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YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF - Best of Eric Thomas Compilation

May 15, 2024
do it your way you don't need their permission but you need yours you don't need their permission but you do need yours you need to look at


and declare who you are and you need to believe it you think my dreams are too big I said absolutely no, they're just telling the wrong person, for some of you the reason you are not taking advantage of this opportunity is not because you do not believe in it, you do not believe in


in order to achieve greatness you must first believe that you can because I can decide I am running my life now Finally I am in control of my life I am finally the boss of my life Are you ready to be the boss of your own life?
you owe it to yourself   best of eric thomas compilation
You are ready to be in control of your own life You are ready and you deserve to have everything you want You deserve to live your


life You deserve it and stop listening to the people who tell you not to kill the noise What do they do? I know we're going to do the hard work now so here's the hard work I need you to confront yourself I was created to be great I was created to do great things I was created to have great things and I will no longer ask permission from others that person who hated you thought that you had been defeated by that person who told you that you would never matter anything thought that he had defeated you you want me to tell you to give up uh you want me to tell you to give up uh that's what what you want me to say is that you want to hear ET say that it's okay to give up it's okay to give up that's what you want me to say but listen to me I can't tell you some of us just crush others don't make excuses some of us don't give up some of us don't give up and give up it's our dream no one will see it the way you do it's your dream no one will feel it the way you feel it it's yours dream no one is going to be as dedicated to it as you are it's your dream and they don't have to understand it and they don't have to like it and they don't have to do it doesn't do it no difference is your Dream and you, my friend, have been given the task of making it a reality and you cannot allow anything to stop you from doing what you were called to do.
you owe it to yourself   best of eric thomas compilation

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you owe it to yourself best of eric thomas compilation...

What we do with pressure is we say: I have to take it. I have to take it. on another level once you start questioning yourself you've already lost all of us will be successful in life if we don't give up I have to believe in myself before anyone believes in me I get up at three because it's quiet it's easier to be focused when the atmosphere is focused most of you wake up and try to make money listen to me if you could make money they would come to you okay you missed all that. I just said that if they could make you a better person, you would be more money now look what I do the way people spend their money or treat their money is how I treat my time well let me explain to you what I mean to you I make sure that every day in that 24 hour period I'm getting a lot of so I'm supposed to be doing this right now doing this right now doing this right now doing this right now the problem is that most of you wake up and worship the money man.
you owe it to yourself   best of eric thomas compilation
I was on the Back with Cole Cole it was like I had this opportunity for you, I had this opportunity, I had this opportunity when you become number one you have to chase opportunities so I became number one it doesn't mean it's better than anyone else, it means I've just mastered my craft to the point where I know what I'm doing and no one else does. I know I have a way of doing in this industry what no one else does and I chose in this industry. I have created my own room and yours. The problem is you're 50% knocking on doors trying to get the result, someone 100% and you're wondering why it's not working, because while you're doing what they're doing, you're not, they're not, so why do I put more into it? ? emphasis on time than I put on money because they print money, they don't print time and I'm going to say it again, you're loving what they do every day, they don't make time every day, it's nobody's relationship time. public.
you owe it to yourself   best of eric thomas compilation
I haven't met them yet. I haven't met them. I don't know any billionaires. I don't know any billionaires. I don't know any institution. I don't know any company. I don't know anyone printing money, so why are you? You spend more time on what they print every day than on what you know why because you are not developed and follow other people, when you understand that the real thing is time and you don't have much of it, you start to focus. in your time and when you do it at the right time, the money will come some people go to split once every 10 years i go every two months why when you master yourself you put yourself in a position that many people can't do what you do and then you become weird and diamonds are rare that's why they cost so much if you become weird you're like everyone else you look the same you act like you like everyone else when you become you and you become weird become a when you walk out of this room you will take full ownership and the reason why I say it's my fault even when it's not my fault because when I say it's your fault I give you power I give you control over my life and I will never give you another human control over me life is my fault it's my problem I can think of the solution stop being average average people can't forgive average people can't let go the great ones we do whatever it takes those who have a why I can handle almost any high level, what?
