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You'll Never Guess Where He's Actually Hiding • Hidden in Plain Sight #21

Apr 02, 2024
we like to play this little game


one of us hides instead of working and we won't go back to work until our boss finds us in this episode we won't even break a sweat come on oh boy welcome to


a full view. This is the show


one of my employees tries to hide from me in my own building and my job is to find them and put them back to work. Come on, the first question is correct. Who is


from me? Sloane went into hiding and then Dylan, who's next? like Stephen, it's Steven, nothing seems out of the ordinary so far, I love that oh my gosh, it's the gummy bear chair, it's probably a red herring or maybe it's a clue, it's the biggest thing I notice today or the least important.
you ll never guess where he s actually hiding hidden in plain sight 21
I have a message I'm supposed to tell you that goes with the chair. An out of shape old man needs all the padding he can get. I'm young and fit, so that doesn't make any sense to me. who said who barely understood it I'm awake according to the photo I saw and this comment that talks about an old man who needs a cushion sounds like something steven would say I think it's steven, let's go to his office no, there it is, I've


been so disappointed Seeing you I thought you were hiding from me today Oh I


would and then I walked into Ben's office I made a joke about me being old and out of shape and that sounded like something you would say about me We're pretty close in age , that's true, so I would never say such a thing and I'm not in the best shape either.
you ll never guess where he s actually hiding hidden in plain sight 21

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you ll never guess where he s actually hiding hidden in plain sight 21...

Kyle Kyle is young and in incredible shape. Maybe she's hiding from him. I think it's Kyle. Let's check out the editors and see who's missing. I see Kyle. he's not here I see Daniel I see Josh I see Kelsey I don't see Kyle and I see a lot of things on his desk, including a Julia Child video and a home gym transformation like he's trying to tell me to work out. Studied. your moves to find your weakness have made a custom master view here for me to see you know this is a clue because we sell it oh no, it's all these pictures of me hiding in



, not fighting with people so clearly, Kyle is getting Hiding from me I


this is just making fun of me I don't know This is a clue to where he could be hiding This should be easy It's gigantic Where could he be hiding?
you ll never guess where he s actually hiding hidden in plain sight 21
I feel like the only place big enough for Kyle to really hide is the warehouse sloan could fit in a box this time I don't think Kyle can oh I just got a text I'm getting so upset right now it's not even funny oh surprise surprise kyle is working out sent me 501 502 jamie It's not about the weight, it's about the reps, the quality of the reps and I have a lot of time to spend a lot of time with the company. Okay, this could have been recorded at any time. This doesn't necessarily mean it's where he is now. so it was filmed there, well, all the gummy bear chairs up here, nothing looks out of the ordinary that could have been filmed at any time, but it's not supposed to move.
you ll never guess where he s actually hiding hidden in plain sight 21
Kyle doesn't follow the rules, so is he even in the building? Were these videos filmed today? The color of that paper really looked like this color, right, maybe it took some of this paper. How is your search? Well, I know it's Kyle I'm looking for. He said he was old and out of shape this is interesting this is this telling me to look up I would be a crazy person if I wanted to be up there kyle look if there is a clue somewhere you haven't hit a thing with a stick I need a stick to poke this is Too flexible I've always used a push stick, but I've never liked a push whip.
This new push whip is pretty awesome. You need to be careful. You know, if I have a second. You know, there are videos of Kyle with the ropes. Know? me too. I'm like where's Kyle's clues? Wait, you know what I haven't been in the kitchen. Is there any clue? Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys I think I'm getting a hint. Both studios have been dark the entire time. It's time for you guys, if I turn on the lights for a second, let's take a quick look at where there's a little bit more light. Did someone spin this and now it's pointing somewhere else?
Hey, what are you doing here? you'll be there making a video, aha, it'll work fine. I don't see anything that looks like a clue here. Oh, Kyle sent me another message. Oh, he just says the brain is a muscle. Look, look, I'm in his head. wait, I need another piece, you thought I was stupid, but he likes to do that, now I have two whips, okay, maybe I should see the full message you sent me, you need to get in shape, we know he's in the building, It has this paper background. we have backgrounds of the same color in studio b.
I wonder if he's trying to tell me there's another clue here somewhere. I ignored all of this because it looked like it was for a video. I found a clue. Take a look at your failures. I'm pretty sure I've won every game, so I don't know what he's talking about. These are all screenshots from previous episodes. So how could they hide a clue unless they Photoshop something into the shots? I feel like this is just a tease. and this is not really a clue, I studied your movements and then he capitalized find and weakness the next note says check out your flaws in capital letters and he


