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20 Times MCU Actors Improvised On Set And Marvel Liked It

May 31, 2021
off the top of your head, how many mcu lines can you quote? 10 12 387 We'd bet a lot that it's because mcu has given us an infinite amount of quotable lines in all of their movies, but did you know that some of your favorite mcu lines and moments were


on the spot, that's how good they are some of these


who can just throw out a funny line that instantly becomes iconic. Today's video is about the most iconic


lines that actually made it into the final film, so get into this right now I'm Iron Man, can you imagine what would have happened if the first Iron Man flopped?
20 times mcu actors improvised on set and marvel liked it
We don't even want to imagine a world without the mcu. It would be worse than that time after Thanos came to visit us. Fortunately, Iron Man was a huge success thanks in large part to Robert Downey Jr.'s masterful performance as Tony Stark. It's well known how much RDJ loves to improvise lines on set, but this first one is definitely one of his best. It was rdj who came up with the famous i. I'm Iron Man who finished the first movie and we all agree that it's one of the most iconic lines in the entire franchise.
20 times mcu actors improvised on set and marvel liked it

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20 times mcu actors improvised on set and marvel liked it...

If it had never happened, what would Iron Man have said to Thanos right before snapping his fingers at the end of the game, even though rdj just happened? let that slip out kevin feige got emotional and approved the appointment for the final cut of the movie thanks kevin, some


it must be hard being a writer in the mcu, sure you get paid to write comic book movies, but why are we working with such talented


that some


they may know better than you. This is kind of like what happened in Infinity War during the first meeting between Iron Man's team and the Guardians of the Galaxy because the Guardians tend to be a bit easy to shoot in a fight.
20 times mcu actors improvised on set and marvel liked it
It quickly explodes before anyone can explain that they are on the same side as the Guardians question Iron Man about where Gamora is. Iron Man has to ask who Gamora is and we all know the rest from there, the adorable but simple Drax blurts out why he's there. Gamora delivers one of the biggest laughs in the film and the brilliant line, all improvised by Dave Batista, shows how in tune she is with his character. You wouldn't know it much from Thor's previous adventures, but Chris Hemsworth is actually a funny guy right now. We're just jealous because he's handsome, talented and funny, some guys have all the luck, but at first the role of Thor didn't give him many opportunities to show off his comedic chops which changed with Thor Ragnarok which revitalized the Thor franchise by making It More of a buddy cop screwball comedy than a Shakespearean tragedy, we think it was definitely the right move and although much of the film was improvised, there was one very special line that stands out according to Hemsworth, Thor, he's a friend of Workline , was actually suggested by a boy who made a wish who was visiting the set that day, would become one of the best lines in the film and certainly the most memorable moment from the trailer that you know, besides Jeff Goldblum , of course, continuing the Thor Ragnarok hype.
20 times mcu actors improvised on set and marvel liked it
Another great impromptu moment was the get-help scene, you know, where Thor and Loki have to get past some guards, so Thor wants to do the trick they did when they were kids, pretending Loki is hurt while the brothers fight. They approach the guards, Thor shouts at them. them to call for help when the guards come running thor throws loki's body like a sack of potatoes leaving him unconscious according to the internet's boyfriend tom hiddleston the whole trick was invented on the day of filming he said he really


