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100 SpongeBob Goofs & Mistakes In ONE VIDEO!

May 15, 2024
The first is the episode Shell Shocked, a very underrated episode from season six in which SpongeBob looks for alternatives when Gary needs a new shell. Check out some of these clips. What the hell is going on with my fancy boot? Hey, enough already. I warned you, I got you now Harry, no, I'm sorry, oh thank god for a minute, I thought you were hurt, this episode is so funny and one of my favorite things is that throughout the episode, Spongebob keeps breaking different shells. compilation of this, it's so funny Barnacles, you're hurt, one's slipping, hey buddy, okay, okay, let's get to the point and talk about the first mistake of this episode.
100 spongebob goofs mistakes in one video
I'm going to play a clip, see if you can see it here. Try it. size, of course, it's a shell, okay, you're right, it's not a shell, oh, frozen plane. I'm funny Bob, I come from the future. This mistake is very funny, but when SpongeBob puts on the space helmet, his arms literally go through the helmet. a really bad mistake and there's more, the next one is just as bad, Mr. Krabs, maybe you could help me find a new shell for Gary. Oh, AC, my wife, Mr. Krabs, if you help me get Gary a shell, I'll work for free. the rest of the year happens very quickly, but when Mr.
100 spongebob goofs mistakes in one video

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100 spongebob goofs mistakes in one video...

Krabs says oh, I see that one of his red arms is just not colored, since the animators just decided not to fill his arm with color and again it looks very bad, a bad animation. error, we have another one, but this one is not so bad, yes, the last one is a credit error, since D Snyder's name is spelled like that. I'll show that the text on the screen is misspelled like this during the opening credits, let's move on. to another episode and talk about some even crazier


. Next is the episode Reef Blower, a strange episode because it's like a silent episode, you don't get any dialogue from SpongeBob or Squidward, you just get music.
100 spongebob goofs mistakes in one video
Here are some foreign clips, as I said, interesting. episode like imagine if SpongeBob was always like this, it had no dialogue, it was like a silent movie type show, but anyway let's get into the first mistake, let's see if you can spot this, so this first one is like that. the last of the last section, when sand piles up in SpongeBob's path, the window on the first floor of his house is simply missing. Normally the house looks like this, but in this shot the window is missing and that was a little boring, although let's talk about it.
100 spongebob goofs mistakes in one video
Another mistake that is much spicier, okay, so listen carefully. Squidward's hammock is in the backyard and is seen at about the 45th second mark. However, in the next scene he is seen eating the two corals that were holding up the hammock and the hammock itself is nowhere to be found. to find them they just disappeared maybe he saved them but I think it's a mistake and I have another mistake take a look at this foreign clip okay so listen carefully again as this one is a bit complicated but at the beginning of the episode. we can see this flower in a pot, it's here, okay, it's here, but then when we see Squidward in his garden eating, the flower in the pot from the beginning disappears, it is not seen again in the episode after including this scene towards the end when it is. sitting on his doorstep like we have to see him right there so another mistake but oh well let's move on to another episode which probably has some of the craziest


I've ever seen looking for a house it's actually like a really new to the show its very new where the star family loses their house due to some ridiculous reasons here check out some of these clips oh eating shaking is our coffee maker oh tuffy always gives me trouble yeah talk about a ridiculous plot like they lose their house it's crazy but it's not as ridiculous as this first mistake keep your eyes peeled at home so to be honest I miss this mistake several times while watching this episode but the word ukulele on the town sign it's actually misspelled, it's spelled as u-k-e-l-e-l-e, which is incorrect, it's supposed to be you and that's not all for this episode unfortunately there's another mistake, let's see if you can spot this one keep those eyes peeled open.
I'm so glad you're back, he's the sharpest destroyer of our land in need, oh guys. This happens very quickly since it is at the end of the episode, but during the final shot of this episode, Squadena's arm is yellow. Normally she looks like this, but in this scene she looks like this with a yellow arm, which is totally a crazy mistake. but let's move on to an episode of old SpongeBob SquarePants and spot a few more mistakes. First, there is the season 6 episode, Crusty Crushers, an episode in which Mr. Krabs wants to manage SpongeBob and Patrick, but not as Krusty Krab workers, but as a Team Fighting Duo just so he can win a million Dollars.
It is fun. Here are some clips. I do not know what it is. It's really big. And Harry, it's time to look first. No, you choose first, yes, you know. I personally thought that. They would be a good team, but a big problem in this episode is that they keep fighting anyway, even if we make mistake number one, let's see if you can catch this one, keep your eyes peeled. Mr. Krabs, they look like they want to hurt us, they're just pretending, pretending, we like pretending, can we wear costumes? Hey mister, hey SpongeBob, how do I look?
Wow, it looks like those bun iron workout


