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Overcome Negative Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions | Overcome Fear, Anger, Anxiety | Sadhguru

Jun 15, 2024
Do not identify any thought as


because it is just a thought, if you understand that it is just a thought, it has no power. You can turn this mind into your Miracle or you can turn this mind into your misery making machine once you create a little space. between you and your mind between you and your body this is the end of suffering I feel like I'm full of here jealous angel all those things how could I go beyond all these things and know this life for you you don't have to go beyond all these things you just have to stop creating those things your




all of these are products of a mind that you have not taken charge of your mind is capable of producing joy your mind is capable of producing


your mind is capable of producing


agitation Tranquility Agony ecstasy can produce anything it is producing things you don't want simply because you don't know how to handle them there is no need for anyone to handle your fear your


your whatever there is no need for anyone to seek happiness, peace, joy or bliss, There is no need, all you have to do is spend some time, you have to do certain sad things to find out where the keyboard is of this fantastic computer that is loaded in your head.
overcome negative thoughts feelings emotions overcome fear anger anxiety sadhguru
You don't know where the keyboard is so you're dialing all the wrong numbers so all kinds of things happen so you can turn this mind into your Miracle or you can turn this mind into your misery making machine so that misery in the way. out of anger or fear you don't have to do anything about it you just have to stop the production line you don't know the product you just have to stop the production line and start a different product you have to see the joys that come from it Bliss is coming out of it because the same mind is capable of that too sometimes you're joyful sometimes so it's capable of joy too so you just have J is always here you know the computer that's where it is if you do this like this like this misery misery misery and if you keep pressed a button misery misy misy misy misy will multiply you must know how to keep your hands off the keyboard and just hit whatever you want to make it sad take over your body to take over your mind to take over your energies to take over everything you are instead of taking charge of it you are wishing for a good product it won't happen like that life has never worked like that or for anyone nothing has ever worked for anyone by doing all the wrong things unless you do the right things the right things don't happen to you at all, how can you avoid anger?
overcome negative thoughts feelings emotions overcome fear anger anxiety sadhguru

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overcome negative thoughts feelings emotions overcome fear anger anxiety sadhguru...

How can you avoid anger? look if you are driving on kitur streets if you are driving on kambur street you have to do it Avoid the medians that are placed in strange places. You have to avoid bad drivers. You have to stop drunk men from crossing the street. Kids cross the road all kinds of things, but when you drive down Katur Street, do you have to avoid the moon? I ask you, do you have to avoid the moon? No, because the Moon is not on the street, is it not at this moment? Are you angry? No, so why should you avoid it?
overcome negative thoughts feelings emotions overcome fear anger anxiety sadhguru
There's no need to avoid it, it's just what you think. anger is an entity anger is not an entity you get angry you get angry anger is not somewhere and you are going to hit it there is no such thing you get angry when you get angry is it pleasant to you or unpleasant to you unpleasant to you unpleasant to others , I'm sure it's unpleasant for you too. Today, medical science shows you that when you are angry, you are actually poisoning your system. You know, we've always known it, but today the chemical tests clearly show you that you are actually poisoning your system, generating poison. into the system by being angry, so why would you want to poison yourself?
overcome negative thoughts feelings emotions overcome fear anger anxiety sadhguru
It is not a conscious act. You are poisoning yourself. You are causing yourself discomfort only because your mind is not receiving instructions from you. It is not like this? He is not receiving instructions from you. I was receiving instructions from you, you would have said happiness, wouldn't you? You wouldn't say anger, but now when you want to be at peace, he is getting angry because he is not taking instructions from you, so if your mind is not following instructions from you, right? you have to pay a little more attention to him why he doesn't follow your instructions if you understand this you don't have to avoid anger because the anger is not sitting there and attacking you you are getting angry you are becoming unhappy you are becoming miserable these things are happening to you essentially because you have not done anything to have your faculties under your control it is happening accidentally just by chance if the external situations are good you are also good if the external situations are bad you are also bad, that is not how human life should be human life It should be like this If I am good everything around me becomes good This should be the reality Isn't it so Now if things around me are any way I will become like this No, no human consciousness should create. situations at this moment situations are creating human consciousness that is not the correct way to shape human life many times in my daily life fear prevents me from doing small things and bigger things fear of failure I feel maybe rejection sometimes how


this fear, you cannot


something that does not exist at this moment, are you afraid at this moment?
Can I say something harmful? Is it fear in every moment of your life? you are afraid, no, when you are not afraid, stay that way. because to create fear you have to use excessive imagination to not be afraid you don't have to do anything that is happening because of excessive imagination things that have not happened you creating what can happen in your mind happens in a thousand different formats and most of them The things you feared will probably never happen. Take 100 things you feared. Probably 99 of them never happened, right? So you are here, your fear is always for that which does not exist, you cannot fight or you cannot overcome what does exist. does not exist we can overcome something that exists you cannot overcome that which does not exist you just have to give up that effort enjoy the fear after all it is that you are making yourself like horror movies yes, I mean, you are saying no, but you are producing they just aren't making money, that's all the fear means you're producing horror movies in your mind, no one else is willing to watch them, that's bad for the producer, but you're producing them, so produce something else, produce a comedy, a love. story, suspense, suspense, try watching today, just sit down, produce a love story, a suspense thriller, a comedy, five five minute movies that you make in your mind, really start using your mind differently, just get into your pattern, just get into your pattern of just creating horror movies. all the time you have seen enough horror movies, they are boring, create something else, even if you don't produce these movies, those things will happen in your life, still, they may not happen, at least you enjoy the movie, actually, it may not happen.
That you at least enjoy what happens in your mind? If you can't enjoy what's happening in the world, isn't that a privilege that every human being deserves? It is not like this? Even if the world is not kind to him, at least his own mind should be. be nice to him you should produce some nice movies don't identify any thought as


