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Young Boy Swallows A Coin | Temple Street Children's Hospital | Real Families

Jun 06, 2021
Located in the heart of North Dublin, in a city, one place cares for


from all corners of the country, offering hope in times of uncertainty and strength fighting us in truth. There, boy, we witness difficult decisions, life-changing surgeries and emergency situations. department we never know what's going to come through the door next payment to staff has to be ready for surgery at a moment's notice I see a tree Chris' glial cells at 2417 under green 5 turns Gillian O'Dwyer was first brought to Temple Street from County Limerick, when he was a newborn baby, when he was four days old he was very, very sick and he hadn't passed any meconium or stool or anything like that, so he was rushed from Limerick Regional Hospital to here to see what happened.
young boy swallows a coin temple street children s hospital real families
It was stressful and kind of a shock to the system at the same time, but we had to drop everything and just move house here for those couple of days not knowing what was going to happen and all the information was just presented to you and you're ready. to assimilate a little and try to understand also within his first week of life. Killian was transferred to Temple Street. Our public partners came to see if he was the idiot and she. She wasn't very happy with him, she got worried immediately and came back the next day and she was already devoted to him, so she intends to go to the GP, then to the


, then to the


young boy swallows a coin temple street children s hospital real families

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young boy swallows a coin temple street children s hospital real families...

They got a little worried right away. she was saying it was a classic case of herpes and something we had never heard of before. I had never heard of us. Hirschsprung's disease is a condition that affects the nerves all the way to the bottom of the intestine, so instead of the nerves allowing it to open, relax and contract as they normally should to expel poop, the intestine remains very tight. and contracted and so these kids can't poop very well by the time it got here when we came out of the driveway. We started treating him and there was a big difference in him when his biopsy confirmed that he had Hirschsprung's disease, so we were able to talk to him about the process involved, which is that he can go home once he has emptied his bowel with these wars . shirts is a physical washing, you run a tube to the bottom, put some salt water in warm salt water and physically wash the barrel as if a colon enema could theoretically be done there, but in very


babies who do this The operation is much more challenging for us, but also when babies are 4 or 5 months old they are stronger, more robust and can tolerate anesthesia better.
young boy swallows a coin temple street children s hospital real families
It was actually horrible, it was horrible because you hear about kids going to Temple Street Hospital and it's always the Kremlin and you always assume it's the worst case scenario because if the hospital area isn't there to deal with it, it must mean that If something is much more serious when you get hurt, then you will see that if this is a local hospital the people here also specialize in pediatrics and it is the best place for a child with a specific illness, he recovered very well after that, a few days after they found out what it was and had started the washes and everything, he recovered very quickly and then on February 17 or 18, we had an outpatient appointment when we got here.
young boy swallows a coin temple street children s hospital real families
Kilian was


ly very sick, very sick, and they basically rushed him to seek resources from dr. martens in our patients office and from recess then they sent him to intensive care in front of us initially is mr. Suárez got very sick, we were very lucky to be here. If we had been in Limerick we probably would have had to get an ambulance here to deal with this, so we are very lucky to have been here. We found out that he had a very bad case of antisepticemia and that he had septicemia, which was difficult because we didn't know it was


ly serious and we didn't know what was going to happen, but he recovered a lot after that.
He spent about a week at st. Gerald's living room and then we were dropped off at home when I went into his room the next morning to get him out of bed. On the 27th, he was like the Michelin Man in bed and we were back in the car and heading back to Temple Street. Again it turned out then, but here in the Surgery Center for a blood transfusion and an albumin transfusion and he had the stoma, it's basically his intestine, they have a good part of the hood after I took it out exposed to the side stomach and just goes into a bag when you empty it like you're changing a diaper, it's pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to him.
He didn't depend on me to do the washings and dilations and when he needs to go, he can do it. He went to the emergency room himself, a nine-year-old boy or even a survivor this morning, Gerald, when he was on vacation and here he is. One of his older brothers gave him some money to play with and he swallowed one of the


s we just came for. making sure everything was okay and it was nothing we needed to worry about, we were still out of a bind so we got dressed real quick and got to a hospital, isn't it like that, yeah, because it's not good, we don't do it .
I want to eat eat money that God it doesn't taste good I'm sorry choking I know it was like drowning wasn't it nice when you took that


