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100 Days on a Deserted Island!

Mar 27, 2024
screen time but for me it's been like 2 weeks and then this place is in a Soul Sand Valley that has very very high spawns and not to mention it's on lava, wow that's crazy. luck is going to break a bunch of this and we're basically going to fill this in to create as much surface area as possible so you can see what we're looking for here it's pretty basic oh oh wow that was my fifth withered skeleton that definitely saves us some time now we're just going to kill a bunch of guys until we have two more skulls.
100 days on a deserted island
I just got to the Duck Dodge Juke Jive oh I don't like this oh man that's okay oh that's it. I forgot that the guys just appear in the Fortress itself, oh man okay so that's 27, I don't know, man I think the game really wants this to happen, yeah, and to give you your final number, that's 58 , I think our percentage is like 4 and a half or something, so yeah, that makes 58 like one in 20 or so, math look at that anyway, ladies and gentlemen, we're back, look at that beautiful Tower, oh, wait a second, don't worry, I definitely didn't forget Soul Sand. in Soul Sand Valley now I just have to admit one thing today I'm not looking for a fight I don't need to push my luck so let's just jump in here take a regeneration potion take a strength potion too We can buy some arrows, let's just go down to just leave a little space here, okay, let's try this, do the Boop and the Boop, we have the bow, we have a potion, we have our strength. ourselves a little saturated here we are going well oh wait wait wait wait I want to go back a little right?
100 days on a deserted island

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100 days on a deserted island...

Oh, you know, it's probably not the biggest space, but okay, we're okay, we've got this right there we go. Yeah, we're just poking 'em, it's, it's, it's cool. I know it's there, it's doing its thing, we pull out the punch, okay, it's still a fight with Wither, you know it's nothing, little guy, uh ooo, here we go Wow, what space that thing creates. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have our bottom star. We need glass and three pieces of obsidian, there's the beacon, now we only need 164 iron blocks, we're currently at 2 24, okay, so I think that's the center of this building, so let's go down and go to, no I know, basically just carving. really big hole right here I think we'll do our 3v3, put that guy over there, let's try that again, break this again and here we go, great now to start, our options are speed and haste, in fact, we're going to shoot with haste for just a brief second because as we continue to grow, we're obviously going to need more space for it, so at this current moment, rush is definitely what we want and I think there should be enough space.
100 days on a deserted island
Now the rush is good, but for the most part. It's not something we need all the time so now I'm going to change it to Speed ​​One and the other great thing about this is that it's directly under our storage room so we have our glass that fits the vibe, so that gives us a little boost when it comes to walking, that's right ladies and gentlemen, we took three whole


just to make us walk a little faster, oh it's worth it man, I gotta say our


is advancing and we. We're not even done yet.
100 days on a deserted island
I know we have this kind of perfect four circle system going, but I want to build a little more here. I have seen in many videos people creating cool nether portals and us. I've just never done that on this channel before, we're finally doing it today, I got the iPad bottom portal so that's the easy part of this project, now we really need to design something, now there's a piece of bamboo that we have. Actually, I haven't worked with that yet and that is, if you take two slabs, you can make a bamboo mosaic and you can see the difference between the two, and that's what we're going to work with this project for, so with this we can still do . yeah, like stair slabs, okay, so I'd like a little bit of a stair system and then we have our rag, we just thought of something like that, okay, that's a start, oh actually, this could be cool, I Like, yeah, that's great.
Look, it's like a door or Arc Vibe, ladies and gentlemen. Cristen this portal. I think I like it quite a bit. The only question I have is if we cover the back. I have an idea here. Look what we have here. In fact, I think it looks pretty cool, like the swirl of the portal over the line of the wood. I just have one more possible idea there. Don't know. I think it's very good. I'm happy with that. just wait for it to get a little darker, also as a whole, I think that adds a cool aesthetic to the


