum and getting hit by a bomb just releases some of that stored movement, so this is the result.
It's also strange. which doesn't count as defeating him either, I guess he didn't land back on the stage after hitting a bomb, so the game couldn't carry out the ending sequence and the fact that they brought him back to the stage allowed him to have a second life, I had no idea this bug existed before researching this video, so maybe you guys didn't know about this one switching to Super Mario Sunshine either. Let's start with a pretty fun one to play with after unlocking Yoshi and heading to episode 2. from pinna park, get on yoshi, walk towards monty mole and once you get close he will start throwing bombs, try not to touch them on absolute and after four bombs come out, quickly spray them with yoshi before one explodes with these four platforms, monty will. he throws another one, so he jumps off yoshi, sprays the bomb and tries to pick it up.
This can be tricky as it disappears in a matter of seconds, but if you manage to grab it, the fun begins. Monsieum is never supposed to drop a fifth bomb, but since we cheated the game with yoshi, now you will have one with some interesting properties, your movements will be skewed, like jumping, running and even standing still will make mario slide everywhere, It's fun to play with and just a clear overall visual glitch when you're done dropping on the shore, you can just triple jump to activate this. Mario now jumps incessantly in the air, causing him to constantly rise.
You can go up as far as you want. gives you a great view of delfino island, the low resolution worlds around the island and some glitchy textures that you are never supposed to see when you have reached a comfortable altitude you can throw the bomb which will go straight down and then mario will begin On your descent you can get some final views of the whole place and finally land back on solid land or water, but yeah, it's one of my favorite glitches in this game and it's pretty easy to pull off, so enjoy it below, it's an equally great failure.
This time we only need to be in Delfino Plaza, but we need to equip the rocket nozzle and run towards the blue coin hut, stand outside the door, as close to the wall as you can and charge the rocket nozzle right when you take off. Go ahead, if you have the correct position, the sea will appear inside the cabin room, but with this height, if we dive, you will pass through the wall and immediately notice the bug in action. The marlin returns to Delfino Plaza with buildings, land and other textures. completely gone, the collision is still there, so you can run and explore as usual.
All objects, such as fruits and shiny sprites, are still loaded, but you can't reach them any easier. Using this bug can be a bit difficult. some


, but hey, that's why you have the rocket nozzle, just shoot it into the sky and dive into any area you want. Once you've had enough, you can reset the effects of this bug by entering a world normally in episode 3 of the mysterious delfino hotel in Serena Beach is a pretty long and complicated glow, you have to run through all these room beams of hotel and it can be a headache, but we can skip all that and go straight to the pool room with the shine, how with the banana, of course, grab one. from the stand in the lobby and head up to the third floor with the jet nozzle out, push mario's back against the pool wall to make him face forward, now hold r to put mario into side step mode, Press a to jump back. hold and just when Mario is at the top of his spin, press y to throw the banana, if you time it right you'll go through the wall inside the pool room with the glow, saving you a lot of time in all thisepisode if you don't.
I don't want to skip the mission, although you can use this trick to go through walls basically anywhere you want, just repeat holding r pressing a holding the control stick in the direction of the wall and pressing and I don't think there are any other useful clips or rooms that you can enter unless you are looking for blue coins, but it is still a fun trick, regardless of moving on to the gelato beach, there is a way we can walk underwater, as you can see, since it is a beach , there is a lot of water and beautiful coral.
Swimming in the reefs around these areas is cool and running around them would be even more interesting, so let's do it when you enter the world, head to the right and grab the rocket nozzle and then head to the upper back section with this set of stairs. stand in this corner push to the top row and charge a rocket while it's about to explode, jump and stay forward you will shoot upwards and when you think you would land back on the grassy slope Mario just appears through the world. Out of bounds you will fall for a while, but when you finally regain control of Mario you will have to keep going.
By repeatedly jumping we are below the level in a blue void, so if you stopped jumping you will die right on the spot, keep jumping while you Head towards the hut and the coral reef when you are next to this small wooden rock and throw the nozzle up and you will reach directly to the bottom of the seabed as you walk. You may notice that Mario starts swimming even though we are technically below where the surface of the water is. This can be fixed by swimming towards the protruding rock. off the ground and soon mario started walking again you are not free to jump to the coral reef and explore although we can swim around here regularly it is much better to just jump and run towards me anyway you can stay around here and collect the eight red coins of a new way or you can jump in and explore the rest of the ocean.
I managed to grab this annoying fish and have it take me to the ground from where I jumped. It's strange to see this since he's only supposed to work in the water and Mario just goes back to walking at certain points on the sea floor. Mario people just magically change to this with this animation speeding up as well. I'm not entirely sure why this happens. but I'm not really complaining, it's great to play with, it's better than having to swim everywhere to be able to grab blue coins or just see the depths of the ocean until you hit an invisible barrier that surrounds the entire level, but Still, this one problem has a lot to do with it, so I definitely recommend it.
If you've been following Mario Sunshine for a long time, you may have heard about this book in the Nokia Bay episode. Three red coins in a bottle. There are those ruins at the bottom inside one of In these small cracks there is a door with a book behind it, normally you can't access it, you can only get a glimpse of it by manipulating the camera, there is a way to get in there, even if you leave the small area back up and gently float to the top of the opening, if you position yourself well enough the sea will catch between the floor and ceiling and you will now be able to slide straight into the mysterious room.
The camera doesn't cooperate with you at all during this, but you're in the room with the book, you can slide over to it, touch it, and try to get a better view of the model from it, but again, the camera doesn't help you at all. Can you actually interact with the object? No, but it's still satisfying to finally get into this. After all these years, it's unknown what this book intended to do during the game, as it's clearly cut out content that was never implemented anyway. Once you're done with the headache of this view you can simply crop it or die moving to super mario galaxy we have two glitches in one here you'll see what I mean in a second but first I want to show you how to climb slopes obviously try Running or jumping down slippery slopes isn't normally possible, but there is a pretty simple trick to do it, you have to start by sliding on your butt, so I would recommend just doing a jump backwards on the slope and then as you slide, aim the lever control stick in the direction Mario is sliding, jump, turn your control stick. in the direction you want to go and turn repeat this process and you will be able to go up any slope you want just for reference in this example I am pressing down then jumping and holding up while turning so yes I would recommend practicing on a big slope like this in the honey hive galaxy when you think you have mastered it let's get to the real bug I wanted to show in the frozen flame galaxy select the hot and cold collision mission and once you get to the second planet drain the water and go down this door, now come to this platform and time a triple jump so that the second one lands right at the beginning of the edge of the forest here and then on your third jump, shake yourself so you have enough height to reach one of these slopes.
Now we have to do the trick I talked about a second ago, so point your control stick in the direction Mario is facing, jump and hold to go up this slope and then just kick the wall, shake and hold to Mario lands on the top of the planet. out of bounds in this first example I pointed my stick to the right, jumped and held left to gain altitude anyway, once you're here you're free to explore the upper part of the planet you're never supposed to you should be, this means that the gravity textures and collisions are wacky, some