s are really paying off. Now put the microphone down, we have fresh meat. You're here to pretend to fight and pretend that Russell, yeah, whatever, you got it right when Patrick shows his metal butt to SpongeBob, his bandana suddenly disappears and then comes back after Patrick gets up, but then disappears again when Patrick and SpongeBob say into the microphone. guy, who are there just to fake a fight like, where did this guy's handkerchief go? I don't know, but let's move on to mistake number two, okay you two, don't play anymore.
Do you see this just a spatula, well wrong, in reality this represents? your face after I go through the wreckage there you see that whatever you think this is bad until I have my hands on you three foreign innocence I just like to suck my hand, this is fun I guess, but when Patrick gets a paper cut , he cuts his right arm as you can see here, but when he wants to calm it down and suck it, you know you like cutting your hand and you tell him: Kiss it or whatever, kiss the wrong arm. kisses his left arm when it was his right arm that got hurt, it's such a funny mistake here, I don't know how they messed it up and I have one more, this one is really bad, he has a good laugh, he catches the helicopter, so at the end of the episode .
SpongeBob is seen wearing his fighting uniform, the same as Patrick, but when Patrick and SpongeBob are spinning in the air and are about to be torn apart, SpongeBob is briefly seen wearing his normal clothes when he should be wearing his uniform. of fighting like in this shot. right before he wears the wrestling uniform now this guy magically returns to his regular suit talk about a mistake three mistakes in one episode and let's move on to our second episode our next episode is cephalopod lodge now this episode is great it's about squidward joining in to a club that's just for cephalopods, which are like squid, so yeah, here are some clips.
I will never forget my initiation ceremony. Did you follow me here brother Squidward for thousands of years? No outsider has witnessed this sacred initiation, but I, I, I, man, sometimes I feel bad for Squidward. the guy found something that makes him happy and of course SpongeBob and fucking Patrick have to try to step in and ruin it, but anyway, let's go back to the beginning of the episode and watch this clip and see if we can spot our mistake. What is it about the third Wednesday of the month that makes Squidward so happy? Squidward Roger is that tonight is the big night.
Hello brother Roger, in this character Roger was talking to Squidward in the Krusty Krab. He is green, as you can see right now. green, however when he's at the Cephalopod Lodge later in the episode, The Dude is like a different color now he was green but now he's blue which makes a really weird mistake and of course I have another foreigner okay , Squidward, just hit it. us five minutes and then do your thing. This is ridiculous. No one is stupid enough to believe that SpongeBob and Patrick are us, so listen carefully. This is a bit complicated.
I'm going to show as many screenshots as I can, but when Squidward first walks in. Lodge, you enter a large room, this room right here, but when you then save them from the eel, it is now some kind of corridor, as if the real location has just changed, the whole room has changed, it is very strange, although not as strange as the last mistake in this episode. Check this out forever wait don't worry Squidward we still have the feather friends so as you just saw Squidward SpongeBob and Patrick get kicked out and while this is happening you can listen to Squidward scream, but if you really look at his mouth, it's closed.
In this case, you need to listen to the audio, so here's a clip again so you can listen to it. You will see that he has his mouth closed but he screams. A very nostalgic episode for me personally is the tea on the tree. episode where


