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20 Minutes for the NEXT 20 Years of Your LIFE | - Spiritual Journey

Apr 25, 2024
strange potential that unleashes human potential is not about reaching the top, it is a trajectory because our


is a combination of a certain amount of time and energy, time is moving away for all of us at the same rate, if you sit down, it will it goes away if you sleep, it will go away if you do something, it will go away if you do nothing, it will go away if you are happy or miserable, it will go away. Time is running out for all of us, so it's only energy that you can do differently. things that if you bring


energies to a certain level of intensity and possibility, what someone does in 10


, you can do in a year, this means that if you live here for 100


, it feels like the impact of people that you have created. you lived here for a thousand years simply because you have managed



energies in a certain way, so to me an impactful human being means how conscious you have become.
20 minutes for the next 20 years of your life   spiritual journey
This is very important because if you are in compulsive cycles then your energy is wasted. In so many things, if you absorb people in a day, let's say, let's take 24 hours, anyway, most people buy prescription drugs in America, they sleep eight hours, so eight hours means that a third of the life disappears, in the remaining two thirds they have to. eat, they have to know how to shower bath this all this another two three hours disappeared, so literally 50 percent of life disappears daily just for the basic maintenance of this life fifty percent of the time disappears in maintenance remaining 50 percent percent of what they have if you observe every movement they can make with their body, their thought process, their emotions, you will see that a lot of this happens in compulsive cycles or, in other words, if you are not very sensitive to life, you will realize that you are the biggest problem. in your life so this is something I'm trying to do with people: you are never the problem in your life I am not the problem my thinking my emotion my body is never the problem my thinking my emotion my energy and my the body They are my instruments a function they are not impediments in my life but I would say that for ninety percent of human beings their own body then the compulsions of the body the compulsions of their thinking the compulsions of their emotions or govern them most of the time the notion of the difference between pain and suffering I thought was very useful pain is physiological it is there there was no pain most people wouldn't even know how to protect themselves see just because there is no pain in this look at everything you have done to it There is no pain in this, that's why you took it off.
20 minutes for the next 20 years of your life   spiritual journey

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20 minutes for the next 20 years of your life spiritual journey...

