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Zach Edey Scouting Report | 2024 NBA Draft

May 25, 2024
I think Zack has been the most interesting conversation or one of the most interesting, you know, in the


world and how you look at it, if you're a believer, if you're a non-believer, but Zach is a center. from Purdue weighs 74,300 pounds he will be 22.1 years old on


night this season he is accumulating 31.3 minutes per game in 31.3 minutes per game 24.4 points per game 11.7 rebounds per game 2.1 assists per game for 2.2 turnovers uh point 2 steals 2.2 blocks 61.9% of field goals, has 50% from three Albert, in two attempts this season, but 71.6% from the line of free throws on 11.2 attempts per game, has a true shooting percentage of 65.9, an effective field goal percentage of 62 PR of 38.9 and a BPM of 16.2 not bad not bad uh the price of the Ed's actions in preseason um he was lower than he is now uh ESPN had him at 47 at the beginning of the preseason uh No Ceilings did not have him ranked Bleacher Report had him at 57 Yahoo did not have him ranked, Athletic had him ranked 38 and Tanon had him at 43.
zach edey scouting report 2024 nba draft
He was the 43rd ranked prospect in the IPO draft deck with an average price of 48 and a half currently ESPN has him at a high of 15. No Techos has him at number 26 in Bleacher Report 32 the buzzer at 23 the athletic at 21 tangon at 37 average stock price of 25 points so Albert I asked you at 25.7 if Zack Ed's stock price is too high too low or is it fair um I think it's almost okay and I, Corey, I will say that I've been saying that a lot recently, so I apologize for not being more appealing, Ticky to our listeners, but it seems about right that the range in the 20s isn't crazy. number for him um on my personal dashboard I have it at 24, so right around 20 um and we're going to go into the Scout with Edie, but um, he's a gigantic human being as we've said, uh, today is ours. group of Kane and Undertaker uh, I'm not the wrestling guy, so I apologize for trying, uh, but um, no, I'm really excited, not bad, ok, um, because also Edie reminds me of Kane, His eyes look a little soulless sometimes, um.
zach edey scouting report 2024 nba draft

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I hope that's not offensive to him, but not with Ed, even though his game has been so ridiculously productive in college, it wouldn't be crazy to say he's been the most productive player in college basketball this season, just an incredible force. for Purdue. number one sitting Purdue, um to add as well and um, yeah, and like you mentioned, 50% three, which the one he made was an explosion on the board, so I'm excited to talk about him, yeah, um, I'm okay, I think his stock is close to true, you know, I think for a team to take him to the lottery would be a little excessive, although that being said, I think if you told me, hey, Zach is going to be one of the 14 best players to come . outside of this draft, I would say yeah, you probably know, but I guess it depends on what point you think the bullish swings are worth assuming, the safer stuff is fine, but I think 20 five um in that range is. that's almost right, I have it at 26 on my personal dashboard so 25.7 is right on the money for me and you know I'm interested in talking to you about it because I saw it.
zach edey scouting report 2024 nba draft
I've seen it twice in the last few years, the first time I saw it was the Jaden Ivy year, so you know you had Jaden Ivy, you had Trevan Williams, and you know teams would play them a lot, so no say that. He didn't show up then, right, but as you know, those guys you know were running a lot of things through them and then you know I saw him earlier this year against Ruckers and he had a great game and, you know. I got to the arena two hours early and watched him warm up and move and know all the things he was doing before the game and you know Edie has always impressed me seeing him in person.
zach edey scouting report 2024 nba draft
You know this because you don't realize how massive 74,300 pounds are. You know you mention Kan and The Undertaker, who you know are generally listed as seven-footers in the WWE world and they probably aren't. close, you know, when you see someone who is legitimately just a giant monster, it's kind of impressive and then seeing how that guy moves because you know you always like to remember the guys from the '90s, he just moves differently George Miran was moved, you know, you know what I mean, so it's definitely an interesting conversation to have, so you know with that said where we should start with the conversation with Ed, let's start with the offense, obviously, shooting is not really an option here, but we can make a picture, we can make a great overall offense here, okay, yeah, I mean, look, he's averaging 24 and a half points a game, on 62% shooting and then he gets to the line of free throws 11 and a half times per game.
