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Zlatan Ibrahimović on Playoffs, Being Captain & His Kids

Jun 08, 2021
you've been here no way it's been a year right yes almost a year yes you feel like you're at home do you feel part of the community? I feel like I'm adapting you're adapting Did you buy a house here? No, we're renting one, how are you renting, Randy, yeah, it should be a message to us that you're not staying long, man, let's see, let's see, it would be: do you have any furniture? I have furniture. Okay, okay, yes, the story is when we rented the house or looking, I told my wife, listen, get a house with furniture because yes, I don't go out to follow you to get the furniture and she told me: I found a nice house, but it doesn't have furniture and I say, but then you go to ek and get the furniture and then the broker leaves like rich people, no, they don't buy furniture.
zlatan ibrahimovi on playoffs being captain his kids
They don't care, but smart people do well, I didn't even do it. I know that was the right way to pronounce it I guess you know it's ek uh-huh yeah, we always say IKEA does that it drives you crazy I was repeating your word Oh, sikheya, it's a pain, yeah, oh, they must have been excited to That Kate Did you assemble the things yourself? No, no, my wife is good at this, she is good at that, it's true, she has a good, what was your bet with David Beckham? David Beckham of course played for the galaxy, he was the previous big star to come here and play. for the galaxy and then you showed up, you guys made a bet on the World Cup, right, we made a bet on that World Cup, so Sweden is going to play England and I said, if Sweden beats England, I'm going to go to Ikea and buy whatever I want to, but you pay for it mm-hmm and he's doing well, but if England wins, you come to Wembley Stadium in England and watch a game in an England shirt and eat fish and chips and I said, "Okay, but I lost the bet".
zlatan ibrahimovi on playoffs being captain his kids

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zlatan ibrahimovi on playoffs being captain his kids...

Lost man, but you haven't brought this Reiden team, they have to follow me now and it was the game and eat fish. You are going to fulfill the bet. I will do that. When will you do it? Know? as soon as I have time, so there's no time, they're not right now, no, yeah, okay, so last year the galaxy missed the


last year, how do you feel about this season? You feel better with the team. I feel good. I mean we have a new coach, some new players. I feel like I've been here since day one last season.
zlatan ibrahimovi on playoffs being captain his kids
I arrived after a month. I think and feel ready. I have done the preparation. You see? I saw that you scored the 500th goal of your career. Yes, and I can. we play that part, you show that videotape because it's about 500 goals, a human body is not supposed to go that way, here we go again, was it just a reflex or did you want to make sure the number 500 was special. I wanted to do a special. that's something that's only in your thoughts when you score a goal like that you go crazy you get a lot of adrenaline I wouldn't know it but we were losing the game 3-0 a guard that goes so if that would be the main goal I would make him leave the stadium oh, you just score a goal like that you just have nothing to prove it if you are the


of the team now yes, what are the responsibilities of the


? you have to bring like orange slices, practice, I don't actually have to watch all the players because I'm the oldest once you do it, yeah, I feel a lot of responsibility, I feel honored to be the captain and I feel like a boss, oh , so you are 37 years old, yes, yes, you are right. a 16 year old teammate, yeah that's crazy, he's from Mexico, I'm his double, can you say, even imagine playing in Los Angeles in the galaxy at that age?
zlatan ibrahimovi on playoffs being captain his kids
It is a good idea? Do you think forever for him or me either? One of you know he feels good, I mean, take him under his wing, yeah, yeah, he's a good guy. Jack is the best 16-year-old in MLS and he has a great future, a great potential, so I feel like I'm like a father to him. If he asked you to buy him beer, could you handle it? No, that's not for him. You do not know? Okay, so you really are a father figure to hell. Yes, I am


an example in the way I think it should be.
You're here in Los Angeles, do you have any aspirations to do movies or television or something like that after you finish your degree? I'm a little curious about what the world looks like on that side and yes, I'm in the right place, so let's see what happens. I think he would make a good Bond villain. Would that be a good thing for you? I think villain, good guy, can you ever say something hero? No, you can't, because I was thinking that maybe if there was a sequel to A Star Is Born, you could sing I need to be the action guy, you want to be an action guy, you come from buildings and all this crazy stuff kicks people in the face. the head, yes, it's like they like the goal.
You have two children, right? How old are 11 and 12 year olds? I guess they play soccer or football and when, oh, really, yeah, oh, then they're doing that kind of kicking. Yes, yes, they are impressed because they will play soccer. What impresses me about their dad


one of the greatest players of all time is that they aren't at all so we don't try to help them and there they go dad we know we do it better than you so oh what do. Now it became a conference in the family competition, who is the best and you are the best, right?
I mean, according to me, you could kill those guys, yeah, but if you ask them, they're the best. Did they beat you? Do you know in goal or whatever and what are they able to sit on you more? They are skilled. Yes and they will become professionals. You think you wait. No. I mean, I don't force them to do it. You have to do it. Yes. I made him do it. Be active and trained to gain self-discipline in whatever you want to be, but I believe in training an individual and a collective, so I don't like lazy people.
I want them to be active and also what I try to do. them, yes, of course, that's how in


c. Thank you all for being here, galaxy in the fireplace on Saturday and if you liked the video, click subscribe and we'll be together until one of us dies.

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