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15 Simple Habits That Will Improve Your Life Right Now ✨

Jun 08, 2021
Hi everyone, I'm Tatiana and today I'm going to share with you 15 things you can do


now that





forever, so when we're in the position where we feel like we don't have a sense of direction we don't know what to do. with ourselves we feel lost maybe even hopeless many times we resort to asking the opinion of others for their advice we seek advice we seek guidance so they can try to shed light on what we should be doing with our lives um and I don't think there is anything wrong In that, I think it's great, but I think if you're going to go ahead and ask someone else for advice, you should definitely ask


self first and the reason is that no one knows you better than you, you know yourself on the level. deeper and that is why we often have the answers we need within us, we often know what we need to do to create change in our


, but the challenges we don't ask ourselves seem like sitting. , taking the time to sit and be with yourself, as if you were sitting with a friend you seek advice from, can instead be. your friend then you sit there and ask yourself tatiana what could I do


now that would change my life for the better or whatever question you want to ask and you sit there and the answers


come to you when you ponder this question, when you reflect on these questions, the answers will flow through you and you take paper and pencil and you start writing down what comes to mind and then you look at those answers and you question those answers, you challenge those answers you don't just accept them just because they came to your mind, actually you challenge them, that's what it means to think.
15 simple habits that will improve your life right now
Many times we think that thinking is just thoughts that enter and leave our mind and that is the subconscious way of thinking, but there is a conscious way of thinking too and many times academics that is what they practice, they have a certain topic and then they really They think deeply about it and question its conclusion, they try and actually question its conclusion and look at it from as many perspectives as possible and that is something that we could benefit from adopting in ourselves by really using our brain to think deeply about what it is that we want for ourselves in our lives, so the goal of this video is that I want to inspire you to ask yourself these questions that you want so much. answers to because I believe the answers are already within you and you will be surprised at what you can find if you give yourself a moment and if you really give yourself the time to consciously ask yourself these questions, so I did last night.
15 simple habits that will improve your life right now

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15 simple habits that will improve your life right now...

