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YOU MUST WIN - Motivational Speech Compilation

Jun 29, 2024
and as you begin to challenge yourself you will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now, make your move before you are ready, in life we ​​are instructed to walk by faith and not by sight, see what you want . really start trying hard you want to become a risk taker you want to raise the bar for yourself most people won't do that see most people engage in low living live with low risk live this God said if you're not willing to take risks you can't grow and if you can't grow you can't become the best and if you can't become the best you can't be happy and if you can't be happy then what else is said?
you must win   motivational speech compilation
I refuse to be a victim of these circumstances like this and it is when we allow something in our external environment to control the way we feel and think something in my external environment some person or some condition is controlling the way I think and feel now that is not It's the truth, it's just an answer, so anything that controls our thoughts and feelings makes us victims of those things and the stronger the emotion we feel in the face of some circumstance in our life, the more we pay attention to it and where we put it.
you must win   motivational speech compilation

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you must win motivational speech compilation...

Our attention is where we place our energy that is why we are giving our life. strength with which we are giving our power to that circumstance, imagination is not only the exclusively human capacity to Visualize what is not and, therefore, the Source of all invention and innovation in its possibly most transformative and revealing capacity, it is the power that allows us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared we have a vision and what a vision is is the ability to see what cannot be seen, that is why we call it Vision, it literally lives in my imagination, it is the equivalent to an iceberg, that's what Vision is being able to see what no one else can see because it's underneath because that's what it means to wake up every day to advance a cause.
you must win   motivational speech compilation
It means that we dedicate our lives to building what has not been built. to advance what has not been Advanced to show what is not seen and not obsess over the excesses, the successes we have had and how much iceberg there is on the ocean, but how much more work we have to do and it all started with a small Un piece of ice sticking out of the ocean. Thank you. Treat yourself as if you were someone you care about. You make the world a much worse place if you don't take care of yourself. So you should take care of yourself, you know? because it is partly because you have something valuable to bring to the world, that is what being an individual has, that is what as an individual you have a light that you have to bring to the world and if you don't you bring it to the world. world the world is a darker place and that is a bad thing because when the world is not in its place it can become very, very dark, deep and lasting, which as humans makes us feel good, which we all are secrets.
you must win   motivational speech compilation
Deep down, it doesn't matter what you tell people, what you're chasing is satisfaction. You want to feel good about who you are. You want to feel good about your contributions. You want to feel good about the meaning and purpose of your life. So ultimately those are the things that people chase. They think money will give them that. If you want to always move towards your goal, you want to optimize yourself. You have to learn to control your emotions. tell yourself a narrative that is not necessarily based on identifying what is objectively true, it is identifying what will work to get me to my goal, the imagination has no barriers, it has no limits, it is more than what other people may see in your life, I think.
Imagination is the cousin of creativity. I think people who allow their imagination to go beyond what was expected began to find very quickly that they began to see things, to experience things that they would never have experienced before. The imagination feeds on the fact, but there is always an answer. that there is always a better way, there is usually more than one answer, so the imagination feeds that creative mind that allows you to see, feel, think, experience things that you would never do at any other time, the imagination has the ability to take yourself out of the world you live in into the world you could live in, into all the crazy things you can think of when you imagine, don't set as wild a limit as you can when creating the image of the world you want to create without hesitation. without any limitations, be as wild as you can be in your imagination as if you were writing a social fiction, we write science fiction all the time, but unfortunately we don't write fictions of social affects as a driving force like in science, in technology, science fiction becomes a driving force makes things happen similarly if you've done social fiction it will come true one of the best things you can be it's an inspiring example so that's nothing live properly in your defiance of the crowd, make your own course let yourself be guided by your own genuine principles isn't it great that if there is no purpose you have nothing to fulfill you can just live? no, but you want a purpose and not a simple purpose, you want a purpose given by God, it is very dangerous they can overlap on some issues and we can feel that we are one with each other but my mind is my mind your mind is your mind?
It is not like this? but my life and your life do not exist, this is a living Cosmos, you captured a little I captured a little that's all but now we think that this is my life and that is your life there is no such thing this is a living Cosmos you have blown a small bubble someone could have blown a slightly bigger bubble. If you capture more life, you will find that you have more grace. The depth. The dimension and scope of your life is determined by how much life you capture within you. It doesn't matter what kind of body you have, what kind of intelligence you have. you have not captured substantial life within you you will live a small life that is how it is not you as a person that is not important but you as a part of life is very important because that is the basis of everything when I say it is the basis of everything The universe exists for you only because you are, doesn't it?