If you don't feel pain in your nose, maybe you would have removed it because the many advantages you will get are about 22 extra oxygen if you just remove this contraption wherever there is no pain. People are playing with it like crazy, aren't they? They call this hairstyle. They call it so many things. Yes. Suppose there was no full-body pain in Los Angeles, people would remove their stomach pouch and you don't think they would. It's okay, only pain helps them preserve themselves, doesn't it? Pain is good. There is no physiological pain. Most people wouldn't know. I heard that in the United States there is a group that calls themselves something.
20 minutes for the next 20 years of your life   spiritual journey
I forgot that word. They are actually cutting their fingers. Get their hands off the video, wow, they're posting it online overseas. There is a group like that. Can you imagine this? No, despite so much pain, if there was no pain, almost everyone would have cut themselves in the name of fashion. they would have been cut into strips, so pain is a good thing physically because it is your preservation, a self-preservation mechanism, but suffering is something you do in your mind, so the pain that happens in your body you take in your mind and you multiply it. a thousand times or a million times depending on how capable you are or how stupid you are and suffer it a million times right now most human beings are like that what happened 10 years ago they can still suffer what can happen the day after tomorrow they already suffer they are not suffering life they believe they are suffering life they are not suffering life they are suffering the two most fantastic faculties that only human beings have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination survival processes become easier than ever to believe me in the morning if you need a bucket full of water, if you had to walk a mile to the river to get a bucket of water and your family needed 25 buckets of water, you wouldn't have time to get dirty now that you have a lot It's time to get into trouble because our survival is better organized than ever.
20 minutes for the next 20 years of your life   spiritual journey
Another thing is that most human beings do not know how to manage their biochemistry without physical activity. I have seen a lot of people, especially teenage boys and girls between 12 and 16 years old. who come to me with some serious violent problems within themselves, if you leave them like this, they may commit suicide or kill someone else, they are in that kind of state, many of them have even killed their parents, you know, this just happened Worldwide. and in 2017, when I learned that in India it is not so suicidal in that sense because there is great family support and things like that, even though in 2017, 18,600 children under 18 committed suicide, of which 7,200 are under 15 years old, so 12, 13, 14 years old, who must be full of life or wanting to take their own life, because obviously we are doing something fundamentally wrong with society, right?
Yes, our goals and our stupid ideas of what This success is driving them crazy because we are trying to use our children as racehorses, that's interesting and when you say that as something that represents us and that we have become something incredible or how they are like racehorses, you see when you understand. Life as a race, if you are in a race, it is subjective that you must reach the finish line quickly, right? Yes, what is the finish line of your life? Death, there you have it. It may not be a conscious process, but the life inside you is. understanding it like this, when you see it, you must understand this, whether you are aware of it or not, any human being at this moment, if you make yourself miserable, you must understand that you are sending a message to every cell in the body that I do not .
If you want to live, you may not have articulated it in your head yet, but when you're miserable, you notice that your body suddenly seems heavy and it's like it doesn't want to get out of this chair. Have you seen this? Yes, when you are happy. We are willing to bounce everything and do everything. Lean back if necessary. Why does this happen. The message has reached every cell in the body. This guy wants to die. Everyone is thinking, "Well, what can we do to help him?" but by then, of course you will recover so you want to die you want to live you want to die you want to live the body is getting confused because you have to understand this is a very intelligent body it is getting instructions from you every cell in the body has an enormous sense of mammalian intelligence if you keep sending the wrong messages if they act you did it because you are sending contradictory messages you are not dead you are half dead you can give it any number of exotic names you have essentially turned your intelligence against yourself this is supposed to work for you but now you turn it against yourself it is working against you perception happens to you in five different dimensions see hear smell taste touch this is how you are perceiving life this data the data has been gathered within you alone because this data has been gathered within you you are now able to walk on a round rotating planet it is no small feat it is no small feat that you can walk on a round rotating ball because all this data has been collected through the five senses It is not intellectual information but it is perceptual information if this information is not there you will not be able to walk in reality you will not be able to walk straight this is what happens to people when some people lose their memory and things like that suddenly their body becomes unstable because some of the data are disconnected from your system, so this data that you perceive is the most important, that is what a child is all the time drinking everything.
See how the child looks at everything because he wants to drink as much as possible. possible data because instinctively he knows that without the data he will not be able to function, so how attentive you are, how attentive your eyes are, how attentive your ears, nose, tongue and touch are, consequently, you have so much useful information, then , why one? one person is more efficient while you are an athlete why one person is able to catch a damn ball another person can't catch that damn thing where it is because that level of attention of exactly how that ball is going to behave how you can anticipate where it will do Wow, this is not there intellectually, I guess you have a PhD in football, you think you can play football, uh, if you have a PhD, I don't, I think you need to experience it too if you just study it, just yeah, no , that's not experience.
It is perception, you are observing it with great interest, you are observing exactly how a ball moves, you may not be thinking about the physics of it, but you are observing it and perceiving it because of that perception, you know something that I cannot know by reading 100 books about it. First, people assume that anger is happening to them or that misery is happening to them. No, this is exactly what I said before, maybe I didn't fully articulate it. No, you are creating anger. creating misery, you are creating Joy, you are creating whatever this is all happening from within you, but the Human Experience is happening from within us, isn't that okay, whether it is love, hate, anger, misery, Joy or anything that only happens from within?