and if I was going to say any area of ​​the island lacks aesthetics it would probably be here.
I wonder if the easiest thing to do for this build would be to just cover everything with planks like, I don't know, it seems kind of stupid, I don't know, I just feel like it's still missing something, so I'm wondering if adding a roof will do the trick. something. It has decent depth, which makes me not hate it. I think it's a bit boring. What's up with that? After all, it is an industrial building. It doesn't have to look beautiful now for a guy like this blacksmith it's pretty easy to level up, they'll actually buy iron from us that's pretty cool, this is also one of our guys so we're hoping for a good roll on gear diamond, I mean $1 shovels, that's a pretty good boom that's going to make two out of 13 Masters and we get five efficiency 3 Emerald picks that are pretty clean now the rest of this won't be as clean but honestly, even three emeralds are pretty good ooh, this guy has some deals too, he's not even a healed villager and well, that's a nice pair of boots, oh, but even with the chain mail, oh, we're so close, they're three now, if we continue our way up and start with a cleric, we don't mind buying Lapis Lazuli if we want to catch everyone. although we're definitely going to need to do a little bit more work so let's go acquire so the next thing I really want to do is something I've been hanging around with for about 50


and the first part of that is Let's just clean this bamboo , we're going to start with something that looks like this and the next step is to fill this with dirt and it probably doesn't have enough dirt, we're just going to break up this dirt and We're just going to put all that reclaimed dirt in, so now we have a big old mound and then we're going to get a little out of this.
Next, we're filling this out. I think that's right, then we're filling this out. It's like I still need to add something to make the collection a little easier if this were a normal Minecraft video. I'll just top it off with ladders, call it, but this ain't no ordinary world and you ain't no ordinary viewers of R. and you both deserve better, so look what we got here, oh dear, okay guys, we deserve it, so we have it as surrounding things and then we make one more layer around it so they can't see the dirt and see.
I hope once this all grows it will look really cool. The only other thing I'm wondering is if it would look better if we gave it a little bit of this. I like the tile to look nice, so that's pretty much it. We just have to leave it now and see what happens on the other side of things. We can get our Master Fletcher. We should be able to work on our weapon a little. Smith. I'm willing to sacrifice some diamonds. Look at that, Master. The guy gives us the loot of his Smite that would have been so good 20 days ago, but he's okay, man, because it's the top three teams.
The people at Master Leatherman can wait. The clergyman takes the bottles and that's it. As for the cartographer, we have paper, oh, glass. panels, that's going to be a lot of pain, we'll keep it rolling and sure, yes, I'll buy your banners, my man the cartographer, who's another master now, before we get to the top floor, I can't forget the leather worker. It doesn't matter how stupid they are and hey, that's a good deal, now the final levels have the leather horse armor that will make things easier for us, there is our teacher with the hard cap with the heart, come on, friend, for the meme, are you ready for this?
Look at this man, man, I literally look indestructible on a god level, so we have two masters on this floor four, here the second floor does six and these two guys do eight of 13 and I'm going to need a quick minute before we can get these guys in, but before we get there we can take a quick look to see that we've finally optimized it. I think that will be enough to get us to our level three. The incredible Beacon gives us access to the force. We still want the speed so it only puts us 81 blocks away or 729 more pieces of iron and now I can get here, which is 40, so once we have 10 more we should have the entire island covered.
Oh, by the way, I think this has arrived. Okay, oh yeah, when it clears up, it'll look cooler, maybe I'll get these guys some bone meal. I think it went really well, so ladies and gentlemen, we're almost there, but we still have one giant piece of the puzzle left. a beautiful island, but did you really think this would be it for our house? We are going to build an impressive bamboo temple and that will be the final piece of our puzzle and the centerpiece of our island. Now, the first thing we are going to do is greet our visitors.