The world exists for you only because you are, otherwise it will not exist in your experience, so in every way this is important, so what is the purpose of this? See if you had done it. a purpose and if you fulfilled it after that, what would you do? It's just that life is so intricate and so phenomenally intricate that if you spend 10,000 years looking at it closely, you won't realize it at all, just relax your life a little bit. laugh a little a little more get involved with the people around you do things that you think are not so important don't do things that are very important do simple things that are very important you will do simple things very important things that you are doing in your life it will get very serious Bert and Russell said that if you are starting to think that what you are doing is very important you need to take a holiday every day during those 24 hours you need to take a holiday from your seriousness seriousness has essentially arrived because from your personal importance you consider yourself a person important I want you to see you are like a speck of dust in this existence tomorrow morning if you disappear nothing will happen in this world everything will happen wonderfully well even if you are not there every human being


be aware of this in every moment of their life no matter what let the whole world say about it no matter how important the work you are doing you


understand that tomorrow morning the world will still be fine without you creating fear you have to use excessive imagination do not be afraid you do not have to do anything where excess is happening of imagination things that have not happened you are creating what can happen in your mind it happens in a thousand different formats struggle or you cannot overcome what does not exist we can overcome something that exists you cannot overcome what does not exist you just have to give up that effort enjoy fear starts to use your mind differently it just got into your pattern it just got into a pattern of just creating horror movies all the time you've seen enough horror movies, they're boring, create something else, even if it doesn't produce these movies, those things will happen in your life to the point that maybe they don't happen, at least you actually enjoy the movie.
It may not happen, so at least you enjoy what is happening in your mind, if you can't enjoy what is happening in the world, isn't that a privilege that every human being deserves? Isn't that true even if the world is not kind to him at least? his own mind should be kind to him he should produce some good movies don't even think about ERS to improve your capabilities strive to improve who you are now what you can do you will do it anyway don't you right now you have an idea of ​​success but no you have the competence for that you want to go somewhere but you don't have the legs to get there now, naturally, there will be fear, naturally, there will be all kinds of unnecessary struggles and emotions instead at this stage of your life, if you just concentrate In seeing how to improve this human being to the highest possible level, success will be a downhill race, not an uphill task, so if you go downhill there is no fear, isn't it because I can? get there or not, whether I can get there or not, you are working towards someone else's idea of ​​success, you are working towards someone else's idea of ​​success, that is not success, your success is you as a human being, you found your full potential, this is your success i can't get a break in life i hate that damn mentality but i can't get a break they don't give you any break in life you do it yourself we're all being tested in life while my test is different than yours you will be tested and the way you face that test and how you overcome it determines the rest of your life.
The only mindset you should have in life is that regardless of what is in front of you, you still have to put in the effort. I will never do it. Being at the Olympics I have never been a professional athlete, but I still cry. I feel like most of the things I do I still do. I don't want to do what I like, but I still do it. Stop, you're not, oh, you're not where you are. think that you are your map is not producing the desired result it is wrong what you should do you don't know for because if you don't know where to go there is no point in going anywhere and then what to prepare that is anxiety for, prepare yourself while people hate That because, for obvious reasons, be prepared for everything, yes, very, very demanding, and that is also something that is really worth knowing, it is as if anxiety is not just the psychological state that is unpleasant, it is as if you are accelerated and burning resources like math, so no. knowing what to do that is not good and it is not just that it makes you feel bad it is that you are running your Machinery faster than you can replenish it the most powerful course in the world is to be consistent with the thoughts, ideas, Concepts and beliefs that you consider true about yourself, that's what identity is identity is the governor of every area of ​​your life, it literally sets the temperature for all the conditions of your life, that says we know what we are but not what we can be.
As people look to the future, they are giving up feeling like victims, feeling helpless, becoming negative, turning against each other instead of each other, feeling like they can't make it. I am satisfied with this world, let us be transformed by renewal. from your mind with the mind configured that it is possible foreigner there is a time and a season for everything a time to break a time to mend a time to be silent a time to speak a time to laugh and a time to cry there are only seasons in life, most people move so quickly through life that, as you may have heard, they are human actions and instead of human beings.
I think when you stop, look inward, and just listen to what's real, you start to talk. to you because your dream and your identity have a voice inside me in that silence I did what I just said I stopped I was looking inside and I was listening and there would be a moment when I would unfold everything every The bad thing that has happened to you is your fault . All I'm trying to do is remind you that you are never a victim unless you choose to be. Everything in your life will change. You are always in control, even if that is the case. a lie and I don't care if it's because the moment I give my power to someone else I'm now at someone else's mercy and there's a line I can't cross and I'm no longer in control and I refuse to do that.
If I could give anyone a gift, it would be for you to own all of that from top to bottom and know that every good thing that has happened in your life, no matter how much it seems like luck or coincidence, you earned that you put yourself in that place. position and as you go through life it is one of two things: the result you wanted or the result you didn't want, if you don't get the result you want, by definition you are doing the wrong thing. thing and you should change if you get the result you want then you did the right thing, simple like No Grey, nothing in between, that's it, it's all your fault and that's the best news possible, once you have this kind of thing you go to be disastrous for the planet it is only a matter of time the moment you decide this is a good person this is a bad person no, there are no good people and bad people everyone oscillates between the two if you create a wonderful atmosphere very pleasant everyoneThey behave wonderfully if you create an unpleasant atmosphere, a lot of people act unpleasantly, yes or no, there are happy people and miserable people, but there are no good people and bad people, so there are only seasons in life, so as long as you know that there is winter, there is spring, there is summer there is autumn but there are lessons to be learned in the winter there are lessons to be learned in that pain so I need I need to have that pain because that pain when I'm in that winter season okay, I can use that pain as a library the pain has been has been my library willing means this only I am willing I am one hundred percent yes to life I am not yes to this one no to this one I am not only yes and yes to life if you are one hundred percent yes to the life you are a volunteer you have become so willing that you have no will of your own no matter what they are that is their choice how I am is my choice no matter what they do I am like this because I have not given that freedom to anyone, these privileges I kept for myself Let's say you are miserable and unhappy, okay, here is a cure, find what is valuable and let it go and you are suffering terribly from it, but what do you do?