For us, the simple question I am asking is what happens from within you. If it happens your way or someone else's way, it should happen your way, of course, because the world will never happen your way one hundred percent because there are so many stakeholders in the world. world a little bit will happen my way a little bit your way that's fine but what happens inside me must happen my way if what happens inside me doesn't happen my way this is the worst form of slavery, right? Wow, someone decides what happens inside me someone decides where I should sit this is slavery everyone understands this now someone decides if I am happier and happier, isn't this the worst form of slavery?
Yes, so this is the liberation that humanity needs to work on. This is what internal engineering means. Engineering is not a mechanical process because engineering essentially means this: You will say something is well designed only if it works the way you want, right? If this one doesn't work the way you want, what the hell do you expect other things to do? work the way you want it's just an accident when you live accidentally anxiety is normal why does one person need a prescription well these days eight hours is 778 hours seven hours is fine and why someone else could use half as much That seeing one thing is As we have already gone through the physical body, what you carry is just the food you have eaten, isn't it?
You're looking at foods just as proteins, vitamins and minerals like this, but we're talking about a food chain, which means that all types of life are different, what we consume is another form of life. Each animal consumes another form of life. This is the way the food cycle is created, so what conditions life is in will determine what conditions your life is in in many ways, which is why your food appears in front of me if I just look at it people He has prepared it with great care. If I just look at it and say no, this lady brought it.
She is a very good cook. It is very tasty. I only watch it on a channel simply because it is not alive enough for me. It may be tasty but it is not. alive enough for me if it is not alive enough I will not consume it if you are aware of this one thing you will see that your sleep quota will decrease another thing is most people are eating at least 50 50 means one hundred percent more than they need eat yeah, you'll do one thing as an experiment, just try this, whatever you're eating, reduce it by 50 percent if you're eating, let's say, uh, two kilograms. of food, reduce it to one kilogram and eat a variety of foods.
You will see that you will neither lose weight nor weaken nor lose energy. The only thing that will happen is that your manga quota will go down because you are putting in so much food to generate the same amount of energy, you are eating more out of compulsion to like the taste or simply out of compulsion to fill yourself up now the body has to push to process so much food to create so much energy, this extra processing is taking a toll on the system the amount of impurities that are in the food as well It will determine how much inertia you generate in the body, let's understand it this way in physical terms, what it means to sleep is inertia at this moment you are dynamic, this is life. inertia said that when inertia goes beyond a certain point, that is death, but sleep is a certain type of death, but it offers you rest, so rest is very important.
What it means to be rested is that if you sit here, if you are totally calm, you will see. The body is naturally calm if you have noticed that in aparticular day you are very happy that day you do not need to sleep or eat much have you noticed this is all you have to do if you remain very happy in every moment of your life? food will go down sleep will go down naturally it is time to understand that all the problems of individual nature are generated from within and we do not have to solve the problems that we create, we only have to dissolve the problems that you create and do not have to solve if there is a problem in the situation, yes we have to solve it, but you have a problem inside you, the solution is not what you need solution is madness solution means for an illusion you are creating an illusory solution something you compensate for that you create a solution more than you invented one no again, you just have to turn off the problems you are going through in a certain drama, the only thing is that you are a terrible director, that's all there is instead of improving your direction, now you are trying to find a solution for a situation in a drama, it's like people watch a movie and come home and have big discussions about what happened there, so the thoughts and emotions you create you don't have to find any solution, if you just turn it off, it will disappear if you find a solution, you are heading towards madness because you create a ghost and you create a Ghost, the ghost. what you create you must learn to play with them I say no one willing to play with you you have to play with someone right then the ghosts you create if you like them you play with them if you don't like them turn them off but Guru they keep coming you don't play I don't like playing with They don't play abroad It never happened that a thought lingered for more than a moment, did it? comes and goes comes and goes Leave it Come and see, if you try to find a solution for it, you will head towards madness.
One thing you should do with yourself is be absolutely true to yourself if you are also true to everyone around you, but I won't go that far. Now you are 100% honest with yourself, otherwise all kinds of tricks keep happening to you. Being true to yourself is not an easy thing because there are lifetimes of habits of simply fooling yourself. A guest came to Sankaran Pillai's house and being a south Indian man in the south of you. I know the pillars come from further south. He was carrying an umbrella, which is common in Kerala and southern Tamil Nadu.
Carrying an umbrella is a very common thing because the rains can be very heavy, then they left, took the guest out and it started to rain. one shankaran pillai did not open the umbrella the guest said why don't you open the umbrella. Sorry, the umbrella is full of holes. Then the guest asked why you brought it well. I never thought it would rain a lot today. of people are like that they think that someone else has to catch their lies this will take a long time because someone else catching your lies will take lives you must catch them you must not pass up your chickens to become 100 straight with yourself it takes a certain amount of application, but if you do this, this part of life will work for sure 100 percent, figuring out some things is very simple, that's what I'm there for, if you only fix one, this thing is 100% right, not none.
It's kind of a scam when there's a hole in the umbrella. You know there is a hole in the umbrella. You will never forget that there is a hole in the umbrella. Okay, okay, if you are like that, the rest of the work becomes very simple and easy.

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