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$10,000 Extreme Hide and Seek - Challenge

May 28, 2021
In today's video, these people will be hiding and Chris and I will be searching, yeah, and Chandler's car is hiding with the random ones, you know, to give us an interesting perspective. I'm going to win I'm random and the last one we find wins $10,000 in cold hard cash Chris starts the game ah okay win here okay guys guys boy Jedi attack me right here and now everyone's hiding , they go to their place, hey, everyone I find last gets $10,000 in cash, choose a good hiding place you have five minutes and by five minutes I mean until I get bored and since there are so many people hiding we have these snowballs They blow things up to make it easier for us, they put a whole hole in the roof, they even have ultra snowballs.
10 000 extreme hide and seek   challenge
Oh my god, why do these buildings destroy? Let's refrain from using ultra snowballs for the moment. There's a house right here. Do you see what this house is? Team Carl's headquarters. So he looks, first of all, let me show you the first hiding place here, I think. It feels like it's pretty good, a smile. I did it before I started, so it's not cheating, where am I hiding? 5,000, we're starting, everyone, wow, it's happening, we're starting, so Chris, our main objective is we have to kill Carl, so we. I'm Team Carl Hidden Bunker I have two previous winners with me, let's check all the hopes.
10 000 extreme hide and seek   challenge

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10 000 extreme hide and seek challenge...

I found someone here tonight. Can I throw a snowball at you? Judith. Oh, something tells me someone is here. Oh yes, someone is below. Look at this. Oh, here. in the tree you get I'll get Joe Road oh there's two people in the tree that pay me and pancakes how about we pay you and nothing? oh, there are three people here, boom, you go, damn it, don't be fake, well, I'm not alive either, ha ha, you. We're just putting holes in the sides of buildings. Spin what's here. Oh yeah, oh, we just deleted them. Now be careful, throw these away because you are creating new hiding places because someone could


it here.
10 000 extreme hide and seek   challenge
That's the name of the game, baby, what was it? that breach breach who's here oh who's that jump Oh random amount if you choose right you'll live if he jumps five times I'll let him live nope I see someone Oh Chandler, you guys have to make your trip here, I think I'm really fine Oh someone abandoned me oh my god you'll eat it oh no Taylor Joyner Cole Chandler I'm so sorry who ratted me out no I saw your head in the scene sticking out Bob Chris as much as I would love to torture Chandler I saw someone else here the alpha deaths are now close to the channel you want to help us find people Oh cold, you probably saw a lot of people are you hiding? tell us where Carl is Carl I have a feeling you're in Victor Yes, my God, damn, you found me.
10 000 extreme hide and seek   challenge
Oh no, I didn't find you, but I did find a radioactive bean. Three, oh, I see a name tag. Stuball name tag. Name tag. Oh, okay, Carl, go back to your stupid Polish, but we'll find you and we'll win. I won't kill you I think we'll bring out our secret weapon, if you know what I'm saying, dodge. Chandler was in this building and Chandler doesn't like to be alone, which means Chris we have to take out the nuke. get a cinematic shot this could cause fallout silly dramatic music and I bought a background thing. I'm going to throw the new guy in the middle now oh that oh okay we call it the building oh see?
I knew it oh oh he survived. He survived three nukes oh he's on the run he sucks you should've been mad at Chandler for staying in the same places you have um daddy I see your name tag I see your name tag oh here right here a ding ding ding on me, come on. whoa, whoa, operation Delta 69er, go to the front, where are they going, he'll get up, he got him, you know where Carl is. Carl is in the coral house, oh my god, why haven't we checked the coral house yet? We're missing the level of this building right here.
Do you think Carl is in on this? Yes, Chris, you know what you have to do. You would destroy my house if you were there. Yeah, why would you be in the house you built before we started filming? That's the first place because it wasn't the first place to check it. Think about it. It's, how many people have we killed so far? You guys just killed me and two winners, the big Jedi guy in the scene in a snowball. Carl, yeah, I can't find some people. Can someone give me a snowball? First, identify three people, oh, okay, oh, I found someone.
Look at this guy, oh no, look at this guy, Jimmy, let's talk to him, stop running or you'll be neutralized, okay, he doesn't comply, he needs to be neutralized, hey, I'll just give him a chance guys, if you're racing . event and I ask you to stop running, you just have to predict that that is what I am saying, even if you can't hear me, you have to read mine and understand his gestures. Hey Jimmy you said I'm bad at finding people because I just found two people guys I think we need to get more organized there's four of us here let's go to my headquarters so let's split up into a team borrow Chandler I want To destroy people, you have to prove that you are worthy. of snowballs I already found two people I need a snowball oh, you found people around here oh wait Chris, you're Chandler too, do you know who those people live with cute anime masks? oh I found someone here, I found a cute panda Chris, but pandas are We go by instinct Oh Chris, our snowballs ruined our subscription sign.
Do what the sign says and hit that subscribe button right now. I found someone who was hiding in his hole. He is running. Guys, don't ever try to run away from me. That's all for you, boy, yeah. just don't run away uh-oh Jimmy oh and he led me to someone else what a moron now I'll give you both can do the parkour good job here's your prize shirt shirt so that's it leave them there I'll kill them last what's here shirts ooh okay ouch I feel like I'm telling them to get down we want them to win I think they're helping you Chris escape walk away don't let him know you're here let's find him yeah Yeah let's go: They put a jerk suit in a box and then they left before the map started.
I made a