How did I become number one in the world? I found out that my wife had multiple sclerosis. They told my wife. Listen to me. All of you, my wife. So, Beast SM. They told my wife she had M. She likes B. she had to quit her job and a tear came out hey the doctor said you don't have insurance she said yes I have insurance she looking at her like why are you crying if you have insurance ? My wife's identity is that she wakes up and works. every day she went to school to be a registered nurse she went to school to do breast and cervical cancer she didn't want to be at home she didn't want to be a stay at home wife she literally went to school to be a nurse she loves her job but when she They said I had to give up my wife's since I don't know what I'm going to do I told her how much you earn she told me 5,000 I told her 5,000 * 12 is how much 60 * 30 years how much 1.8 million I woke up every day hunting 1.8 million I am number one in the world not because I'm a better speaker I'm not number one in the world because I look better because I dress better It's not number one because my ad is the


because I use the best words because I have the best structure because I come one of the best backgrounds I have.
I'll be number one because I woke up and work with 1.8 bills, so my wife. You'll never have to work again if you wake up every day and want a Rolls Royce, you're not going to beat me if you wake up for a little, you're not going to beat me if you wake up for a gold chain, no You're not going to beat me if you fight , you are not going to defeat me because you are after material things. I go after my food. I'm going after my baby. I'm going after my high school girlfriend. I go after my children so that they can see their mother and that their mother does not die.
I'm making sure his mom doesn't get into a wheelchair. If I can help you, if she, mom, doesn't lose her sight, if I can. It can help if her mother doesn't lose her memory, so I start studying Ms like she had done. I start studying Ms. Your problem is that you don't study this product like this, as if your life is in it, as if your life depends on it, you are playing with this product. Do you know what you like? The people who work for me want a check and never end up getting one, but the proprietary people who work for my company act like they own it.
They wake up every day making sure she doesn't have it. back to work, so check this out. I started studying and I discovered two things, one is stress, so I had to get her out of a stressful situation and then the other thing was vitamin D and literally people say, bro, why are you moving to the south. California because my wife has a m what literally tight what is the best place in the world for vitamin D Southern California what is the best temperature in the world in the United States of Am


a San Diego California, it never, it doesn't get to 99 and then it goes back , it's right there I said San Diego I'm chasing you you're moving to San Diego why I don't care about San Diego my why my wife and the freshman last year we were in San Diego my wife told me I came back to Michigan when the summer came my wife said you know something I said what she said I never took a nap in California she said what do you mean by that she said the sun gave me energy and I never need to take a nap you'll come later Me, the reason most of you can't do what you do, you keep getting knocked down and you keep quitting because whatever the reason, it's no stronger than the beating you take.
Whatever the beating, whatever life throws at them. The blows are hitting you, whatever is going on, not that it's not deep enough that you wake up like you're hit and you feel that pain and you like it, there's no need to get up, no, and I feel like you need to do it. stay down because life is going to beat you you're talking about winning millions life is going to beat you you're talking about winning millions billions billions life is going to beat you so when you feel pain and they knock you down stay down if you have a connection that It's deeper than your pain every trial every tribulation I'll get through it I don't care if it's cancer I'll get through it I don't care if it's MI I'll get through it I don't care if I'm struggling in school and I'm trying to get a degree.
I'll get over it. I don't care if you fail the boards again. I don't care if you fail the law exam. again, you will be able to go through some things, you can master some things that you have to achieve, without a vision, there is no direction, without direction, there is no progress, which is why you have a hard time getting up because you have nothing to get up for. It's going to be a dog fight I would love to tell you that on the road to success everything is going to turn out well isn't it going to be a dog fight on the road to success I lost five aunts to cancer it's a dog fight in the middle of my business I lost aunts I had to go to funerals we had to get on a plane we had to drive we had aunts close to my age who died who didn't have insurance we had to raise money a dog fight I had cousins ​​shot in stores style execution shot in the back of the head twice it's a dog fight like you don't see it on YouTube you don't see it on my TG it's a dog fight my wife 3 years ago seven legions found a sentence it's a dog fight , it hadn't been easy, look, it's a dogfight, it hadn't been the part, it hadn't been a success, like it was just a pavement and, like ET, go this way, it's been hard, it's been twisted, it's been difficult. but I have decided that I will be rewarded for the pank I pass I will not stop in the middle of the process I will not be defeated I will not be destroyed I will take everything that happens in my life and allow the pain to push me towards greatness, you will not break me, you will not break me you will stop, you will not defeat me, the only way I lose is if I quit, it will be a dog fight, so if you are ready to quit then don't start if you are ready to quit, don't start if you are looking for this easy path, no Start if you think they're not going to close the door on you and say no a million times.
