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YOUR EX May NOT Care Now BUT They WILL CARE LATER (Be Ready for THE Keith Lee Effect)

May 20, 2024
what's happening on YouTube Welcome back to the channel I'm a black coach


internet relationship and breakup coach Today's topic


ex doesn't


about the breakup right now, but then


'll see if you're feeling extremely anxious about your ex, do you? TRUE? The more you think about them, the more it hurts because the worst part of a breakup is often not just losing someone you are deeply in love with, that's pretty hard, it's seeing someone who was once the most loving, caring, and person you ever knew.


s about you, seeing someone who promised you that he would never say this or never do that, that he would never hurt you, someone with whom you shared some of the most intimate parts of yourself and not just in the physical right, as in the Most of the time you've probably told them things that you've never shared with anyone else, so the hardest part of breakups is often seeing that person change completely, it's almost like you're dealing with a completely different person and you start to wondering if anything


said or did was really real, is it the version of them that I got in the relationship, is it the truth, or is it what I'm experiencing now, the colder, more distant, and more dismissive version, and often.
your ex may not care now but they will care later be ready for the keith lee effect
Because of all these things it is easy for you to be very afraid and you start to feel that your ex


never come back and maybe they even told you that maybe they said there is no chance and I


never come back, which I need you. understand is that those are words let me explain to you look, in most cases your ex is never 100% sure about the breakup, he may be 60% sure, he may even be 85% sure, but there is still a little bit of doubt , that's natural, it's human nature. and let me explain why as human beings we are programmed to look for certainty, okay, because certainty means that we are safe, so being able to predict with some level of accuracy what is going to happen, for example, if I touch a hot object . stove I know that 100 times out of 100 I will get burned.
your ex may not care now but they will care later be ready for the keith lee effect

More Interesting Facts About,

your ex may not care now but they will care later be ready for the keith lee effect...

