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You Must Be An ANGEL To Win This Cloud Hole! (Golf It)

Jul 02, 2024
dolphin in the


s, that's right, these levels are miles up in the sky and only the best


er will win, let's show Jelly and Crainer that they suck, oh we're in the


s, are you trying to handicap, are you? you're kidding and me? suck oh man a beautiful star for Jelly in three


is the easiest level in the world Jelly how bad are you at the game? Okay, you know what, thanks Crainer, okay, never mind, okay, thanks, no job, cheater. Crainer shot, how was that cheating? I'm already in, oh great, stop, okay, I've got it in two.
you must be an angel to win this cloud hole golf it
I'm still waiting, I'm not in last place anymore, okay, calm down, oh, enough thanks, buddy, the only one without a


in one right there, yeah. Well, that's what they call it, I'm still the first, ah, not for long, oh, move a job, oh, and the crane, I'd rather be here, cute, move it, yeah, hey, it's a little bird, Pokey, I mean, it's a box, what's the only thing that's going to get here? It doesn't seem like it but it isn't that's true that's okay since when is it okay oh my god what are you saying about being like that all the time?
you must be an angel to win this cloud hole golf it

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you must be an angel to win this cloud hole golf it...

Yeah, I don't like that Holy, what the hell am I in a box,


is a


, why does my mouse keep tapping to get out of there? Come on, do all the work, oh jelly, you could have done it, there was just a hole up there, are you kidding me? I didn't see it, there's a hole where, uh, up there. wait, oh, I see holes here, oh, look, you see them, yes, but how do you know what? I'm not going for them, what, oh, how do they get to them? Do this look, this is how you do it, okay?
you must be an angel to win this cloud hole golf it
I'll do it in four, four is better than five, that's right Shelby, you can count, you're really good at that guys, my mouse keeps tabling, it's really annoying for the mouse, certain first place who cares about your complaints, yeah , okay, no one, okay. mouse not working this makes sense I have another game finished are your priorities directly as a YouTuber ok ok we're good we'll be back here we go good job Josh good job that was really annoying he just has to do everything. Yes I mean all the gold, oh wait what is this? Why is it dirty?
you must be an angel to win this cloud hole golf it
Oh, hole in the water, jelly, get your fat ass out of my way, sorry, I guess you'll have to try again. Yes, that's a resetter. one reason I think you're too far to the left jelly oh no he's got it curved in a straight line I know when it's a straight line oh okay it's nice animated second sharing it with Crainer it's no longer last oh oh oh Josh, you gotta start failing, push me a little, here we go, jelly, where are you? You got it foreign, there's no blowing mechanic to this, no you can't blow on your screens, you'll never know until you try, oh what is this, no, oh me.
I landed on yes, it was me. I just won, of course, it's jello, okay, I have a hole in two. Jelly's got it, he's three years old, three years old, he's fine, come on, show us that three, tell me, well it's actually called a bogey. Yes, yes, why did you do that? What is this? Wait, wait, is this another map? I think it might be a different level. God did it. Wait. What are we doing up here. Dylan? I don't know, bro, do you have the flu? I have to get to the next level oh there is a hole here what has actually happened I have no control of myself oh so go down there and then blink.
I'll do it in five. I did it in two, in case anyone is wondering. oh wait, I'm ahead of Jelly, they're both backwards oh, this is the map I made. Oh my God, a barrel ran over me. What is it? Ah, what oh Jelly could knock me down right now? I'll never wait, Josh. Why did you do that? Because he didn't want to risk me. Oh, I mean, I still beat you. Oh man, no, no, I only have five. We have the same. That one hated me. Are we supposed to come down here? Like we weren't, oh we could've gone further, oh I'm a boogie doggy, Hoagie crane, if we'd gone further we could've gone in, but what's that?
It's okay, Josh, you can't win it all, uh, yeah, I can too. I really have to start catching up. I want to at least get second place, let's do it then, fool, oh wow guys, you did it. John lost by so much, that was quite a woohoo, yeah well Sarah, there probably should have been a hole in one here, but yeah. I mean it would have been easier better and we are grateful. I mean that one was pretty good, thank you ma'am, catching us up. What is this? A foreigner for this? Ah, it's difficult enough. I don't know, yes, it has a two. or two wheels got it I think the levels have changed to this now oh no oh it's the other way around Josh I think we could have gone under that oh if we hit that thing we would have oh who's that there Josh do you have a I'm already on tour oh oh oh oh oh oh Josh with my wife, I got it, yeah, that's right, I just didn't want to say it, oh, okay, I'm still a point behind Crainer, oh no, that's cool, what's that supposed to do? ?, oh, stop.
I think you're supposed to shoot slower, not faster. Well, oh, okay, we got it in two, why did you do it? Why is this? Here we go. Where did water come from? I have no idea, but Crainer, I officially caught up with you. No, it's not mine, come on brother, why did I come back down? Oh, he came back down too, oh, what's Jelly doing? oh, it's not going fast enough, oh, it's here, I should have gone faster, God, I think I'm starting to catch up, buddy, um, yeah, I mean you're eight behind I guess, so it's okay behind, Josh, you had three and the previous three maps and I had two on those gelatin, we have the same thing on this one, oh really. about shooting buddy, I dragged two and overshot, you're a bit exaggerated, aren't you making a hole in one?
Oh, are you kidding me, that was a good coach, they're holding you back, he'll go like four. or five levels left by the way, you know who was said before, jelly, you and the friend from kindergarten, oh, I'll make it, hey, jelly, I bounce again, oh Josh, I'm sorry, why are you always on my way, come on, come on, see? What about the water man? Is it time to catch up? Wait, there are only three left. Two maybe you can beat him. It's not my best. A point of difference between music. There are three levels left.
Jelly. Will you be able to do it? Jelly. No. I don't know brother, what are you doing here? What are you going to the hallway? What are we going? Crainer, you ruined me. I'm going to go for first place. Yeah, oh, there's still gelatin left. Oh yeah, this is Kelly, now you are. four behind me, yeah, six behind me, I don't know, I went to calculate that wrong direction, kill the opponents, brother, jelly, I undershot that jelly, oh jelly, you're amazing, oh man, this wall It's moving, isn't it? How's it going? Terrible. I don't even know if I can hold second place right now.
Oh, he's got. Oh, that was the hole in one down there. Oh yeah, one more level. Yeah, what? happens? Jilly, okay, reach one more level that he could surpass. up two silver crowns anyway it could be Jillian this one we'll see coming hey no you wanna push me I should've reset it yeah hi yeah Josh yeah ah come on Josh hit me how about Don't you sit here, oh, did I go? The left was that good, we all have more or less the same thing, don't we? No, you guys want in front of me, how, oh wait, come on, yeah, okay, I almost lost it, I almost ruined the jelly, okay, here we go, I did it in seven. minutes and last place guys let me just uh it's been good Josh no come on Josh come on come on just put it in the hole Josh okay why do you always have to brag?
I just couldn't do it very well, thank you. Thank you very much for the good game I won as always. Sure friend. Thanks for watching. I love going to and clicking on a video on the screen to see more right now.

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