I don't start, but every time they close the door I get excited why because I'm not a no, I'm a yes away I'm young, I'm a yes away you can't keep telling me no forever you can't keep denying me forever this type of energy this type of passion you can't stop it you can contain it for a while but you can't stop this is life and you can't beat me there there is no you don't have enough power you don't have enough energy you don't have enough strength to stop this hold it back for a year you could two years you could you don't have hate you don't have enough energy to destroy love you can't destroy this it didn't happen to me at 19 it didn't happen to me at 20 it didn't happen to me at 30 it happened to me at 40 after having gone through all the pressures that I thought I could go through life said you finish it all the pressure, I said, yes, they said, let it bring the heat, then when I went through the pressure and the heat, I thought it was all over, the Creator said, now you are ready to let them cut you off, you say you wanted to be a great son, you say. you want to travel the world you say you wanted to help people inspire people hey, you have to be a diamond in our Armed Forces, let's choose one, the Navy, for example, the first thing someone teaches you, someone here, help me , you are in the Navy, of course, they are teaching you war, what is the first thing they teach you?
The first thing they teach you. The first thing they teach you is how to respond when you have a jammed weapon and, number two, how to carry a dead man. body that's the first thing they teach you they don't teach you how to defend yourself they don't teach you how to swim the first thing they teach you is when your gun is jammed the first thing they teach you is a corpse how to carry a corpse and someone tell me why you they would put there, that is the worst case scenario, that is what you are not prepared for, that is what you do not believe, you are not thinking when you go out to defend yourself, that your weapon is going to jaam you are not, you are not thinking when you go out there they are going to kill your son and you have a problem, you are not thinking about that, so listen to me, it is not the difficulties that hurt us, it is not my cousin receives twoshooting is not my cousin who spent 50 years in prison, it is not my "me in the can", it is not about a white man being diagnosed with seven legions in one brain, which will break you, which will break most of people is that you didn't prepare for it, so when you put all your little goals and all your little dreams together it's not what broke you what broke you was what you never thought about the fact that you could break you say it's going to be a dog fight and if you figure this out it's not that you want to get out now, this is where you like it, I'm quitting, but if you're willing to say I'm not quitting, guarantee whatever success you want to have, you'll have it, you won't get over it, no you will overcome you can be smarter than me you will not surpass me I will get up at 3:00 in the morning and make videos I will make a video at 3:00 I will make a video at 2:00 I will do it.
I'm posting so much content about dogs that they can't keep up. They are smarter than me. They are better than me. I admit that I have a GD. I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I get up and do this. for DD I do this every day for Dei because of what Dei did for me I do this for my children my dad wasn't there I do this for my family you can't stop me the reason why some of you could be stopped because you do it for yourself yourself and guess what happens when you get tired when you grind and you grind when you grind teeth it hurts teeth it's a sacrifice cost of teeth when you're grinding and your body tells you it hurts when you do it for you you stop You never, never prepared yourself, never, never , you never prepared for the worst case scenario and the reason ET is here because I'm prepared for it, if you know anything about me, I still lie on the floor, I still eat French fries off the floor, I still make some. things that to most people are crazy like why would you do that because I'm always prepared that we won't live in that house one day, one day something might happen and we might have to go back to that and if I have to leave Going back to that I'm not going to break what we covered anymore for a diamond to be produced it must first go through extreme heat extreme heat extreme pressure are you listening to what I'm telling you for a diamond to be produced it has to go through extreme pressure, extreme heat and if that was not enough, what makes a diamond a diamond is the cut, so I say if you want to be a diamond, you must go through extreme pressure, if you can't stand the pressure, then you are not a diamond after going through for all the pressure you thought you couldn't handle and you think it's over, then turn up the heat on all the things I've been through in my life eating out of trash cans sleeping in abandoned buildings, the worst thing that ever happened to me was when I went to the hospital and they told me that my wife had a chronic illness and that she might not be able to walk one day.
People say and I ask CJ, he never broke me why because I'm broken. So much defeat So much I have been disappointed a lot in my life But I know what it feels like and I can handle it It's your turn You shouldn't feel guilty It's your turn It's your time You have blessed everyone else you set everyone else up for success you have committed by them and look where you are, it is the moment for you and, therefore, for many of you you are not doing anything because you have no purpose at this moment, you have no meaning.