Maybe you let him go, it's a sacrifice. and the idea is that that will clarify the future for you very often when people are suffering terribly, not always because sometimes you just suffer stupidly, blindly and without resources, but sometimes the reason you are suffering is because you just won't. Let go of what's biting you, that's not such a good idea. The funny thing is that a lot of times when people let something like that go, they go away, fix themselves, and then come back, so they don't even end up losing it, but unless they do. If you are willing to let it go to sacrifice it, you don't make any progress, so one of the rules is that if people impede your development, you sacrifice your relationship with yourself at times when I am completely tired, I have that clarity and when you have the clarity and you know where you're trying to get to, then it becomes clear what you have to train in, what are the things you have to train in yourself, but the only way to do that is to have a self-esteem that is built entirely around being the learner for yourself.
Why do you get the shot in the head, the nugget of gold at your feet, it says that you suck at this thing that hurts, man, that it's hard to possess, it's hard to face and there are a thousand voices in your mind telling you all the reasons. why it is someone else's fault and it is not your fault the reality is that the moment you do it you are giving away your power because you are not looking for a way to change remember between where you are and where you want to go there is an overall gap of skills life is meant to be lived with joy, it really is, if you are making and living a life that is not joyful and happy, something is wrong and you need to make a change, we are here on this planet for a finite amount of time Let it be good when my Guru was dying one of the last things he said was what a wonderful life.
I wouldn't have changed it for the world and I thought to myself what beautiful words to hear from a dying man. I would love to be able to say with my last breath look back on my life and say what a wonderful life it was and that was just I couldn't do it again even if I tried it was just fantastic to be able to do it we really need to know what we want , but we start by understanding our mind and learning to manage our energy and invest it wisely, so if you're starting a new chapter because you're excited and you're reinventing yourself, that's fabulous, still take your time. to complete the last chapter you are in so that you can enter the new chapter with all the wisdom, gratitude, learning and growth that you gained if you are starting a new chapter like many of us do because we are running. away from the old us, we are running away from a bad relationship, we are closing the door on something that wasn't working, you better take the time to think carefully and journal about this last chapter, who you have been. habits that you no longer want to repeat the mistakes you make what you have learned what you are running from and, more importantly, what changes are you going to make and how this new chapter will help you do so and become the person you are meant to be without that moment intentional reflection and without that intentional moment where you're going to list the behaviors and the thought patterns and habits that are changing, we're just going to take all that crap that you're running from this new chapter, so you just have to start To do is realize that no matter where you are in life, no one will come back to help you, so start with that person in that mirror, you have to realize that you are on your path. own now and whatever else you believe in I don't care what you believe in, but on Earth it's a very lonely journey, it starts with the responsible man who looks and says, hey, all these things are coming back, I have to face me yourself and you have to own all those things that people may have done to you now it is yours you have to find ways to move on because you will not come back what determines your resources we have said the way of decision Destiny what is my approach here if the form of decision Destiny what determines it are three decisions what you are going to concentrate on now you have to decide what you are going to concentrate on in the second consciously or unconsciously at the moment when you decide to concentrate on something you have to give it a meaning and what Whether meaning produces emotion, it is the end or the beginning, or it is the role of the dice, an emotion then creates what we are going to do or the action, so think about your own life, the decisions that have shaped your destiny and that sounds really. heavy, but in the last five or ten years, 15 years, you have made some decisions that if you had made a different decision, your life would be completely different, but if you really want to become extraordinary, you have to separate yourself from yourself.
You have to do it because otherwise you will never see the opportunity to improve and once that word still lingers, it suddenly becomes a matter of time allocation, so you know you could be good at it, but it requires a lot of time and energy, so what are the skills that you really want to get better at and that goes back to that Clarity, what do I need to get better at to achieve the things that I want to achieve? There's no need. to be something that someone else values ​​has to be what I have chosen to value, that I have built in my life this adoration around being good at something strange and because I value myself for pursuing that and I value myself for Admit when I'm wrong and value myself for openly looking at my inadequacies every day.