? Did we see her quite often, especially on weekends? So you could have anything. up to five six or more, especially on weekends when kids are shown playing and not at school, but it's pretty common, I guess it's one of the most frequent needs of the emergency department here since we got here, we saw to a doctor in Iran and I just decided to just get an x-ray to see where the coin was and make sure it wasn't somewhere where there was airway obstruction or something like that.
It can be potentially serious. Sometimes surgery is required. There are two problems with people who swallow. coins or any large object, I suppose, including food substances, number one is what we know is a choking bush, if someone drowns, there are two routes, if it enters the trachea, their breathing tubes, the most likely place to go. will go is towards the correct norm if it goes towards the longest it can obviously block the airways for that time, so they will have difficulty breathing and possibility of collapse for a long time. Well, the second is that it will go down the esophagus, which is the correct route for it to go. downstairs he will call mom and tell her everything is fine when we talk to her lui doctor after arriving yesterday.
Mary Ann Kerry, 14, is at Michael C Ward and he would say have surgery on my ear and jump to fix a hole. I first discovered it when I was six because fluid came out when it was on my pillow after a couple of days and I took it to the doctor. I thought it was from the pool. You know, for being imperceptible and the doctor so much. fluid and we put him on antibiotics and we came back a few weeks later and the fluid had gone down but it had left a hole in the eardrum and that didn't go away after a couple of weeks so we were referred to Temple Street. and she's been in the care of Temple Street since she had some challenges in her life, she developed diabetes and a couple of years ago as well and that's another challenge in her life and she overcame that too so I had to come . on an early day because I'm fasting today, so I had to take a different insulin because I'll be watching, so they have to give me sugar, Jeff with insulin, you have to keep it balanced, that's a little more confusing.
She had come. I have visited it regularly over the years because I look at the year to see that it has been kept clean and clear, it can affect your hearing but you also can't swim if you have a perforated eardrum because if the water catches a German who lives like a infection, you're more prone to infection, you can get discharge from your ear and I think her main problem was that she was more prone to infection and particularly as a diabetic, that's not a good thing, obviously, it's annoying if she went to someone's house. someone and some rekon salmon early and after mom asked him to bring the air block, okay?
I'd have to ask if I can use that cotton loaded Bosnian in your house and it's really annoying, traditionally we used to wait until patients were around eight years old. or nine, some parents and some of the


