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You’ve NEVER Seen Multiplayer LIKE THIS - Goliath in VR vs Davids on PC!

Jun 09, 2021
Get ready for one of the coolest asymmetrical VR games you've ever


today, we'll be playing davigo, we have special alpha codes from the developer and oh my god I've been wanting to play


for months, the day has finally come so we have our masks we are here in the studio


is a special occasion you will see why okay so a person is just a little character who can run, you can jump, you can throw bombs and you too, if you choose one of these rockets you can use them to jump or you can use them to shoot the giant davigo short for david and


meanwhile sam is trying to kill me now i understand and he can only kill me by knocking me off the map so if he hits me with something he will just knock me unconscious but i'm still well, he really needs to get me out of here, so I need to be able to leave, yeah, if you can catch him, if you can, now I can.
you ve never seen multiplayer like this   goliath in vr vs davids on pc
I also blow up Sam's hands with my bomb. Oh, if I manage to blow Sam's head off, I get a point. If Sam knocks me off the map, he gets a point. Okay, Sam, let's do this. Let's try this. Matrix. Oh wow, you bounced that. back oh i got your whole range oh you missed you missed you missed oh these guys came up with a little piece dude this is the attack on titan game oh oh you mean that one on one look whoa im used to playing inverted oh no oh oh okay, come on sam, come on oh my god, my pants oh yeah, come on, come on, you blew off one of his hands, he doesn't have a right hand right now ooh oh my hand, I have your hands no hands, no hands , oh, his right hand is back, come on, come on, oh buddy, you recovered, buddy, I'm going to bring Sam here, oh, this is so hard, you can't catch me, you can't catch me, oh my god, it's so hard to keep the mask in the open hand hit you get more debris oh you're doing great you know we're going to do like three against one but at this rate you can save even cut it just by shooting rockets just getting ready now oh your blocks block these oh straight The shockwave is an automatic killer right there, yeah, oh, oh, my rocket, oh, wow, you jumped at the perfect time, God, okay, I wasn't expecting this, I honestly thought Dan was getting okay, yeah, Sam's starting to figure it out, learning to wait, so oh Sam, conquer, buddy. that was a one round tiebreaker wow wow okay now I need to bring in another player oh my god I'm not going to beat these two people should we do rock paper scissors?
you ve never seen multiplayer like this   goliath in vr vs davids on pc

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you ve never seen multiplayer like this goliath in vr vs davids on pc...

How are we going to do rock, paper, scissors to see who wins? to go to the next best and then are you doing what you shoot once you shoot? okay, one, two, shoot, one, two, shoot. Damn, come on. Ren drove here from Pasadena just to see us play this game. It's in the blue. right, let's try to take the multiple angles oh, okay oh, shit, out of bounds oh oh no, he just killed me oh, I missed it, it was so fast oh, the thing with that don't get up, get him, get him, what? What is that, run, what are you?
you ve never seen multiplayer like this   goliath in vr vs davids on pc
I'm going to say the same about those on television, yes, it's 2 against 1, but you also have twice the chance of winning. He gets more points than us. Oh no, no, no, except. He saved me. Yeah, that double drop man, you can't throw bombs very far. Eh no? I really have to like jumping on them oh no oh he grabbed me christian trying it I'm trying to throw him so far uh coming up in the air no no damn oh my god zero to three zero three let's do this niko okay we have to go slow down like oh dude he's making angled chocolates now oh my god he just destroyed me dude he's just wasting us now what happened?
you ve never seen multiplayer like this   goliath in vr vs davids on pc
What the hell were we? He can't even take one. Oh, you just hit me with that damn rock, no, no, I gotta wait for it to land, I got it, oh damn, come on, I lost it, I got this, I got it, wake up boy, yeah, oh, what, oh , he's lost his hand, he's lost his hand, okay, I'm trying to blow off his right hand now. oh, I almost hit him, yeah, good job, person, we're not, we're not total losers after that, we're not done oh, shoot, oh buddy, wow, okay, come in here, just show Sam something, give him a lesson, great, okay. you ready we are up to 10 correct score 10. very good three three people oh my God one, you fought with one person, you erased two people, how will three manage?
I think it's three, three is the magic number because it's hard to know who. I'm dropping things now yeah, just stay apart, just stay apart guys, come on, come on, I'm just dropping a bunch of bombs. Me too, oh man, those shoes, damn, I lost my rocket, oh no, he caught me, oh. good oh you got it good it's tied good shot oh oh oh oh watch out for this man oh i almost hit him oh that tree just added this blind oh i missed sam is working oh we lost one that's how we do it there's a cannon in the medium oh i got lost oh my god there's so many i got it i got it i got it right oh you looked at me whoa you tried to make them all miss oh no no no no no he shot oh you just threw me over his shoulder like it was nothing buddy he tried to grab me and He whipped it, oh my god, oh buddy, oh that's what we need is a ball, combined volume rockets, yeah, ready, oh, you're coming from the right side, okay, okay.
I'm positioned on the right side let me get some rockets let me get I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready let's do it let's do it oh let's just go now oh I missed it oh I missed him dodging his arms, come on, launching a barrage of bombs, no, oh, you just hit me, oh, the sides are tight, buddy, it's only three points away, kill this one every time we get there, we need to slow down a little, I think we should focus on staying. on the green let's stay on the green in the middle some rocket shots yeah yeah yeah nice nice shot oh okay we only get one point every time we kill them though man use those cameras oh well, yeah, the crossfire helped, yeah, well, me.
I have two rockets. Look, you could do the double jump and then shoot them into the air. If I can get Sam to slam him on the desk. I am considered a victory. Oh, that rock almost killed me. The bombs explode too fast. Yeah you gotta make the movie right on top oh man it's so hard to get these rockets oh damn I'm missing it watch out he's going to be yeah oh that's right I tried to kill we're close we got this we got this, stay focused, keep going with the cannon, okay oh man this is close, it takes two, this is close, we're bringing it back guys, keep going, be patient and watch the sides, the sides are really Dangerous, oh my god, oh damn, oh my god. oh oh oh oh not too close I hope his hands if you can't both hands you can't throw things at us no no oh miracles are red oh my god game point game we have to concentrate no one dies the next person who dies I'm looking at Sam like he move yeah let's make this close use those cannons oh god oh if you really fall there's nothing to grab it's doing more even though it's making rubble.
Damn that shit, Sam is trying to get to me. It's a game, don't touch me, the devil don't really help me get out of there, yeah, double jump is clutch, no, no, it's okay, oh we got both of us, damn, oh man, dude, oh my god, oh my god, that's so intense and exhausting, you have enough practice for 3 on 1 to be even, yes that's hard, only if I stop moving I'm dead, this is the best training I've ever had All week, as you can see, we had a lot of fun playing this. game, I'm not sure if there's a release date yet, but you can check out the Steam page for it, you can add it to some wishlists and follow it if you want to see when it comes out.
You can also follow the guys on Twitter, so once. Again, if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to subscribe if you want to see us play this again or have ideas for interesting ways we can approach this game, let us know in the comments below, thanks everyone.

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