With purpose, you don't wake up for anyone and I need you to get that engine. I need that boost because you know what to do. You're the right person to do it, but you can't seem to get out of bed. You can't seem to do what you're supposed to do every time you face a trial or tribulation. You let it stop. You have to find your why and your why is what will start you and the problem with some of you. in this room you have no drive you have nothing to push you you have no reason to wake up in the morning you have no reason to overcome that pain you have no reason you better find one before you leave here today you better come in yet looking outside for the things that are already inside still looking for someone to save you when you are already your superhero you are looking for information from someone when you already have what you need your head it's time for you to stand up and be the best version of yourself it's not an option and the reason some of you are not where you're supposed to be you've given yourself a choice you've given yourself a way out you've given yourself an excuse you've given yourself space not to do it but you've got what it takes give me some energy can I can can I will I will I must I must come I can come I will I will I must I must I can come on let's go let's go let's go I can means I have the ability to do it I have what it takes I have the ability to do it I will have I will have the willpower to make it happen I must my wife needs me I must my son needs I must my daughter needs me we will and we must get through this come on I want to ask you a serious question this is going to be difficult because some of you are young and still worried about what people think of you so you don't want to be honest in front of people I want you to think about what level you want you're giving 90 80 70 listen watch what I'm saying for a minute I gave everything I got I don't have any more to give like I really put 120 into this, so raise your hand if you're giving 120 like I don't have more to give e e I'm giving, I'm giving 100 E, I know I have, I'm just doing at least what the coach wants me to do I'm doing everything the coach wants me to do do I'm giving about 90% he's real I'm giving about 90% let me see your hand of my effort let me see your hand I'm giving about 80% let me see here 70% let me see hand I need you to admit where you are what it takes to give it everything you have it takes consistency and that's why I have to go to bed at a certain time I have to wake up at a certain time there are certain things I can't eat certain things I can't see certain things I can't do and I'm talking about that routine I have a chance Unity you have a chance so here's the deal when you have a chance why would you give 80% when you have a chance someone answer that for me all of you talk why would you give 80% 70% Why wouldn't you always give 120% of this right here for many of you?
They have no discipline, it's killing them, it's killing them and they don't even realize it's killing them, it's killing them if I'm not giving 120. I'm not mad at you. My job is not to chase you because once we get back out there, my goal is to come here and take you to the next level starting today or play whatever your best game is. Playing that level every time does not mean that you will always score, but effort allows it, you can always give 120% effort, life will continue regardless of mental strength, it is in those moments that we have to be stronger than ourselves.
I've been before why because they need the need is more than I ever needed before I just want to make sure that the light that we have is sweeter than the light that if I wasn't focused and didn't do what I was we're supposed to. to do and we are going to do it as best as possible is their life, they have it, what they are going to do with it. I want to ask you a serious question, how many of you in this room like it? E, it's my life, but I haven't been in control as much as I should and after the day I'm taking more control let me see your hand, be honest with me, come on, let me see your hands and that's how you looked. even who when you play ball like who were the people you admired Kobe Kobe Kobe LeBron C CP D Kobe way I was the same with me with Dr.
Monther King in Washington like all those people I had a dream when I saw Malcolm like boom and I saw hundreds of black men boom like come on I thought I could do that and then when I found out I could make money doing it and I could take care of my family I thought Showtime like you only get one shot so here's what I'm saying it's opportunity, you have the opportunity of a lifetime when you understand that you have a chance, you just play a little different, this is what I want to tell you, if you're going to get it, you're going to have to do it. you've got that dog, you're going to have to have that dog, you're going to have to be that guy who says, I'm not just going with skills, there's a type of guy who feels that because he's talented, it's just an automatic role for Him, let me tell you something, you've got talent, but you better humble yourself, you have skill and you have two totally different things, you were born with certain things, but to get to the next level and not just get to the next level to stay. at the next level you have to have will when you get to the next level, so when you play you have to compete, it's sports, it's basketball, why wouldn't you give 120%?
Talk to me, what would make you not give 120%? You have to respond, you play at that level every time, that doesn't mean you're going to always score, but the effort doesn't. You can always give 120% effort. You can't dictate whether the ball will always go in. You can do it. You don't dictate what kind of game you're going to have, you can't dictate how your body will respond to moving, but you can dictate what you can dictate, you can dictate your, you can always give 120% effort like here. The deal: When they go to play tomorrow night, my goal is to get them to 120, so they'll have the right people here helping them all, but if they give me 70 80 90, they won't give me 120.
You're not going to get out of This experience is what you are supposed to get out of that is my job. Why don't you always give 120% effort? It's your turn. I don't belong in this room. I remember that the videos had already come out. The numbers were great and I would go into rooms and leave or like that room like I went to high school like boom. I'm going to a Det Cent youth boom. I'm going to a prison. boom. I come to a company and I go, I don't know if I belong here everyone in the room doesn't look like me they don't come from where I come from I don't know if I belong here and I never will because I will never forget it.