I'm getting better. It is important for lost young people, both men and women, to develop a vision, take some responsibility and understand that they have a vital role to play in the world that the lack of their best damages everything. There are so many times in life that you don't want to. do what you're doing you can't just stop remember this is a hobby it's the majority lifestyle so what you say to yourself is important there's the trainer there's no training to keep you going it's just you it's all this don't say a word stay in college unusual people you never finish don't stop when you're tired stop when you're done the last big mind game you're playing with yourself if you lose it's because you allow life to move forward when they look in the mirror they're just trying to see what's on the surface, but win and lose want to know what it is. inside you they want us to know what motivates you they want to know what your desires are they want to know what your ego is they want to know what your limitations are they want to know what your way of thinking they want to know everything about you because winning doesn't lie when you look in the mirror You can lie and see what is outside the surface you cannot lie what is going on inside and that is what people are not willing to see the lies that are really happening inside them that they do not allow it.
Winning over and over again, sometimes even when once you have to look like a winner requires you to go so deep inside yourself that it's far beyond the surface, it's far beyond the internal, it's going to a place that Many people have visited in a long time because they are afraid to visit that person because when they visit them they no longer know who they are. I think we are all programmed to do something really special with our lives and everything that happens on the inside shows on the outside. Look, we are endowed with mental faculties that the average person knows nothing about.
You have intuition, will, reason, imagination, perception, memory, that is what separates us from other forms of life. Our imagination. Hill said it's the most wonderful, miraculous, inconceivably powerful thing. force the world never known I can use my imagination to project myself into the future and bring the future to the present and start living there you work from the imagination you don't work for it you work from it thank you if you don't you know where you want to be in five years, you're already there, so if you're now in a place where you feel lost, scared, confused, paralyzed by indecision, frustrated, whatever the multitude of negative emotions people struggle with daily.
If that is where you are now and you don't have that clear vision of where you want to go, what the meaning and purpose of your life will be, then it will inevitably be exactly what you are living right now. just imagine it you were born free you are able to walk able to speak able to see my goodness able to listen just look at yourself how much you have how much you will give to someone I am a human being nothing human can be alien to me is a liberating phrase and so is the idea that you have the possibility and the probability of being a rainbow in someone's clown it's not about the brain the brain represents life it's always giving you a test trying to give you a way out so I give you the excuse Not to show up, but guess what , I have the mentality to show up every day of your life about where life is leading you, it is our responsibility, the results are the Colosseum of life, the battle of repair, I don't care what you are going through with my stone.
It is your responsibility to find something new one hundred percent, assume the responsibility of making winning not all of us, we all want to win, but the path that people take to win, everyone wants the final results and wants to feel the the sugar and the confetti and all that other stuff, but no one wants to talk about what you have to endure to win and that's what winning is really about because you spend more time enduring it and being in a PL and not in a good place. It doesn't matter what you do in life, where you are, this is what it takes to win and it's in all of us, it's in all of us, you find victories every day, so on our little planet where we are, it's one of my central philosophies.
We are brothers and sisters on a small planet and when I look at the majority of the people on the planet it is not a judgment. I only see people who are in scarcity versus generosity. I see so many people saying, "You know" when I was a kid. I had all this creativity I don't know where Kent's psychology versus possibility mentality happens I see people suffering I see people making themselves victims I mean, wouldn't you agree that most people on the planet in some strange way or another whether with their creativity or your prosperity or your personal lives, you're stuck in victimhood for 20 minutes about what your life could be like in three to five years if it were the way you wanted it to be, so be good. for yourself, be good for yourself, good for your family, good for society, I could be good, you need a vision, okay, then the next step is okay, now imagine that you let your weaknesses and character defects take the lead. front and take you to the ground.
Will that be seen in five years? So it's like a Horrible Vision, right? And that's a good thing because now you have something to run from and so if you're anxious, having something bad to run from is really motivating, right? You know that, and so you can run towards the positive and run away from the negative, that increases your motivation and then in the next part, you are asked to turn it into a detailed, articulated plan and that can help, as you say, well. You're not sure what habits to change or what personality traits to transform.
You have to think about it in relation to what you want and now they build their own field and now there is energy to heal, now there is energy to create. a new life now there is energy for the mystical moment because they have overcome their old personality, so I think you know it is not thinking positively, that is not the message, it is overcoming, overcoming, overcoming, overcoming until we become another person and when that happens, and the person starts to think differently and starts to act differently and starts to feel differently about their new personality and starts to see those synchronicities and serendipities now.
Crossing that river of change, the creative process now becomes exciting because what thoughts do you want to trigger and connect into your brain type of attention and intention when you can trust the little things in the little moments where you are trusted more and more and more and youIt helps right at that moment and it is in those painful moments that you realize how powerful you are. Do we all know that you really recognize it? I'm not rushing the pain because you can't rush the healing, but our challenge is that we try to rush the pain instead of reflecting through the pain.
Healing is mentally slow because it gives you time, it gives you reflection, it gives you a lot of space, slowing down the pain makes you pay attention. We go out into the world, we take on the beliefs and emotional patterns of those who influence us, you know, and then what happens is we actually forget who we really are, and as we connect with our mortality, we realize the ultimate time of my last day what do I want people to say about me and have the discipline to design your life so that every day is a mountain climb towards Mount Everest.