I was sitting down in a matter of three minutes and I came up with 15 things that I think would positively impact my life if I adopted those things right now. I'm going to share them with you and then at the end, I would love for you to take on this challenge and you know where I don't know what you're struggling with I don't know what your challenges are in your lives right now I don't know what direction you need but Do it and ask yourself that question and find some answers and share them with me in the YouTube comments.
15 simple habits that will improve your life right now
I'd love to hear what you come up with and let's dive into it, so the first thing that came to mind was to delete social media. accounts or turn on screen time settings on your iPhone, so the reason I thought of this is because you know social media was initially created to connect us and help us connect with family and friends and you know that's true, but it's not really what most of us use it these days, maybe a small percentage of the time we're on social media, we're actually interacting with our family and friends, but for the most part, many of us We simply move unconsciously, as if we were moving like a zombie. through instagram and being programmed by these companies, it advertises to us and I honestly don't think that if I deleted my social media accounts today, my life would be worse.
15 simple habits that will improve your life right now
In fact, I think I would be a lot happier and Um, you know, the thing is, yes, I have family and friends on social media, but I have their phone numbers. How about I pick up a phone and call them and talk to them and have a conversation instead of just texting them all the time? So I think that would be something that would dramatically change the life of someone living today, or if you did a social media challenge where you did that for a month, like not using social media for a month or turning on the screen. . time settings where you limit yourself to just 30 minutes of social media per day 30 minutes of news per day if you are someone who is always on the news app reading the news, whatever it is that you are addicted to, you know, you know what If you're spending your time on job number two, finishing work at 5 p.m. m., so if you have a 9 to 5 p.m. m., you probably know that you are already finishing work around 5 p.m. m., you already have it.
You have boundaries between work and your personal life, but if you are an entrepreneur like me, you can probably relate to this when you are an entrepreneur, the responsibility is 100 on you and there is no work-life balance, it's like in many ways. You know work doesn't end because you're always on your phone, you're checking your email, if you have employees, people are messaging you and that can consume you, and that's how it was for many years, when I was building my business, that's how I do it. I was doing, I would work, you know, I would have this huge to-do list and I wouldn't finish my work until I finished this to-do list and that would go on late into the night, early in the morning and it was just me I realized That just wasn't healthy.
Yes, excellent for success. Excellent for productivity. I did many things. I was able to be successful at such a young age, but at the same time I wondered at what cost. And my belief now is that you don't want to. To have this huge gap in your life balanced with the things you value most, you will find people who are tremendously successful but have terrible relationships because they spend all their time working, spending nothing. quality time with your spouse or your partner and for me the important thing is to have a beautiful harmony to be holistic in my approach to life and about two years ago Stefan and I decided that we needed to be aligned with this since we both work from home , we finished work at 5:00 p.m. m. and it has had a significant impact on my life.
I'm happier, I have more free time to enjoy other hobbies and passions, and more time for my relationship at 5:00 p.m. m. We both have our computers are closed, bye, anything else that's a penny can wait until tomorrow. Any employee who needs an answer can wait until tomorrow and it's time to spend quality time with each other or with friends you know and live life, so that's something I highly suggest you consider considering. If you are an entrepreneur, but I understand, if you are in the initial phases of a business, the initial stages you need to make some sacrifices, you need to work very hard and put in effort and you may have to work long hours and there may not be any balance between work and personal life that's fine for the initial stages of a startup when you're starting out, but if that continues for the next five years, 10 years, then you don't have a business, you're still an employee, remember. the idea is to be a business owner, not a business operator, and if you can't get away from your business, then you're chained to your business and I don't see how that can be better than just having a normal nine for five jobs, okay , next is number three, donating a large sum of money to a charity or going on a volunteer trip, so I added this because I really thought about how being a donor has changed my life on a spiritual level and you.
I know how the saying goes if you don't give a cent of a dollar you're not going to give a hundred thousand of a million um it's true and many times I grew up in a family where we were well off, my mom always called us poor, I would say we are middle class below middle class and we never had enough and my mom would always let you know when we went to church and she would give like two dollars when they came for the offering and she would say, God knows God knows my situation um and I you know, I always appreciated that she still gave despite her circumstances and I think this is really important because a lot of times we feel like we don't. we have enough we feel that what we have is not enough and therefore we cannot give and we think that only when I have more it is only when I become richer more successful I have all the things I want to have that I can then give to others and I think that This is one of the biggest things you are denying yourself, not just denying the person who receives but yourself, because being a giver is the greatest gift to be able to contribute beyond yourself.
You are going to satisfy a need that is higher than any other physical need you have, it is a spiritual need and when you have probably experienced this in your life, you will know when you give to give, not because you want to receive something, it is something beautiful and you want to experience more. of that and when you constantly say I don't have enough, I can't give and you have your fist clenched like that because you're trying to hold on. for every dollar you have, then yes, you're going to hold onto that money, but you're also not going to allow any other money to flow into your hand, compared to if you actually open your hand and give a little, it doesn't have to be a ton, you just give a little of what you have and then you create a space where you can also receive and I think this is something that will change everyone's life no matter where you are if you're looking. this video right now you're probably in a much better financial position than a large percentage of the world so you can use the um to perspective to help you with this so donate and become a donor and maybe you know, donate to a charity of choice or take a volunteer trip.
I've been on numerous volunteer trips and the experience you have when you go to some of these third world countries is incredibly life-changing and life-changing and meeting the people and just the experience of being there. stephan and I help build, finance and build houses and schools and it is a passion for the arts what we do it is our way of giving back and it is also our way of receiving and it is incredible the experience you have when you go with other volunteers and you go to These trips and you interact with these people in these communities where they are really poor, if you think you are poor, they are really poor and despite that, you know somehow that they managed to have a beautiful smile on their face. and they are generous, I remember this time we went to Ethiopia and in Ethiopia where we had gone to inaugurate a school that we had contributed to building and when we went there the community all collaborated even though they themselves had very little financially everyone threw themselves into each other of community members to buy a cow because eating meat is something they would do on very rare occasions because it is expensive and it was a celebratory symbol of gratitude and it was their way of giving back to We, you know, we didn't want it back, we thought that keep it to yourself, but they had the desire to give something back to us and it's such a beautiful thing to think about that like some of these people do.
So spiritually poor financially, they're not that financially poor and they still choose to give, so it really puts my life into perspective. Well, number four, stop interrupting people when they speak. This is actually very powerful and I have discovered this. You know, a lot of times, women. I will say that men are not very talkative, they don't like to talk and I have noticed that my man loves to talk. Stefan loves to talk. He's a talker and I actually realized that's a big reason why I. I'm able to notice this is because I don't interrupt him, I don't interrupt him, he's talking, I wait until he's completely finished and the other night it was so funny, I was practicing this and he kept going, coming, coming, coming.
