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Zelda Speedrunners VS 6,153 Hunters

Jun 06, 2021
these guys, I'm sorry, I have to stop cursing, damn, damn, ah, damn, guys, that sucks good, so we have a terminal right there. almost done, let's get this other terminal, perfect guys, we are doing it, we are doing it well, but we are doing it well, chat, we are doing it, I am very happy, I remember speed 100 now, so I actually know how speed up this boss, I'm saving a lot of time on it, no, I can't move, I can't move, I can't move, dude, I can't, whatever, I'm going to attack this while I'm here. I know I can move but it's too late, here we go, let's beat him, oh someone.
zelda speedrunners vs 6 153 hunters
I killed Link I was going to say how did I die there? They didn't even hit me. You can't, no, you can't do this chat. You're not going to let him get to me. Perfect, now we're in a bite, okay, here we go, please get your bearings, come on, come on, please, good talk, don't let me down in our time of great need, give me stamina, come on, no, no, not inverted , not inverted, oh my goodness, thanks for the arrows. Oh my god, Chad, yeah, we're going to tear each other up, crow boy, so how's that?, uh, beating, how's that 200 subs doing?, uh, oh my god, what do you mean 200 subs?
zelda speedrunners vs 6 153 hunters

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zelda speedrunners vs 6 153 hunters...

