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You've NEVER Seen This Before! *Rainbow Friends Chapter 2 SECRETS*

Apr 18, 2024


friend is being bullied by the other



. I don't think the rainbow


like that guy, that's not cool at all, we have to help him, yeah, we have to come here, get away from them, yeah, yeah,


way. You guys should stop that, go back inside and let's all play nice. Ugh, they're leaving now, but are you a rainbow friend to a rainbow friend? He's not very colorful, that means we have to help him and make sure he doesn't get bullied. again, but how, oh oh, I know we should give him some colors, let's create the magic potion that will give him lots of colors and the other rainbow friends won't be big baddies anymore, that's a great idea, let's follow the beacons and get all the different types of dice to create the potion, yay, I can't wait for us to find colors for our new Rainbow friend.
you ve never seen this before rainbow friends chapter 2 secrets
I'm so excited,


is going to be so much fun, I know it will be, oh, oh, what is that, oh god, that was so. It's scary, but it's okay, friends, just, yeah, we moved on and now we're finally out of that creepy forest. Wow, that's a pepperoni, that's a big mushroom. Hey, I see the beacon at the top. There are some stairs we can climb. Get up there and look, okay foxy, we'll follow right behind you. Well, these are some pretty narrow steps without rails too, so make sure you're very careful with each step. Wow, this is very high, but it's okay because I'm Here with my friends we are finally at the top Hello guys, we are right in front of the red beacon, let's see what we find in the chest, a red dog, now we find one of the colors , yeah, now, how do we get down from here, buddy? oh me, next one, I guess I missed it, yeah, we're all at the bottom, now let's continue our adventure, then okay, let's start heading to the second Beacon, now okay, I think the second Beacon is this way, We just have to go straight through this forest.
you ve never seen this before rainbow friends chapter 2 secrets

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you ve never seen this before rainbow friends chapter 2 secrets...