the moment because besides being hilarious , it also highlighted a time when thor and loki were young children playing together and helps the audience understand something deeper about their relationship, eh, fun and educational, brilliant, it's moments like these that make thor ragnarok a one of the best mcu movies to date.
All the improvised moments have to make us laugh until our bellies hurt. There are enough talented actors in the MCU to deliver improvised dramatic moments. The best example of this comes from Robert Downey Jr, who absolutely pulled off a dramatic scene in the Avengers endgame, even if it meant that. Going off script when Tony Stark returns to Earth after floating in space with the Nebula for weeks, it's understandable that he's probably in a bit of a bad mood. We want to say that prolonged time with the Nebula can't be good for your psyche, but Tony soon deflects Captain America by calling him out. a liar for saying that they would lose together if push came to shove, the whole scene is a tour de force of emotion and surprisingly the Russo brothers have said that rdj came up with most of it on his own, they didn't even have to film many takes because rdj I was so focused on that, how cool is Star-Lord.
It seems silly now, but there was a lot of uncertainty behind the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie before it was released - we mean it was a movie. that centered around a talking raccoon in a big tree that sounds like vin diesel, how could that really be okay? Did it prove everyone wrong or that that first film is a perfect blend of humor, heart, and weirdness that makes it a favorite of many MCU fans? From the beginning, Chris Pratt's Peter Quill sets the tone for the entire film when he tries to show off in front of Korath by telling him his outlaw name, Star-Lord, of course, Korath has no idea who he is and laughs in his face, loathing him. which bothers a lot. quill tries to see if korat's ninja turtle goons know anything but they're lost too it's a moment where pratt improvised and we're all totally there for it the only thing scarier than odin yelling at him is having to look at quill's bleached eyebrows Thor in the first Thor movie, seriously, whoever thought that was a good idea needs to speak sternly, but yeah, Odin can be pretty scary too, especially when the actor who plays him, Sir Anthony Hopkins, goes off the book with his anger at the beginning of the film. movie Thor is being berated by Odin for being a cocky, disrespectful jerk.
Loki tries to intervene on his behalf, but Odin lets out an intense growl that shocks Loki into silence, Father, and this wasn't even Tom Hiddleston's act, he was legitimately stunned. Because the growl was improvised by Hopkins, it's a moment of raw emotion that totally fits the scene and shows the kind of gravitas Hopkins brought to Odin in that first movie where you show those young kidnappers who the guy is. boss Odin, Thor, the dark world may be the black sheep. from the mcu, but let's look at it this way, if it wasn't a disaster we would never have rebooted the franchise, that was the wonderfully strange thor ragnarok.
Look, we're optimists here at cbr and we always like to look on the bright side. So who cares if he has a boring plot and a very underdeveloped main villain because it led to something great, but there are some bright spots, mainly the moments where he allowed Chris Hemsworth to be funny. One of the most memorable moments of the film comes when Thor. He walks into an apartment and doesn't know what to do with his hammer, so he decides to hang it on a code rack. It's one of the only laugh-out-loud moments in the entire movie and comes as no surprise to anyone watching this video.
It was all improvised but it begs the question if the code rack was really worth it, it was a crazy coincidence watching Spider-Man turn to dust in Tony Stark's arms made our hearts feel like they were turning to dust that scene too In Avengers Infinity War it was so heartbreaking when we saw the relationship between the MCU's best mentor and apprentice literally dissolve before our very eyes, but all credit goes to Tom Holland, who has proven that he is no slouch when it comes to improvisation. , it was Holland who came up with the infamous "I don't want to go." The line that is now etched into all of our memories apparently comes from an acting technique Holland uses to help himself cry during a scene in which he repeats a phrase in his head over and over and thought about trying to say "No." wanna". to come out loud and the rest is history, does that line hurt more knowing that Spidey's MCU future is in serious limbo?
Yes, you can bet that like any good love story, the romance between Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter had its ups and downs, it seemed like they were both. perfect for each other, but there seemed to be too many insurmountable obstacles, including being decades apart after Cap was frozen in ice and Caps began a romance with Peggy's niece, who, depending on who you ask, may be or not his own niece, you know, classic. Relationship stuff Anyway, the first Captain America movie did a great job of selling us on Steve and Peggy's relationship and one of its best moments was improvised when Steve goes from zero to hero and comes out of the machine looking like Hercules.
Peggy can't help but get closer. and touch their new backs this was improvised by haley atwell who couldn't help but impulsively approach since it was the first time she saw evans shirtless, we can't blame her when you're the face of the franchise, we're pretty sure you can do whatever you want, what are they going to do? Have your character put on the Infinity Gauntlet and eliminate all the bad guys at the cost of your own life. Oh, oh, no, no, we're joking, of course, we're not suggesting. that stunner killed tony stark because robert downey jr