Wow man, they really tried to sell me Coral Blocks, Seaweed Sand, and Pufferfish. Okay, to be fair, the busted sapling is great and it's a little late, but we'll plant it. It may end. I'm making a nice ornament or something, man. I wish you had done it sooner. Okay, actually let's start cleaning all this bamboo. Maybe we'll try to get some more emeralds. In fact, we can make some trades with our rookie villagers. Oh. Look at that, Sunrise has to pick up some iron, now we can buy five, four more of these, start breaking down the rest of this and man, I gotta say it's really not the vibe like, oh, sorry, what are you with? a tree. leaves, yeah, I don't know if you got the memo, man, but we don't really do that here now.
Yeah, I'm still going to plant some of these guys because I want the birch wood, but I don't know. Man this feels a little strange for now, we'll keep them around just to get a decent supply. Now, the other thing I need to do. We have been living on this island for 92 days very alone and I will say no more to that. I'm commanding this llama and I say to Joey, welcome to the team. I can't leave this guy alone. Can you guys give me a second before we get to the house? Oh my god, that was the first try, it's a little late, but, um, block.
Let's see, what I really need is a teacher librarian so we can get another name tag. Obviously it's too late to fix it, but look how easy it was. There's our second name tag. I'm pretty sure that puts us at 10 out of 13 master villagers. Is anyone here a teacher? No. Okay, I lied nine out of 13. Where have the flames gone? I named a uh no no no no no no no no what could someone explain to me what just happened, God, that's tragic, but hey, I guess that's just going to show that at the end of the day the important thing is not to have friends, but have a big house, so let's get to it, the first step is to take this guy down.
It's been a beautiful journey home with you. You have served your purpose wonderfully. you've protected us, you've provided us with storage and I just need you to know that I really appreciate everything you did for us, so I'm going to leave this chest here because it has a lot of stuff in it and I don't want to move it, so we'll just build around it, it's okay ladies and gentlemen, so there you have it, it's crazy to think that it's like our entire house is actually going to leave these chests here right now too. we just have to build a super awesome and cool house, so previously our radius was four five, if we bring it here, that would be 8.
The most important thing is that it can't go too far because you start running into the bridges actually from a distance that is quite large now my question is: would you be satisfied if we made the base too high? Because I want a base, but I don't have a ton of blocks, so check this out. This is basically the base of two from which we build the actual structure. I actually find myself needing a jump boost that we're not there because I'm thinking we could be there, let's do this. one shot, okay, base, that's level two, level three, oh, oh, oh my goodness, we're a piece of iron away, I need a piece of iron, okay, that feels good, look at that little block of diamond so we do this grab the beacon put the diamond block there and boom there we rush and jump boost oh my god guys we did it it's a pretty impressive full Beacon considering we start on an island with no absolutely nothing, now all that and I'm like yeah, I realized it's not. enough, but okay, you'll have to do something like this, actually, if that's the case, what's the point of jump drive if you don't have jump drive too?
Why are you using it? Did you know? I take it back. I'm a complete fool, let's takespeed. I think that's probably the best combination. We're not going to have a lot of space there. That's not terrible, but it's a little tight. Look, that's great. The same situation here a little adjusted. And that's great. Now that we're completing the foundation issue, well, you see what's going on here, so I think I'm actually going to remove this floor. I don't know exactly what I'm doing, but I'll leave it at that. of this for now, yeah, great, that's it, oh actually, I think I have a solution for this space problem too.
We could just stick this in there. Oh, also, we need a way here. Still, it's excellent. I think we should do it now. Pick an oat line of structure because I don't know what I'm doing here without following a guide and for those who know me well, that's probably a little scary, so to give you a very, very basic idea of ​​what I'm thinking , I think we're going to start with the corners and work our way through them properly, so I hope that as I build that, you can now see a little bit more of an idea forming here.
I don't know if that's going to work. It's going to be our entrance and then it's really going to be about finding some depth as a sort of window here, okay, so what do we think we could do this as well? Okay, actually, that's not bad, it looks less cool from the inside, but yeah. I think we're going to continue with that, we'll just do it three more times, so we already have that oatmeal line set up now which will be our first floor. I changed that TOP step, I feel like it just adds a little. more depth in the wall and that's something I struggle with.
