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3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)

Apr 21, 2024
sounds Agustin, well guys, welcome to another outdoor PA episode, this is a three day


trip. I'm here with Dustin, you guys should remember Dustin from one of our previous videos where we were actually in a pine forest, we built some raised beds and put a tarp on them and cooked really well, we're in for another epic cook, guys, it's going to be very good, Dustin, we just built this kind of hazelnut with the


. I don't know what you would do. Call it, but basically we have a bunch of hazel shoots, we put them in the ground, we made a kind of dome shape, they're all intertwined, we hold up a nice structure, it all holds together where it's so intertwined. and because they are so elastic where their young trees help maintain a rigid structure, we will be here, as I say, for three days and we have some very good forecasts on the way today it is already very windy tomorrow we have Some rain will come and then on Friday we will be where on Wednesday today Friday we have 40 mile an hour


and rain as well so it will be interesting it will be a real test of our


that we have built here.
3 day camp in the woods   bushcraft shelter dog wool blanket storm force winds
We're going to use some man-made materials. Let's get a tarp. It is a 4 by 4 meter canvas. We are going to put it on top of the shelter that Dustin has put up. There's a deer hidden up there, the DI just to protect the where all the Hazels appear at the top some of them are woven around some of them can't be a little short and they're a little sharp yeah, nailing what I don't want to do It's ruining my tarp, so just leave it bare, hide one of the deerskins I found in the past. I just put one on top to get all those sharp edges off the top and we also have amber with us if you remember Dustin's dog, a pack of amber. of fun full of energy she is somewhere she is somewhere but we have amber with us and it's going to be a great trip stay with us guys it's going to be a really fun video here we are this is our this is what we have for two nights three days this is where we're staying we've spent quite a bit of the day exploring the area looking for a good place to


we're in October it's almost early October I've driven an hour and a half to get here to Dustin's house and so In fact, the forest, the trees here, the leaves, they haven't changed color like that, where I am, so it's quite interesting, it's almost like summer still, but we have some.
3 day camp in the woods   bushcraft shelter dog wool blanket storm force winds

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3 day camp in the woods bushcraft shelter dog wool blanket storm force winds...

Nice weather anyway, so let's move on, we need to put up a fire pit now, don't we? We still get the fire going, raise some food and Dustin has a real treat, guys I'm looking forward to it. we're going to have a fire here over here, yeah, and we'll blend in, don't we look at that thing that absolutely blends in that camouflage tarp, stealth shelter, bright, okay, let's light this fire, there's the backpack that I have with me for three days ? it's a 30 liter pack it has gloves on the outside kitchen on the outside there is a wall


a little dated but the



underneath and various sleeping items here I have this foam sleeping mat although I don't need it because Dustin said that we're going to do some kind of natural beds, possibly see the intestines or something, it'll be super cool and then basically I just have mostly camera batteries and camera gear here and just the odd kind of extra layer of clothing for where it does a little colder at night, but we are not forecast to get cold tonight.
3 day camp in the woods   bushcraft shelter dog wool blanket storm force winds
I think we might be in the double digits in degrees Celsius, so it's pretty cool, like I said, it feels a little more like coming back. In the summer we have good weather, except for the rain, which is every dog's thing, so, according to the previous episode, Dustin brought some furs, some deer skins and we have some sheepskin


