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7 Ways To STEAL Your Friends DIAMONDS! IRL Challenge

May 30, 2021
I do, come on, go on, go on, yeah, yeah, here we go, I got it, can I play? Get


s, buddy, you know where to get it, come on, yeah, next level, next level, I gotta win this, here we go see that. There's Gabe, you don't want to see me, he doesn't have a switch so we can't play and I want to play but I can't play because I don't have a switch if you guys want. Be like James, you have a switch, all you have to do is go buy some products and I'm giving away 25 free switches.
7 ways to steal your friends diamonds irl challenge
I can play? No, you could be entered to win a switch if you purchase some products in today's vlog. I'm going to teach you seven








. This video was absolutely crazy and be sure to watch it until the end to see if my


can get into my super secure giant Minecraft fortress and also click the subscribe button and maybe. I'll give you a diamond, oh this took forever, the best house in the game, a Minecraft, I can finally relax, have fun, start a farm, whatever I want now because I have shelter, okay, look, I didn't have to waste space.
7 ways to steal your friends diamonds irl challenge

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7 ways to steal your friends diamonds irl challenge...

I don't need much space, I just need my chest and my crafting bench down here. I just saw that new construction of a house. It's time to put my


in one. Two diamonds. Three diamonds. I just heard diamonds four four diamonds five five diamonds six six diameters. I have enough to make a pickaxe and an axe. It's time to go exploring. The first way to


diamonds from your friends is to distract them. Go and see well before you go exploring. I need to set up my spawn so I had to right click to place it.
7 ways to steal your friends diamonds irl challenge
It goes down very quickly, it sleeps very quickly, why can't I sleep? Yes, there is a vine there, I have to kill it. It is destructive by hitting that vine. I'm going to steal your diamonds. Come here, let me catch you, boy, oh, he's sizzling like a jalapeƱo, oh. I can finally go back to bed That vine was hard I didn't leave the door open My diamonds Where are my diamonds? What's happening? This is my home. I just built it because I'm rich. Let me show you the inside. I have a craft. table because I am a clever man and I do things.
7 ways to steal your friends diamonds irl challenge
I have two chests, this one is empty because I need space for graces, but this one look how many diamonds are there. I could probably make a sword, a pickaxe, boots, legs, chest plate and a helmet it's my pride and joy here my babies my diamonds that's pretty much the whole house let me show you my underground base also known as my mine shaft it's the The most epic thing that exists is huge. The second way to steal diamonds from your friends is to go out the window. Oh, come on, that's a lot of diamonds. I'm just going to take the whole chest.
Hopefully, he won't notice. I'm hungry. Dude, this isn't epic, dude, those are like half my diamonds, I have another one. home sorry I'll keep mining these diamonds welcome to my new house because you know someone damaged and broke into my other house so I have some upgrades here I have some chains on my door so I can lock it this time because Someone just broke in and he stole them from me. I have my shelves there. I have my wooden chest. Real wood safety. I have my oven with my diamond pickaxe. That's how I got all this cobblestone.
I have some windows so I can see if anyone is coming. I'm a little wooden. plank here so I can get some sticks to build more diamond pickaxes and I have some decorations here that I could hang up right now so I'm thinking this TNT pillow here might fix my wooden look hmm what did you do? Think well, yeah, you're okay, nine, ten, twenty, okay, that's weird, I still have all my diamonds, soap, let's keep that green. I have a redstone lamp with my redstone torch to activate the redstone. You know it will light up. cartoonists at night so I can see no and then I have this chain and I'm going to put this chain around my chest because you know my diamonds keep getting stolen, look at this, my diamonds are gone, how is there no way someone could having entered here.
You saw it? I'm going to look outside. Shh, that's the third way to steal your friends' diamonds. Well, so I upgraded my house because I can't let people steal my diamonds all the time, so I put up some camouflage. front so that the house is not recognized from a distance I have my security guard Paul I made all the iron blocks in the front go inside I have more I also set up a security system right here we have the monitor we have cameras all pointing towards the chest with my beautiful diamonds that I had for hours, so now I can leave my house and not even worry about it because everything is flawless.
Now I have to go underground and find more diamonds, but first I need my diamond beak paw, where is the door? it's making sure no one gets into this house paul depending on you I'll make you a cake if no one comes in and steals my diamonds paul it's time for the grinch to steal some diamonds shhh oops just turning off all the cameras oops unfortunately his door is chained downstairs, no There's a way the Grinch is stealing diamonds through this door, so I think the best thing I can do is jump out a window, okay, okay, done, three two, I also have to disconnect this camera, so There's no evidence he has the diamonds, come on paul paul what the hell bro?
What happened to the trees and the camera? It's not even plugged in. I went mining for a few hours. I made a sword. I got other diamonds. And this is what I come home to. Well, let me come in real quick. Wait, I have to check that it's a diamond. Oh. the cameras are off this window is completely destroyed diamonds paul you're fired i didn't know you were playing on this minecraft server what's up brother back off brother you have my diamonds no you've been stealing my diamonds right? No, you have like 20 of my diamonds, they stole my diamonds, that's a lie, brother, I'm not lying, show me your diamonds, how many I don't have diamonds, they stole them all, if I had diamonds, I would have them.
Be flexing right now, that's true, you're flexing, yeah you want to team up at my house, yeah my house doesn't have diamonds so I can't be dripping, I just had to fire my security guard, so Come on, brother, is that what happened? that commotion is already there, brother, yeah, you got the first watch, uh, okay, you got your gun, yeah, right there, yeah, oh, yeah, leave it lying around, big boy, you never know when you're going to need it, you know, I'm Protecting these diamonds, yes, sir. our diamonds, okay security guard, I'm going to take a nap and when I wake up we can change shifts, how long will it be like six hours or something?
I mean, nighttime in Minecraft is like 15 minutes, so I mean, oh yeah. Okay, what do I do? Hey, what's your bed? I'm, if you're looking at the beds, I'm the one on the left, okay, so you have the one in the corner, but there are two corners, okay? Okay, oh, okay, okay, I'm already bored because this one has a pillow. I'm going to bed. Kill all the mobs. Works. Hey, he can't sleep without a nondescript stuffed animal. I am the protector of all diamonds in Minecraft. Yes Sir, do you know this server has a very low population, it's so noisy that I've only seen James on the server, huh, I thought he said there were like 10 people when I joined.
Yeah, diamonds, diamonds, yeah, there's nothing around that clearance. Okay, so there's a security guard outside. front I think I'll have to run away oh my board three two oh no, you don't need to mine the diamonds, we already mined them, so why do you have them all in your inventory right now? Once we put them in the chest, they just disappear, so we'll take them wherever we go. If we fall on lava, we won't. That's what you said about this whole golden wall, but you lost half of it because you fell. lava yes, let's not talk about that I al