He shows up, he thinks very, he feels philosophically, he thinks about very deep things and some thoughts occur to him, he expresses them and shares them with me and if I sit patiently and receive what he says, then he goes on and on and the thoughts come out and it's funny it goes on for 15 or 20 minutes and I'm sitting there listening and um so you have to understand you know men and women know they think a little bit. differently and for a man when he thinks he is like a train on the track and when you interrupt him it is like the train derailed and it is very difficult to get back on the track and then if a woman keeps interrupting a man over and over again again and again he will stop talking and then pretty soon the woman says well my man doesn't talk my man doesn't like to talk much yeah because you keep interrupting him so you know this works for men and women, of course. like stop interrupting people in general but in your relationship if you do this often just practice it see what happens if you stop interrupting your spouse you know magic happens and they will appreciate it let me tell you it's Well, number five, sell everything. of your things and traveling the world is now something that may not appeal to many people, perhaps especially if you have children,Logistically it's a little more difficult, but you know if you're single or you know you don't have kids and maybe less responsibilities.
It's a lot easier to do, Stephan and I have been doing this for the last three four years, where we've been traveling the world, we don't really have a home base, we've just been moving from place to place and it's been the education of your life, experiencing different countries, different cultures, different belief systems and different values, and this type of education is very important because if you don't travel, you live in a bubble and it is always easy to judge others, it is easy to stereotype others. the others because you have no idea that you don't have the experience, but when you actually go to these countries and you meet these people and you get to know people and you get to know their customs and their traditions, life changes your perspective on life changes, so it's something incredibly valuable and if it's something that you value and you've always wanted to travel the world then make it happen because the longer you wait the more likely it is that we're not going to do it so it's been amazing for us but I will say that after traveling for so many years, the last thing we want to do now is go on another trip, so we try to avoid traveling.
My friend invited me to something she's doing in Cabo Mexico and I honestly can't take another trip right now, so we're ready to settle down and plant our roots. Number six is ​​becoming a minimalist, it's not something that works for me. but I see the value in it because many times we are attached to the things that we have and when you are attached to something it can create suffering because then there is a sense of loss when you no longer have it, so if you have a lot of things, then you know that too there's more pressure to maintain them and often if you just think about it like it makes sense, less is more, you know less things just have the necessities that you need, um and and yeah, maybe just a tidy life is less stressful and you you feel less attached to things instead of being attached to people or you know, maybe others you know more spiritual things, it wouldn't work for me just because I love fashion and I mean.
I'm technically living a minimalist lifestyle because Steph and I travel the world and live out of two suitcases, so yeah, two suitcases is pretty minimalist, but I have a lot of clothes so you don't know if that counts. Number seven is meditate for an hour or more each day meditate or pray, I would say you know if you're religious, pray, meditate maybe if you don't identify that way, if you're more spiritual, um, you know, or you just have some type of spiritual practice. in your life it would absolutely change your life for the better in my experience, so that's something to consider.
Number eight: greet your spouse at the door when she comes home so that he or she, if he comes home, she comes home from work or wherever. what you're doing and giving them your full attention and presence because you know how much I respect them, you know that they deserve my attention for a second just to get up and go to the door and that makes a huge difference in relationships and in you. I know a lot of times I think we focus on success and you know other areas of life more than we focus on intentionally growing our relationships and that's how they decline and that's why you know over 50 of marriages end in divorce.
Well, yeah, you're not spending time learning and growing in your relationship and that's why it's my priority and I make it a priority to constantly learn and grow in my relationship with Stefan and he with me and you know, that's something you can do. . do it just to show your partner that you care, show your partner that yes, you deserve my attention and that I love you and you know whatever, number nine is saying hello to strangers, uh, when you pass them on the street. or at the mall or wherever you pass them, you know it's like in Canada, I don't know what it is, but being in a city, I guess there are so many people walking around all the time that if you said hello to every person, it would be boring, but nobody.
I actually said that not many people say hello to each other when they pass by on the street, but if you can really take this as a practice and I've done it many times, it's as fun as knowing that you never know who you are. You're brightening that day, maybe someone is having a miserable day and you greet them with a beautiful smile on your face and it restores their hope and humanity on such a small level, but it's still meaningful and makes them feel special. they get noticed and what it does for you is also wonderful because you start to be more social, you feel more connection, it's a way to create connection, which is another human need, it's to feel a connection, even if it's completely strange, so test it.
Number 10 doing an act of kindness every day, so this is something I learned from my friend John Wang. He has these bracelets that are called kindness bracelets and he basically gives them to people who wear the bracelet. an act of kindness for someone every day and then you pass the bracelet to them and you share with them what it means to do an act of kindness and they do an act of kindness and you're basically spreading kindness around the world and I think it's such a beautiful thing. an act of kindness can be anything it can be opening the door for someone it can be letting someone pass you on the street while you are driving it can be cleaning the dishes it can be you know buying a gift it can be really anything and the idea is to put it Intention is like waking up every day and having the intention to do an act of kindness and when you have an intention you are going to look for opportunities to do this, so when I have the Intention of kindness when I see, you know, for example, a homeless person in the stream like, oh, I'd love to take you guys out to lunch, you know, I'm looking for ways that I can do an act of kindness and it's happening again. to satisfy that spiritual need of yours that is so satisfying on a level that simply cannot be achieved with material things number 12 read a chapter of a book every day, so when reading it has caught my attention that many people do not read and I love to read so Stefan and I do too so I'm a little surprised that people don't read books anymore, I mean a lot of people do but I guess a lot of people don't either because I have I've been asking people and It seems like a lot of people don't, but yeah, I mean, if you read a chapter of a book every day, you know, especially if it's like a non-fiction book, you're actually educating yourself, so you learn something each. . day or listen to an audiobook if that's easier for you while you're driving or doing what you know, getting ready in the morning or making breakfast for the kids you know, educating yourself and learning something new every day, that's how you become smarter, so It's how you understand the world more, it's how you can help other people more when you know yourself more and ultimately help yourself.
This is how self-help is one of the number one best-selling genres because it works because when you learn how your psychology works, how you work as a human being. You know you're not that unique. You know the things you are struggling with. You know billions of people have struggled with those things. The same things before you because human beings are quite predictable. They are all built in a very similar way, our brains work in a very similar way, the chemicals that run through our bodies are very similar, so there is a lot you can learn about how you function and when you learn this, you will