meets sandy for the first time is a big deal here are some clips seen this before here is the ground squirrel hey you like karate too so what's your name sandy? Sure, what do you all really like? really good episode. I'm so nostalgic for this one, but what I'm not nostalgic for are the hidden mistakes in this episode that I completely missed as a kid.
Let's take a look at the first one. I just met this girl she uses. a hat full of air if you want to be elegant hold your pinky up like this the higher you hold it the more elegant you are so now that's elegant Remember when in doubt stick out your pinky okay so listen when Patrick tells SpongeBob how to be elegant lift up the little finger of his right hand and this is like a joke throughout the episode: if you want to be fancy, you should drink with your little finger up, but here's the problem in the next scene where SpongeBob and Patrick approach the tree by Sandy.
Then SpongeBob has his left hand raised and it looks like he's holding his index finger instead of his pinky, so he's holding the wrong finger, which is a really funny mistake considering this goes on for a bit throughout the episode, but let's continue. Let's move on to another mistake, remember that when in doubt, pinky, you can do it. Sponge Bob. I'll be attentive, thanks friend. Many times throughout SpongeBob's history, there has always been a red light on Sandy's front door, which is where the water drains, as if he ever wanted to. to drain the water that's how it does it, it even happens at one point during this episode, but the mistake is that during this scene where SpongeBob and Patrick first walk up to the tree, the red light just isn't there, which creates a strange continuity. error and stay tuned as we move on to another episode that has some shocking errors.
Next up is the episode's boss for a day, an episode in which, as you can guess from the name, SpongeBob becomes the Krusty Krab's boss for an entire day after well, this happens to Mr. Krabs. I actually feel bad for the guy. SpongeBob's table needs more fries. What do you smell? Oh, they know you'll have a penny. Someone calls an ambulance. Oh, you're here, wait, Mr. Krabs, who's in charge? While you're away, poor damn Mr. Krabs, something like that must have hurt a lot, but you know what really hurt me guys, the mistakes in this episode talk about an incredible transition, but here's the first mistake, let's see if you can detect it without my help. training devices Can I please tell your order?
I think it was pretty good, right? So listen closely when SpongeBob darts in front of the Krusty Krab's front door as Squidward leaves, the bottom line of his two teeth connected as one. big line when they're supposed to be separated is really weird and in the same scene Squidward's wrinkles are missing so yeah, two mistakes in one shot and here are some more clips with another mistake. I'll be honest, this next one is kind of subtle. It's not a big deal, but don't worry, I have crazier things coming, but when SpongeBob spins in the circle of his slices, his leg looks white like his sock, like his leg is white, but it only happens when he looks up. the left one, as you can see here, a really weird bug with a crazy white leg, but let's move on to the final bug in this episode and then we can get back to the Patrick Star show, oh that's me, I'll be the best boss the Krusty Krab will ever Maybe he had it right I guess if I want a boss like Mr.
Krabs I like to think like crabs okay, okay, I admit it. I've covered this blooper before any grapple fan knows about it, but I had to show it again just because it's so bad, but as you've seen, Mr. Krabs literally doubles up for a split second when SpongeBob opens the Krusty Krab's door. strangely, so let's move on to Patricio Estrella's program andlet's talk about some more mistakes, the episode will be spicy. We're going to be talking about Patrick, the game from season 10 or not from season 9 actually and here, take a look at these clips. I don't see the point of this game night, every game Patrick has invented is more useless and boring than last time, this time he did his research, welcome players, and look what his name is Patrick, could I suggest rubbish, yes Patrick, how It's called, it's called Patrick, the game is not my favorite episode of season 9, but it's still not a bad episode, but let's get into the first one?
Bug check it out screaming around the city It's called Tic Tac two lines in prison puts an , the X's and O's drawn on the papers disappear just before the bubble transition. This will be easier to see in slow motion. Here take a look, thanks. Also what was written on the food in the kitchen. in order, here the signs also disappear when the bubble transition comes, so yes, we will show all this in one clip. I should have followed my first idea. Next up is the episode Truth or Square, a SpongeBob SquarePants special from season six once again.
The episode has a really interesting plot. Here's a quick plot recap with clips now to add some anniversary specials to Krabby Patty's top bucks. I ask that we leave here now. If only Sandy were here, she could help us get in on Saturday. On Sunday, you were the one who stole my other radio Squidward, what not, I just jumped into the box. I love SpongeBob specials, especially ones that are longer than 20 minutes, like an hour-long special. I love you guys so I enjoyed this episode but I hate to ruin the parade the episode has one error it has two actually here's the first one oh hey there's


