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10 Setup Upgrades That ACTUALLY Matter

Apr 27, 2024
I've made a lot of build improvements, some of them were just sporty, some of them really


, but this is what my first build used to look like, so if I were to create a build from scratch, these are the 10 products I'll focus on to start. something I don't think enough people appreciate or even know about a mouse with an infinite scroll wheel. Here's why I think it's a turning point. First, it allows you to eliminate the steps of a treadmill and allows it to spin freely. I like it because it makes navigating your PC much faster and easier with a single scroll instead of multiple individual scrolls.
10 setup upgrades that actually matter
It is extremely convenient and useful as it ends up saving you a lot of time in the long run, every time you scroll you save a few seconds and if you do it 100 times a day it adds up, but it is only available on select mice like these. The second update on the list sold me a big deal and it's this thing here, the Delta hop car PE. Here's why I don't play much. Grass I'm always on my


, so to no one's surprise, over the years I had a gradual increase in wrist pain, forcing me to pay more attention to desk ergonomics, which is why 5 years ago I started using this wrist rest and it changed. how I use my mouse instead of moving my wrist every time I now move my entire arm to control the mouse because the PTF Feit on the Carpio Glide and I unconsciously made the switch when I got this this means I'm now putting less strain on my wrist and, furthermore, it allows you to rest your hand at a more natural and comfortable angle, which also makes a significant difference as much as the third update on the list because it makes your


look better, improves the ergonomics of the desk, and is quite affordable and are monitor arms.
10 setup upgrades that actually matter

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10 setup upgrades that actually matter...

Here's why you should consider one: Firstly, it makes your setup look much cleaner and more spacious because you no longer have a monitor stand on your desk taking up valuable desk space, and secondly, it improves the desk ergonomics because it allows you to easily adjust your monitor to the perfect height, that is, having the top of the monitor at eye level. Have you noticed that it is much more comfortable to look down than up if your eyes are at the same height as the top of the monitor? see the entire screen without bending your neck, which is a terrible idea if you sit at your desk for long hours at a time and have your neck bent up or down.
10 setup upgrades that actually matter
By the way, a free option would be to just stack boxes or books to get the monitor at the right height and it still looks good if you are a little creative with what you use as a monitor stand, the fourth update made my life a lot easier and that is get a second monitor. I always have multiple tabs open and with a second screen I can have everything open at once instead of layering everything on top of my main monitor. It's great for productivity and for putting off a three-way check. The fifth update makes a lot of sense, but Lonus hates it for some reason and it's a monitor screen bar.
10 setup upgrades that actually matter
Let me explain at first glance, it seems counterintuitive to illuminate your monitor with a bright light, but that is not what happens. The light is angled so it hits your desk and avoids your eyes and the monitor. Greatly alleviates streaming while I work late. Lamps can help, but screen bars don't take up desk space, don't rush light everywhere and are more convenient and also look great in photos, that's a big plus. The only downside is that during the summer I always have bugs flying around my screen. I kill each other. kill each other and there's nothing I can do about it, the next update is for the sacrilegious people out there with bad cable management, you know who you are, this is all you need to do, step one, buy any cable management tray, like one from Ikea.
Sign Step Two Install it under your desk Step Three Put all your cables in there and you'll have perfectly decent cable management, quick and easy. I like the out of sight, out of mind approach, as long as you don't see it it's pretty good. by the way, never use double sided tape, only screws. I've tried taping things together many times in the past and now I have trust issues because they always end up falling off. I have a B cow here, that way I can put things in here. and it will help to wait. Pro tip: Consider purchasing an under-desk drawer to store small, commonly used items so you don't always have things on your desk all the time.
By the way, if you find this video valuable, please consider subscribing to the seventh. The update you should try is completely free and involves simply finding a clean, minimalist wallpaper that you like. Here's why I like to use simple, minimalist wallpapers because they make everything look less cluttered and less distracting. It is the same concept as working in a clean and organized way. room versus another one that is an absolute disaster, the first one is nice and pleasant to look at and the second one makes my brain hurt. I often use wallpapers from the wallpaper engine on Steam, but I stick with ones that have less movement so they don't get your face dirty and a little calmer and a free option I use is where there is a Huge library of professional photographs that I often use as wallpapers.
There are only three things left on the list and for some reason no one or at least no one I know talks about it. last one but before that this is the 8th update you should consider standing desks they are expensive and the broke college student in me never understood the appeal but one day a company offered to send me one for free so It's been 4 years since I started using this standing desk and that's how it changed my mind. First, ergonomics. Most people do not pay enough attention to the ergonomics of the desk or cannot afford it, which is also a reality. 5 years ago, standing desks made a lot of sense once I got my hands on them. one, as it is extremely easy and convenient to set the perfect height for you with the push of a button.
Also, being able to work standing up is a nice feature, even if you have the most comfortable chair, it's nice to be on your feet from time to time. and second convenience, if I'm cleaning up cable management or moving things around, being able to move the desk out of the way with a single button is awesome. I'd love to buy another one if my desk suddenly exploded. Pro tip to avoid this mistake. When choosing a table I also considered choosing one with a lot of depth, if your room allows it, this is often overlooked but makes a big difference in the amount of things you can fit on your desk and in ergonomics with a more table. deep in which you can rest comfortably. your arms on the desk place your monitors further away if necessary and you have more room to work in general the problem I have now with my desk is that this is the farthest I can reach and it is too close because the desk is not deep enough and that's why it's important, besides that I like to use a thick desk pad so I'm not resting my hands on the hard wood and it acts as a cushion.
Stacking two on top of each other works even better. The ninth update is ninth. The most important one, you may have noticed, is that I censor my messaging primarily around ergonomics rather than aesthetics or anything else. Aesthetic


and things like fancy mechanical keyboards are the obvious things that everyone likes and sees, but what


s in building a really good workspace is ergonomics. and a chair is something that you are going to use all the time that I am using it now, so you might as well think about it and get a comfortable chair that won't cause any health related problems in the future. like back pain, neck pain, I sound like an old man, kind of pain, you don't even need to buy a super expensive one for it to be really good, I would recommend you check it out honestly and B BT or d TV are the chair experts. on YouTube and I've been using a seeu m9d since I watched one of their videos last year.
I find it even more comfortable than most Herban Miller chairs, which are the best of the best according to many people on social media I visited. Try them in a store and they are incredibly well built and look amazing but I found the seat on this Seeo chair to be more comfortable than any Herma Miller chair I have tried and this is one of 10 for the overall price, it is a really solid chair and I like it. I will totally recommend it, but remember that you should always try a chair and see how it fits your body before purchasing one.
My body is not the same as yours, so try to get one with an easy return policy or try it in person in a store. for at least 10 minutes or 20 or 30 minutes and take your time to test a chair and last but not least this is the LIF saer that keeps my setup running safely and it is a UPS which means power supply uninterrupted in simple terms, it is basically a battery. bank for my entire setup in case the power goes out, which happens quite often in my house. I already had a motherboard in my PC die from this and I won't go through that again every time I hear the circuit breaker trip and the power goes out.
Still okay, it's a big lifesaver, please subscribe if you found this helpful and you might want to watch this video here, see you around.

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