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10 Ways To STEAL Diamonds From ASWDFZXC!

May 07, 2021
Easiest thing I've ever done. Well, let's try the grappling hook. There we go guys, let's go straight into the house and get the


again. Wow, this is getting easier and easier. You know, I'm going to use the grappling hook for Come Home, Let's Go, it's very easy, another big hit, it just keeps getting easier. Day 10 here and it looks like Aswd has built a huge base and literally crashed through the wall. He also has tricks. Oh my God, you guys shouldn't do it. subscribe to aswd channel the link is in the description go support him go support aswd youtube channel i feel bad for


ing all his


but at least he will probably make some videos where he


s my diamonds this is the deal this is a highly based I bet you he paid someone to make this base for him so this is what I'm going to do he probably has some guards there who knows what happens if I just make fake diamonds he'll never know guys look at this , all I have to do is make some fake diamonds just with dye, it's great. easy if this works I'm going to freak out and also I just realized that aswd literally has a plane up there okay yeah this guy definitely paid someone to make this base there's no way he built it this overnight so let's walk straight to the base where am I going oh my god there are so many


to go oh it's like a maze lick the lever to open the red doors okay I see what's going on here he did of this a labyrinth so that only he can enter, wait, did I just do it? catch me here this is a tricky little maze now I want to make sure every room I go to has levers look look there are no levers in this room how can I?
10 ways to steal diamonds from aswdfzxc
What I have just done? What did I just do this? later it's click bait, you should be familiar with it oh no no no no no no no no oh flip oh no, get me out of here get me out of here, this is not right, this is not right bro oh my god as3d on reality got me, but I'm going through this door oh he can't catch me in his house with fake diamonds that won't be any good, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, oh my god, oh my god, come on, come on , come on, yeah, here we go, okay, oh, flip, oh flip. no no no no okay we're okay we're okay we're okay look there's the blue lever oh we're ready guys we're ready we're going through the blue room and then which room do I go to now? this is what the hell is this this is a maze who built this base I'm really impressed oh no I'm not in a cactus trap no good I'm lucky I have some extra sand blocks I'm impressed but I know you didn't make this one base, bro, there's no way you built this minecraft face.
10 ways to steal diamonds from aswdfzxc

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10 ways to steal diamonds from aswdfzxc...

Okay, here we are, oh my god, this man has a parkour course. Is this what he does every time? What the fuck oh no, no, no, no, oh no, okay. All I'm going to say is that I am very impressed with this foundation. There are diamonds here. Fire resistance potion. I'll take one. Thank you so much. Okay, here's our next tripwire. Jump on it. How the fuck is that supposed to happen? to jump on it oh no, oh no, what if he break it? I just broke the tripwire oh, run, run, run, run, run, run, oh my God, I got it, oh, I got the diamonds, okay, oh, turn around, that's an alarm, that's an alarm , wait. it worked i just replaced it i replaced the diamonds with fake diamonds and the alarms don't sound anymore oh my god your unspeakable boy is a genius now all i have to do is get out of here but i'm not too worried because i have a fire resistance potion now same, come on, you know, I'm just going to swim, I'm just going to swim, ah, get rid of all these tripwires, they're so annoying.
10 ways to steal diamonds from aswdfzxc
Let's look at that and I'm leaving, guys. I'm out of his base, all I have to do is go back through everything, which won't be too difficult considering all the doors are open. Oh yeah, let's get straight off base with 64 new diamonds, I admit it. Smart but not as smart as me. I want to thank you very much for watching this video. Let me know in the comments section below who I should steal diamonds from next and hit the subscribe button so you don't miss out on any future ones. videos but I'm going to get out of here before aswd notices me and I'll also click the subscribe button to aswde's channel no, no, no, oh my god, oh my god.
10 ways to steal diamonds from aswdfzxc

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