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1000 People vs 1 Infected!

May 28, 2021
We have


Minecraft players on this server and a zombie who is Chris. Every time Chris kills someone, he spawns as a zombie and if this video wasn't cool enough like Tony is, I don't want the last one left to die. get 10,000 in bitcoins What if you are the last one left? I'll give a shout out to your channel. That's all I need. I will win. Oh, these kids thought they were running away. Hey? Go, Chris, go, I'm just going to chase. This guy I have to prove myself now oh oh oh he died from fall damage you're ruining his ball game don't get out of here the zombie horde is coming oh god okay here we go guys everyone's following me stop it stop it.
1000 people vs 1 infected
Please, is there water under that crane? Because if there is, then it could go up. Have you noticed this green circle around you? Chris, yes, if the zombies leave the green circle, teleport them back to it so they stay together, it's not because the server Lag, it's because the zombies are together, strong zombies on the street, what will they do? They're having coffee right now. This is where Tommy was before. I have a whole gang. I think staying in a building will be the way I die. I'm gonna run like a free man like a big guy, this guy is just chilling at the window, catch him, oh we got him in the corner, the pig, what's he like, but with sunglasses on, oh my god, I just See someone fall and die, oh this. the guy is just kidding he's kidding this is for ten thousand in bitcoins and I just don't think this guy is taking this seriously this is no laughing matter oh look at all these nerds to kill ah they killed me tommy made fun of chris for to die I killed like eight


with that, so get out of my sight, carl, you know who you didn't kill, tommy chris, here's a little clue, tommy is in a tree, I'm almost up this tree, where to Should I go now?
1000 people vs 1 infected

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1000 people vs 1 infected...

Can I take this jump? oh no my god that's like half my health dude I have to be really careful so more than a tenth of the


are zombies now yeah we're working fast why did he kill you? Oh my God, hit me once and I'm gone. flying backwards 10 blocks I don't know if zombies are faster than normal players because if they are I could be absolutely screwed I'm doing good guys I'm doing good leave a like if you think I'll win this human put a The skin of zombie is cheap, who will win the attractive villager or the camouflaged zombie?
1000 people vs 1 infected
You have successfully


a quarter of the server. I'm going to let my boys do the work. Hey, don't forget that guy over there, guys, come on, what are you doing? this way from here to the forest to the forest I made a good choice going here first no one is safe no one is safe I can't see anything because there are so many damn zombies right in my face there's a guy up there Kyle How do I get to this roof? How do I get to this ceiling? I don't know, oh okay, I'm going to die if I drop here, oh my God, who has so many hearts, wait, why is there water, but just in case? you're cheating, I wouldn't cheat, you know what happened the last time Chris cheated, right, no, don't, we banished him to the bathroom.
1000 people vs 1 infected
No, I'm sentencing you to 10 minutes in the bathroom. No, Carl, here's the camera, go film yourself on it. looting the toilet, oh my god, so what I'm thinking I do is I jump right before the zombies arrive and they all splash and die, they're everywhere, there's literally like a group of a hundred of them, see? That guy down there you're about to make the jump you got horribly lost you're not even close this is the worst day of my life I'm so bored do zombies have health uh yeah you can kill I think I have a plan?
I'll make it worth it for you, Carl, my gang and me. 500 players have been


, which means there are only 500 left. I'm halfway there. You have a huge horde of zombies. Now come on, my zombies, let's be on guard. There are so many zombies. I'm trapped. down I'm immobilized just me and you rosie rosie rosie move very carefully oh there are so many that came just walking on us if I stay close the zombies are teleported there accidentally go jordy yeah kill them you're stuck in the webs this It's much more fun than participating in the Minecraft video.
I came here for Chris, yeah, Tommy and his gang have been sitting here forever. I'm killing other people. I'm starting to think I made this city too big. Hey, give us a shrink, we're just gonna go, go, go, go, go, go, okay, I gotta make this wall cube worth it, oh my god no, all my friends are coming to the other end of the phone Come on, come on, come on, come on, guys. wow, there are so many of them, come on, mr duck 420, go right, zero gentleman, it's a random mr b subscriber, right, yeah, zero night, if I die, I want you to squeeze this bucket of water from my dead body, uh, there's about to be a big crash.
Among the survivors and the zombies we are marking them, they appear e-boy MC is standing in the middle of the horde and no one pays attention, we will catch him later. 400 left, oh night, we don't have much time. You don't have a chance here, follow me for me, we have to lose as many people as possible oh no, get up, Tommy and his boys are somehow on the side of a building on a scale of one to ten. I wonder how angry Tommy would be if I just set off a bunch of fireworks here, I bet he's going crazy, why did he fall?
Why are you doing this? Jimmy no, no, we have to go higher, we have to go higher, okay, my only goal is to get Tommy in. Now what's wrong with you? Oh, you don't like fireworks. I thought they would be entertaining. Oh wait, the zombies are here. They're chasing me, I wonder what would happen if I did this, give me, no, please stop, please, he's got this guy, it's Tommy, look down there, there's a horde of zombies, oh my god, yeah, we're cleaning up these places, guys, let's go. together we are strong zombie game your punishment is over if you want to come back it's okay please never again just don't cheat right? there's a zombie that oh i oh it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me they Oh it worked, I sat on the toilet for about 15 minutes, it was worth it, it was worth it, the edges are shrinking, that's good for me , Tommy is here, I see him coming with force, I will try to divert them.
For my part, Jimmy kept making fireworks, that was the worst. Oh well, I'm literally looking at you. That is not the opposite. I'm going to level up to him so that my zombies appear in the tree with him. Look at Tommy at the top. hundreds of zombies are surrounding him I'm sending my soldiers, get away from me oh, you can jump and hit him oh oh toby oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh yeah, go, go, go, go, Go! Go! Go. He guys, catch him, catch him, oh, catch him, oh yeah, yeah, he's on top of the car, oh no, he went and died, oh my God, no, I'll never hear my screams, you die, ah, I guess I'll have to kill people now. oh my god dude I'm actually killing so many people Big Tommy bottom right zombie over here okay here we go oh no Mr.
Biggie Cheese no dude Chris I'm up here you want me try to jump on him, bring him, Tommy, oh. I believe in you, you have this Tommy, oh everyone else, look at all those zombies using the water, come on my children, it's raining zombies, oh, they're hitting them, let's get to the top, I'm ready, we gotta there's two here and then two. these rails four people left oh god four people two we have to get them we only have two left chris I see it I get it tommy mlg oh no oh tommy you decide who gets the ten thousand dollars worth of bitcoin someone is they will hate me for the rest of his life is worth here we here they come oh he goes for the hot dog hd me oh oh oh my god the dead hot dogs oh my god oh my god wait wait what oh my god wait what just happened how? that zombie go up there they jump from above look up oh my god what's up swampy he was shaking 10,000 in bitcoins send me your address I'll get you the money and now you're rich my dad is going crazy right now he You made less money than you today.
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