That's a little wild, like how hard it's been for teams to keep him from getting efficient looks and then you still know how to clean the offensive glass and drop back or have to send doubles and you know it going by these guys and how. He's huge and it's hard to move out of his points, um, and then you just have to foul him and then the fact that you can't hack him and he's making over 70% of his free throw attempts. I think that's an understatement. aspect of his offensive game, you know, I know we normally start with shots, but him being a guy that's generating free throws at this rate is not something that I think should be underestimated because he's still going to be 74300 in the league. be a tough physical guy to deal with and you might have some defenders in the league that can match him physically but mostly you can't so I still think that's something that will translate and be a weapon for him um you .
I know when he comes to the league yes, yes, no, Cory. He loved everything you said. I was always excited to have the conversation with Ed with you just because you've seen him in person, uh, more than once, um and I think when it comes to Edy, everything you said I think identifies him, but also Cory likes him. His size is very well proportioned, he doesn't look too weird with any part of his body, everything seems very proportional. um, he's very coordinated for his size um, if we talk about offense, he catches everything, um, everything and he doesn't always have good hands, aside from what Braden Smith likes, the passes for him haven't always been the best, but catches everything doesn't matter high low behind doesn't matter he picks it up well plays um and Cory like he's had great usage for a long time even that Ivy year you're talking about he had a 34.4% usage rate that anus. and with the guys that he was playing with and those numbers actually even went down slightly the last two seasons, right, um, yeah, but he's just an absolute monster of a human being that's hard to contain.
I don't remember if it was him playing against Indiana or Wisconsin, one of the red teams, um, but he likes the first possession of the game, like there's four guys near him, only all four of them say we want to do everything we can to stop you. , they fouled him, they hit him without problems, right? So, I know he's anywhere you read a description of education on the Internet, almost everything is grounded, it's not mobile, uh, I've seen the word loaf used, um, and I couldn't disagree more about everything. That's what you said Corey and with what you see in the movie, of course, it's not fast.
I would never get up on a microphone here, Corey, and say, yeah, I think Zach Edy is, name any quick right center like me. I don't think he's like that at all. or super athletic or you know C, but he's coordinated and he's 74 years old and he's coordinated to be strong enough to have spent the last three years in college with the usage rate he's had and still be so productive and scoring at the rate that is. and get to the line even more like you said and Cory, in addition to that, has also worked on his body to his credit.
You know he's a guy who really toned his body and continues to get better. He also has experience on Team Canada. since he played with them recently um, I think it's easy to be like he's slow. I think the most wired thing for him is that there is a lot more to him and he deserves more credit considering what he is doing, even though he is seven foot 4. my opinion right now, yeah, and I don't think he's slow, I think he's actually pretty agile, like in a straight line, yeah, you know, if he was just running to the rim or if he was getting back on defense, like he was quite agile. he's light on his feet and he's pretty fast and in a straight line, like obviously some of the side to side stuff that we'll talk about later or like the reload stuff like that, maybe you know, it's not the fastest.
I know he's a big guy, but yeah, I think he moves really well and seeing him in person is jarring, man, because you're like, oh, he just moves like a normal guy when you look at him from 5 feet away, um, but yeah , he's got great touch, like he's a force around the paint, like um, he's pretty quick on his feet, like you said, he's got soft hands, good catch radius, um, and I, he's really good at pick and roll, um, you know, it's someone who I think you know is also going to be like a vertical balloon threat, maybe you don't like the type of person that you traditionally think is going to be a balloon threat like Derek Lively, who's super bouncy but huge, long and long.
I have good hands so if you throw it he's going to get it and like you said I think one of the differences you know when we, you know, we took down Kingan um versus Edy Kingan has like a thousand guys that can throw him the ball where he needs to get it, yeah, although when I saw it last week, Yukon probably left like eight points in the first game on the table because they kept knocking out every Al who knows who, no matter who it was, but I digress. but I think brother Smith is cool like that guy can play basketball, but like you said, that's the guy there, you know, so he doesn't have a ton of options.
