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Apr 17, 2024
Have you ever wondered what it takes to break a


record? Is this skill or luck? For the past few months we have been training and pushing our bodies to the limit so that today we can break 100 of the craziest



. What we're trying to do has never been done before, so be sure to watch the full video. I am currently 260 feet above the ground and about to break the world record for the highest express bus fired from a helicopter today. and hopefully Allen gets it on his first try. Oh Allen, oh man, you officially made history.
breaking 100 world records in 24 hours
Congratulations, you're an amazing first attempt, so we're here with the most flexible person in the world, Sofie Dossi, and she's going to try to break the world record. furthest arrow shot by flight congratulations Sophie, you are officially amazing, tell me the world record for most cement blocks broken with a karate chop is 12. and right now I'm going to try to break 44. three two one oh no, you know You can It may not be a world record, but I'm still proud of the 8i Bro at the moment, we are trying to break two world


, the fastest time to put on pants and the highest jump inside pants.
breaking 100 world records in 24 hours

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breaking 100 world records in 24 hours...

My balls, you're really good. At that time, Sean, the record to beat was 50. After reviewing the footage, you only got 44. Looks like I need to start practicing what man, what are you doing today? So right now I'm trying to break the world record for most watermelon smashed. in 30 seconds and the current record is 25. You have 30 seconds from now, come on, come on, come on, oh, come on, yeah, come on, yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, okay, okay, here we go again, come on, okay, here we go. oh yeah, oh yeah, come on Alan, after reviewing Watermelons, I had to debunk one, but with the record title of 26 watermelons, I guess you could say you're a little stubborn for this next world record, let's try to break the lightest combined. weight to lift a car oh it's moving oh oh gosh as you can see we moved the car a few inches but stay tuned because we're actually going to try to pull a 40,000 pound fire truck later in this video. so now we're at the polo and we're going to break some world records here, starting with the longest distance traveled underwater and a single breath, come on, okay guys, it's half way over, okay, okay, no I think I'll get it.
breaking 100 world records in 24 hours
I do not think I'll get it. He gave up. Oh no, wait. It has. He is doing it. It is doing. Let me catch my breath. Damn, then the fastest time to solve a Rubik's cube underwater is 21.8 seconds and I'll try to break that world record in three, two, one overseas. I couldn't even stop one in 18 weeks. Now we're on top of a dam and we're about to break the world record for the furthest frisbee ever thrown. Yes, so the world. The longest basketball shot is 113 feet. Well, I'm currently 150 feet away and I'm going to break that record now.
breaking 100 world records in 24 hours
If you think that was crazy, this video is just getting started. We still have a lot of crazy records to break and you guys are actually doing it. will help us break one of those records, so make sure you keep watching that the fastest 100 meters on all fours is 23 seconds and the four of us are going to try to beat that Ready Set Go, okay, shit, you're fast here. go 22 seconds 22. shot Sean you were last at least I like the view from back here so the hottest belly drop in the world is 18 feet we have Zach here 20 feet in the air and he's going to break that record in three, two, one, oh my God.
Oh my gosh, not only did I break that record, but I also broke some bones, fresh air, so this is a 40,000-pound fire truck and we're going to try to break the world record for the lightest combined weight to pull a fire truck. firefighters, three two. Come on, come on, let's go to the fire truck, come on, come on, Alex, yeah, look guys. Conquering the ground by digging a little deeper for this next world record, we are actually going to need your help. You can literally be part of History. making this the most subscribed video on YouTube, but to break that record we will need you to break the subscribe button, so subscribe from your phone, your friend's phone, your parents call your siblings' phone, iPad, laptop and TV to help make history in the world.
The highest trick in the bathroom is 35 feet and right now I'm going to double that first attempt. Oh my god, wait, no way, that was too easy. Congratulations, you now have the new world record title, so let's go back to the pool and let's try to hold our breath long enough to see if we can break the world record which is 25 minutes. Thank you. I was the first. Wait. What was my time? Two minutes 45 seconds. Oh my God, three minutes 19 seconds any second before Tanner gets up. 10 minutes, you know, we're going to break some other world records while he does this.
Allen will attempt the highest jump out of the water. The current record is 7 feet 11 inches. Foreign record for drinking 500 milliliters of water the fastest. Can't. Do it 18 minutes, wait, you were out. I do not remember anything. This is the highest Drop Kick in the world. The current record is 120 feet and this is the farthest soccer trick in the world. Therefore, the most clay discs broken by a nunchuck in 30 seconds is 76. You have 30 seconds, very lucky overseas, the world record was 76, but unfortunately it only got 61. Well, you can try again, so for the next road record we're going to make Sean wait, where's Shawn?
Guys hear that, what the hell, Sean, what are you doing, Sean? I'm just trying to practice for the next world record, the most claps in 30 seconds. Well, it sounded like your cheeks were being clapped. I already did it before. Hell yeah, okay. Make this world record official Sean, yeah, like this, what would it look like if you did it? The record to beat in 30 seconds is 543. Good luck Sean, okay, ready, three, two, one, IT'S five more seconds, three, two, one, stop, how many were those Sean? unfortunately you only got 405. Oh well, it's because I was tired of clapping earlier.
The longest cornhole shot in the world is 60 feet away. Now I'm trying one from 65 feet. You are officially amazing. Tanner will attempt to break the world record for the tallest. vertical jump in diaper his current record is 38 inches good luck oh yeah but you know back in the day Alex and I could squat yeah right the only thing you two are dunking are donuts world record for highest press bench is under water and only one. the rep is 62. and now Alex is going to try to break that record three two one in half, that's 50. come on, hang in there Alex 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 I feel like I might have burned off some fat after that, so the fastest 100 meters in a standard wheelchair is 21 seconds and Caleb has been practicing for the last year to break that world record by practicing.
I just heard my leg go, go, go, go, go, oh my god, wait, yeah. Wait, you're going too fast for me. Wait, you're going too fast. I can't even follow you. Come on, my wheels are spinning. I think I broke it. Caleb Caleb Aaron at the finish line, let's go. You got it, Caleb, come on, I can see the finish line, read the world record, 38 seconds. Damn, the fastest time to eat a Chipotle burrito is 31.4 seconds and I'm going to beat it right now. 15 seconds, 10 seconds, seven, six. five four three two once congratulations Alex, you are officially amazing, we are


