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18 Inexpensive Everyday Items That Are Worth Every Penny

May 12, 2024
Very good, the first affordable


day item




. I cover a sleeping mask to help you sleep better at night. If you watch any of my other videos, you know that I am a firm believer in getting a good night's sleep if we get a good rest. night of sleep, it doesn't matter if we have the best laid plan, everything will fail because we will be like a walking zombie and one of my best favorite purchases that has helped me get a good night's sleep has been this $10 eye cover if you want the specific item that I'm covering in this video, I'll have a link in the description below, but to be honest, any decent eye cover should work.
18 inexpensive everyday items that are worth every penny
Studies have shown that even the smallest amount of light can affect our sleep. Therefore, one of the best ways to block light is sleep masks that cover your eyes. I have one for home and another for when I'm traveling. They also give them away if you ever fly internationally. I have a collector as backup. In case I lose them, I have


item number two,






. You can also get them on Amazon for about $2 each. What I love about these containers is how versatile they are because they are clear, not only can you see what you have in them, but they also stack nicely as your life stage changes.
18 inexpensive everyday items that are worth every penny

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18 inexpensive everyday items that are worth every penny...

Easily change what you decide to keep in them because my kids are quite young. These are great right now for organizing their small toys, but as they grow, I'm sure other


will fit in these as well. I also use them to organize my camera gear and other small accessories that I have a hard time finding a home for. I see a lot of home organization solutions tailored for different


. a toy container for Legos. a colored pencil organizer. a container for nothing and screws. They are pretty, but. They are too personalized and not flexible enough for reality.
18 inexpensive everyday items that are worth every penny
What happens if your kids run out of Lego toys? The storage solution is no longer relevant. That's why I love these clear shoe containers. You don't need to go out and buy a new storage option every time in life. change the third