, well, the sheepskin wants to go on top. so we don't benefit from the furs because we don't have to go get lots and lots of cedar branches, so we just pick up a big pile and now you can see what Dustin is doing, he's just putting the hides on top of that, which will prevent sharp sticks and cedar branches of thicker circumference and diameter from digging into our backs and, obviously, Amber also has her bed in the middle.
3 day camp in the woods   bushcraft shelter dog wool blanket storm force winds
Well, we might need to get some more, yeah, we. I'll probably put it out a little later, but we have to catch that fly, so we'll do it, yeah, I think we should light the fire, yeah, oh, yeah, the meat sack, um, and I can fill them up so that, as you can see , it's already starting to get dark. We just got the fire going, we're backing up from the shelter stuff right now because we need to get some food and I really want to eat tonight. I can't tell you it's going to be amazing every time I come here with Dustin it's always an amazing meal but it's a lovely lovely evening you can see there's still some light but it's going to get dark it's ten past six and it's going to get dark in about an hour, ten past seven, the year was reduced to half past seven.
After seven it will be dark, so we have done most of the main work we wanted to do. Now it's time to cook some good food here. I'm going to add a little bit of oil and this will allow us to flip. in a little paste when it comes to spreading it on the chicken, it will give us a good massage. Here we have some mixed herbs, some paprika and some tandoori spices, so I'm just going to chop them up. There are a couple of cuts in the breasts and legs. Sometimes what this will do is break through the skin allowing us to really get that mixture that rubs into the chicken and meat to give us maximum flavor.
I've mixed it up. I'm going to use one of these shaves, the interest is the Hazel shave and we mix it together to make a nice little paste, what I mean is with a marinade, what we'll do is when this is cooking. Every once in a while we'll use a brush that would be a pine needle brush, we'll just brush the chicken with the marinade just to keep that flavor, but for now what we'll do is just pour a little bit of this marinade on our chicken in this and just We'll rub it very well so that it gets in everywhere all those cuts that I made that's where the flavor will hide, so we have a lot of dry wood here Oh, nice camera I'm sure it's hazelnut, right?
Yes I think most of the wood is mainly hazel but it is quite dry and it hasn't rained much yet, this is in the summer and most of the summer so it is useful for us for this fire because it tends to dry out easy to break the chickens are going well, it's coming out well just a dipping sauce later for birds oh yes, yes, amber, amber, that's our dipping sauce, yes, it cooks well, just put a little more oil in this little dutch oven cute so little friend I know I've never seen small now that the oils in there I have some cheese let's put the cheese in this put the lid on now place this next to the heat and about the next 45 minutes in an hour or so, hopefully this cheese will melt and be something next level.
What these guys don't know is that this cheese absolutely hums, it does, it really stinks, this is a French cheese, it's called raclette and yes, check it out. look, look at the recoleta cheese and how you would normally eat it, so buy yourself a nose plug at the same time, yeah, it's absolutely a horn, it really is Hoggins, I'm just cutting the edge off, there we go, I'm going to put the cheese on. here like this with a little bit of pepper on top and then we'll probably give it, like I said, 45 minutes to an hour, but quite a bit of pepper once it melts, we'll mix it in a little bit on top, no We don't need to go to Amber's , we will simply put it on the edge of the fire so that it warms up gently.
I think it's time we give it a whirl. The idea is to cook it like this so that the bones heat up right away and we're really going to really cook the bones, now we're going to flip it, rotate it like this and now we're just going to wait, we're going to give it another half hour, we're going to give it a little bit of color and We will turn around again. I can feel the flesh. I'm already sweating, I'm sweating more than that chicken, like they cook it, no, it's not fast, we're talking about maybe an hour and a half of cooking this on the fire, maybe an hour and a half, maximum two hours, but it all depends on how hot the fire is. so close the meat is to the heat it's all about adjusting it every once in a while we'll get some news, we'll spin some of these we'll throw them in the front maybe we'll move it to the back Seriously Danyoung you've outdone yourself and you look good again it's amazing that I can smell that and the cheese and everything is fine, we look lovely, well, the idea I said, we just take one of these flatbreads that we just carved.
In this a little more, the meat sweats, friend, nothing like it, the meat sweats and against Q's fingers, yeah, who cares, now the idea, so this is, remember, this is the raclette cheese, like this that's been there for maybe an hour and a half minutes, yeah, this. It's a really good thing, it'll give you a little mix, that's just what you need. Put some carrots and some these peppers here with a tablespoon, what am I going to use? Well I think I know I'm actually going to use one whose flatbread no complaints now this is dying so this is it oh thanks we finished with some lemon Wow you've outdone yourself and it's been there for an hour and a half hour 45 minutes and I think it's cooked very well it doesn't burn it's cooked very well with my last parallel fire what our survey says what 10 out of 10 ah with that cheese that's also a good experience right there oh this is really oh true, it I'm eating I'm lowering the camera, this looks just ridiculous.
I sang Dustin before every time I come here with Dustin and do a video. Like like a king. Simply ridiculous. I've never had such good food in the


