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Playing GTA 5 Without Breaking Any Laws!

Jun 07, 2021
We will be


GTA and




. There are no broken


today. We will follow the rules. We will give you challenges and you have to complete them without


the law seriously. I will try it and whoever has the least amount of points will have a couple of minutes to eat I am lactose intolerant I will die if I have to do that the first objective is to cut their hair whoever cuts their hair first in the game gets a point if they violate a law loses a point, can I borrow? cars breaking the law okay I'm running wait chris you broke a law uh-uh you just cut that car off no, pedestrians have the right of way and there's no doubt they're in the middle of the road, no, there is no pedestrian crossing like here I have the right of way uh, it seems to me that it is very broken.
playing gta 5 without breaking any laws
I'm allowed to cross this road right here, go ahead, go ahead, oh, he's breaking more laws right now, he's just running on a sidewalk. I'm running down the sidewalk what a little snitch you are I'm walking alone I'm literally walking I'm walking you can run it's not illegal to run Chandler look I'm about to get my hair cut look look I'm right here come on let's go we have to cross here I have to cross hey I'm crossing here hey I'm crossing it I'm waiting for this this light here and it's not changing okay there we go okay I have a taxi coming yes, there is my taxi, I can get into this vehicle, why is my taxi leaving?
playing gta 5 without breaking any laws

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playing gta 5 without breaking any laws...

