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100 Players Survive Natural Disasters in Minecraft!

Jun 27, 2024
In today's video I divided 100 random subscribers between these three team leaders and I will make them


the world's craziest



. First we have this massive tsunami and if it catches you before you reach the Bunker, you will die from now on. "You're saying that, but it seems like we're both in the same position right now. Oh my God, oh my God, and if you win, I'll send you a hundred t-shirts with your team captain's face on them. You want my face. Get ready to sacrifice yourself for me, fool, you suck as a team leader, oh, the purple one died, what an idiot, 16 people have died, 16 people have died, I'll catch up with you guys, I'm coming, yeah, we'll see what the tornadoes have to say about that. so what are you doing bro, no shit, dude, people are absolutely getting swept away by these tornadoes.
100 players survive natural disasters in minecraft
I'm right behind you, you fool, you fool, come back here, no ma'am, you don't stand a chance, and while the people were fighting with the tornadoes, some of the


were already reaching the end come on no I'm not going to die I'm going to die he's not going to go back no back no back that's the tsunami right there no the three leaders died in the first round you are the worst leaders of all the times there is no Green Team they are crazy watching where I am going until the end The Green Team beat the blue team I'm going to be honest, you're behind, you have to hurry.
100 players survive natural disasters in minecraft

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100 players survive natural disasters in minecraft...

I know, do it. Go, go, 52 of you remain, every one of your leaders is dead, do you want me to bring you all back? It's okay, this is the last time they will be allowed to return. I'll make it count, I won't spoil it. I'll probably do it for the Second Challenge we have this huge volcano and it will erupt until there are only 30


left starting now oh my god oh those bad guys oh there's lava in the air look up look up look up you're screwed ah oh my goodness it's funny right here ah oh my goodness Hey guys, I have an Excalibur volcano now would you like to see how it works?
100 players survive natural disasters in minecraft
I want to see how it works, but I'm a fool. Oh good luck Nolan, oh sweet no, why do nine more people need to do it? be eliminated do you want me to make it harder no it's not okay the fireballs are getting much bigger now you guys have to run oh oh no this one here oh no oh no oh no I'm not dead oh I'm alive one person plus one person more please as long as I keep my wings no yeah yeah oh my god you were literally going to be the next person to die but instead someone else died first how next we have an earthquake that's about to to destroy this whole city and you have to get to the Escape helicopter but there are only 15 seats available, let's start the challenge oh my god, yes, you could say this is quite a


disaster, ah wow, there is lava, the floor is lava , wait, how's my head?
100 players survive natural disasters in minecraft
Because what's better than the blue team. the best building in this Crush like 30 people have to turn around, go the other direction, wait, it's like that, everything is, oh, wait, Wally, stop, no, stop trying to distract me and once the players arrive to the bridge, it's crumbling beneath them, please don't do it. fall please don't fall it's falling apart behind you you gotta run oh my god the first person to win was a member of Nolan's team hey we're the best baby oh my god the Magic sings and falls apart, move, move, I don't like it, please.
I have, uh, Wally, half the people have already made it, you have to hurry. I know, brother, where am I going? It's this way, yeah, go ahead, okay, fool, wait, stop fooling around, you have to stop, yeah, what a friend, why are you stopping?, stop, idiot, purple. I'm in the back right now, the building fell on me, man, these team captains, am I right? There's no time, oh my God, there's no way I'm getting there in time. Purple and Wally are here. Oh, Wally is going to die, he's dead. I'm dead, it's over, it's over, it's practically over, oh he's there, he's there, oh Wally, ride, oh my god, you could make it.
Wow, he's right behind you, come on, yeah, well, we did it, oh my God, and because everyone was so good. 18 people did it instead of 15. I've never been so proud. The next challenge is this giant avalanche and the first 10 people to reach the top win from now on oh my god look at the giant snowball that is falling no way. I'm just getting sick give me a break hey fool yes I have this little snowball Avalanche oh I can have it nonstop yeah this might be the hardest challenge yet oh what's that oh Avalanche Avalanche under the spike under the spike I'm just like I'm doing so good wait fool stop what's good every time he falls in love purple you're too far ahead brother no I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not no friend, I was until now First, imagine that you are far ahead of others, what is your secret?
I bought it, even you know it, okay, I believe in you, Carl, what do I do? I don't hack, you're hacking, oh my god, I made it magical. You are the first. person to do it, I'll bring it home to Nolan, yeah, the blue team won't lose, someone did it, Nolan, help me bro, I'm eating the chicken sandwich, wait, can I have something? oh, yes, yes, oh. Purple mode. Main character art starts now. So many people are about to finish well guys, half the people have made it now, you really have to hurry up, purple, what a fall from grace, buddy, you're in front, you made me sad, purples, I feel like I'm starting to get it . hanging, oh my god, you're such a fool.
I have a strategy, stay towards the edge, they can't hit you, they really can if he knows none of them are hitting me. I'm a genius, in no way is this dumb, no, no, do it, no, no, oh, it's blue versus yellow right here, purple, come on, come on, why do you hide behind this thing all the time? I am so scared. I just have to go. I just have to go. I just have to go. I just have to go. Come on, brother, come on, come on, come on. wow, wow, yeah, yeah, one more place, it's so close, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, you made it, oh no, but I'm not there.
What if I told you that was the last natural disaster I had? You lie because there is only one more left for the final challenge, the sun is literally going to explode and the first player to reach the Escape rocket at the end of this moon base wins a hundred t-shirts with their Captain's face from now on. Come on, do it for my face, the first obstacle is a chamber with lasers and toxic waste everywhere. Oh my god, no, no, no, oh my god, there are lasers literally everywhere. No, I died after going through the laser room.
They have a wind cannon. and they'll need it as their next obstacle is a huge ravine with space zombies and space vines. How easy, you're making it look easy because you're currently in first place by a lot. This is hard, man, do magic, there's someone in front of you. You, I'm scared, my hands are shaking, I can't feel, I can't breathe, we made it, I made it to the door, I'm the last person here and I'm going to die, oh my god, zombies and vines everywhere. wait, the green one is way ahead, wait, there are people on the rocket, but it takes two people nearby to open it, okay, we can do this together, we can do this together, we have to wait about a minute while it fills with fuel before you can scale it.
Life depends on this, okay, I'm scared, okay, I made it, but I'm way behind, but you gotta hurry, I'm in a hurry, man, I'm hurrying, we're here behind you, oh, who's that, Oh, blue team, oh, no. watch out I see the rock I can see the rocket ah go please yellow blue and green it all comes down to this the powered rockets reach the top you don't have to hurry Muzzy someone is in front of you do what it takes rocket you better not leave without me don't leave without me easy you could do it for your squad what are the metaverses keep going my teammate wait I see people there is still time oh my god how did I get here oh my god oh wait no Blue is up here oh my god wait who is up there magic oh my god oh my god magic you have to do that ah didn't you die just when you hit the rocket oh oh my god easy Muncie you have to reach it it's right there the green one is in front of you hurry up easy you might have won it, very easy, silly, did he do it?
He brought it home. I knew you had it in you, oh well, easy, you only have a hundred t-shirts with a fool's face on it like yeah, don't forget and I'll make you. see you next time thanks

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