out on the map and I want to see if anyone broke in right here. Yes, we caught one instead of killing them. I'm going to keep you guys here, I think we should meet up with the cold Chandler in him, so what did you do with Jerr? Oh, we killed him, we destroyed them, oh, we thought they were building a secret hideout for him. So we said: wait, we should kill him here. Return to the main Col. Alpha Delta. Okay, we'll do it in about two minutes. I won't kill them, but what I'm going to do is leave them here. with a group of cats, Jimmy hates the noise cats make, so if he finds you because of that, but no, okay, good luck, comrades.
Oh, Jimmy behind you, what is this? How did he get there? Oh man, that's a good place. Hello, I'm sorry, but you have to do it. die, let me make some lava down here, let's let him commit suicide jump into the lava and I'll respect you whoa wah-wah-wah we'll miss him anyway, let's go slaughter more people, okay, oh, I saw someone, Carl, let's see if it passed the checklist, okay, it has a cute anime look, no, does it have products? No, then she must die, oh God, I found someone, go up to him and say, give him a sign that says stand still, stand on the purple block, she's standing on it. she had a lot to live for there are three people in the purple building or in the heat three people Chandler I found two of them right here here they are I think it's ultra violet oh it's time for us to go crazy I want this map level Jimmy I found two and I'm sorry to give you away, but come with us.
Well, they were in my perfect hiding place that I made before I started. You want to know something, Carl, I don't care, kill them all without level, the map guys, oh, you must see, you must. look why I still see a building standing boom gazenga poppy we kapowie I'm making it rain fire I still don't have a snowball here no hey come here Carlton sir gently Oh two people I have two people boom boom ah I'm going to kill this one anyway I say war dog up softly haha ​​die die yes Jim will say hey you would say hey who says oh oh one right here right here the hits on the wall caught Oh Oh, bye buddy, there's nothing left in this one map Chris look at this nobody's killer just look at how well she survived she's completely naked by the way I'm going to pretend NEC I don't even want it hey there's no way she's getting up here because the building's been leveled oh she's just chilling falling down to the ground I guess I didn't want ten grand everyone counts live when you kill someone less than 10 people left oh six more like a snowball hahahaha eight people are still people I found someone zoffie hey buddy oh you found to Sarathi, where are you?, oh, I found a silly boy, what are we?
What number did you say seven? oh he's running away, Zachary's running away, why are you bullying me, okay then six left, six left, you said 600 kala. I found it at the same time, there are three Oh Alan players, the guy who won ten thousand dollars in this video store, sir. B is the guy in every video, this guy hasn't won 10 grand and doesn't have great skin so he dies you know what I want them to fight to the death. Oh, he didn't doubt it, you earned the right to live. You have 20 seconds to say hello before we kill you.
Come on, shoot, sir. Bies, we have to go easier, it's only fair that people stay, hey, I made a house for the next victim, I told him that I won't kill him and then I will kill him blatantly, right, Carl, how many people are left now, how many three ? well you shot mr. beast and two other people didn't see anyone, wait, anime, it's a boy, Chris, I'm an expert from 1 to 10, how cute is that skin that's like a tick tockia, voice, skin, it's an AE boy, we're looking for the cuteness of anime, it is clearly more cheesy.
Only the smartest person here can kill her, so here we go. I think you must accidentally click on them. There are two people left and one of them is shot. beast I found a I found the last guy Karl, are you just GP to them as hell? Why do you keep finding someone every 5 seconds? Because I've been running around the edges it grows in the grass, stop running if you run. kill you, wait, you should catch them, okay, now we could look at him like he's a pet. 5 spells. I feel bad because you and another person are left and yes, jailer, I don't know how to say that he is not receiving the money.
Can you tell him that you don't get the money you lost back? I'm sorry, i shot mr. B's doesn't know it yet but he just won $10,000 on mr. Beast, are you out in the cold? Here's another person and we found you first so you came in second place, okay so you just seriously won $10,000, yeah you literally just won 10 grand so how old are you? 13, can you tell your parents? you as a 13 year old kid are about to get $10,000 ok yeah ok thank you all so much for watching make sure you hit the subscribe button here's another video it will disappear in 3 seconds thanks for leave, goodbye.

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