Come back, wait, Chandler already had a hair clipper. he had to have broken the laws oh that john looked good too yeah he looked good how come chandler already cut his hair? Chandler already cut his hair, guys, so Chandler has one point, you two have zero, sorry, I really can't eat. mayonnaise chandler don't move everyone stop where you are okay I'm not going to move I have two stars so well that means you broke a lot of things I can't jump out of a movie you lost a point I mean hey if you have two stars you broke a lot it's say, come on, okay, Carl killed someone at the beginning, what a snitch guy before we started, it was before we started, the next objective is you have to go to the top of the map. do that, they're shooting me just for existing, I mean, you should've broken the law, sorry man, okay, let's get to my waypoint, dude, come on, this is the steamy content you were looking for, all of us sitting down in taxis, okay, let's go. go in a taxi, go, my boy is just running red lights, look at him, he doesn't care look, he doesn't care how many miles are left for your taxi ride 7.0 how many do you have 6.5 oh, look at him stop at a red light, go by This guy's going slow, come on, he's literally going the wrong way my boys are going the wrong way my boy is going the wrong way come on, my boy, my boy is killing it, pass him, pass the motorcycle, there's another lane, da the turn, why are you behind a motorcycle, Chris?
playing gta 5 without breaking any laws
I know you could just get out and go hit the guy, no that's against the law and I'm following the law, although apparently getting out of a car is breaking the law, yeah he passed the motorcycle, I might be breaking the law by going too . slow on a highway right now that's actually against the law you can't go down like 15 below chris is in the lead chris is in the lead I'm six miles away if you press escape it stops come on continue don We're not going good, we're good, we're a big part of our lives, that seems illegal, sir, I'm going to need you to close that, okay, Carl, how many miles on the three of you?
playing gta 5 without breaking any laws
It's a little lie. Hey, lying is against the law. Yeah, it's just that we live in the US, for some reason my taxi driver took me to Leicester and me and him, I'm just talking to him, I want him to drive like this guy, just riding on people's butts, passing to people who are not. Behind this stupid Cadillac look at this guy, he's killing it bro, what the hell is going on? I don't know these people, Lester and I are going through this right now, I don't know why, well, I hope you don't hit too hard. story that would be breaking the law.
I would never see Lester. I am looking. Did Chandler steal a car? you're doing it no, no, no, no, no, that has to be at least 30 points, oh what if you ran 30 red lights and then my taxi driver did it? I can't help it. That's good. In fact, continue watching this cut soon. I think it's probably good for you, you're not even going to make it to the benchmark? Okay, my taxi driver is taking me right now. Gosh, I wish he'd kick me out just by putting peanuts on your desk. Uh, Jimmy, yeah, is there anything illegal about it? him putting peanuts on my desk.
I left to go talk to Chandler because I thought he was trying to get you to make me jump out of my car. I knew that's what you were trying to do. I'm just enjoying this nice trip. through this desert I may or may not leave this room for 30 seconds oh really yeah so I could be doing that that was a lot let's see if we can figure out what's going on. I'm doing the legal thing, oh what's up? happening here oh you just tried to punch them oh yeah carl carl you got a star punching the air that was threatening play clip back carl you threatened him with a punch in the air you just lost a point you're negative jimmy it's weird that I actually found this car that someone must have given me as a free gift breaking a window is obviously illegal carl carl now you're negative you've never been a window in your life I've done it and gone to jail So yeah guys we're going to spend 24 hours in the jail.
This is a real cell. Well, I have one star, but I still have this car. Yes, but now you have two negative points. Well, I think this will really help me. I just have to go to that little rock over there and I'm fine. I win. Chris is at the top of the map. Now you have zero points. Zero. Chandler. Chandler still leads with one. Alright, first one of you to win a thousand. dollars legally understand how this game is literally about making money illegally, no there's one thing it's not illegal to ride a four wheeler, oh jordan there's rando joining in quick join it's going to go up a lot more, these kids are sweaty, I didn't say they had to either.
I know gta, you know, in case you can win a thousand dollars right now in real life, I will sell you this ring for a thousand dollars, how much is it worth? 1500. I'll pass, Chris is about to sell shares for a thousand dollars, Carl, what are they? you're about to tweet, I'll tell it to me for a thousand dollars, anyone who will take it, whoa, whoa, come on guys, Chris is typing in a security code, I'll take four, here we go, four thousand. I'll believe it when they get the thousand. dollars, okay I won a thousand dollars, okay, chris actually won a thousand dollars, chris, now you have one point, carl, you still have two negative points, how come this doesn't count? and chandler, you have a point, yes i do, carl, you know you're going to have to eat mayonnaise, your two negative points, my man is going to cover mayonnaise, hey, Chris, if you and I work together, we don't have to eat mayonnaise, let's make sure we're okay and then mess with Carl so he eats mayonnaise, wait a minute, what I just heard was that he's a team, yeah, I won't gang up on Carl, if I smell him again, I won't be so indulgent, he will still eat mayonnaise, although yes, look what, no, I think we all will.
I want Carl D Mannis, okay, what's the next challenge? what is our next challenge? This next challenge is a three part special first to get a car legally first to get a boat legally and first to get a plane legally this is literally impossible that will take forever I have like ten thousand dollars in this game so first get a car, legally, is free for me. Order made. There is no way to make money in GTA. No, you're not so good. You're going to spend money to make sure you don't do it. No need, yeah I hate mayonnaise Chris what are you doing?
Everyone falls silent so I can focus on what I'm doing. What are you doing? Don't ask me questions, find out for yourself. Yes, please, I don't want to eat. Man, guys, Carl just bought two million dollars, okay, I bought the plane, what are we going to do right now to win? Yes, we are going to win, shut up, mom. I'm about to commit an illegal act just to take your bread and then lose a point. and I will still beat you what card did you use whatever is in this account if it is not my account that is my card it is for the channel yes it is but you did not ask my permission that is fraud he used someone else's card that is fraud he he didn't use his own carl card, wouldn't you say that using my card without permission is okay?
I changed it to my paypal, yes you used your paypal, he used my credit card, chris, we have to deduct a point, oh okay, now you are at zero I hate everything and everyone who plays it you can't get money without no There is a legal way to get money, I'm going to do it right now, I'm going to bet in the casino, but from what I have, I swear. By God, I was thinking about doing that and then I didn't do it, brother, it's the only way, okay, give me 30k 30k no rp no I literally just bought a garage what do you mean I have nowhere to store? this vehicle this game is confusing where is my car i just bought it oh carl i just got a point now it's only negative one chris is still at zero chandler still has two i can get a plane though you only have to be called for one thing chris su name is called bad egg, why did I bet on it?
If you or Chris get one of them, then Carl is guaranteed last place and has to eat the mayonnaise, so I need to buy a jar, so yeah, oh, one, only one of you has. To catch the boat before Carl, can I jump off my plane? it's that illegal that's illegal it's illegal legal come on bad egg come on bad egg oh my god oh my god he's going he's at the beginning come on I've been on the wrong path line yes yes please yes baby come in okay carl just got the plane Now you have zero points, what are you doing?
What are you doing taking the plane I have? I pressed get out of the taxi. I've finished now. Not literally. I'm doing everything I can and it just gives me stars for no reason. I'm going to break my computer. I swear to god. I have it. Chris. I'm going to kick him. You have no chance of losing. Whoever gets a boat first. The other one loses and has to make do, how the hell did you manage to get all three? stepped on that carl now has a point chandler has a point and the challenge is over and chris had zero hey I just woke up and this is the first thing I can eat this morning mayonnaise oh yeah oh

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