, when explained to them about the operation, prefer the chili, we take it out a little larger because they can handle it a little better several months since their first trip to Temple Street. Kilian is back in hospital today, we are here to Killian came out of the operation, he has Hirschsprung's disease which means he can't go to the bathroom on his own and he has a stoma at the moment, so they are hoping to remove the stone that it got to the bone basically to do that and go to the bathroom properly they didn't let us in the operating room lesson so they took him out of the war at that time so this time at least one was going to take him down and a sample of the city of Bremen is that it was a difficult effort at the same time.
At that time it was kind of New York and you go to San Road or you don't, you've never been before. I think you are also doomed, so you don't know what camp you are in and you want them to do it. Take care of your son and you want to let his daughter push him, you hurried out at the same time and what you notice is that he has good hands and that time he will be down there for now, Kilian came in from another of ours. today to undergo his poultry procedure for Hirschsprung's disease, so he came in today to have the final stage of his operation done.
It's seen in about one in every 3,000 cases, so it's not that common, but because every child born with it will come with it. to one of the two main hospitals in Dublin, then we see a good number of cases, so today it is perhaps 12 to 15 cases a year. I put a camera in his abdomen and did minimally invasive surgery or laparoscopy to free the colon inside because I was removing most of the left side of his Kol in the part that is affected by his Hirschsprung's disease, it remains tight, no it opens up so it's not good for him and basically once I freed him I removed or removed his colostomy and I took that normal piece of intestine down and sewed it to the inside of his back passage.
The hope is that he won't need more surgery. You know, if you leave a little piece of Hirschsprung's arc, you might have to redo it. after surgery, but we took his arch well above where it was normal before, so we went to a safe place that should allow his bell to function normally, so I certainly hope I don't have to redo the surgery. I'll be here for the next five or six days until we finish his antibiotics until we make sure he's emptying his bowels and pooping and we can get him back on a diet which normally takes a couple of days in preparation for surgery.
Marianne Minks away they gave us general anesthesia with diabetes and I was very nervous, it was the first time we had general anesthesia with the debut film. He was eager to ask a lot of questions and that was him. I'm happier this time. you know what they're doing and she's getting the right care, so it's more management, there's another team involved in the chemistry of her care, which would be pretty common, it's going to be one of the most common ear surgeries that we would do, you would do an incision. behind the ear and then you literally turn your ear forward and lift the eardrum, you take a cartridge behind you and some fashion and you literally rebuild a new eardrum in the old days we used to use, we used skin grafts, these to use material from others and you know what they call allograft strength now we used to use fashion strategies both ways in the cartilage now and certainly, and I think most people feel that for the large piercing the cartilage certainly gives a better result, it doesn't guarantee It will work, but it will certainly give a better result if it heals completely, it means she has less of a membrane from normal to panic, so hopefully it could help her hear a little now, that's not always guaranteed, but it wouldn't be more prone to ear infections than any normal person and she can swim and have a normal life with a bulging eardrum.
She was lucky she didn't need anything else done to the little bones in her ear, it was just the piercing, so now we've closed it up. the perforation, but obviously it depends on your eardrum if it closes or not because some do and others don't have a very large perforation, but I have a large confluence she should do quite well the surgery itself, I think it lasts about two . two and a half hours she came back to us around five in the afternoon and had come down around one that day, obviously there to be in recovery and they also have to be fully awake before they can return to the room where she was.
Actually, very well, you know that her control of her pain was very good. She had a bandage on and even then she started eating, as soon as they could eat, they would go back to their normal insulin injections, but they would keep them on the flute. monitoring Sugar until we are happy she can eat, not throwing up after anesthesia after having an x-ray.Gerald goes back to Jerez and actually shows that the coin has gone through the correct path for an object when we swallow it, so it has gone down into his esophagus and into his stomach, so what we can see on his x-ray is that in It's actually in your stomach, you swallow it, so you come down here and it tickles, you're here, it's okay, but look, it's later. going down to your belly, okay, so it's down here, so the formula for that is just lifting each Refik, yes, it's three, five, seven days for the stomach to pass.
The stomach has a certain period of time that it takes The food goes into what we call our small intestine and then it makes its way from the small to the large and then the ocean to the rectum, so it works by muscle movement. You heard? The good news is that you can go home, yes that's it, we call mommy and whatever happens, the good news is very worried, you can enjoy the rest of your Easter vacation, yes, we said goodbye, now enjoy of your vacation girls, we will enjoy the rest of she was there two days and the surgery Mariana stole Michael C, she was gone for a long time, she was from one thirty to five, so I was very happy to see her back and wake him up and then talk to us and tell us what he had done and it was two holes that he fixed and he's a little bit of cartilage and a little bit of his own skin and he fixed it the best he could and he was very happy with it so we're really in a case of I'm waiting now to see if it works and that will take some time, it could be a few months before we know if it's a complete kill or a partial success.
Well, the main thing is that we are delighted that we have reached this stage and it's over for her. I'm a long way from being six years old for this to be corrected and it's a big milestone. Hopefully I should feel better now, tomorrow the next day, still a little tired today, I'd say it's or right now, right? Marianne and yes. She should come back next week to have the bandages removed and then Norma is here about six weeks after that and then I'll probably see her in six months if the graft takes and protects completely, she's back to normal, that's it, no more is prone. to have problems that no one else if it works and I could just shower without us being close to progress, women die even though they expect us to go today and we just want to make sure Marianas is well enough for the trip and that she is not sick and absent and I hope that now we get home and come back to see the rest of the gang greeting his birthday five days in surgery.
Killian is recovering and was doing really well after surgery. It was a success. He managed to make us two keys, they didn't have to open it and the bag is gone and now he can go to the bathroom on his own, in the hope that in the long run he will be able to empty his valves himself and that he will have normal continence and that when he arrives At potty training time you will be able to sit on the potty and do your posture normally, there may be ups and downs between now and then where there is a risk of getting an infection in the intestine that we would need to treat with flushes and antibiotics and there is a chance that It won't drain very well for the next few months until it calms down and heals, but there are ways to help it do that. a new start for us for operations and stuff anyway, hopefully, and this is the end, it just looks promising, we'll see you again in about two weeks anyway, the choral examiner post passage and make sure that is healing well because there is a risk that we can limit ourselves so we want to make sure that doesn't happen and if it does we will have to ask his parents to start dilating him again which is something they did in the past so If everything is healing well at that stage, now see every few weeks, every few months, but it will be necessary to follow up for several years to ensure that you are doing well from a biological point of view, because children can have problems with constipation, infections and all of them must be treated aggressively.
As traumatic as it was at first, it was a good experience as there was never anything that wasn't answered if we ever had a question and we were always regardless of how bad it was, we were always trying to answer it. Don't worry, we'll miss the nurses, we won't miss being rushed here. I really want to get home now and get back to normal. His brother and his sister are really waiting to take him home because they miss him and him. He misses them too so it's good to bring him home and I think they recover better at home anyway only you know so what can you do from a little bit.

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