carry a bucket of water now you do it after you fell into lava well you know I have the diamonds in my inventory and they stay here, they are not going anywhere, it seems that I have reinforced their house with gold that won't stop the Kool-Aid man oh yes with our dad oh yes our diamonds yes and you wanted to keep them in your inventory maybe you should have kept them I was unlucky that's why I did it Don't leave them in my hand you have to keep them on your back, your inventory box, that's why we sell jobs, yeah, we can make a sword, look, that's why you keep them, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, our house, yeah, oh, this is the indescribable youtube . channel right, oh, haven't you, you haven't subscribed yet.
They actually made it this far into the video and haven't clicked the subscribe button. Click the subscribe button before I let you into my house. Okay, welcome to my fortress. Look, I've been stealing diamonds from Gabe and James this whole time and I've built a pretty sick foundation with them. First, we have our own siren security system. We have spikes on the walls, we don't just have two layers of walls. inside look at this we have a mannequin here in the corner showing my beautiful diamond armor of course we have the furnaces we have the crafting tables we have the knowledge we have the chest we have the beds we have everything and we also have a fortress of diamonds in the back which is my storage for my diamonds it's also guarded by a laser security system that way come in come in let me show you let me show you we have tnt that car explodes if you open the chest now I don't know if it works really I haven't tried it yet, but I don't want to open the chest because it's actually rigged right now, but there's a pile of diamonds in there, come on, there's someone at my door, oh, it's my food. up man Jordan, yeah, I ordered wings like two hours ago, it's about time you were here, yeah, I think I got the coordinates wrong.
You didn't do the xyz, it was 20. Whatever you hear, let me, yeah, let me see what they look like. Like I brought you a gift, bro, they ate, they ate bowling wings, are you kidding me now? You ate my wings, I ordered 20 bone-in wings, you forgot one and you, I'm not going to pay for them, stay there. here oh gabe it's not that you yeah these are my wings it's that you're kidding right now bro my name is jones wait a second this is suspicious this is a little suspicious oh hey did you get wings for all of us yeah yeah?
There's one left, no, I ordered 20, right? Wait, how did you get there right now? You've got to be kidding me, no it didn't even explode and the siren isn't on, oh.

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