The simple part that most people don't understand is that every thought we have in every word we say is creating. our future is as if our thoughts go out into the universe and are accepted and brought back to us as experience, if you are haunted by memories of the past and most of them are negative, thus causing you anxiety more often, then there are many of you that stuck in the past and what that means is that you didn't map the territory well enough and the parts of your brain that are alarm systems, anxiety systems tell you no, no, there are holes in the way you look. the world, there are holes in the way you're looking at the world and you fell into them once and you don't know where they are and you don't know how to fill them and you don't know how to walk around them and so you can't forget them and you can't forget them, You can't forget them, you can't forget them, you're stuck back there, your body is still reacting like there's an emergency that could happen again that you haven't dealt with, you know? wines open closed eyes you know when you are passionate about something you know when people can't get up in the morning and they can't get out of bed I'm going to tell you why because they can predict the feeling of everything that is going to happen in their lives and their bodies resign themselves to The Familiar, says oh, another mundane day, but remember when you were a child and you went on a hike, what happened, then you got up, dressed and were ready to leave before your parents were awake, you know why, because you knew something unexpected was going to happen, that's how we should live our lives, waking up with the understanding that you expect the unexpected and that something unusual should happen in our life as a result of our efforts and it's just those.
Initial moments when it starts to happen that we start to prove to ourselves how powerful we really are, so take some time in the morning, in the afternoon and the rest of the day, check in with yourself at certain times to see if you still You are in that energy and if you don't apologize for a second, increase your energy and get back to your life. If you keep doing that over and over again, you will feel less frustrated, less impatient, less critical, it will just become a thing of the past and you will be a different person, but if you can really accept the fact that every time you have a thought and every time you say a word, you are literally painting your future, making your dinner whatever you want to call it, you are creating and you are creating your own life and this is simple but it is not easy to accept you don't know my true loss because it only happens when you love something more than you that you love yourself.
We reach our full potential when we are of service to others and not only our highest potential but our greatest usefulness and living in that potential and usefulness gives us the greatest kind of rich human satisfaction, on the one hand the meaning of life is the propagation of your own time on the other hand I would say you make your own meaning and we and everyone does that and again we will lead a better life if we have if we develop something important someone else writes music or plays me music there are all kinds of ways in that you can give meaning to your life, your personal relationships, your love for your spouse and your children, etc., all this gives meaning to life, but you must work on yourself and you must have an unstoppable attitude and no excuse is acceptable and you must make it a priority, a non-negotiable in your life and keep a constant vision of what you want to achieve, so do everything you can to find a way to win despite the setbacks despite the disappointments despite your failures.
I tell people you will feel your way to success. Have a say in life, not too much trying to land on your back because if you can look up, you can know when people ask me what led you to have the kind of success that you have had. I say that. I changed my identity, my sense of pride and self-worth to something that is truly antifragile because now if you tell me I'm stupid I would say amazing in what way because if you tell me in what way I'm bad if you tell me in what way I'm ignorant then I can learn go back the only belief that matters you can learn anything you set your mind to then someone tells you that you're stupid or uneducated or that you don't know what you're talking about fantastic and that's where most people shut down it's like, oh , that really hurts, you throw up the psychological immune system, you explain to them that they don't make as much money as I do, all things will probably be equally true, but where does that get you?
It keeps you ignorant of a truth about yourself by the way, that the rest of the world knows, in fact, here's something if you're really ready for some truth, all the things you hope no one notices about you, all the weaknesses. in your game and in your set of skills that you think are so wonderfully hidden, everyone knows them as if you are just protecting yourself from the truth that everyone else is already thinking, but becoming antifragile is the most important thing you can do to boost your life and get to where you want to go, you find that you always have to go back to that student mentality, you always have to go back to that emptiness and I think one of the reasons we struggle with that is that we think that when you're full, we're safe, our ego makes us believe that when you are full, when you think you know everything, that is when you are safe, the craziest thing is when you are weakest and everything I went through if you learn to do it. turn that month on top of this head and say, wait, wait, there is so much power in this if you look at life as if it were a testing ground, a proving ground of where you should belong, where you should go, and suffering is a fact of life you look at suffering the right thing to eat is a great tool your insensitive mind it is difficult to say what the soul means metaphysically because you know how to say beyond the cons beyond the limits of a single human being we have this feeling that the soul It can expand into something that is much larger than what it has, it has this capacity for growth and we have the sense that the soul can expand to the point where it is enlightened and works as efficiently as possible to transform everything that is. . unnecessarily painful and malevolent on the world in what is positive and good and that it does so as a consequence of facing the world with courage and truth and I believe that that is correct and I believe that that means that the ground participates in something Eternal which is the intent of being itself to transform what is unnecessarily painful and malevolent into something good and I think it is a mistake to underestimate the importance of that because I don't think you can live a life with enough depth to protect yourself from being corrupted by suffering malevolence without taking on a responsibility that be consistent with that set of ideas.
I think that either you orient yourself upward, you know, towards the star on the Horizon and try desperately to improve the structure of the being or you work with purposes contrary to it and make things worse. How people live their lives, you know that as a result of a story they believe about themselves, he interrupted my story and I left there with a hard heart full of faith, not a heart full of fear. Ziggs said that most people in a scary situation forget everything and run but they are a small number the path to the right is straight and narrow there could be someone who finds it who faces everything and stands up you have to be who you are every day of your life and never worry about anyone who gets in your way That being said, you're not doing something the right way because what happens is you start creating a bunch of people who aren't even yourself.