I had a conversation with Les. Brown Les Brown had called me in Orlando, we sat down in a hotel and I left and started talking to Les and started naming like you, Les, around this number one person in the world, he said, never say that again. don't say what he says you are the best in the world right now I said what he said you are the best in the world right now there is no one as good as you in the world you are the best right now the only reason you are It's not the best right now it's because you don't think you're the best right now and when you leave this room I want you to walk into Mir and tell yourself that I'm the best right now, he said even before you become the best. number one.
I started proclaiming it and saying it long before it happened, let's say I'm the number one motivational speaker in the world and when I was number 20 I started saying I'm the number one motivational speaker in the world and I went to the computer and the world said exactly what that I said that Eric Thomas is number one in the world I spoke it the world heard it and it activated your problem is that you don't think you belong here your problem is that you don't think you should be sitting Down here, listen to me, there are some of you who say: I want to be a millionaire, I want to be the best in this company, right?, but their value system says that they believe in sleeping more than grinding, that they are spending more money. of what you're doing because you're worried because you're reading all the books and you're saying everything the books say, but those books are not aligned with your values ​​if you're going to go to the next level your values ​​are going to have to change when I believed that my voice It was necessary in this world when I think I need to be on stage not for myself but to talk to a group of people who come from where I come from.
I come from a working class that doesn't know what it's like to earn millions and millions of dollars, that doesn't understand. what wealth is like, that I needed to walk into the room with a single mother and a father who is not in my life. homeless in a high school, only someone who comes from where you come from can tell you next and I had to get up on stage because there are some people that Les Brown can't reach, there are some people that Tony Robins can. I can't reach, there are some people that only I can reach and that's why I need to be on stage with them doing what I was called to do, but what you can't do is you can't stop doing the process, you can't give up. because is not like that.
What you see, you can't give it up. Champions continue when they have nothing left in their tank. When you want this as bad as you want to breathe, that's when you find the way that some of you have been worshiping since you were. high school, so you don't really know how to grind like you talk, grind like me. I love it like I go to the weight room and y'all play like Pac, y'all get big like you, y'all in it how you like it. you like Pac but you don't have Pac's spirit you like to love Pop you like to listen to marijuana you like to listen to Biggie you like to talk about the grind but you don't really know what the grind is I know what the grind is like I'm homeless , I ate out of a trash can, now continue, connect to the Internet right now.
I am one of the number one speakers in the world. I started from the bottom, as you like to hear and see, now I started from the bottom. And? your butt what is your butt? when they have adored you since high school you have been tall allyour life big your whole life they love you so much now you think it's about you I don't even know what the routine looks like I'm from Detro Detroit homeless mom got pregnant with me at 17 I dropped out of high school it took me 12 years to get a degree of a full year I'm coming now it's clear that you finally made it to the big leagues and now you want to relax now you have a big head now you can't grind here now you are here now you finally made it and this is where you end this is where you start to relax here where Get comfortable, you made it now, you made it now, you're in the big leagues, now they look at you, this is where you make it permanent, yes, I saw it, I saw it perfect, perfect, no, practice, don't do the perfect practice, make it permanent, this permanent.
This is all permanent, you can go wherever you want from here, you don't need talent, you don't have to be talented, right, you don't have to be talented, you don't have to be the fastest, the strongest. You don't have to be the smartest to get to where I am, that's what you have to do. You just have to try hard even if you're trying hard. You have to get over it. Many of you heard me say this. Your father, listen to me, he could have a company, your mom could be a millionaire, maybe you come from privilege, your dad could get you a car, he could meet people, he could get you a job, but you won't work harder than me, and what you have to decide in your position in in the NCAA you have to make the decision that no one in this league in your position will surpass you.
I'll walk away with things I've never heard before, books I've never read before, audios I've never seen before, going to conferences I've never hung out with people I've never hung out with before. This is nothing, God, this is just a dessert. There are those of you with phones and every new phone that comes out, you get it, every update, every piece of software that you get. If you are upgrading your technology and haven't upgraded yourself, listen to me carefully when you get to the point where enough is enough, when you get to the point where it hurts too much, when you get to the point where you can't take it.
No more when you reach that point the doors begin to open the opportunities begin to happen listen to me very carefully it is our dream no one is going to see it the way you do it is your dream no one is going to feel it the way you feel it it is your dream no one will to do be as dedicated as you are it's your dream and they don't have to understand it and they don't have to like it and they don't have to do it it doesn't make any difference it's your dream and you my Friend, you have been given the task of making it come true and you don't You can allow nothing to stop you from doing what you were called to do.