's house oh hello are you okay?
It's so easy to overlook it like I'm sure you've seen it and I've missed it so many times, but when SpongeBob says, are you okay? In Patchy's dream, the right side of his pants is just see-through and wasn't colored, what an embarrassing mistake, and here's another one, hey, relax, buddy, that we all want to get into. the Krusty Krab as much as you, but I don't have time to wait in line, I'm sorry, but I can't be late today. Hello, I'm sorry everyone, but Mr. Krabs needs me, so at the beginning of the episode, when SpongeBob leaves his house after singing.
He runs into Harold, who is in line until he gets to the Krusty Krab, we hear his Krusty Krab's voice as much as you do. SpongeBob then declares that he can't be late and jumps on the head of the other fish and, if you listen closely, the male fish. now I have female voices and female fish have male voices. Hey, you can have any type of voice you want, but it can't change mid-episode, so another mistake and let's move on to a new episode with even more mistakes, first. Well, the first episode of SpongeBob SquarePants wanted an episode where we were introduced to SpongeBob as a character and we got to see the Krusty Krab for the first time.
Here are some fun clips from the episode. Today is the big day, Gary, that I'm in shape for. today, Gary, is the best food establishment ever established to eat Krusty Krab, home of Krabby Patty, with a "help wanted" sign in the window. I'm ready, oh SpongeBob, what could I want? SpongeBob, come on, SpongeBob, damn, this episode has so many funny moments, but let's get into the mistakes, since this episode also has a lot of mistakes. I mean, it's the first episode, so it makes sense. Let's see if you guys can spot this one first without my help.
I'm going to go there in March. Right at the manager, looking straight in the eyes, leave it on the line and I can't do this, hey Patrick, where do you think you're going? Just no, you won't, you'll go to the Krusty Krab and grab that. job, this is a big yellow cube with holes in it, you caught it, don't worry if you didn't, I've got you covered, cartoons, Cory's got you, check this out, um, why is Spongebob's necklace usually red? It looks like this, but in this one. shot, it looks like this and it's definitely a mistake and there's more where that came from, there's a lot more, there's actually like three more mistakes, so keep your eyes peeled and let's see if you can catch the next one, okay, I won't . show them, please, please, is there any way to behave?
This is the end. This one is just funny, but during this scene where Mr. Krabs and Squidward are freaking out because of the anchovies just trying to eat them, there are some shots where Squidward and Mr. Krabs' teeth are purple now, this is probably it's because of the lighting but it's not supposed to look like that if you know the animation this was definitely a mistake and here's another mistake keep those eyes wide open perfect okay Mr. Krabs I'll be in my corners . one is pretty easy to catch, I'm sure you guys already know, but the anchor is missing from Squidward's Krusty Krab hat.
Normally a Krusty Krab hat looks like this and it has an anchor, it looks cool, but on this one. they shot the animators they just didn't take out the anchor and it looks very strange, okay, okay, I'm getting tired of this episode, but I made one more mistake and then we'll move on to another episode, keep those eyes peeled, so fascinating. How wonderful here we see Bikini Bottom teaming up with life, the home of one of my favorite creatures, SpongeBob, any true SpongeBob fan should have been able to catch this, as SpongeBob's house is missing a window.
Normally, SpongeBob's house looks like this, it constantly looks like this at all times. the program, but in this shot the window is simply missing. Now I'll move on to another episode. Stay tuned as there are some crazy bugs coming your way. I wonder what would happen if Plankton and Patrick got together, they aren't the most. You probably know your teammates, but this is actually what happens in the Chum Bucket Supreme episode. Here are some perfect clips. Chum is metabolic fuel. Forget what that word means. There is a fire that breaks the lake. Loops, we need to get out of here.
The door is cursed. much harder wait, what are we doing again? Ah, there we go, jump in, it's funny, what the hell makes the plot so funny? But I personally don't think I'd hire Patrick, of all people, as an advertising director, but hey, Plankton, do your thing. What I'm going to do is my thing and that's point out this first mistake, keep your eyes open, we're going to have a board meeting here, we need ideas. I'm so happy they changed that tired old slogan. Chum is lazy, yes, that new slogan. he gets much, much cooler, here's your Chum Bucket Supreme, enjoy, so this guy here is Frank and as you can see he's wearing this new red shirt when he approaches the counter, but watch him during the next shot as he about. the record since his shirt is now blue at first it looked like this and it was red but now it looks like this because it was blue which is a mistake and I have another mistake for you hidden in this clip keep your eyes peeled .
