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May 13, 2024
this video is for Anton and speta from Tel Aviv Israel Anton came up to me and told me that he has a friend who is a roie. His friend needs a knot to act as a zip tie so she can tie cables to square posts now, if anyone else. What you're going to work on in this area, what you want to do is take your pliers and trim it at a sharp angle so it's sharp for the next person. I'm just kidding, don't make zip ties an option, but I'll show you a couple of ways to do the same thing with rope, take the cord and tie and then you'll find the center point, take it and push it forward around your finger, separate the threads, go back up and we are there.
zip tie knots
We'll do that one more time, once we get to the front we'll take out both coils that we made on each side and wind them together. Okay, you should have something like this now, the connection part. it's on the wrong side and you want to keep it there, what we're going to do is take our two ends and put them through these two holes, leave it behind here, okay, take our two ends, put them through one on this side and one on the other. On the other side, here we go, now this coil is going to tighten and everything I need to do I'm going to bring it here so you can see, I'm going to push and pull and now it's going to be super. attached here we go, let's see how much tighter we can tighten this guy at once oh yeah, that's not going anywhere and that knot creates the same bridle action that you see on this guy now this one we can trim right at the end and If you want, we can merge it.
zip tie knots

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zip tie knots...

Let me show you one more option. This one is not as secure, but it releases quickly. Take the cord and you will tie a knot right at the bite. Now what we want to do is do this. opening large enough so that when we separate the two threads we can go around the object that we are tying, so I'm going to make this one quite large and now I'm going to go around and hang my cord, let me show you how. This is seen in a box, first you will join the ends of your cord and find the center point and now I will make an overhand knot and I want these two threads to be large enough to be able to go around the object that I am going to tie so here we go I'm going let's go around now you'll see that my bite here is on one side I'm going to pull the same way to that side and my two Loops here I'm going to overlap them, the one on the bite side will go underneath and then I'll take my loop and put it in.
zip tie knots
I'll show you again, here we go, once we have it, I'll grab my other threads. and I'm going to tighten it all up there we go and this is what's going to secure our cable when it's time to undo it. I'll just pull this out and everything will be ready again in this box inside of it. You will find a Marlin Spike with a cord to tie a Turkish knot. If you want to support my channel, you can get a Marlin Spike of your own. We can even engrave it for you and tie the knot if you wish.
zip tie knots
We'll even send you a sticker and for the entire month of May we'll do free shipping, just use this code at checkout and if you've already placed an order this month, email here and we'll refund your shipping. Same thing, a big, simple knot. I'll take this opening and make it large enough that I can go around my anchor point. My loop will also come out the same way. Okay, I want to include my cable. I'm going to go under it, take my Loop and go through it again. I'll show you this with a better view now, when I tighten this, I want to make sure that both sides that are receiving tension are on a flat surface, so down here I have a flat surface above I have a flat surface this is what you see below this is what you see above and when I'm done I'm just going to pull out the loop I'm not a I'm a big fan of these pink zip ties, so let's free them up.
This is the safest. This will fail if we pull this cable hard enough. Also this one will allow me to show you here, here's our cable, okay? We're still safe here, but if I want I can take a Marlin Spike and I'll drill it right here and release it there, let's go here, I'll just pull this out and I guess we could even do this. One strand to one goes through one turn, the other strand goes to the other and I'm just going to pull it and dress it like a normal zip tie. I will pull and then push to tighten it completely.
I'm going to turn it away from me until it's one full turn, then I'm going to turn it and then turn it towards me until it's one full turn, there we go, that's what we want the connection point to be. of the two loops is behind my two threads and when I connect my free ends it will be on this side, okay, one goes through this side, the other goes through this side and then we'll pull it tight, let it rest. here we go now like a normal flange. I'm going to pull this end and hold it, tighten it even more.
Look at it, oh okay, that's not going anywhere. We have 25 miles to go before we head back down. mountain and these are going to be fine we'll check them when we get home we get home everything is fine and if I want to keep my tie I'll just take it off to the side and go to reverse it a couple of times, there we go, and the proper way to trim a bridle is to do it at a steep angle to leave it sharp for the next guy to run on. I'm just kidding, don't do that.
We'll match the ends and then find our center point. Now we'll take this loop and move it away from us onto our finger. We'll climb back up through the threads and do it one more time. away and we'll end up on the back, all of our turns we're going to slide and what we want to do is just adjust it so that we have our coils on each side and the connecting part is now on the back. we're going to go around our pole wire and we're going to run each end through it, we're going to dress it so that our connecting piece is on top and now what I can do is treat this like a normal zip tie. push and pull and this is extremely secure it's not going to come undone now this is nice and hidden and even if you spill this knot here you try to take it down it's not going to come apart but let's see if we can use a Marlin Spike to open it, let's see here, we'll get in there, there we go now.
I bet if they weren't fused, it would have gone a lot easier. This is incredible. Let's try this again. We will place our Spike. right there we're going to try to spill it there we go now here's one more option you can do again fold the cord in half now we're going to take the end and we're going to tie a simple knot like this okay? we want our overhand knot to be big enough that we can open it up and go around our pole and cable, so here we go. Now I'm going to go around the side that I have my loop facing.
I'm going to take that loop and I'm going to place it below the one on the other side and then this loop here is going to go through this little window. Put it in now. I'm going to take my free ends on the other side and I'm going to throw them out. both like a seesaw motion, this is what you see here, squeeze on that side and this is what it looks like from below. Now the nice thing about this knot is that it releases quickly, all I have to do is pull this loop out. okay, let's do this at combat speed.
I'll do my overhand knot now I'll take my loops. I'll go through it, pass it over, take my friends down and pull it over there, come on, we'll tie it up with a quick release now for the The first one you saw, we're going to go over our finger once and then flip it over twice, go around our post and cable and run it through both sides, okay, and now we just need to fix it and tighten it, of course I can. I also use my Marlon Spike to pierce the middle of the knot, open it up and then I can pull out my threads when I tie a knot like this.
I call it Venus flytrap, that's not the real name, I don't even know if. There is even a name. I don't even know if this knot has a name, so if you know or have any suggestions, leave them in the comments, let's see if we can free it, well we definitely lost this one, maybe if I do. It's this way here we go

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