You have a chance right now that you will never have people telling you why you are trying so hard. E. It may not be. number one motivational speaker in the world 5 years from now i'll have to get everything i can get right now every book i can write listen to me my school is being paid for by the athletic department i'm hot right now a real man in the dark when no one is watching he gets to work like a real man when the trainer isn't even looking he is studying film on his own because he loves the process because real lions like to hunt, they love the process as much as they love the prize and some of you just want to score you don't like the process you're not in love with the process you just like putting the pads on you love it when it's show time everyone in the crowd likes it hey mom can you see you can?
You don't even start until you meet your people there, once you see them you're like Showtime day after day after day grind after grind airport after airport driving mile after mile ET aren't you tired? Yes, it may be. I do not do it. Be ET, aren't you ready to take a break? ​​Yes, I may be, but listen to me, I can't, why? Because I work for Jayen, I work for Jada, I work for Deei, I work for my mother, are you listening to what I'm saying? you, I strive for Vanessa, I hustle, so the days I want to ring the alarm I think about myself why I can't give up on my son $25,000 a year I can't stop him from counting on me my daughter, I can't give up I can't stop I can't get tired I can't give up I can't give up My mom counts on me My wife counts on me Yes I may be different but I'm bright Yes I may be loud but I'm special We can go from being homeless high school dropouts to have doctors who write books and become the voice of a generation.
We can do what we think we can do and we don't need anyone's permission to do it except our own. I'm phenomenal. and I don't owe anyone an apology I'm going to do great things and I don't owe anyone an apology I am I was created to be great I was created to do great things I was created to have great things and I will do it I no longer ask permission from others 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 I'm great listen to me and I don't owe anyone an apology I'm I'm oh no I thought if you were a good person and you do right by people, those people will take your kindness and your ex and they will return kindness to you, but what I realize is that sometimes in this world, the kinder you are, the more they try to play you like a fool.
He was fooling me. I'm nice to you, you're nice to me, it doesn't always work out like that, sometimes you're nice to me and I take advantage of you, so some of you are delusional, I just need you to do me a favor, when you fool yourselves you'll never be able to do it. You get the results you want because the premise you're operating on is a lie, so you have to work from the truth and some of us don't want to deal with the truth because it's too hard ET, you dropped out of school, ET, you grew up in a certain community so you can do what you need to do like a Tony Robin, there are some things that you don't have in your arson that if you can admit that you don't have in your Arsen, then you can go get it, but until you admit that you don't you have it you will never be able to do it so I need you to be a big favor I just need you to be real and a reason why many All of you don't want to be honest because some of you would rather be in a lie and at least have a lie than not have nothing at all.
They already know that this job is not what their boss is not willing to do. get paid, you're just afraid to quit and start your own business because you don't know if it will do well or not, you know you shouldn't come, be honest, you know you should still do it. Not being in that job right now, let me see your hand, let's be real, let me see the hand, you know you shouldn't be raising it high yet, don't play with me, raise it high, you shouldn't be in that job yet, but you're kidding yourself that a day is going to be your day that one day you are going to merge your work and your vocation together that is not going to happen you are going to have to leave he gave me permission to say I am brilliant, yes I may be different, but I am brilliant, yes, I may I may be loud, but I'm special.
He gave me permission, so the first thing I want you to do today is to keep telling yourself. I am, I am, I am, I am and. for those of you who haven't started yet, I am and for those who started, I am because I can't believe I started with a GED and the GED turned into a 4E degree 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 I'm cool listen to me and I don't owe anyone an apology I'm phenomenal and I don't owe anyone an apology I'm going to do great things and I don't owe anyone an apology I am I was created to be great I was created to do great things I was created to have great things and I will no longer act , I will ask permission from others that Eric Thomas, who grew up in Detroit and had that Detroit mentality, although I love it, I didn't transfer to each community I had to let the dream destroy them, let it strip, let it remake itself and mold, don't be afraid, some of you are afraid, listen to me wherever you are from, if that's where you're from, if you leave, you can always come back, I promise you, I promise you, when you come back you can talk again, nothing is going to happen. change, I promise you that whatever world you are from, if you go to other worlds, you can always return to that world.
The version of you you are now is a blessing, but it won't take you to the next level. What got you here won't get you there, so let the dream destroy you, tear you down, redefine, rebuild, make. You're stronger, the first version of Eric Thomas, the high school dropout, that guy would never have been able to be here and help you. I had to destroy that Eric Thomas, it doesn't matter who you are, if you're average or if you're good when you avoid greatness and you stay close to greatness, you start listening to great podcasts and you start reading great books and you start associating with great people and you start to become part of great masterminds.