a world record.
Well, I mean, your dad is always welcome to try, okay, smart, shut up, if I had my belt right now, it wouldn't be pretty, so I have a bathtub full of pickles and Caleb, since I know you hate pickles, I'm going to make you break the world record for taking a bath with 10,000 pickles, good luck, ah, it's going to be so gross, okay buddy, I still gotta get in there, man. Now get in there, why are your toes so cold? Well I'm actually shaking, wait let me add an ending, don't get your pickle. I want to hear a split, oh god, I hate pickles so much, listen my ladies, I'm a world. record holder now, the world record for the furthest rubber chicken ever thrown is 66 feet and I'm going to break that record on my first try, yeah wow that's like double the world record, 97 feet, not only did we break that world record, but I literally smashed it, so the most roaches they put on one person at a time is 1000 and right now Tanner is going to break that record with 2000 roaches, no, I'm not kidding, go back to the Bathtub, you're getting it, though what's up, buddy?
I'm not getting enough, you're not doing this, I'll get the one on top, man, I'll be on top again, man, I'm not doing it, well, if you're not doing it, then who will? , I'll do it, okay. oh no oh oh oh thank you, congratulations, the most three-pointers made in one minute with a single basketball is 13. and I'm going to try to break those three, two, one overseas voted basketball shot. The current record is 73 feet and I'm going to Try it from 75 feet away okay I'm not even showing the camera right now because we didn't want to bore you with all the bells we only included the most successful ones so if this video gets 1 million likes, then we'll do it.
We will do a second part with crazier people. Global records.

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