, except when I'm doing comedy. crazy, there's a little sauce on this chicken, it smells amazing, that marinade, man, so I just have a little chicken, let's put cheese in there early, first time having raclette cheese, raclette cheese, it's already like solidifying, let's sizzle carrots, pepper. I'm going straight for my goodness, that cheese Jesus really makes, you guys are missing out on us here. I'll try to put the recipe for all of this below and how long they actually last, not how long we cook it and everything, yeah, yeah, nice, simple, rub just a little, just a little, okay, just gotta keep an eye on it, no you do it to burn, don't sit back, relax, yeah, and it's just to be comfortable and then eventually your cooks do the same thing. this is just cutting the chicken like this, being able to cut a whole chicken, it's like a Sunday roast, but much better.
It's probably, in fact, it's probably better here than at home, but I'm coming to you, yeah, actually, better food, okay? yes, Jesus is already solid, he's crispy and carrots, well we've had an absolute feast so far tonight, he's been very happy and he was crying away from my chicken down here, but let's call it a night. Now I think it's about half. 10th 1/2 10 yes I think we're about half of 10 so we've had a few beers and had a good time relaxing catching up yes it's absolutely lovely at the moment it's just nice and warm there's a little wind. and we have to nail down the size of the shelter, but I'll tell you about that tomorrow and yeah, so we'll call it a night and see you in the morning.
Look at this cozy looking setup. There's time to take out the wool blanket, wait, cilantro, sure, she sits right in front of the camera. Croatian, she's a lady, oh, very good, she come on, she turn on that heat, well, good morning guys, we both slept pretty well. Do you sleep well? Listen, yes, yes, both of you. Let's say pretty good, the amber was pretty good overnight too, we had a couple of showers and then if you can hear it now, it's starting to rain and I look at the forecast that what was supposed to be light rain this morning is now has converted. in a heavy rain and it's already started, so what we're going to do is we've got a spare cover right here, we're going to try to hang it, maybe somewhere right in front of the shelter, it's going to be a real shelter test. for the next two days because we will have heavy rain today and strong


tomorrow, but we are in a dense forest and if you can see this, that's it, it will only allow us to survive until tomorrow, so hopefully everything will be okay. completely off because it rained quite a bit last night, so we'll put this tarp up, get the fire going, get breakfast ready and we can focus on what we're going to do today, yeah, but we're just raking this.
Tarp to keep out the rain, so we found some dead studs, some dead wood, wrapping this paracord around the corner to keep it enclosed and keep the tension on this. I'll take it to where I think I'll stick it there. and I'm going to put a little loop on the end once I have my loop and then I'm going to run this line through again, so now this is ready for a peg to come down here, grab a peg, swing over there and now what to do. quite rigid, it's a pretty easy way to start the fire.
I was just using the fire steel and then on the back of the knife we ​​usedthat's on the list for next time mm-hmm pumpkin telegonus mmm-hmm the only type of kitchen utensil we used well was the ready grill, right? mmm and that becomes so light until it becomes nothing, oh. You need your cook, sir, I do need my coat, sir, cook, sir, just go back to the luxurious hideaway, juggle three nuts, well, it's time for monkey shoulder whiskey, oh yes, lovely, oh yes Thank you very much for the cook, sir, but for the daily work, sir.
I always lose my cook's oven, literally every day, hey, coffee, yeah, rum tar is the occasion, it's all infused in the wood, now wait, wait, and I'm just going to say congratulations, you know you've made it through the 600,000 subscribers, now you have six hundred thousand two. one hundred and fifty-four Ozzie Oh Mike oh wow that's crazy that's crazy well that's it thank you very much regards guys thank you for all your support I really appreciate it Regards that's a good whiskey isn't it? Now we also have a feast guys. the party's not over, oh okay let's show a warm up on camera for those guys who've never seen a warm up before.
I hope you have, those of you who have never seen a wall now that my friends are a nut. Pretty small you saw them, you get them a lot bigger but small, like I say, these are like the biggest nut, we have one of the biggest nuts, okay, as far as our British nuts go, these are one of the biggest. big, but the favorites are small in a season of pennies of nuts, hazelnuts Oh, hazelnut, yes, I agree in fact, I would say walnut and it is very good for the winter, for the winter the shell is very strong, you know , Jack gets the forest girl for everything, yeah, open them up and they look like brains, look at that Walmart City.
Look at that, you know they go very well with whiskey mmm, which yes, not a little whiskey, what a mixture I'm happy. You guys are doing well, if you're still watching, I really appreciate it. I know, so it seems like a little longer video than normal. From now on, check out Dustin's YouTube channel,