I also know that it's okay, if I drink water correctly, I will be hydrated and obviously I shouldn't drink bleach, that's how we evolve. things we go into environments, we learn about the situation or the environment to find out what the pattern is and once we have a correct pattern, a certain level of good to be able to predict, then we have certainty and we feel safe and just for the sake of it . that your ex is leaving the relationship, okay, going out into the outside world trying to find a new partner, even if they told you they are not, subconsciously a part of them knows that at some point in the future they will have to find someone.
your ex may not care now but they will care later be ready for the keith lee effect
Otherwise, just because you're leaving the relationship and being pushed into something new, there's always a little bit of doubt, whether it's 10% or 15%, and it's that doubt that's going to work in your favor. , OK? This is the important part that you have to understand look what the doubt is unfortunately currently the doubt is not about you, right, the doubt is about the weed actually. More green. Will I find someone better now that your ex gets to a point like? I said they are above that 50% threshold, they think they will do it and that's why they leave, they think I'm going to find someone better, but as I said in my videos before, there is a complete difference between knowing something and knowing something with certainty and believing it well, so the reality is that currently your ex is not sure about the future, but you know who your ex is sure about.
your ex may not care now but they will care later be ready for the keith lee effect
They are sure of you. They are sure of your feelings. They are sure that you love them. I'm sure you are obsessed with them because many times you probably told them this. Look, I've had so many clients who have shared messages where you know you feel a lot of fear, pain, anxiety and By the way, it's understandable because everything was taken away from you unexpectedly, you didn't know they were going to break up with you, so you negotiate, you try to fight for the relationship. and you send them paragraph after paragraph about how you are. You are going to change and maybe you even cried in front of them and begged, so all those words give your ex a lot of certainty, they just know that if things don't work out, I can always come back. now you could say oh coach.
I didn't really beg, I didn't chase, I accepted the breakup first, that's weird, most people beg, but a lot of times it's also about how you behaved while you were together, maybe they didn't treat you properly. the best thing towards the end maybe you had certain boundaries that you allowed them to violate things that you said were important to you and that you allowed them to get away with it and many times it is the very fact that you allowed these things to happen while you were together that still bothers you. gives your ex that level of certainty, so let's look at the two pieces: your ex is not sure about the future about the grass being greener, but he is sure about you and if you want your ex to care more more Go ahead, those dynamics have to change right now, what does that mean? your ex needs to be less and less sure about you about your feelings about whether you care about them or not and the easiest way to start, as you know, is no contact, it's very important because it will take By the way, at some point let me Telling you if your ex has an opinion about you, which they do, if they have a belief about how you feel about them based on the actions you had during the breakup and during the relationship, it will take them.
At some point it's not just 30 days, You know, sometimes it's faster, but sometimes it's longer. They need to constantly see that you're able to stay away, that you're able to stand your ground, so that's the level at which you stick to not doing it. no contact and no breaking up, that's what really injects doubt into your ex's mind, which is necessary, it's necessary for them to become less sure about you, but here's the other piece, okay, you want them to. your ex is more sure that the grass is not greener. Now, some of this happens naturally, because in reality, true love, real compatibility, really knowing each other and having that deep, intimate connection like you once had with your ex, is hard to find, not something easy to replace. now.
I'm not telling you that your ex won't try CU, they will, but think about, for example, some of your best friends, like maybe you only have one or two because it's not easy to find someone who understands you well, someone with who you can spend hours. and it only feels like minutes so the same thing happens when your ex goes out into the world and you know he maybe he starts trying to date or text people and you realize and even have conversations that it's never the same. That's why dating is very difficult. Most people today don't enjoy dating, so the more time goes by, that's why you don't need to stay in touch, whether it's 30 days or 60 days, however long it takes, but the longer it takes. spend your ex away from you, they are learning.
The grass isn't greener, is it? and also what you have to do to inject that insight that you know and really know that you are a person of great value that can never be replaced is that you continue to work on yourself and you continue to improve yourself. continues to get better and now your ex is listening to other people oh I just talked to her yesterday she is doing great oh he is amazing he has lost 10 pounds he looks great and now your ex in his mind is comparing everyone to who they are talking or trying to meet and they say maybe I had the best person all this time maybe no one else can love me the same way you once did, that's what they will be thinking in their mind and now your ex has come to a place where you can no longer predict the future well and that doesn't feel safe, this is just human nature, so you start trying to regain that level of certainty about how you feel about them and until the Dynamics change, you will. which takes some time, in some cases it will be shorter, in some cases it will be a little longer, but you should not be in contact, you should be working on yourself, it is the most important thing.
They start getting curious and Bam, you get the first message. I want to tell you this as you prepare because it will happen to most people, if you know how to contact most people properly, your ex will contact you, but I want to finish, I leave you with this and by the way, if you are enjoying the video, do me a favor, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any of the future videos I'll post. Ring the bell, okay, we'll be live at least once a month, but probably twice, so to make sure YouTube notifies you when we're going live, ring that bell so you don't miss it and in the lives you you know.
You can ask questions about your breakup and we can talk about it, but anyway let me leave you with this, so the other day I was watching a content creator on YouTube and he was talking about a situation with Keith Lee now, if you don't you do. I don't know who Keith Lee is, he's a food blogger and what he does, what he's trying to do, is a huge social media platform, but he's a genuinely nice person, so what he does is he goes to mom and pop restaurants. he tries the food and reviews it, but what happens is he enjoys the food and shares it with his followers, which at this point probably has 20 to 30 million people on all platforms because he is a very kind and genuine person and is trying to help with problems. companies that just don't have the budget or the marketing when he gives a positive review it is literally a life changing experience for the business owner so there was a situation in Dallas where he went to a specific restaurant that They had been calling. and texts like coming to see us, posting on social media really trying to get it out there and finally he came out and tried the food and enjoyed it, enjoyed it and it was great, so he left too.
The business owner gave him a big tip. I think it was four or $5,000. He left him. He said. Hey, you know, here's this money. I wanted to leave you this blessing. Make sure you also share it with some of these people who are working. with you in business, okay, trust me, this is a very important and powerful story, and what ends up happening right when he posts the video goes viral, people are excited to go see this little business in a restaurant, but little then just before the Momentum really started to gather steam in less than 24 hours.
It is made public that the owner of that business did not share the information with the rest of the people who were working with her. She chose to keep it to herself, and naturally she's right, as Ke's platform is all about building. People stand up and help each other, it's almost like they know us all as regular people coming together to support each other and that's why you know she got a lot of backlash and it all backfired and I think that at the end of the day she had to close the business shortly after the reason I tell this story and it is very important that you think about this when it comes to your ex and do not make any contact because the dynamic will change as I explained to you.
Previously here see this lady calling and calling and looking for this opportunity for Keith to come visit us and again business owners would pay tens of thousands for an opportunity for Keith to just visit them and she got this opportunity for free she just asked and so in the blink of an eye, she lost a great opportunity for whatever reason, again, not to judge her, but she lost this great opportunity that could have meant, you know, loyal Lo customers in the future, probably tens, maybe hundreds of thousands in income, she lost it all. this for $5,000 I want you to know this don't call don't ask for a chance with your ex unless you're


for it well that's that's the only thing I want you to take away from me don't ask for a chance and This is really what no contact does, is that while you stay away while working on yourself, you definitely shouldn't pick up the phone and call, but not making any contact itself will give you a very good chance of doing so. have the opportunity to fix things if that's what you want, so the important thing for you is to be prepared to try to detach a little to work on yourself to get stronger, start loving yourself again, spend time with people . the friends and family who care about you and have supported you all this time because that will give you the strength to handle your ex when she starts texting you.
Watch more videos where I talk about the different scenarios the first one. date so that you are better prepared so that when the dynamic changes when the opportunity arises, if you still want to fix it, you are


to do the right things, uh, so that the relationship can be saved, that's okay anyway, if you enjoyed this video, make me a Please hit the like button, subscribe to the channel and if you want to talk to me about your situation, click the first link in the description and we can talk about it. I really want to work with you.
I'll see you in the next video, peace.

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