It's on fire, can I tell you something honestly? Whatever it is on your side, if these words make me sad, this is very, very, very strange, but when the camera zooms in on Patrick after he says these words they make me sad, there is an animation. fails when Patrick's forehead can be seen below Patrick's eyes for a split second, yeah, very strange, you know, Patrick Star's show gets a lot of criticism online. I think people criticize this show too much, especially when the backpack revenge episode is such a good episode to take. a look at some of these clips is very funny oh boy a newspaper for me thanks newspaper boy you still owe me money I will hit you back hurry up yes you are my grandson money I have escaped without a trace of the mistakes where is it? that money I'm not paying for this newspaper there's no ink in it God it's not spam oh look please don't hurt me your money is there oh I can't newspaper money so this is kinda funny I'm I was surprised that the animators made this mistake, but Squidward's nose is yellow for one frame during the scene where he finds the fake money on the table.
Look at that guy with the yellow nose. It's crazy, it's actually the only mistake I could find in this episode. Let's go back to SpongeBob and find some more bugs. Last but not least, the ripped pants episode, you know the drill, here are some clips from the episode. Hi Sandy, who am I? Hey SpongeBob, did anyone order 20 pepperonis and pizzas? you guys want to lift some weight, oh come on SpongeBob, I mean everyone back off, ah, what a good episode. What's not so good are the mistakes, although you know exactly what I'm going to talk about.
Here is the first episode. mistake, I thought I had everyone on my side, but I went and blew it all up and now she doesn't even give me a passing glance just because I ripped my pants when big Larry came to take it down. SpongeBob turned to You can see SpongeBob ripping off his swimsuit revealing his underwear in this scene, but when the camera zooms out as the other quote-unquote losers join him for the ripped pants song, he is now seen Random SpongeBob wearing his soaked bathing suit in this shot when I just saw Him rip it off, so that was a big mistake and I have one more, I'll soon forget SpongeBob, dad.
The latter is pretty straightforward, but during the ripped pants song, several scenes still have SpongeBob in his swimsuit which again, as we mentioned before, rips. take them away, so yeah, the mind of season 12, a space is a pretty interesting episode. It's not a bad episode, but the actual plot is a bit strange as it revolves around teeth, more so the lack of teeth, specifically this space in SpongeBob's mouth, here take a look at these. clips ah my role hey hipsters awesome cats I can understand it hey hipsters are awesome cats oh I can understand it you're the best customer we've ever had crazy dad Can I see you at the coolest table meet a really cool cat? oh there it is hey rooney squid hmm alien yeah honestly this episode is really funny like spongebob's personality once his teeth go out he changes his voice and becomes a completely different man , but enough of that, let's get into the spicy mistakes.
It is your dentist who should seal that drafty gap and eliminate whistling. Thanks, Dr. Squidward, did you catch the error? Probably not, since it's actually an audio error. Like I said, SpongeBob's voice changes in this episode and it sounds like, oh boy, would he? that sounds cool, but right after Squidward pushes SpongeBob's teeth together, SpongeBob actually sighs in his normal voice making a weird mistake, oh better, that should seal that drafty gap. That's not it, although here's Mystique number two. I guess I have to use it well. Fat ears with old fashioned tentacles, oh better, that should seal that gap with drafts, he says without a space, my voice sounds almost great trying one, two, three, this one is more of a continuity error, since when Squidward is trying his second attempt at drilling a hole in SpongeBob's teeth, he puts a screw between SpongeBob's teeth, however in the zoom out here the screw just disappears even though we literally saw it in this shot a moment ago , so a weird continuity error is no big deal, but the last audio error in this episode is pretty bad, listen to this and use those ears, yeah, you guys definitely caught this one, since when SpongeBob says flick flick flick Flip Flip, his mouth doesn't even move like if you zoom in on this while the audio is playing, his mouth doesn't even move. so talk about a weird bug as always and that will do it for today's


I thank all of you, the fighting gang. I'm Corey from the cartoon. Shout out to the premiere gang and shout out to our new editor Manny, he edited this video and I did a good job, but yeah if you're new make sure to subscribe as I'll be responding to comments from all subscribers on this video . It may take me two or three days, but if you subscribe and comment. I'm sure you'll get a response from the cartoon Corey, but yeah, make sure you subscribe. I will be streaming on this channel soon and I love you. See you tomorrow.

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