You never find out who you are. You never live up to your dreams. Your ambition. Lives. even whatever is around you that you like so much that you want to emulate and be like it so much you live your dreams you lose your power the supreme power is to be master of yourself it makes me think of the lotus the lotus is a flower that grows in swamps and yet it's one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, so this first way to navigate difficult times is to really gather perspective to really ask yourself, you know, climb to the top of your mountain and then look at the other side. and really getting a sense of the truth of what's going on your gratitude why you're grateful how this could be worse perspective also involves remembering the brevity of life it's okay you use whatever means you want you want to feel the sweetness of your emotion but you must understand what is the sweetness of your emotion I am asking you what happens inside you why it is determined by someone else what happens inside you if it is determined by someone else this is the worst form of slavery it is not just love your happiness your joy your tranquility your love anything that happens inside you when your internal experience is determined by something or someone, that is the worst form of slavery, it is covering up your why, it is just the beginning to be able to enjoy all the benefits of having a why how clearly articulated, you will need to have the courage and discipline to use it as Thomas Edison said Vision with that execution is hallucination there is an ideal order to implement your why although sometimes reality gets in the way and it all starts with you our natural tendency is to start with the tangible we define our value by what we do, what we do in life, we have all gone through suffering, we have all gone through difficult times and we have achieved it, but when you are in the midst of suffering, what our mind does is this in What you think.
Now there is no strength in it, most people never go after what they want because they don't know every step they have to take to get there. Now the only rule to reach the goal that you should know is to know where you are going. and knowing that you're going to get there, you don't have to know how you're going to get there because I think few things are as powerful to wake you up and remind you what's most important to fuel your energy and get there. in the game so that you let go of your fears and do what you have to do to achieve great things instead of connecting with your own mortality when you realize that every day could be your last or when you appreciate that it doesn't matter how long you live life is a short journey, you just let go of fears and limits and live to the fullest and seize opportunities and have real conversations with real people and wear your heart on your sleeve and bring the fullness of your authenticity and do what it takes to make your highest dreams come true.
Look, first of all, you need to decide if your life and your pursuit of happiness are an expression of joy. There is no love. It's not something you do. love is something you can become it is your quality if your mind is a certain way it is joyful if your emotions are a certain way it is loving this is the quality of the sweetness of God if your body becomes sweet and pleasant it is It is called health and pleasure if your mind becomes very pleasant it is called peace and joy if your emotions become Pleasant it is called love and compassion if you are very goodness of life becomes Pleasant it is called bliss and ecstasy strange because you have nothing to which aim except one ideal as a judge and you always fall short of the ideal, so how on earth can you have the benefits of having an ideal without taking the crushing blow that comes with having the judge always deem you insufficient?
You need a goal, but we don't want to let your distance from the goal crush you, so you have to set a goal and then you have to make the goal break it down into parts so you can move towards it. You have a fairly high probability of achieving it. a high end, but differentiate it so you know what the next step is and then make the next step difficult enough that you have to push yourself beyond where you are, but also provide a reasonable chance of success, you just have to do two things you have to know where you are going and you have to know that you are going to get there you have to see it in your mind now this is the beautiful scenario of what this is about keep it in your Mind and think about it.
Think often whenever you think about your goal and are trying to figure out how you are going to do it. What is the next step? That's all you really need to know step by step and you will get there. reach wherever you go we live on a small planet in a big galaxy with billions of other planets are our problems really so big that is the perspective your mind soul we want to communicate with you but you think you are always the answers not inside me, the answers They are inside you and they become moreclear as you become quieter, more still and allow yourself that inner connection from your inner guidance, this life is a complete life in itself, if this is a complete life, it is joyful, loving, wonderful by its very nature now You feel so wonderful maybe you want to share this Wonders with the people around you.
You can share this with thousands of people, but you also want a more intimate exchange to happen. For that you need a person. There is a bigger dream waiting for you. Just waiting for you. Your life is great. Your life is huge. and we spend so much time wanting to be with someone and I know that it is possible for you, I recognize that nothing is given to you in your life that you are not strong enough to overcome, strong enough to turn your pain into your purpose and become the one who can have a unique message that speaks to an audience that is uniquely yours, that wants to hear your voice, wants to see the choice you made to overcome the same types of behavior that they experienced, you know you can write a story about who you have been and you can write a story about who you are now but you can also write a story about who you could be well look you can create yourself to a certain extent you have the ability to write your destiny not in its entirety, but at least as a sequence of goals and once you do that, you also have to justify it.