to hide food on set to snack on while filming, but anyway, we love a good conspiracy theory, it's true that robert jenny jr was known for snacking e He even found a way to incorporate it naturally.
A scene in Andrew's first film when Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers discuss Nick Fury's secrets, Tony nonchalantly offers Banner some blueberries as he speaks, it's so natural that you'd never guess it was an improvised moment, although we noticed that did it. I can't give it to Steve Any, the first Iron Man movie had a post-credits scene that surprised people by setting up the Avengers Four years later, the Avengers saved the world from an alien threat and they also had a post-credits scene -quite surprising credits and we're not talking about Thanos, no, the one that matters most to us is the final shot of the Avengers silently sharing a meal after work in a practically destroyed shawarma restaurant.
It's the perfect button for an incredible adventure, but it's all because rdj improvised a line. about that at the beginning of the movie, yes originally when hulk revives an unconscious iron man he was supposed to say a handful more lines but rdj went off script and said the now infamous schwermaline have you ever tried shawarma? It's fun on its own, but it becomes legendary. After that post-credits scene when it's revealed that the Avengers are actually going to get shawarma after the battle is over, there are many reasons why Black Panther is one of the best MCU movies, but one of the biggest is because Michael B.
Jordan's performance as Eric Killmonger, it's common knowledge that the MCU has struggled to create compelling villains for our heroes to fight, but Killmonger broke the mold by practically stealing the movie with every scene he appears in. There was something about the menacing arrogance of him that captivated us all and there is no scene. that covers that better than his entrance to wakanda walking into the throne room while a prisoner assassin quickly takes control of the situation by revealing who he really is and throwing a smug aunt at angela bassett that line quickly became a favorite and Bassett has revealed that she believes the line was improvised, whatever it is, we're glad it's in the movie because it's one of the most memorable lines in the movie.
We've already mentioned that the mentor-apprentice relationship between Tony and Peter is one of the strongest elements in the MCU, the pair are so good together that it doesn't really matter that Tony flirts with Peter's attractive aunt because the guidance he offers Peter Peter throughout his appearances is enough to fill that Uncle Ben-shaped hole in Peter's heart, one of Spider's greatest moments. -man's homecoming is when peter thinks he and tony are sharing a hug when in reality tony is just trying to open the door and kick peter out, it's very funny and tom holland remembers how that was all improvised.
Holland remembers how he improvised when he came in to give her a hug and how RDJ's instincts were so good that he played along and then went to the door and, fun fact, this scene is played even better after seeing the big hug that the two They share after Spidey's return in the Avengers endgame, although Captain America and Thor didn't have a lot of time together on screen in Avengers Infinity War, they shared one of the film's best encounters when they finally crossed paths in the epic ending of the movie in Wakanda. It's safe to say that a lot has happened to thetwo men since they last saw each other, but due to impending death at the hands of vicious space dogs, it really wasn't the best time to sit down and catch up, but they got to the important stuff right away with Captain America commenting on the Thor's short hair and Thor responding that the taxi seems to copy Thor's beard, it's a funny moment during a really intense scene and it's something that the two Chrises came up with on the day of filming, but come on, Thor, we're sorry, but captain america knows how to rock a beard a little better than you, try me, beyonce, although beyonce is. our queen and will eventually rule the entire planet, it is not surprising that her reach spreads everywhere, even in Kathmandu, where the secret Kumar Taj is located, full of sorcerers who want to protect the land, but due to Wong's reaction in Doctor Strange, act like you never did it.
I've even heard of Queen Bey, but maybe it's because Steven Strange seems arrogant and conceited, so it's understandable that Wang doesn't want to interact with him as much at the beginning of the movie. Strange throws a Beyoncé reference at Wong, but comes up empty. But with stone-cold indifference, Strange is surprised that Huang has apparently never heard of Beyonce, but we know from hearing her musical choices later that it's not entirely true, but the actor who plays Wong Benedict Wong says that Benedict Cumberbatch ruled out those random pop culture references and we're glad she did because more Beyoncé is always a good thing.
Please keep it a secret. Tony Stark knows he's in a superhero movie or something in the climactic opening battle of The Avengers. age of ultron the avengers stage an attack on a hydra compound to recover loki's scepter while they investigate tony finds a secret passage to his obvious excitement, in fact who knows if tony stark was even excited about it or if robert downey jr I was just dizzy. find a secret passage because that whole moment where he whispered please be a secret door please be a secret door was improvised by rdj because it really doesn't matter how old you are, finding a hidden passage or a secret door is one of the greatest joys of life.
You should try it sometime, the real icing on the cake is that rgj also improvised the little "yay" he gives when he finds the door, yeah man, we just don't deserve it. "Rdj is a treasure, the trio of Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, proved to be a winning combination in Avengers Infinity War, as you had two hugely selfish brilliant pranksters clashing while cute puppy Peter Parker stood in the medium. It was the recipe for some great moments as Iron Man and Doctor Strange spoke to Peter Butt saying he's back up, which is a line Holland says he improvised.
This affected a professional like Robert Downey Jr., of course. , right? Rdj followed the line and even released his own impromptu lineup. The adults respond to Peter again highlighting how in tune with his character artie j is and shows that almost nothing can shake him or throw him off once he's found his groove in this one. period we're not sure where robert downey jr ends and tony stark begins it's no secret that hawkeye has long been the avenger that people make fun of the most, maybe it's because his first big appearance in the avengers saw the archer under mind control for almost the entire movie, the second avengers movie, age of ultron, actually seemed like a great apology letter to hawkeye, had a lot of the best lines, gave the best pep talks, had the biggest subplot. with his own family farm and Tony Stark giving him the tag of the heart of the team was a crazy 180 compared to how he was treated in the first movie and speaking of his humorous lines, one of Hawkeye's best moments in the movie came entirely from the Jeremy Renner himself after Quicksilver runs away from Hawkeye again.
The archer reflects on what it would be like if he secretly killed Quicksilver and says that no one would notice the last time I saw him. Ultron was sitting on him. it's hilarious and completely improvised our final entry on this list is a moment only rdj could do when tony stark meets peter for the first time in his apartment the two share a heart to heart in his room at one point tony walks up to peter sit down his side but peter's leg is blocking the spot rdj says i'm going to sit here so you move your leg which feels like something that tony stark would totally say 100 actually tom holland forgot blocking the scene and forgot that Tony needed to sit next to him so it was a way for rdj to stay in character while letting Holland know what needed to happen, that's a sign of a true professional and that the line was hilarious too which it just adds to how amazing a good job it ultimately is.
Holland for not interrupting that moment because this moment is too good. It's hard to pick a personal favorite from this list of the best improv moments in the mcu, but we'll just say that almost all of rdj's improv moments in the mcu were pure gold. What was his boys' favorite entry? Were there any we missed? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to hit the subscribe button for more awesome mcu content. Thanks for watching.

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