What's up with that? I don't know if it's too good. Actually, I think that's the work. Now I'm taking inspiration from our original house, but I'm wondering if. This is good, don't think for a second that I haven't forgotten about our last few villagers. We only need two more fishing rods and that will lead our anglers to dominate. Oh wait, that's expert. Master Masons are always easy. that's the Master, the farmers aren't that bad, oh easy, my God, okay, that'll take us to 12 and our last guy is a butcher who wants things I don't have, please don't make me like that, oh , okay, rabbit St O. selling me some meat, you know, it really always comes back to the Fletcher, oh, and the final level is a block of dried seaweed.
Now the reason it's funny that Watering Trader was actually selling algae and I forgot that the warm ocean doesn't actually have algae, but I think this should still be doable, it's a lot of meat and ladies and gentlemen, this is our last master villager, the only goal we have left is to finish our house, so I would like to make a staircase that doesn't Totally sucks, look, it's like going around the beacon. I'd say it's a decent point for lack of suction and then if it continued it would be like this and so on. I guess I don't think it's necessary either.
It's not done yet, so we can leave it as is and build around it, we'll do posts like this and then I think you have a similar vibe, but it's a little bit smaller at the top, oh this. It's going well, okay, so it's almost done, I hope now you can get a vibe for what we're going to do here, so this floor is relatively spacious, um, down here is still where all of our storage will be located. be like that was our original main floor and then you go down here to the top, we're going to have another floor, so now we go up and then we go up one more time and in fact I think we just want to do the exact same thing again, okay , now this is getting a little tight, we're getting tall and it's not like this has to be taller than that Tower because it looks a lot better, but before we go and add the rest of the Decorations.
Maybe I'll finish the frame too after this video is posted. Don't forget to check out my Minecraft SMP server to play it. and you can find all that information in the description so look what we're cooking up here like I'm not even sure if this should be the top floor or should we go to one more, okay, upstairs. On the floor we have this really rotating staircase, so now we just have to do this one last time, okay, so the problem with this is that the staircase is like now, well, you can see what the staircase looks like.
I really don't know what. Now we like, now we just have this little platform, like we're building once again. Oh, that would actually make us taller than your villager's house. I also feel like we've never been this close to finishing a build. One day left I think we have to get this right and then the last one oh my gosh this is literally perfect and one more makes another five higher points on the island and now we have it so the beacon shoots perfectly towards the top. It's sick, but we're not done yet, uh, we have to leave one, two, okay, three, okay, so that's not accessible, okay, this is the top floor.
I'm not sure if this wants anything, okay, I think that's probably what We'll have to go for and then that just leaves us with this floor, no, it leaves us with two floors, damn, okay, so just fill this in like it was expected. I'm also realizing that we're not going. to have time to get to the basement, so if you're still here just comment something like wow, the FAL construction is really perfect and then no one, no one will know, okay, so we have the main floor really as the only other usable floor what we have.
I just finished the third one and now we have this floor and this to complete. I think for the fourth floor it literally has to be this and then just boom boom doing dangerous jumps here. I think it's okay first floor second floor third floor fourth floor and oh maybe this would be like this and then boom yeah like that and then that oh my gosh the moon is getting good so one last time we walk in the second floor, third floor, fourth fifth and sixth, ladies and gentlemen, check that the sun is rising. in our bamboo temple, I have to say that I think this is probably one of the coolest worlds we've done on this channel, it looks so cool, I don't know, I just think we captured a little bit of magic in this race and I think which ended up being one of our best games, so thank you for completing it, don't forget to visit our server and most importantly, thank you very much to pocket champions for sponsoring this video.
You can find its download at the top. Link in the description and it would be great if you could show them some support for peace.

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