tells me with two eyes to look at your flaws oh I have if he's there Upstairs, the dummy, it's got to be a clue, I'm the smartest man in the world, okay, let's take it down, they keep flipping this guy, which now makes me feel like, what's going on, Kyle, what are they? keep turning that head before he was looking over there now he's looking over here which is no big deal maybe it's like the next clue is somewhere over there eric if you see him just tap me on the shoulder or say something you know no, kyle no tracks, they keep spinning, even though they keep spinning, okay, we'll take her to the parking lot in this video of her head.
I was gone for a minute. This could all be a red herring, it's just them. You're just doing this to annoy me, it seems like it has something to do with it. I'm going to look for clues again looking for clues looking for clues looking for clues oh I found another clue just looking for these post-it notes okay reliving the past isn't always pretty are you telling me to go back and watch other videos hiding in



? Okay, he just texted me. Those out of shape legs will fail you before you find me. What's going on? long, oh you're slow, oh it's a deep burn, Jimmy's a little afraid to find it, like he might beat me up if I find it, maybe he's made an outdoor gym and we have to go out and look for him outside or to the ceiling, I see.
There are no home gyms up here Kyle I hope he's not here I'd be hot I don't have anything let's get out of here it's hot Kyle If you're baking here I


you win Where would you go to find that past 19? There's no way He could fit in that refrigerator. He is there? One of my most recent failures was not looking for Dylan in the prop refrigerator. Maybe Kyle went back into that refrigerator to just make fun of me. No, no, never, no, he couldn't fit in there anyway. could have been a clue. I'm trying to think of what you mean by past.
I'm just wondering if he's telling me to watch old videos or something. These are like thumbnails of our videos, but I don't know what. I'm missing something about the past and my failures and there are very few of those. I never fail. I am perfect. If I just like running, I'll find it. Come on, Eric. We are running. We will find. Careful. Look. your head there whoa is full of smoke ah they closed the door I can't go through the dead end maybe I'm a little out of shape I can't lose again you guys love it in the rewind to be like you know from the beginning he had all the clues I needed if I had only looked.
I'm going to go back to the beginning. I'm going to go look at those photos because maybe there was a clue in one of those photos. Here we go, we go, we go, Eric Keep. Keep it up, keep it up without me when I first came in there were three photos of thumbnails. I wonder if they are trying to tell me to go look at the thumbnails of those videos. Were they here the whole time? Oh what? I'm leaving then. Being


, but that doesn't mean I won't exercise. I'm using this time to sculpt these weapons into an even better shape.
Well, Jamie is outside with his little noodle arms running around the building, so the first clue is. The team printed out a bunch of photos of the miniatures from before


in plain sight, but one of them was blurry, it could be a more important clue than Jaime thinks. I'm taking videos up there. They are kidnapping me and I am sending them text messages. Jaime just makes fun of the little clues a little to let him know that I have a big enough space to exercise and also that he can't find me. The first thing we had to do was make a bunch of slides for this custom retro viewer. of Jimmy's past failures, so he had three slides around the building and ultimately these will be the ones that decide whether he finds me or not.
He clues her in to remind him to look at the past. Past episodes of hidden in plain sight, so with Ben's help we change. the thumbnails from previous episodes to show you exactly where I am because what better place to hide in plain sight than a video hiding in plain sight, all I had to do was watch your old videos and you would see my new gym that I created behind it. stack of boxes on top of those boxes, our warehouse is in the middle of expanding, so what we did was take some of those extra boxes and moved them to the upper level, specifically to the gummy bear chair.
Remember what I had in my office is the most important thing I noticed today or the least important thing, we even put it there several weeks in advance so Jamie wouldn't notice and Emma, ​​our producer, sent a message to the respect, so with the team we moved enough boxes so that I had enough space to get in and get a good workout. We told eight million subscribers where I'm hiding, so let's see if Jamie's brain is strong enough to figure out what you guys changed. All old miniatures. It's a whole series of them there are only two people here three people who can change the thumbnails of our videos me, you and ben can make some thumbnails we told eight million people where kyle was hiding I still found out wait so what were the eyes was I what are you doing here every time I look around?
Steven is not working. His eyes were already on that little mannequin and he was just moving it around to liven things up a bit, so he made himself a little exercise bench. There he is. Saw it there bro, I'm just working on a gray sweater. Have you been up here getting yolk? So do I make money? There is no money for this. Oh, they don't pay you, go and edit it. Back to work. That? What are you doing? Don't know. Okay, Jamie, you found me, but can we keep the gym upstairs?

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