your life, Ultimately at the highest level I think self help should be the number one thing on this list as you know how to help yourself and that's why sometimes it's sad when people aren't open to self help because It is the opposite of oneself. -Help is just making your life harder because ultimately you're living life and you're just passing through and you have no idea how your brain works and your limiting beliefs and your thoughts and all these things like that are actually making you the most difficult life.
It will be more difficult for you to live your life day to day compared to if you really have a very basic knowledge of this. You now have tools in your toolkit that will help you tremendously when there are challenges in your life when you face them. dilemmas or you know, because life is full of challenges, but when you know how to approach them and how to face them and overcome them, then the challenges are not so scary and scary and exhausting, so, yeah, educate yourself, a very, very big, okay, some. more here number 13 um having dinner at the table instead of, you know, sitting on the couch and watching TV, so if you're not doing that, it's a great way to be present with what you're doing, technology is very easy. .
Being distracted all the time and what you do increases your dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, it is the reward circuit of your brain and it is what gives you this type of feeling, the feeling of excited anticipation of what is next and that is you. Knowing too much about anything is a problem and basically every addiction out there is because it increases your dopamine levels to such a high level so you have to be careful with that so if you can do what you are doing, just be present with it, you know, don't multitask if you're having dinner, have dinner if you're doing the dishes, wash the dishes and you know, I say don't multitask, but I love listening to audiobooks while I'm doing those things, but try to pick one thing you can do at a time that is best for you when it comes to being able to practice gift giving, okay number 14, stop buying Starbucks every day, put that money in a savings jar, I'm always so surprised.
Honestly, Stephan and I barely have Starbucks, it's often a treat because we're millionaires in my opinion and six dollars for a cup of coffee I think is a lot of money, and you know we don't order Starbucks that often because when we go in there , Stefan says I want a medium coffee and I'm like honey you have to say it's a large large coffee because they don't like it when you call it medium or large so uh yeah I mean if you're struggling financially you don't need to buy Starbucks, just make your coffee at home, get a coffee maker like that, it's a great luxury and I know a lot of people who are unhappy with their finances. and I still go out and spend 30 dollars on coffee every day and it blows my mind, okay the last one forgives the people you need to forgive, so if there are people in your life right now that need your forgiveness, you should just forgive. forgive them and there are many ways you can learn to forgive because it's easier said than done but ultimately it's like the reason you want to forgive is because it's going to help you it's not really for them it's for you because you're the one It's burdened by this anger, burdened by this sadness, and burdened by this feeling that in reality it's just worthless, it's suppressing your immune system, it's making you bitter, it's creating limiting beliefs for yourself, as if


forgiveness ultimately it will help you. to experience more freedom in your life and feel light and airy and you are not chained by something that happened 10 years ago, okay guys so this is my list, now I am challenging you with whatever you are struggling with in your life , TRUE? now sit down, make a cup of tea, make it a fun experience and ask yourself questions and start thinking and reflecting and actually come up with answers and then challenge those answers and I would love to hear them, please share them with me in the comments. section below I will read each of your answers and since I also have something to learn from you, I am sure that you can find something that I would benefit from if I applied it in my life today, so thank you very much.
Thank you very much for watching this video, if you liked it, please like it and if you have any questions, of course, just comment below, I'll see you in the next video, bye.

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