everyday item that is worth every penny. smartphone case and screen protectors. You can buy a decent smartphone case for under $15 and a good screen protector for under $10. I don't know how many times I was so glad I did it. I had a phone case and a screen protector for my iPhone, especially when my kids were really little and would throw my phone around like they were adults. $10 to $15 to protect your $1,000 investment is a no-brainer in my opinion, number four.
18 inexpensive everyday items that are worth every penny
In an everyday expensive item that is worth every penny in the home organization travel cable organizer this travel cable organizer I bought on Amazon for about $15. I'm sure we all have more cables than the that we would like to admit. USBC micro HDMI Apple Lightning cable. Etc. and when we are traveling it becomes especially cumbersome trying to remember what cables we need, and if we don't have extras we have to unplug the ones we have at home to take them on the trip, which is why I love these cheap travel cable organizers. I always have a set of extra cables. and a charging block in this organizer and in my bag at all times when I'm about to go to a coffee shop or on a trip with my family, the last thing I want to worry about or what cables I need in the spirit of cheap things that They add value, please note that I created a free one-page PDF companion guide to accompany this video, pretty much everything I'm covering here in an easy-to-digest one-page format for everyone. nerds, I know how much some of you like to see things visually and listen to them.
Plus, it's free, so why not? If you want a free copy of this PDF, go to the link I will have in the description below of the fifth inexpensive everyday item that is worth every penny. glass containers for meal preparation. These are one of my favorite kitchen utensils. I shared it in my other videos before, but I like to prepare most of my meals ahead of time, most of the time. It's nothing fancy, a simple combination of Brian's rice, broccoli and chicken, but since I produce them in batches 30 at a time, I need to freeze them if I want them to last and I have to microwave them when I'm ready to eat these cups.
Prep containers work perfectly for those needs, they freeze well and work well in the microwave too. Make sure you remove the lid before putting them in the microwave, although they are also quite affordable since when you buy them in bulk you should be able to get them. for about $4 each and as long as you take care of them, they should last for many years. I had mine for almost 10 years and as long as I continue to take care of them, I can see them lasting less than 10 years. Number six is ​​economical every day. item worth every penny on the topic of best earplugs for sleeping you can buy, buy a whole container for under $20 as I've gotten older, I'm much more sensitive to both light and noise so I have to do it proactively.
I try to eliminate them if I want to get a good night's sleep, even the slightest noise, like the neighborhood dog barking or a loud car passing by in the middle of the night, can throw me out of my R cycle, so I have to work actively to minimize them. Those noise breaks and these earplugs do wonders for reducing noise, now they are not going to completely eliminate all noise because I doubt there are earplugs that do that, however, every little bit helps and for five cents each, why not correct the number seven? One day expensive item worth every penny my visor here's my $15 Nike visor now a lot of you comment on my hair yes I know I have ridiculously amazing hair hey a man's gotta have something to fall back on right ?
So what do I do when I'm outside and the sun is shining in my eyes. Do I cover my amazing hair with the hat? There is no way I use a $15 visor. No, they are not just for golfers. There are for the common people who not only want to protect their eyes but also. shows off her ridiculously amazing hair continuing the spirit of things cheap. You know what else is inexpensive but provides quality information and incredible value? Therefore, I recommend that you check out the short form if you haven't already. Short Form is one of my favorite platforms that produce very high quality Guides in non-fiction books.
One of the best ways to set ourselves up for future success is to constantly improve our knowledge, and the short form is a great tool to help you do just that, not only can you discover new books. but get deeper insights into some of your favorite books. I especially love how they are so easy to access through my computer, phone, or tablet. They even have an audio version that I can listen to while exercising or driving, making it very easy to always consume the best information. content to improve my life join through my special link today and get a free trial of unlimited access to the short form plus an additional $20 off the annual subscription.
Not only is it a great way to improve your knowledge, but also a great way to support this channel. Also, if you use my link below, well said, let's get back to the video. The number eight everyday, budget-friendly item worth every penny. Storage baskets. These are another of my favorite organizational tools. If you buy them in bulk, you should be able to get them for $3 to $5 each. What I like to do is buy several identical ones so I can swap them out as clear shoe containers. Right now these baskets are used to organize the kids' supplies and clothes, but as they get older I can reuse them. for something else, for example, here I use buckets of the same size to organize our extra soap, medicines and travel items and let's say we use B soap is not a problem.
I can easily reuse a basket for something else by labeling it Rel because our lives are constantly changing. I think it is very important to invest in items that can easily adjust with the change of time. Budget-friendly, everyday item number nine worth every penny, under the alarm clock under the pillow. I use this $15 under the pillow alarm clock, this one is especially useful if you share a bed with someone which you do if you want to set an alarm clock but don't want to wake your partner up only if there was an alarm clock that you could put under your pillow and it would vibrate so that only you wake up Get up without disturbing your partner, well, this one will do it for you.
It also works great if you don't want to have any digital devices in your room. One of the biggest culprits in getting a good night's sleep is digital devices like our phones. How often do they do it? We catch ourselves moving the phone in our bed until 2: a. m. We kick ourselves for not having slept before. I say we eliminate that temptation by replacing our phones with a simple alarm clock like this one, the #10 low-cost everyday item worth every penny. jars, this is another one of my favorite kitchen tools, you should be able to get them for no more than $5 each if you buy them in bulk, in addition to my prepared meals.