because it's just a thought he told you it's negative it's just a thought you're making it up maybe you like what's the problem if you understand it's just a thought that has no power If you believe it is a reality then it destroys you It is just a thought Isn't it true that you invented thought?
No, ah, you are having doubts about it because you are not thinking that you have a mental diarrhea is happening yes, it is just happening thinking about me the word think means that you are exercising your thought process consciously, right? Yes, thinking means that you are consciously doing something right now, this is in a state of mental diarrhea, it is just raining all the time, what? is negative about this what is positive about this what is negative is that it is happening unconsciously that is what is negative not the content that you thought about the devil that is negative you thought of a god that is positive there is no such thing most negative thing that is happening right now.
Is it happening unconsciously? That's the negative thing about it and many people have destroyed themselves trying to stop those


that they believe are negative and try to fight them in so many different ways. You create these things and then you fight. them is your thought you should be able to throw it and roll it up whenever you want right? you should be able to unfold it and roll it up however you want but right now your own ghosts have become so big that you want to fight them, if you win you really lost because something that is not true, if you fight and win you really have lost haven't you? ?
So there is no such thing as negative and positive thinking, whether it is conscious thinking or conscious thinking. People with diarrhea think that there is something called negative thinking and positive thinking. They want to eliminate negative


and only think positive thoughts. For those people, I would ask them to experiment for 10 15 seconds, let them forcefully eliminate a thought from their mind. for example in the next 10 seconds just don't think about a monkey try not to think about a monkey for the next 10 seconds you will see that you will be full of monkeys so what I am saying is that this is the nature of your mind because in This Keep in mind that the three pedals are accelerators, there is no brake, there is no clutch, whatever you touch will only go faster in this type of mind, people have been thought by moral teachers and religious teachers, they do not think well about the bad things since then, it's been a full-time job, so there's no way you can handle your mind like this.
It does not need any great lighting. If you spend 2 minutes with your eyes closed, you will realize that you cannot do anything strongly with this mind, so I want to eliminate the negative. Thoughts never go in this direction because what you want to eliminate will become your quality, you will always be in it, so what should I do? This is without understanding the fundamental mechanism of this mind, because our mind, the human mind, is the simplest. sophisticated computer on the planet, even every super c computer has come out of this when this is the case, isn't it important that we understand the mechanics of how it works?
A simplistic aspect of how it works is that there is no subtraction or division in our minds. There is only addition and multiplication if you try to do something with it it will say one more if you try hard it will multiply by many more in this mind you do not try to identify what is positive and negative and try to eliminate it First of all one needs to understand this mind of yours, This body of yours is supposed to serve you for the life that you are, it is important that the body and mind are vehicles that must serve us, if you sit in a vehicle, it must go where you want to go.
If you're going to your own destination, what's the point of a vehicle like that? It's just a nuisance right now, most human beings are unfortunately experiencing this fantastic possibility of the human mind as a nuisance, as something problematic, well, this is the most beautiful thing you have. You just have to pay little attention to how it works. A simple thing is this, first of all, processes, that's why we introduce this process called isaka. This is to distance yourself from your physiological and psychological process. There is something called you, which exists, this is not a combination of all your thoughts,


and physiological processes beyond that, you exist, if you close your eyes, even if you can't see anything, you are still there, it is through the window of your eyes that you are looking outside.
But if you close your eyes it doesn't mean that you don't exist you still exist so beyond your thought you still exist beyond your emotion you still exist so that the life that you are has to come into your experience why? is that you are not allowing that to happen in your experience, what is the most significant aspect of who you are, who you are in this moment, the most significant aspect is that you and I are alive in this moment, this is what I'm thinking, what you Rethinking is not the important thing, we are alive right now, that is the important thing, so it is important that you focus on this fundamental sense of vitality within you and then you will see that there is a natural distance between you and your thought process an time there. there is a distance between your psychological process and your physiological process this is the end of suffering because there are only two types of suffering that human beings go through: physical suffering and mental suffering once you create a small space between you and your mind between you and your body this is the end of suffering this is something that every human being has to experience and know otherwise think I will simply eliminate negative thoughts and have positive thoughts all the best is not going to work 100% it is not going to work because no one can remove it, they can avoid it for some time, so when negative thoughts arise, say ram ram Sha Sha whatever you want, but this is just preventing it from not disappearing the moment you stop, it will appear again with great force, of Otherwise he will return to his dreams first of allyou need to understand your anger your resentment your fear your anxieties the negativity that you generally generate resentment anger is always direct towards someone but we need to understand that these are poisons that we are drinking and waiting for someone else to die fortunately life doesn't work like that if I drink poison, I die If I drink poison you don't die so we need to understand this when I say poison today you can get yourself chemically tested right now what is your blood test what does it say 5 minutes of intense anger check your blood test and you will see there will be many negative elements in it, you are literally poisoning yourself, so do you want to poison yourself?
Definitely not, now the question comes from a certain helplessness, what should I do? don't do anything, just sit and worry about something that is a life process, maybe your heartbeat, maybe your breathing, maybe just a feeling of being alive, depending on how sensitive or perceptive you are, consequently , find something, it could be a feeling. in the body it could be the breath, it could be the heartbeat, it could be anything that indicates life for you, just pay attention to that, over a time, slowly you will see that there is a distinction between what you are and what you have gathered, which includes both your physiological and psychological Chance or ruin whatever you did with it.

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