I think in the pick and roll with the NBA guys, I mean when he hits someone, you'll feel it, he's super strong, his momentum is very hard to stop when he's moving forward, he's very good on the ceiling now, as I think that when you look, if you wanted to look at their types of play, right? It's like, oh, he's mostly listed as a post guy and I still think he's going to have opportunities to post, but like the NBA and if you've seen or listened to the JJ Reck and LeBron podcast that came out literally like six hours ago, whatever. as far as you know, so if you haven't already, you should check it out.
They talk about the big difference from when they started playing coming into the league to now is how much more of a game of chess and basketball and you're just trying to do it. Identify where the mismatch is on the court, so with Edy I still think he'll get touches in the post when the teams switch. You know, a ball screen and now all of a sudden he's got a smaller guy on him. you know, throw it when he ducks, um, you know off the ball when he cuts and you know his defender misses it because he's paying attention.
You know the guy like they find opportunities to give him the ball. mismatches where he can use his ability to score in the post, he may not be the traditional '90s guy, but he's still going to get the ball on the block and go to work there and he's going to be a burden to handle there, so um, you know, let's go to the chat for a second, you know, Mr. Jones Boban is a coordinated 74,300 pound guy, that's where I see Edie. I don't know if his ceiling is much higher than that. I think the thing about Edie is she's so impressive that she's playing 30+ minutes a game this year, you know, and I don't think she'll do that in the league, but the fact that she can play that many minutes I think B is good. for him, as he's a guy that has the potential to play more minutes than you'd expect him to play, so I think he has the potential to be used in a similar way to Buon, where he comes in.
Bon just has these dominant stretches where he's super effective, but I think Ed actually moves a little bit better defensively, you know, and he's able to hold on a little bit longer and has a stamina that sets him apart and hello to everyone in the chat if you're watching live, make sure you know, uh, you know, like, subscribe, share everything. the good things a shout out to Mr. Ray um uh a shout out to norin rad um we have laati estn virtue probably Jack that, but a shout out to everyone um yeah, so you know look, we're going to have a shout out from Luca Garza we have a shout out from boban uh, you know we have, we're going to have a group of guys like that and you know, I think there's a big difference between a lot of these guys and Zach Ed, I think Zach EDI we have I talked about before, I think he has some atypical traits, yeah , and if I can't just go back even on what Mr.
Ray wrote in the chat, I think that's really important. Where for him, look what the NBA has become since the All-Star break and the NBA wanted to deny deny deny and yet now it's coming out that they actually have, you know, ordered their referees to swallow the whistle and if you listen to Zack's low pod last week when he had Joe D. Dumars and Monty McCuin are talking like you know there's been some changes a little bit and the way they call these games and you look at a team like the Knicks right now last 30th in the league in Right Pace but also first in the league and defensive rating and they are playing very slow and keeping teams under 100 points and they are the ones who have found some kind of loophole in this new way of knowing that they arecalling the games.
They're slowing things down, they're playing very physical and they're adjusting to that correctly and I think a guy like Zach Edy you take him off the bench and have him play 18 to 22 minutes a game and he comes in and gives You're that kind of size, a guy who throughout his college career was beaten, smashed, attacked and scratched everywhere, has dealt with double and triple teams during his time in college, you take him off your bench to be a guy to come . come in and do what you're talking about well, like exploiting mismatches, setting good screens, being active on the offensive boards, he's going to be an absolute threat when it comes to point-and-point, something that Tyson Chandler made very popular at the beginning of the decade 2010. right, I think Ed will be able to do a lot of that too and once again in this draft, and you take Zach Edy in his mid-20s, it's not like you take him to be your starting center from day one, you can say what you want.
This isn't the strongest draft we've ever had, it's not at all, but if you can get a big guy with really solid energy that you can use in mismatches, a guy that can offer this kind of size, you know, not normal, catching him at 25. It doesn't seem like a stretch to me at all and again, if the NBA is going to continue the trend this way like it has the last 13 or 15 games so far, you know you want to embrace more contact and not make It's all just as advantageous for the offensive player to have a giant Bruiser like Zach Ed, who is coordinated and fluid in his movements as he is in his size, it's a really interesting proposition in my opinion, yeah, and I think using him, you know, in these certain situations, um and You know, when we talk about which teams will best fit Edy, we can go into it a little bit more, but I think he's going to be, you know, kind of a tool that not every team is going to be able to have. in his toolbox now um You, Mr.