To get there, you see it in the distance, but there is a bridge that thins out here oh, hello panda, but there is a huge ravine, yes, we are still very high, so we have to be very careful when crossing. Alright guys, you got this, it's two too easy, it sure was easy. I'm glad it was easier than expected. This is a tiger cage and the orange beacon is right there. It is in the middle of the tiger cage. There are many tigers here. and they don't seem very happy, don't worry, we'll find a way to get to that orange beacon, let's trust ourselves, you're right, oh wait, Foxy, look here, come here, come here, here's a chest, come on, come. let's open it oh nice find boxy I wonder what's inside let's see oh a guitar a guitar oh foxy I have a great idea, we could play some music with the guitar and maybe it will calm the Tigers down and once they are calm we can go down and put the stuff in the chest, that's a great idea, boxy, you're so smart, here goes, let's play our guitar and get through it all. the Tigers sneak through all the bars and snatch what's in the chest to help our rainbow friend and now we have the orange dye oh and um, I'm running away from your house and climbing the vines because I want to leave you alone, the plan It works well.
you ve never seen this before rainbow friends chapter 2 secrets
It was great playing and singing, Foxy, thanks Foxy, let's start with the next speech. Now it looks like it's coming from this cave, it's really okay, this cave is so pretty, look at all the bright yellow crystals, yellow, which is the same color as my favorite. food french food foxy fries oh hey the chest is here I don't think we walked that far hey I got the yellow Dino wow well it was easier than I thought celebration dance oh my god that's a bear Come on, Foxy, come on Come on buddy, let's get out of here, hurry up, come on, let's be careful, oh no, oh no, I have to get out of here real quick, he's still chasing me, let's get up right here, if we get here, then the bear It won't chase us.
you ve never seen this before rainbow friends chapter 2 secrets
Well, quick thinking, square, that was so close, but the important thing is that we all get out of here together and safe, you're right, sneaky, hey, what's up? oh no, oh, the footbridge is gone, no, and it seems like a long way down. Yes, we are very high. I think the Rock Bridge is close enough to the other side that we can jump over. I'll go first. I'm fine. I'll go next friend. I know you can do it. Yes, you are brave. go yeah damn you did it, he's a good jumping buddy, now we can all continue searching for the other beacons and get the dyes from the chest.
I see the green beacon in the distance, we can continue in that direction. Roger, that square, let's move on. exactly then, wow, that's a lot of cut eyes, we should be very careful with the spikes, if you touch them they're going to prick you, it looks like it'll hurt, okay, I'll keep that in mind, here we go, oh, are you okay, fox? Did they puncture you? I'm fine, square, thanks for asking. I'm right behind you. Okay, make sure you stay close. Oh, we're already in the middle. Here is the beacon and we just received the dye.
Oh yes, oh yes, we are in such. a smooth track, okay guys, okay, now we just have to go back to where it came from. I think it was like that, if we could be in the middle, we can get out of here easily, that's a good mentality, foxy, let's move on. oh the way out, thank god, I was getting a little tired of this place, oh man, me too. I'm so glad we got out of here too. The cactus spikes were so prickly and scary, but now we can move on and find the other beacons.
Well, I think you see the last three beacons. They're on that mountain over there. I see them too. Look, friend. We can get the rest of the colors here. Hmm, but how do we get there. I think this might be a bit of a long walk. I think it will be too, but we have already traveled a lot together. A short walk won't make a difference. Yes. I think our new friend also thinks the same. He is very excited, but we are very close to getting all the benefits. beacon dice whoa hey guys, there's a big puddle over here and it's a contraption, crazy, I know, what do you think it does?
I don't know, there's Redstone and a bunch of droppers, but I can't identify it. It's complicated I really want to be in the middle foxy are you sure we don't even know what it is yet? oh, what does this button do? Let's try it huh that was so much fun guys foxy went into turbo mode he's so high he's like a Little thought in the sky that's what I look like oh oh man he followed us too and blocked the landing and we are right next to the last three beacons. Now let's go to these chests and get the final three colors: pink, purple and blue. we have all the colors we need to make the potion now that we have all the colors we need we have to go to the factory to make the potion rainbow is right there in the distance this is what we've been waiting for eh oh what's up boxy oh it looks blue and green, are you allowed to be there? friend no, there has to be a way to get in hmm if our friend doesn't want blue and green here while we make the potion we have to get them out of the factory but how oh oh I have an idea follow me YouTube boxy come here come here come here come here it is well we will be right behind you and we will follow you what is the plan we can distract the rainbow friends with a rainbow and to make a rainbow in the sky we have to make it rain and we can make it rain by doing a rain dance in the ruins of the ancient temple rain dance rain dance let's do the rain dance the ingredients are working whoa, let's check if a rainbow formed look, peep at the rainbow and see what the blue and green does, It's like you said, you said boxy, they're leaving now because they're distracted by the big beautiful rainbow, we don't need any, cute, cute, thanks foxy, we did it together so I knew. my dancing skills would save us, I sure did it, foxy, now let's move on inside the factory, finally, yeah, let's go in, let's go in, I'm excited, thanks for letting us in, buddy, this place looks super cool, there are a lot of tools and equipment that's going to be perfect for us to use to make the potion, but it's just as crafty as this ornament, oh, this thing here that's so cool now that we're here, let's start brewing that potion, Roger, that cunning, what do we do?
I'm going to drop all the colors here with water into this cauldron and that will make the rainbow potion we need. I just put all the colors in and now I have the bucket to put the water in. Whoa and now we wait for it to reach everyone. cook together huh and then activate all the magical magic huh, that's sneaky and look, now we have the finished rainbow potion over here. Whoa, I'm going to throw it away now and leave buddy buddy, are you okay? What is happening to your friend? He hasn't changed because the potion still doesn't work look, buddy, it worked, it really worked, look at everything, I was always so afraid now that it wouldn't work, but I'm so glad that everything went well.
You look so beautiful. You look amazing buddy, you're still a rainbow dance party, what's that? There's someone at the door, oh no, do you think it's green and blue? It's green and blue and they're apologizing, oh blue, are you apologizing? A friend forgives you, yes, everything is fine now. Everyone is happy again. This calls for a food party. Yes, yes, yes, call me.

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