I also like to make green smoothies to accompany my lunch. Every day we know that we need more vegetables in our lives, but it is difficult to do so. I mean, how many of us can honestly say that we love eating spinach and kale, especially if it's not seasoned or prepared? So what I like to do is take the friction out of consuming vegetables by blending them together. I take a bunch of Green Mix and mix it with pineapple. This combination that I found through a lot of trial and error produces the best flavor and when you keep them in these glass jars they store quite well and like any glass containers, as long as you take care of them, they will last you for many years.
The 11th daily budget-friendly item worth every penny. Silicone wedding rings. In fact, I'm using one right now, as my wife and I got married over 12 years ago. One of the key symbols of our marriage was our wedding rings, my wife's diamond ring and my metal ring, but my original metal ring was quite expensive and I was always afraid of losing it somewhere, so what I did was getting these $3 everyday silicone wedding rings. I use mine it comes in a pack of four and all different colors. I've been using them for many years and I must say that not only am I not afraid of losing them, but they are actually much more comfortable than the everyday, budget-friendly #12 item.
Lazy Susan organizer is worth every penny, if you can already guess you can already see that I love home organization, plus another inexpensive tool that I love are these Lazy Susan organizers from $5 to $20, oh there are so many things that you can do with these, not only do I have them. in my refrigerator but also in my kitchen cabinet and pretty much anywhere I can put them, it's always a pain trying to reach the back of a cabinet, not only do you forget what you have, but it's not the use more optimal space with these economical ones.
Lazy Susan organizers not only make your life easier by not having to search much, but they are also making great use of all the available cabinet space. Number 13, inexpensive everyday item worth every penny. Clip-on book light. An affordable book light shouldn't cost you more. Reading more than $10 is a lifelong habit that will pay dividends, not only does it expand your mind with new knowledge, but when you read, your brain actually grows, allowing you to get better at your job and hopefully earn a higher salary. high in the future. What I like to do is read before going to sleep.
I have a white paper Kindle, but sometimes I just want to read from a physical hardcover book and a great tool to help me read at night are these $10 clip-on lights that you should be able to use. Install them on any headboard and they will remind you to read them every time you see them. I like them so much that I not only have them for myself but also for my wife and children, the 14th daily use and expensive item that is worth every penny. Index Cards I'm sure you probably used them at least once when you were a kid, so you might be thinking: what if I'm reading a big book in my bed and I want to write something down, a new idea or some surprising passage without my phone?
Am I doing well? Don't worry, this is where the cheap item the token comes in comes from. You can get 100 of these for no more than a dollar. Office Depot Target or Amazon and I like to have a bunch of these next to my bed and nearby. my desk so I always have something I can write on and since they are separate from each other, unlike a notebook, once you are done using one you can easily recycle them and not only are they useful for writing notes when you are in bed, you can use them practicallyanywhere to take notes, write your shopping list, or even journal your 15th item of every day, inexpensive and worth every penny, shoehorn, another awesome $10 purchase because I'm Asian.
I take off my shoes every time I enter my house or anyone else's house, but that also comes with the pain of putting my shoes back on when I leave. Well not yet. These $10 shoe horns make putting my shoes back on so easy, no need to untie and re-tie. My laces don't need to try to jam my feet and ruin a perfectly good pair of shoes. An inexpensive shoehorn like this makes putting your shoes back on a really enjoyable experience. Not only do I have one in the entryway of our house, but I also have one in my back. so I don't have to bother the host when I visit his house.
Yes, that's right, I'm bringing my own shoehorn, the 16th budget-friendly daily item worth every penny. Inbox. This one is always on my desk. One of the biggest. time on energy sucks it's paperwork loose receipts that need to be scanned bank notices that need to be reviewed bills that need to be paid permission forms that need to be signed and most of the time what happens is we try to deal with them as they come in So soon like the mail comes in we try to check all the bills no matter what time of day or if we are in the middle of something, when our kids give us a leave from school we try to check it right away even though we were right in the middle of finishing a report for our bossThis is a very inefficient way of doing things, which is why I love my $10 inbox, where I throw in all the loose documents I collect throughout the day and then set aside time at the end of the day to review everything in my inbox I do this in my time so I can focus on the work at hand.
You can get a cheap one like mine or a slightly fancier and more expensive one like my wife's. Number 17 in expensive everyday items worth every penny. iPad cases. I have this on my iPad keyboard. I use my iPad almost every day. It is my computer of choice when I am away from my computer. I take it with me when we travel or even when I go out for the day. an expensive keyboard case to go with my iPad, but because I use my iPad so frequently, the case can get scratched if I'm not careful. This is where these $15 covers are super useful, not only do they come in many different colors and designs. to add a little spice to my iPad case, protects it from wear and tear again spending $15 to protect my $300 investment is a no brainer for me, the 18th budget everyday item worth every penny fanny pack yes that's right I said fanny This is mine, which I bought on Amazon for less than $10 now, before you go ahead and think I'm one of those uncool dads who wears his fanny pack on his waist, don't worry, I'm a cool dad, so I wear them on my chest like Gen Z.
What I love about these $10 fanny packs is that I can keep all of my daily luggage with me here my wallet my phone airpods Kindle and tokens yes I know it's practically engulfed but I'm proud of that, thank you. Guys, on the subject of spending our money the right way, watch my video here on how to spend effectively for maximum happiness until next time, all the best.

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