Ray, in the chat say that Ed is not a great playmaker and I tend to agree. I don't think he is. I wouldn't necessarily say it's a weakness, but it's certainly not a strength and it probably is. If you were tipping the scale, it would probably lean a little bit more toward weakness than strength, um, because for someone with his usage right, I mean, not that you know he's back, he's a terrible passer, I mean, almost 15% attendance rate, um, that's quite a lot. Well, he's been hanging around, you know, somewhere in there since his second season, and you know, his turnover percentage is only 10.8, but you know, negative assist, turnover ratio, TRUE?
I think my thing is what I've noticed looking at both of them. in the movie and in person is that it seems like he often takes kickoffs like a fraction of a second too late, like he's holding the ball a fraction of a second too late and letting the guy who's doubling or tripling get too close, so now you have to make a much more difficult pass than you would otherwise if you just process things and start reading and understanding where the guys are going to be before they come and double and what their options are.
I think that's something that will benefit him in the future because he'll be able to operate not only as a guy that's going to be down the block and now you have to make a kick, but also in the NBA, as many actions related to the big guys or you know, fast as releases. and dhos and being able to make a lot of different reads off of that because now you're more toward the perimeter, guys think you know you're G to get out of a dho and all of a sudden you have a cutter coming from the opposite corner and you have to be able to making those reads, this is the kind of thing where he's fine and I think he'll be fine, but if he was good at this, like he was a good passer instead of just a good passer, it's like a no-brainer, yeah, one of the top five regardless of how you feel, and I get a lot of things for saying regardless, sometimes, um, Kevin James just named his special after that, so you I know Long Island Legend, uh, also go to the dictionary like if it were a word, now it just means regardless, but I think if that were the case, it would be a much easier cell, so if that's an area you can emphasize in the future.
You know he could be more than just a specialty guy, yeah, yeah, and Cory, everything that you're mentioning, right, we see that in the NBA with some guys, you know, they're amazing with that stuff, obviously, you know, there's these great ones. , even like Lively. This season has had fits and starts where, you know, I've had some flashes of impressive passing, but with Edie it's also with Cory when I was watching Ed's tape. I was wondering if he sometimes got behind on those passes, no? necessarily because of the processing but also because It's like he spent four years in college and he's very aware of his physical advantage over the guys and sometimes he just wants to be stubborn and fight everything and be done, um, because what you you'll notice, um, for the listeners.
If you haven't delved into Ed yet, there's a bit of Edge in him, it's like he has a little bit of you, you know, there are a couple of games where they like guys who are clearly smaller than him, but try to be physical with him and try to let him know that you know M muddies the waters with him and he looks at him and says, Are you acting like I'm Zach Ed? You need to relax, um and there he is. Is this Edge for him what I enjoy and what you're saying, Corey? I'm there with you.
I wouldn't say I think he's a good passer, like you mentioned, I think he has 69 assists. 68 assists and 74 turnovers is what you're talking about and, yeah, it's clearly not his strong suit, but you know that again as a little defense for him. I think part of it is that he knows he's a lot bigger and stronger. that a lot of these guys and he says, let me force my way now at the next level, that Advantage won't always be there, there will be bigger, stronger centers that will be ready for his size. I know guys like a goar will be ready, you know, even like a bam, like he's obviously a lot shorter than Ed, but bam is so fucking strong that you know there's going to be these NBA bigs that will give him a hard time, like this maybe.
That's something that he continues to work on and you know, once he realizes that he doesn't have the same advantage, maybe he can make those quicker reads, yeah, I agree, it'll be an interesting thing to watch develop, let's talk. on defending him now because I think you know this is a big area where people are worried about him and how he's going to look in the NBA because like we talked about before, teams look to mismatch people and Edie can take advantage. From that, on the offensive side of the ball, on the defensive side of the ball, teams are going to look at Ed and try to find ways that they can get him to the perimeter and try to get him away from the rim and try to get there. faster guys and see how well he's able to um, you know, stay with them, so where did you stay or where did you come out with defending him? um watching him play um.