you'll walk on the ground or the camera just won't cooperate at all, but you can get some very interesting views this way, like this morning, just floating in the middle While there are a lot of interesting things to play with, there are also some random patches of frozen water.
I just fall into them randomly and since I would be so disoriented that I couldn't escape and just died, it's not too hard to get back up, so it's all good, I had a good time just running around and enjoying the sights of this beautiful game. Running to the edges also allows you to look down on sections of the actual level and land wherever you want. In general, I love out-of-bounds glitches. so being able to do this on top of a planet is pretty cool staying in the same galaxy this time heading to freeze scorching flames central mission reach the final area and find a central enemy just floating around with an active and spun fire flower made having it fall into the lava and then launch a fireball where it landed, it should create this huge glitchy ball.
You may notice your game slowing down a bit, but it gets even worse if you go into first person and look at it directly, the game speed drops way below what it should. It should be like you can see with the HUD fading below the screen and star fragments exploding, but immediately after you look in a different direction or exit first person completely the game picks up, honestly it just depends on what as close as you are to him. I stayed this far and just looked at it and the game didn't show any signs of rattling.
To correct this, there is not much you can do. I wanted to see what would happen if you threw another fireball and it surprisingly stopped. for a brief second before picking it up again which gave me another idea when trying to create two of these balls next to each other, unfortunately it didn't break the game like I thought it would, honestly it didn't even slow down the game anymore. I noticed it, but it's still a nice visual trick that I wanted to play with and wanted to try it again on the switch to see if I got the same results.
Moving on to a glitch in a looped galaxy, this is normally a pretty complicated racing level with motion controls, but we're not here to do that. Deny the penguins deny the penguin's request and instead we will use him as a springboard, we line up his head and the bright yellow door behind him stops. At a short distance, jump back and perform a ground slam while holding Mario. You must bounce off it and be sent flying towards the watery race track. You'll land on one of the edges of the glowing arch, so carefully turn around and long jump into the water and yes, you're now free to swim around the race track and take as much time as you want.
You're never supposed to be here without riding the manta, so swimming can be a little difficult sometimes you'll see the water textures glitchy. a good stretch, which makes movement difficult, but I was able to cover the entire track. You can get some cool views from certain parts of the level and you can't fall through the bottom of the water either. There is an invisible wall, however, you can fall off the sides, which will obviously cause you to die and respawn by riding the blanket. You can also get hooked if you swim too close at first, so keep that in mind, but yeah, have fun exploring this.
The entire galaxy in a way you should never do as just Mario, B-Mario's power-up can be quite useful whether you're gliding over large spaces or reaching high places, but you also lose it when touching the smallest drop of water. so let's make a mistake that allows us to swim at full speed while a bee enters the coastal galaxy silver star mission and you will immediately see this green shell and a bee mushroom encased in a glass holder on the edge of the dock . green shell and hit the mushroom turn the camera to the right and just as the mushroom bounces a second time zoom out completely now jump towards the island and move the camera back around the mushroom b it should fall right through the island and land at the bottom of the sea you can't just pick it up and bam be mario underwater, obviously since the game never anticipates this it can be a bit tricky to swim around, mario won't even be facing the right direction sometimes as well as Just standing straight even though there is a fly meter on the screen, Mario is still losing air and can't drown, so make sure to surface to refill from time to time, but don't go completely out of the water or you will lose.
Oh, and you can also get this animation if you hit the ground again underwater. Does this bug actually do anything useful? No, but it's still fun to play with. It will be pretty quick and simple, but hopefully it will help. of you, the Bubble Breeze galaxy has a single star which is a bit tricky and I personally died many times trying to collect it, so after getting the launch star to the second area of ​​the level, don't even enter a bubble but let them walk towards it. the edge of these rocks and roll back over them, Mar will land on an invisible platform which I assume is meant to prevent the bubble from going out of bounds, but now you can stand on it, long jump to the right and you'll be on the star potentially saves you from a lot of pain and death that this level can bring you, so there were 5 flaws in every game that super mario 3d all-stars has to offer.
I hope I was able to shed some light on a couple of glitches you guys had. I don't know and others that are fun to play with. I also apologize for the huge gap between uploads. I was finishing my semester at university, but now that I'm back home, the routine continues, I'm definitely looking forward to many more videos. In the next few weeks and maybe a few other surprises here and there, but for now I'll get out of here. Thank you all so much for watching and, as always, we'll see you around.

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