Why is it good for your family? Why is it good for your community? You know, because if you want to focus on a goal in a way that's enough to guide you through the trials that will occur as you pursue this goal, especially if it's a high-level goal and it's difficult, then you need an explicit philosophy, a justification for why it's worth pursuing, they don't honor you. do not revere you, do not celebrate by wanting what another person has because that which created you divine intelligence, you from before friend, they would become your ancestors who would transmit your seed, they want you to know what is special, what is wonderful, what is mysterious. how complex, how glorious, how phenomenal you are and you get no credit for stepping into someone else's territory and today I hope to leave you with a course correction away from the flaws you see in your reflection, they are not flaws to me, they are simply protection against all the doubts you have about your perfection, so start today, look closely in the mirror and say "I am who I have been searching for", we cannot spend our life in the continuous search for an external goal because in all probability we are chasing something spiritual anyway without knowing it we are looking for approval, connection, power, status or whatever, you can't get it so you have to have something that is separate from that, there are many conditions to do things this way.
The world does it. There are standards for what success is. The standards provide a school with standards for what is socially acceptable. But is your life good? Have you chosen to live that way or is it that noise and that influence that makes you live that way and more often? If it doesn't always have a lot to do with that influence, I'm just saying that we can't drown in that noise and get lost. It's our life. It's our life. We're not going to live it for ourselves. The question is, what are you resisting? What are you? pushing against what you're not allowing what you're blocking because you have this idea of ​​who and what you're supposed to be so you need an explicit philosophy a justification for why it's worth pursuing this is like well this is what will do me and in the sense of developing my character and my ability to deal with the world and that's how it will strengthen my family and that's how it will benefit the community and then, having formulated those arguments that you have, that you have that carefully articulated body of thought that gives you It allows you to chase away the doubts that will inevitably arise when you try to do something difficult, you have to negotiate with yourself and you have to justify what you are doing carefully and philosophically deeply so that you have the commitment and strength of character that allows you to overcome difficult times, everything is Possible literally means anything is possible, so whatever you want to attract into your life, whatever you want, to achieve whatever you want. what you would like to do in your life if you start from a spiritual place a place where all things are possible if I go back you know and get to that place and then I start visualizing it and I start using my imagination because everything we see around us all in this world was ever imagined everything ever had to be imagined if you understand that I mean Einstein's famous observation was that you know that imagination is more important than knowledge if you can learn how important your imagination is and that's where there is your spirit. that place and then once you go to that place what you would like to attract into your life you come from a spiritual place absolutely nothing is impossible now once you know where you are weak you can start to build yourself up and that is my thesis on life, you can build yourself in any direction you want, in any way, become whatever you want, there will be an extraordinary price to pay, but you can go in any direction, this is the time to really question the intention behind what you are pursuing to really question what you want and your intention behind it because very often our wrong intention for right is going to be Empire and I think we don't realize that when we come into our alignment, you know it's not the achievement, it's the alignment.
Alignment meanings are my intention aligned with my action and when I say a line, what I'm saying is: am I seeking the right thing in the right way every time I've lost? People say you have to jump back up, come back. right on your feet again and I'm not okay with that after you lose or when you get knocked out stay down there for a minute, understand why you lost, what were the reasons why you are down here, why you lost, why you knocked down, I stayed I fell for a second minutes hours days weeks but when I got up it was different I was smarter than when I lost again I stayed down I got up I'm stronger when I lost again I stayed down I lost again I got up I was more resilient now You start putting the pieces that are necessary to win over and over again, so if you lose and you jump again and you haven't really changed, I mean you've really changed from that loss that you will never learn from. that and you'll never truly know the relentless race to greatness.
Tom doesn't like anyone. Time hates us all. Tom is trying to stay away from us. Do you think I'm going to waste the rest of the time I have? I could be operating here crying and complaining I could be using that time to change my life I could be abused and that time embrace the reality of life and the reality that I have made to put myself I paid my ticket I got on the train It was a lot of stops I they came I didn't get off on them I went to the final destination of the book I was living in now it's time to be here on a journey through life experiencing new things, exposing new ideas and that's what I realized that not many Of us, we don't expose ourselves to new things, new ideas, we're not open, open to different, open to change and that's what helped me.
I became open to everyone when you eliminate despair it almost infiltrates your life. where you think you have to have the perfect plan and look the perfect way and have the perfect thoughts and be all sin and perfect, what you need is to be desperate, what you need is to go after it once you realize that you are playing a neurochemistry game and when you suffer because you want something or you're trying to keep up with everyone else or you have a negative story you're telling yourself about your own self-esteem because what your parents told you isn't worth it. money or whatever the case may be, whatever has happened to you, whatever wound you have, people start to have a sense of themselves that relates to that wound and therefore they don't feel good and they are doing everything everything possible to escape from that. and okay, what is the kind of original progenerator of this feeling of desire for suffering?
And in that way, the Buddhist notion of Desire gives rise to all your suffering power is the ability to guide yourself through a very dangerous world, a very competitive world where everywhere. almost all of us have to do it, we don't get much help or cooperation from the world in this world where there are no rule books to tell us how to navigate, it's very complicated and very difficult and you make mistakes that you can suffer. because and power is knowledge, his ideas are understanding how to navigate a very dangerous world, okay, then you want it, then you want it well, the idea of ​​wasting your potential of never realizing your goals of never being able to create that business that you wanted create. or make that movie that you think is in you or start that business that you're starting, that's what you want in life and if you don't want that, there's nothing I can tell you that will help you believe in what you know God gives you. had given.