I'm definitely not going to make a big defense of him because there were some moments, but I also think some of it is okay. I'm saying a lot of things without saying anything, but to give you an example, his last game against Wisconsin was Wisconsin's first three or four possessions. I understand the Scout on Ed is if we run pick and roll uh if we run pick and pop, chances are he's not going to come out to the shooter if we go to the big one and that's exactly what they did. I think the first three own two or three possessions they ran, pick and pop on the side, I think it was the right side and they got their big to take a couple of threes, absolutely, absolutely, throw them in the air or actually one of They're just two bad mistakes, right? and with Edie it's As you know, a lot of times he's just not going to go out and defend the pick and pop and he's not the most agile in moving, but he's 74 years old and I think Corey, there are times when he rests a little on that and goes Well, I'm huge and I'm going to use my size and length to block some shots, but I'd be lying if I said I thought I was a very good defender. um however, I think where he lacks lateral mobility. sometimes he's lacking, but I also go back and forth because there are also moments where I'm talking just watching the tape of him and I'm like, oh, what happened here, he's just, you know, standing around not doing much and also.
I'm looking at the other end of the rink where he's just been manhandled by four different guys, you know, just hitting him and scratching him and stuff, so I'm doing my best not to defend him, but I think overall there's a lot of work to be done. do in my opinion, yeah, I mean, there's definitely work. I think you know that his defensive impact is not what you know you would look for when you're drafting Walker Kessler or potentially Donan Clingan. There's a difference there, but I think he has some really impressive moments and I think people just look at him 74 300 you think about Boban, you think about these guys and you're like he's a conspirator like there's no defensive tools and I think he has moments where What do you say, oh, okay, yeah, I like that and I think you talked about the pick and pop thing.
He's also had some moments where he looks great defending the pick and pop because he looks, you know we could. sit down and talk about how he's going to guard when he's isolated against Kyrie Irving and these and those teams are going to do everything they can to make sure that doesn't happen and he's going to try to sit back. in a fall as much as possible and teams will be prepared. Whoever selects him will be prepared for when that guard catches him, sees him on the fall and tries to take him out if the guard is too late to recover above the screen.
They'll try to pre-screen and pre-switch or whatever, they'll find ways around it, but like him defending on a drop if you look at some of the possessions like the Michigan State game. minute left three point game right uh Ed is in the drop he crouches into his stance which I think is pretty good at what he has good flexibility HIIT he can go down um so he crouches into his stance contains uh the dribble penetration until Smith can come back and then he can close the perimeter with the pass back to the pop and he competes with his length so I think what people don't realize with him sometimes is that he's 74, he's got a 710 and a half.
His wingspan is too good, like he has incredible length, so you know, he moves. I think he moves well and not just because of the size of him, um, and that was in a decisive moment where he really had to score and, in turn, go up. make sure he was locked in a few minutes before that same game, another good recovery, same situation on the opposite side, so he's not perfect there, but I think he's been pretty good in those situations where he has to recover until the shooter now, sometimes, he can bury himself a little too far to where there's just no way to get back out and get close to the shooter in time, even with his length, because what he struggles with is like exploding on that first burst recovery, so It's where you look. kind of like a conspirator, he's not that fast, like you're running on a track and you hear the gun and suddenly you explode like he doesn't have that.
Well, but I think he's going to have to be smart and say, "Okay, this is a shooter that I can give a little more space to." This is a guy that I have to advance a little more and then sometimes. when he's guarding ball screens, I think over and over why he doesn't have that quick First Step burst like he plays too high of a guard and like it's an empty side ball screen and that weak side help isn't at the rim. as is He left Purdue in a difficult situation because he can't explode following the play to get back to it quickly enough, yeah, so he's not perfect, he's not perfect at all, but I think he'll be able to survive and if he doesn't play 30 minutes. and not everything goes through him 100% of the time, maybe that extra effort he has, the extra energy, maybe it's enough for him to be a little better, because even in isolation and the teams don't have it as ISO .