God, you just evolve and I don't know what happened, but every year. I went from being a high school dropout and homeless to starting BEC, every day I am more than I am and I can't believe it. My next goal is to win the Nobel Prize. Why did I have to come up with something I'm giving? your permission to be great I am giving you permission to be everything you were called to be to do everything you are capable of doing to have everything you are supposed to have listen to me you have to be careful when you walk around average people do All they are going to do is tell you what they can't do and it's okay that they can't do it, but that has absolutely nothing to do with us, we can go from being homeless and high school dropouts to having PhDs. writing books and becoming the voice of a generation, we can do whatever we think we can do and we don't need anyone's permission to do it, but ours you're brilliant, you're special, yes you're different and yes you're not doing it. a traditional route, but the greatness is in you, you have to keep going, you have to keep going, you have to keep going, in the 12 years so that the four year degree becomes a master's degree and the master's degree becomes a doctorate, guys, I can.
I don't think so, I went from being a high school dropout, from being a bum living in abandoned buildings to eating out of trash cans, to Dr. Eric Thomas, to writing six books, guys, do you hear what I'm saying today? ? Stop playing small and start playing big because I'm okay, okay, okay, let's stop at three 1 2 3 I am 1 2 3 I am 1 2 3 I am I am Listen to me I was literally homeless I went to church , I wasn't actually taking a shower. I didn't brush my teeth and this guy looked at me and said, you need to get your GED, you need to get out of Detroit.
I will send you to college because greatness is upon you. I was 16 17 years old. He had never spoken a day. in my life and this guy saw it like he saw something in me that I didn't see and he gave me permission to be where other people said I couldn't be, he gave me permission to believe I was great, he gave me permission to think I could change the world. He gave me permission to start something he had never started in my family before. He gave me permission to say "I'm, I'm, I'm, listen to me very carefully when you graduate and get a job if you want." to get paid you never say no you never say it can't be done never say with your mouth that it can't be done even if you feel in your heart that it can't be done you don't say it out loud, you let people without money say that you let the people who got fired first say that you always say it can be done, even if you don't think it can be done, just say it and try to make something up.
I'm being real. I'm being honest, no I don't deal with people who say they get paid too little at my company, they like maintenance when you say I don't know how or I don't think it can be done. I'm fine, great, you won't be like at the end of the year when the bonus passes. You will not receive any bonus. What I need you to do is I need you to kill the noise. I need you to hug me. I am and however you do it, I need you to do it. They looked at the most successful men and women in the world and discovered that they had about seven eight things in common and one thing that they all had in common.
It was a routine, they are obsessed with their routine, they don't waste time in their routine, you know, I realize the reason why I am so sick, successful and the reason I don't get into trouble like I used to when I was younger because when I was younger my planner had so many blank spaces that the devil was like, "Okay, I could pray at 600," but my man is watching, playing video games at 8:30, not that he's any sweeter that nobody, the devil can't get to me because all my time is taken up and by the time he gets to me, I'm asleep, I'm too asleep for I to S.
I'm just being real 8:30 he likes Eric you should be like brother I'm tired I'll be back tomorrow you know what I'm saying like 10 me tomorrow brother I'm about to go to sleep I'm fine look at my body he said all you have to do is put on your shoes that's the hardest thing you have to do you put on the shoes and I'll do the rest I can't put your shoes on for you but put your shoes on and then go and I went and I was walking to do the incline guy uh 11 and I was just walking for an hour and I was like, you know what It's almost an hour, I don't feel like running, my body was like, don't even worry about it.
We'll get to that when we get to that. I complied. My time was about to leave my body. It was like you knew we were running now. I said what we run now. Come on, you're not tired. I said I'm tired. No you are not. you just walk duringone hour you're not tired Eric your brain is telling you some nonsense if you were tired you wouldn't have been able to walk for an hour okay so let's do this just run for 2 minutes I'm trying to help someone right now to go to another level the Bible the reason you go back to sleep is because you always go back to sleep it's like a default you go back to sleep because all you have to do is stop sleeping and then you're going to stop sleeping all you have to do is stop from complaining and cursing then you are going to stop complaining and cursing all you have to do is stop spending all the money you have and start saving it listen to me I became number one in the world I became a millionaire not because I earned more money I became in millionaire because they told me that millionaires only live off 30% of their income.
I want to make it clear to you that I became a millionaire because I did what millionaires did. I stopped living 100%. I paid my tithing and then said, "Okay, you." I only have 20% left, put in the rest, so the first thing I did, listen to me, the first thing I did to get rich, someone said to be rich, set aside 6 months of your earnings, so I thought: " Okay, bet.” What the rich told me to do, so I put 6 aside. How long do I take? I don't remember, but I put it aside. Then someone said: E, you need to put 100,000 aside.