If I plan Truth or Dare the truth is I'm afraid but I'm going to dare to believe anyway the truth is I'm not qualified but I'm going to dare to go after it anyway just because it's true doesn't mean it has to become in the compass with which you navigate your life sometimes faith is not there sometimes the building is there my heart is broken but I will dare to love again I am grieving but I will do it Dare to get up and go to work I will dare to keep showing up in my life with my broken pieces with my leftovers because I believe that if I keep doing that there will be an unexpected Beauty for me to behold, no, no.
In order for me to be complete there is a version of this, but you still have to contemplate it. I like to say sometimes that the journey to greatness begins the moment our deep desires for comfort and ease are overtaken by our desires to connect and contribute anything after work I'm is as true to your unconscious mind as anything after that I am anything after I am even if you know it is not true your conscious mind will believe anything after I am and that is why the power of I am the power of I am can carry you through the darkest moment, the power of I am and you will have to have these mornings and these moments where you dare to keep your eyes open even when it is easier to go through them with they are closed and in fear, so I will keep my eyes open and my heart open because there is another me that I want to contemplate.
The universe is not seen in terms of good and evil. Good bad. The success. Failure creates an effect on each offensive cost. and if you participate in the cause you will participate in India I am not saying you will participate in it you participate in it they happen together your experience of the effect may take some time it may take a few days it may take a month it may happen immediately, what should you value? and people say that well-being is happy, they don't even mean that, by the way, if you break down what people mean when they say they want to be happy, it turns out that what they really mean is that they don't want to be miserable, they are much more concerned with avoiding suffering than with seeking, you know, enthusiastic positive emotions, so even the statement "I want to be happy" isn't actually an accurate reflection of what it is you want.
What happens with human beings is that every thought has a frequency, every thought produces a chemical substance, so if you keep obsessing about your lack, your lack of finances, your lack of time, your lack of energy, you are thinking that it is producing a frequency and that frequency in the form. of chemistry is storing that thought emotionally right in your second Center you feel guilty you feel unhappy you don't feel unhappy then you generate more thoughts equal to that feeling that produces more chemicals and you continue taking energy from the brain and storing it in the body If you react to the people in your life and you feel anger, frustration, whatever it is that is drawing from this field, this electromagnetic field, you are harnessing that resource and you are doing chemistry with it and the field is reduced now by doing that and living.
In survival, the body is no longer a magnet. Each ideal is judged. Ideal is something you aspire to and the gap between you and non-ideal if it is your ideal feels like a judgment and that is one of the reasons why people are very afraid of having an ideal that is why I wrote don't hide things in the fog is like well you should set an ideal you should pursue an ideal why wouldn't you do well when you make your ideal explicit it becomes your judge well then you can listen to that judge and move forward and transform the discipline with desire if the discipline It's not that difficult if you have a real desire.
I mean, if you want something bad enough, discipline is not too difficult. I think discipline without desire is very difficult. Do what is meaningful, not what is convenient. Because meaning is an instinct. meaning is the instinct that guides you in life through the entirety of life true what is convenient that is what you may want to do right now in an impulsive sense true because you are driven by anger or anxiety, frustration, disappointment or desperation, a kind of one-eyed


monster that has you trapped and that is not really thereconsidering everything at once and the instinct for meaning seems to be a consequence of the integration of all those underlying motivations. and emotions with the social being and then the manifestation of something like the right path forward, then you need it because you need to know how to move forward in life because you need to move forward in life you need to act in life every day I want to train myself to be prepared For a war, whatever that war is, whether it's externally internal, the discipline of doing something painful every day, I think is one of the most important disciplines any human being can have, whatever that pain looks like.
For you, I think we have to lean into the pain every day, otherwise the pain has to lean into us if we lean into it first when things happen it's like, I have this because I do this every day. I'm not saying we should feel pain 80 of our day, but maybe for an hour and 30 minutes you should do something that makes you want to stop or relax because then when things really happen you'll be relaxed, when I can be sure that I'm taking the next step forward and I think it's like when you walk, you feel so comfortable walking that you don't even realize it, but really all you're doing is taking the next right step and you can't think about what's going to happen a hundred steps later. . it means you haven't walked the floor there and you don't know how we're not going to change, so for me the amount of mindset is how do I place this next step, not perfectly, how do I place this next step. with my best possible intention process and habits and what does that require that requires me to be internally connected with my inner guidance and what does that require that requires me to find that Stillness in the space to be able to really listen? the insistence on action based on importance main thing we are not fundamentally creatures that can possibly perceive the objective world that is not the goal of our perceptual systems it is not the goal of our memory the reason you have memories is not to remember the past the reason you have memories is so if something bad happened to you in the past, you can find out what the bad thing was and you can find out why it happened and then you can't do it again in the future.
It is very practical and it is the same on the positive side. On the spectrum, if good things happen to you in the past, it's possible that duplicating what you did to make those good things happen could make them happen again in the future, so it's a practical memory and it's action-oriented and it's action oriented. quality of your life

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