As much as you think you know how to just take him out with those swings, um, but I still think he's pretty good at ducking and when he's able to shadow his man to the side and not play flat because when he plays flat he lets the guard dictate. action and he can get in trouble, but when he really decides to force someone to the side and he might slide with him, yeah, I think he's really good at using his length giving him enough cushion and then when they get to the rim now he's got you. where he wants you and can use his length to contest the shot when I saw him against the crazy Ruckers ISO defense against Derrick Simpson, who is like a quick shifty guard, um, and he just sent him into the stands, so he again his problem comes to me is like that second that first step burst out where it's like well I stopped now I have to start again, uh, where someone hits you, you hit them with a hesi, I think you can, you can be quite prone to say oh, now I'm late because I stopped my momentum and now I have to restart it again, yeah, I mean. but to be fair to what you're saying, Cory, he's listed at 74, he'll probably be 300 right when he's in the league, so we could forgive him for not havingthat explosion you're talking about and you know you mentioned Michigan State.
Game, I agree with you, there was one possession where they ran pick and pop with Booker and Booker is not a great outside shooter, but you know Ed did a good job, yeah, yeah, Booker did a good job getting him close. Um or not, sorry, Edie did a good job communicating with Booker, so I'm with you on that. I think posture things sometimes come and go, and on that I want to talk about what you said before about, you know, minutes and usage and all that in the NBA he will not only have less minutes but definitely less usage as well in my opinion, and if that's the case, we could easily see the transition of his energy levels being higher on the defensive end, because Corey You're right, he can have good posture, but sometimes he just pretends to be exhausted and when he's that exhausted It is difficult for him to take a stance and it is difficult for him to get to the three-point line. sometimes, but all of that is fair and you have to weigh all of that together and realize that exactly what you know won't be exactly the same parameters when he's in the league, so I'm fine, but I also have to mention a strong rebounder Obviously, he's going to be a glass and he's going to be a big part, not only on the offensive glass but also on the defense, clearing that up and you know, getting them to go the other direction, so I think with Ed Corey the bottom line.
I think we're both trying to say that yeah, he's not like you, so to give you the name that you used before Derrick Lively, right, he's a different type of Center than Derrick Lively, but that doesn't mean he's necessarily So. People characterize him as a Defender. I think, in my opinion, Cory can be very lazy sometimes, they just see 74, see about 300 pounds and say, oh, this guy has to be slow, but I don't think it's that simple. As we mentioned before, there is a fluidity to his movement pattern. There is a fluidity to his movement pattern.
He's really very proportioned and I think that really helps him with the way he moves and how he looks on the ground. And I and I think that sometimes it's just a very lazy analysis. be as if he were slow. I don't really think it's that simple and Cory, yeah really, like you mentioned, when you actually turn on the tape and watch, it's actually not that slow and, again, like we're looking up and we're looking to the next level and how all this translates into a smaller paper with less use. I don't see why he can't be a pretty decent defender, yeah I agree and he again says if he can be a rim deterrent. if he can be a guy, who, you know, he just makes things difficult with his size and gives guys a different look and that's what you're asking him, you know no, it won't be Jalil Oka to come to the top. draft as an obsolete type of player and all of a sudden now that you're spending all this big draft capital on him, you're drafting this guy to play a specific role on the team, so with that being said, which teams do you think Would they fit better with Zack?
Edy in the construction of his squad. I think I saw someone because, I think it's Vini from Atlético, and he posted a new mock draft today. I am right? Cory, I think so, and I did, and he had the Knicks taking. Johnny Fury at 19 and I think Edie at 24 and I looked at that and thought perfect, why wouldn't that work well? The Knicks are literally last in pace in the league, we're 30th in the league in pace. I think since the All-Star break, the Knicks are in the top five, top 10 in net rating, number one in defensive rating, and a guy like Zack Edy coming off the bench in place of Jericho Sims makes me feel very good, I don't want to say that I hate it.