Well, there won't be 200 subs anymore man, sorry dude, but you. You weren't, you weren't good, let's fight? You can still try to fix it because there's still Ganon left, so I'll be willing to stretch my mind too so you're willing to do it. basically I'm willing to double here, okay, I mean, I'm down, first I have to beat Windblade, yeah, that sounds good, so we're going to win, now we're going to double it again, you know, I think I can beat you. Again you made me win Blight but I'll take your you won the battle but I will win the war here exactly well we can start in three two one okay can we restart the reason why okay listen to me?
zelda speedrunners vs 6 153 hunters
Here the reason I think we're going to be fine, I'll just leave the divine beast is because we're going to do a parody about the wind plague, we'll do the wind plague with an arrow, let me move, okay, here we go, dude if we can get this by the way we are good where is the link available right now? What's wrong with it? What are you doing? He's just running around Hyrule Field. Ok, run the link. No no no. Oh my God, I'm the Queen of the Dodges. The Queen of the Dodges. I'm the prom queen alone 17. someone just redeemed a death link, are you serious? oh you made me quick oh okay guys this is not going to work this is definitely not going to work with crowd control like there's no way oh I think we have to do it. run I think we should run okay don't worry we're going to be okay everything is going to be okay nothing can go wrong from here thank god no one is activating I can't move right now that would be so bad with the guardians okay, we're almost there, alright, alright, here we go, we got it, ganon's castle, come on oh, alright, alright, let me run, let me run, let me run, let me run, alright, we're alright, we're almost there guys, alright we almost arrive. we're almost at the castle, how to save oh, you love seeing it oh no, no, no, it was the worst time for the resistance, it was terrible, oh, okay, here we go, we have this though, oh wow, look at you guys They killed me, damn it.
zelda speedrunners vs 6 153 hunters
Guys, why did you have to kill me? I was just about to deflect that. Wait, that skull is killing. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I have 52 death links queued up, oh the numbers on the left, not the ones on the right. oh, thank god, no, are you kidding me, someone give me stamina, please, please, please, okay, we're close, we're close, thanks for the stamina there, perfect, perfect stamina time, we're fine , I just saw my life flash before my eyes, we are not. I'm going to cook, I think maybe I don't know, I don't know if not cooking is the right thing to do, move over here, okay, so if I do this, hey, you don't look good to me, come on, okay, and then we'll do this.
Up here, good and we'll grab your stuff perfect when you get this, he's that Gannon that got you guys, you gotta kill him. What else am I supposed to say? Okay, here we go, oh God, oh what took my stamina away? No no. no, no, no, I couldn't move, this is going to be very painful to do, this is going to be very, you know what's ruined, you just wasted a death link right there, that's a wasted death link, it ruin it, you know what I'm going to get. upset about that no yeah no ah maybe so oh no oh god it's okay, everything's okay guys, everything's okay, it's okay, we're almost here again, buddy, let's jump too, we have to go there.
See, that could be, that could be, we have it, oh, we have it, I think we have it, or at least we have some of it, okay, we have a lot, we'll take it, we'll take it, yeah, oh, that's perfect, Oh. we'll take it we'll take it any day of the week come on let's go well water plague here water plague he only has so many arrows he's in blasting that's fine if he doesn't kill if he gets killed in the calamity he has to see everything again oh put some cool moves There too, if you can't redeem a death link, then the redeemer don't move, that will kill him for sure, I have Foosie to play, are you sure why I can't?
They can't walk why dude I was so close to beating and why oh shit perfect perfect okay now we're in the fire fog the first phase is over it was fast yeah yeah oh my god , oh, it's a Claymore, I thought it was okay, no. not okay oh no oh no no no no no I'm not dead oh my god, who slowed me down damn, doing some damage here at least so close so close oh how much is left how much is left oh not much perfect perfect oh me I'm excited, We have this guy, Chad, I have an idea.
I just thought of something incredibly. Chat with five heads. Okay, was it even crowd control's fault. How did I just die against a fucking bookshelf? He is on the second side of fire blight. Chat, you know what? Can't you let him do it? You know what to do? Chad. It's okay, Chad. You have to kill Poincrow. Please kill him. Chat. We need your help. Please kill Poincrow. Yes, we will take care of this. Okay, and then we go in. okay, first phase, first face, okay, I just need to understand this, I just need to grab this, we're going to do it, we're going to do it, we're going to do it, we've got this, we've got this, we're good.
I'm fine, oh, I'm fine, this is it, oh God, either we catch it with our current lineup, or we catch it with our current lineup, there are no engineers, let's get chairs oh, I'm slow, oh God, oh no, he me did it slow, no. oh my god, we will do that very quickly, please give me stamina. Actually, we don't need resistance if I can do this right. No, come on guys, um, hello, okay, give me your ancient arrows now, don't talk, no, please. Please, please, Chad, please, even though I can't, oh, we're backwards, oh no, oh no, no, oh, we're backwards, oh no, oh no, you, no, I know I needed that resistance , no, oh my god, no, I needed that resistance, okay, calamity, gannon, okay. okay here we go here we go guys thank you for those ancient arrows that are safe that prompted us that saved us that could have been that should have done we should have died we should have died for all intents and purposes we should have died there no they're not you're kidding you talk seriously oh okay come on don't kick kill please do it after calamity again and please don't kick kill before claiming please let death enter calamity again and then to finish with them, please. if it's during the dark beast okay just let's get some ghost armor let's do it let's get some ghost armor uh I don't know if it's worth it I really don't know if it's worth it right now uh honestly it could be either way um Is it try again guys I don't know stage 2 Thunderblades okay he's in the calamity not for long right guys he died that's right that's right not for long shots quick shots get those critics, I caught it, wow, let's rip whoever.
I'm giving this video to edit on youtube, rest in peace, oh my god, I didn't know how it worked. Well, it was fast. You, oh yeah, come on, he's a god, come on, come on, come on, come on. Back to the calamity, back to the calamity, oh, thanks for the three more ancient arrows, guys, I'll take them, yeah, sure, oh, it's because we have speed, oh, it's because we have speed, back to the strategies of the Old school, guys, old school strategies, yeah, yeah, oh God. Oh my god, finally, oh my god, three, oh my god, I can't believe we finally made it, oh my god, the stress, oh my god, oh my god, all we have to do is finish it now guys , I can't even aim well.
I can't even aim right Jesus, okay, we just need to hit him literally once or twice, two more times, two more times. The link is invisible at this time. We just need the belly hit right now and then we need the full hit on top. Here we go, this is settled, it's for all the marbles we lost, we lost the plague, we fought the one divine beast, but hey, at least we're going to win the game, come on, come on, take those, take those, oh man . What's going on ggs? That was well fought, Lincus, oh my gosh, that was phenomenal, hey, you won the wind plague, so that's true, I won Wimbledon, so I basically won half the race, you won half the race, you won the half. race, thank you so much for doing this with me, I think that's going to be it for the race, so I appreciate you doing this with me, yeah, it was a lot of fun, thanks for having me, man, okay, bye, linkus. and gg good game rip rip to whoever is giving this video to edit it on youtube may he rest in peace

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