tools, put the link in the description. Dustin has been doing a lot of things behind the scenes during this entire three-day trip, so if you're interested in that kind of thing, definitely go check out his channel. the subscribe button, give him a comment, tell him how from me, even though it's right opposite the shelter and yes, go and support it, it's been brilliant, app mate, you enjoyed it, it's ok, we've eaten like kings another time, standard without fail. always produces very good food Regards, thank you, but great company is sincere, it's good company guys, good company too, good morning everyone and a great English morning.
We've easily had forty mile an hour gusts this morning, the forecasters The forecast has finally come in if we wake up, we were saying this morning we woke up a couple of times during the night praying that the trees wouldn't fall on the shelter, it's absolutely destroying this woman, god knows what it's like outside in the open right now it's just that it's a very, very strong wind it has that cozy feeling of being in a tent when it's raining yeah yeah yeah we don't know that It's raining too much yet, but that's because it's coming now, but there are still those leaves on the trees, so maybe that's why it's not coming through the kind of canopy level to the shelter yet, but we slept pretty well.
I slept pretty well, too well, did you sleep until I slept? That's the last line I made on the first night, yes, it's whiskey mate, we did it, yes, well we had enough fire this morning to light the kettle and have some tea because I see the English can't function properly without tea Yeah, but the fire reflector burned in the night, the fire ate it up and it just started feeding through the wood and at one point I woke up looking at a fire reflector and I thought, "Oh, this is going to blow up." on fire, but because there was so much grass, it was just putting out the flame like the flame went up and then the wind." it would just go away, there's a gust and it would just blow out the flame, so it's pretty interesting to watch, but it makes me nervous, it's those big aspen trees, they must be, they were swinging yesterday, but today they're at 90 degrees, they must be going. 10 meters on each side yes, yes, the wind, yes, they are big trees, in fact, very tall, they are very tall trees, but yes, it is worrying because there are many trees with ivy around them and I always fear because that ivy offers so much resistance.
There is a lot of wind which makes the trees fall much easier and there are a lot of trees with ivy on the hood, who knows. I don't think we're going to stay much longer today guys, to be honest it's around 7:30. It's still pretty dark outside, I think it'll be in one of those tea packets for drinks, yeah, come on, yeah, because it's planned. What should we do with the framework? Let it return to nature. I can't drink my tea, yeah, because it's on a metal mat, although it's lovely and warm on this cold day, it's too hot to drink, take my lips off, I'll just drink it, maybe there's a couple of lips left in the can Yes, these are the remains for ladies and gentlemen of our private investigator. reflector that was devoured by the fire in this corner absolutely destroyed I still have my paracord left it is a little melted but I will maintain that we have a break in the wind this is where we came from comes very well literally most set by, but that woman you would also have many more ashes in there yeah I know the only phone you'd have a lot more ashes in there and that's the one you got this stash here too that's the


for the last three days no perfect suit also glad I fitted them yesterday good little one shelter surprisingly yeah you know it's not perfect by any means but it holds up in these strong winds and puts out the fire the other day we rein


d them on the back of this shelter Dustin was grabbing some logs just to secure everything down.
You can see how it's billowing now where the winds get under it, but it's all pretty safe, we haven't had any problems with it now it's going to fill up, yeah now. We have a tunnel shelter, a wind tunnel. We've said before that the shelter looked like a tent or bivouac, like a baby fisherman here in the UK, but with all these strong winds, generally like a normal tent. We just rattled or not, if it was in the wind, it would be flat like that and you would hear the noise all the time, but because this frame stopped, the wind would hit the shelter, but it stopped flapping because these were just absorbing all the gusts of wind and gusts, which means it was actually very quiet inside the shelter the whole time it was windy, which is amazing, but we're going to do bushcraft type of work and get back to nature. leave everything as we basically found it and try it, yeah, leave no trace, giving back to nature, there's a base camp, what's left of it, you'd never know, sweat some leaves, you got rid of the structure, the sapling structure of hazel, people without a trace and now you can feel the wind on our way back to the truck and the car this is this is crazy out here really mental we were in such a safe place in that dense protected forest everything look at this, there is a serious wig happening now gusts of 40 an hour they estimate san agustin oh of course it's mental I'm glad it hit today on the way back to the truck and not the last two days but it's not like that it's not too far to go all the leaves go down quite a bit Autumn is here, sure, sure, well, look at the leaves on the trees, they're still quite green, but a lot of loads are falling to the ground.
What a trip, we are three days. Rhys, nothing like three days in the


to reset your biological clock. very fun, very fun, this is beautiful, look at this, these trees, well, I have a truck in the woods, she's been here three days and that's some leaf litter for any of these. I need to clean them all before we get going, the batteries even flicker. red look I'm literally out of everything the batteries have gone through all three camera chips yeah a lot it's going to be a long video for you guys but I hope you enjoyed it thank you so much if you watched the whole time. via, go and check out Dustin's bushcraft courses West Country bushcraft oco-2 UK go and check out his other websites, everything in the description below is Instagram and all.
I hope you enjoyed. I will be back with dust and very soon we will be doing another epic three day trip, this time it will also be a mix of forests and coastal areas. I'm looking forward to it, yes, you coastal people have really been asking me, bugging me a lot to come back to the coast. and make another camp save it fishing yeah so sometime this month maybe at the end of the month a video might be posted about the trip to the coast so thank you so much for watching guys don't forget to put those goods in the link in the description below.
See you very soon Greetings, we haven't had this heavy rain yet, monkey shoulders, guys, give me back today.

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