I said, "Okay." 100,000 DD let's put 100,000 aside and then someone said, "You need to raise your credit score to 800." I said, "Okay, raise my credit score to 800," then someone said ET, if you want to be Tony Roberts, there's no way you're going to be able to be like those guys when you don't know the language they have, you gotta go. to get a master's degree in a doctorate from the white institution. I said I went to Oakwood. I went to HBCU. He was. Yeah, but you didn't learn Zig Ziggler's language in Oakwood, so Oakwood is a phenomenal PL.
Oh, you don't hear what I say. I just said something you missed. Now you have to go to Michigan State University, CJ, where is it? Do you see my mastery anywhere? How was my PhD? Not in the office or in church. You see it in my house. I didn't go to Michigan State to get a Ph.D. I went to Michigan State to learn the majority language. Listen. I will support you very closely when you graduate and get a job, if you want to get paid, never say no, never say it can't be done, never say with your mouth that it can't be done, even if you mean it. your heart can't be done you won't say it out loud let the broke people say let the people who find first say you always say it can be done even if you don't think it can be done just say it and I try to make something up , but every time I put on a dress shirt and put it on, I feel and hear people say all the time, man, you look like you dressed for success, like if you put on a shirt and a tie. dressed for success I'm dressed for success I'm getting paid I'm dressed for success I'm not dressed like him dressed but I'm dressed the way I feel comfortable I feel good being me I feel good about not having it I can't just say no, I don't have to explain why I said it, no more, it feels good being me because guess what, I can never be sweet being you, most of you are poor because you read poor things and see poor things.
Things you just scroll through like you don't have a real life. Some of you on Instagram stay there for 30 minutes. If I ask them what you saw, they don't even know. They simply move among rich people. they waste time they realize that it is their most important asset they don't watch much television they don't entertain themselves much if they are not working they are studying their craft and getting better at their craft so I need you to do it stop having a poverty mentality so when I left my job to be an entrepreneur, my mother told me: what are you doing?
I was like I was giving up on my mom, like if you don't dare give up, you're going to embarrass me. wife and children, does YouTube have insurance? Does YouTube have a 401k? And I said, "I'm not trying to be funny and I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I love you, but you can't teach me how to be a millionaire because you're not somebody, you come from the working class and I'm not mad at you. We wouldn't be where we are without you, but you told me that each generation is supposed to improve, so I will take your values, but I will not accept your job because the rich do not work, they believe that the poor will register I earn so much in an hour.
I put them to work and I make so much in an hour. Look what happens, is that you? They are working for you and your family and you have 40 of you working at a time, so you give them 20% and then they keep it. 80% of 15,000 people, so what you have to decide is whether you are going to continue to be the 99. % or are you ready to be part of the 1% because it makes no difference where you come from when you dropped out of high school makes no difference where you come from GED makes no difference where you come from a 17 year old mother who got pregnant makes no difference where you come from it took 12 years to get a 4-e degree it doesn't need to make a difference you know what makes a difference What makes the difference is when to become a 99% or a 1% and when I started to think about acting and behaving like a 1st, I went to all the classes and when the teachers talked they thought I was just doing my homework, I wasn't, I was listening to how they conjugate verbs.
I was listening to how they tell stories. I was like ooh they ooh. I looked at it all of you, you are much more linear, so I realized that when you do corporate it is a b c d e f it is 1 2 3 45 it is topic body body body it is topic support support support conclusion I need your language, although if I am going to compete I need your rules If I'm going to compete I need your codes if I'm going to compete the problem with most of you is that you don't have a 1% language you have a language of poverty there was a language I needed to learn does that mean I need to abandon the language?
I learn absolutely nothing don't be average really really whatever you like do it do it do it and take a different perspective listen to me very carefully the problem I have with most children if I tell you what it takes most of you they will die of exhaustion you pass out before you reach 10,000 hours you just pass out you don't have the heart for it you just don't have no stamina for it you just couldn't handle what it really takes only for those of you who don't know when you came from Africa and they were enslaved they didn't move them to San Diego they weren't doing God San Diego I just want to give you a perspective they were in Mississippi Alabama it was very hot and they didn't give up and they didn't give up because They said we were going to stop by next time generation, come on, our Latino brothers and sisters who were migrant workers, come, in the east there was no air conditioning and the things they complain about are the things they think. it's like hard

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