Jericho Sims is right, but Jericho Sims really struggles to catch the ball, he really struggles on the defensive backboards, the backboards in general are super athletic, but a lot of times he doesn't really know what he's doing even after three seasons and I think if you trade him, one for one, trade Jericho Sims, let him walk and add Zack Edy to that list of Nicks or to the list of Nicks who aren't looking to run and to the list of Nicks who are used to having an inside post player like Julius Randall, um, I don't. Nevermind that at all, especially in that range, right, we've talked about his draft stock being around 24 25 if next if the Knicks end up in that range and take him as their backup center, you know, go along with Mitchell.
Robinson and maybe if they pay Hartenstein as a third center, I think that would be a brilliant move by Nicks' front office in my opinion, just for what he can offer in a third center role with the amount of minutes he would get and of course, as we've seen with both Hartenstein and Mitchell Robinson, the injury history that they have adding a guy like Edie as insurance instead of having to play, you know, precious aoua at five and um Jericho Sims or quit Taj Gibson 12 times I think that's a pretty good choice, in my opinion, see?
Mitch said he might be willing to come off the bench on Instagram. Look, then he can cook and he can put some Mitchell triples in his bag. Robinson, all that work he's doing in the offseason, all for no um, yeah, I think the Knicks would be an interesting option, a larger than life guy and a larger than life city, um, I think it would be very funny, uh, I think a team like Boston. Yeah, it would be interesting, you know, the three teams I had were Boston, Phoenix, Miami, you know, Phoenix, I think you know Nurit had a great year, it's been a phenomenal injury history, right, let's get some depth, another team that plays at a slower pace.
Miami is the same thing and then you know what those three teams have in common other than the fact that they are, you know, playoff teams that believe they are contenders is that they all will be contenders at some point if they believe they are a level team. championship, they have to go through an embiid, a Nico yic, these guys that are in their way and if you get a guy like


i, who in no way is going to be a yic stopper, an embiid stopper or anything like that. that, but as a guy who can at least physically match those guys, give them a little different look and maybe you know, just make things a little harder, nobody makes things difficult for those guys, you can just do it a bit. a little bit harder than it normally would be and Ed is such a physically dominant force that maybe in that type of role, those types of teams would be very well equipped to do that, like you can't carry Zack Edy if you're on the perimeter .
Bradley Beal, Kevin Durant and Deon Booker on the court, a lot of space can't be doubled because you're not going to leave any of those guys, you know, that's a situation where it could work, you know, I think that and another Once. I said before about doing it, allowing him to, you know, give some of the guys that have to work a little bit and maybe he'll make them work a little bit on the other end as well, so I think those are the types of teams they should be targeting. to Edy, yeah, um, because I think he can bring value that not every player can bring to those types of teams very quickly, Corey, before moving on.
I just want to say that I love your call of Phoenix just because um, I mean, look, this is the healthiest it's been in a long time and yet, I also want to say that if Yousef Nurkic can improve on defense, then why What Zack Ed can't? That's my point um and also Phoenix could use another big arrival. from their bench instead of what they have now, so I think that's a big shout out. I think it would be really interesting or even if I don't know if Toronto is interested, then Toronto uses a pick later and can go.
Playing in Canada is always fun, it's not really a basketball thing, but it's just fun. Absolutely fine, so before we go any further, Albert, it's time for you to cook. I need you to sell me this pen on Purdue great man Zack Edy, okay, so this may be like an anthropological study, but I don't know how many human beings there are on planet Earth who are 7 foot 4 and as proportioned as Zach Ed and they move like him with that size. I think the NBA team should exploit that advantage. just the advantage he has over the rest of humanity is the size he has and the athletic ISM he has and the touch he has um yeah if you're grabbing a guy like that in his early 20s in the second round you should really be excited because Zack Ed is an absolute beast who has been very productive, both rebounding everywhere, in college you should be interested in signing a guy like that in that range because you can get him off the bench and have him play around 18 .22 minutes for yourself every second every night and he will be productive in those minutes.
You're not signing him to be your starting center per se. You're probably not recruiting him to be your number one option like he has been in college. but he's huge, he's got a great touch, he knows how to score the ball inside and we think he has more to offer defensively than he showed in college because of the role he's played, so if you're interested in all that, you should take advantage of it. Zack Ed

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