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You Know NOTHING About Itachi...

May 28, 2024
so it has been brought to my attention through numerous comments and, in fact, a couple of emails and messages in which I talk about h


and, more specifically, the totsuka sword and its yada mira. I'm so sorry, my Boston accent slipped in the mirror, that was weird. I saw Duncan while driving around Los Angeles today and apparently I relapsed, but because I talk about this stuff a lot, people have asked me how he got these items on his Susano, how he got these abilities in the first place and I realized that H


He is actually a rather misunderstood man. character, but before we start talking about the guy who popularized black nail paint on men, please like this video, subscribe to the page and hit that notification, we


a lot about his life and how he got certain skills and what he did. and where he was during certain times when the anime was going on and he was doing other things, we learned from light novels like his two hitachi shinden, the book of the dark knight and the book of bright light, and also from data books and a bit of Manga going into depth, so I thought it would probably be appropriate if we covered what is one of the most interesting characters in the entire show in a way that we just covered the legendary Sony, so without further ado I give you Itachi's life. so let's start these videos the way we always start these videos and answer the easy questions: who is hitachi, he is sasuke's older brother, the son of fugaku and minotaur, one of the youngest ombú captains, a real blade hero who turned his back. in his clan to protect the blade from what could have been the bloodiest conflict in his history.
you know nothing about itachi
He is much loved by the Naruto fanbase and yet terribly misunderstood, so to make it easier for you to understand him, let's get started. at the beginning i already said before that the schizoid was born from fugaku uchiha in mikoto uchiha mikoto, who was a high level jonine Sharingan user in fugaku, who was the current head of the uchiha clan and fugaku was above a high level joni, They called him fugaku of the evil eye and like minito, he had an order to run in sight of enemy nations, in fact, he was so powerful and so essential during the third great ninja war that he was considered a reasonable choice for the fourth Hokage even though the Uchiha were segregated in an outer part of the city where they could not gain political prominence, but since we are talking about the third great ninja war, let's talk about the third great ninja war, it is essentially the first thing that Hitachi could remember.
you know nothing about itachi

More Interesting Facts About,

you know nothing about itachi...

The greatest enemy in the third great shinobi world war was the hidden cloud. The hidden cloud infiltrated Tierra del Fuego and clashes began on the border and for a while the hidden cloud began to march towards Tierra del Fuego and began to take over the area. of this multiple of the battlefields for the third great world war shinobi were very close to konoha, so fugaku as I said, the then current head of the uchiha clan decided to use this as a lesson for hitachi, look that fugaku was in the war in which he was earning his reputation as wikiday fugaku but after the fights were over he would take itachi to the battlefields he would show hitachi the mounds of corpses but not for the reason you would expect you would assume fugaku would show his son that this is like war is hell and you should do everything you can to avoid it, but no fugaku was bringing Hitachi to the battlefield to show him that the shinobi's role in life is to fight, kill and die, but that in It's not really what Hitachi takes from him, he sees the mountains of corpses and does it.
you know nothing about itachi
He says he will get stronger, he actually promises to become the strongest person on earth, but not to fight, kill and die, Hitachi wants to become the strongest person on earth to eliminate conflict and a few weeks later, when the war is over, in third place he goes down because he is Now he has been the Hokage during the second and third great ninja wars and that is a lot of blood to have on your hands and no one is saying that fugaku should be the fourth Hokage. Hitachi begins to realize the underbelly of hatred that is growing in the Uchiha clan. and he remembers the bad omen in the bad feeling he felt on the battlefield, but this does not stop Hitachi.
you know nothing about itachi
He still has a strong feeling that he needs to become the strongest person on earth, so when he ends the war, he will start training and this fire. to become stronger he only becomes stronger once mikoto hands over itachi's little brother sasuke, because now hitachi not only wants to become stronger to eliminate the conflict, but he also wants to create a world where his little brother can live in peace and, when he begins to train, a being a few years older than him and chiswick and we become almost like brothers who train together and learn techniques from each other and, ironically, hitachi needed to use these techniques much earlier than he realized because i think you guys


what happens a couple of months after sasuke was born, naruto was born and i think we know what happens when naruto is born, the nine tails attacks, but here's something that the anime and manga don't show: makoto and sasuke are at the uchiha compound while nine tails is attacking but a piece of rubble flies and destroys the building and a piece of rubble starts falling towards sasuke and makoto coder doesn't see it coming but hitachi flies to his rescue and destroys the piece of rubble and save sasuke and makota at five years old he was able to attack a piece of rubble and save high level Jonine and Sasuke, but unfortunately tonight would be really terrible for both Hitachi and his clan because even though Fugaku mobilized to the entire Uchiha clan so he could fight Karama to perhaps subject him again to a jutsu to calm his anger.
The Konoha higher ups look at them and leave, please go patrol our borders in case someone comes to attack us, he basically tells them to stay as far away from Kurama as possible. possible because we believe that you were the ones who did this and then after the fight with Kurama ends, you are uprooted and sent to an outlying part of the village near the naka shrine where the Uchiha clan originated to live and this is where we see to the uchiha living during the anime in the manga and since the uchihas were not the people that made Korama attack the leaf village, this created a lot of anger in the clan and Hitachi saw this and at the age of five he saw them. the entire clan his father his mother with disappointment because they could not separate their personal feelings from what was good for konoha a five year old boy had the emotional intelligence to realize that his personal feelings are different from what benefits our entire village and then hitachi turns six and joins the ninja academy naturally he's better than everyone and he's so good that everyone is intimidated by him and no one makes the effort to talk to him except izumi uchiha but of course hitachi being hitachi just wants to train With Chiswick and spending time with Sasuke he is completely indifferent to Izumi's existence, but this does not discourage Izumi and he actually finds him somewhat cute, so he continues to be nice to him on a day when Hitachi's abilities have caused the anger from the older students at the Ninja Academy, she comes to his defense, so he sees this as okay, maybe he should start being nice to this girl and also the fact that she had already woken up and their exchange It made him feel more comfortable with her because say what you want.
Don't worry, yes, when he activated his sharon gone, he immediately passed out right after finishing, but he was also one of the youngest people to activate it, so maybe she just wasn't ready. It took Hitachi four months to pass through the ninja academy faculty. They look at him and say there's


more we can teach you. He spent four months and returned at the age of six. It is also implied that they passed it on because they needed new ninjas due to the number of dead after the Nine-Tails attack. so once again I will say it, Konoha may not be the good guys, but when the best student in his class was passing by, he was obviously a little confused by the presence of someone in that someone, Donzo Gonzo approached Hitachi after having arrived. all congratulated by his family and they gave him a kind of riddle donzo tells him that there are ten men nine of them are healthy and one of them has an infectious disease and is about to die you can't save him donzo asks what are you doing with this tenth man and Hitachi says he would kill him so he wouldn't affect the other nine people and he really liked that answer and then he left after seven years.
Hitachi is introduced to his team. Team two. He teamed up with Tenma Izumo in shinko inari and a man named yuki minizari are his joney and his captain tenma hates him because he is very talented and shinko tries to defend him because she is very kind and this only makes tenma angry so they fight so hitachi leaves furious and returns to the uchiha compound where he runs into azumi now that hitachi is officially a ninja he has actually been invited to the uchiha secret meetings and this is inevitably what he and izumi start talking about but hitachi doesn't want to be a snitch, so inevitably it goes.
In silence and they walk the rest of the way in silence. Hitachi's first mission is then the next thing we can talk about and it begins in a panic. Basically, the big deal happens. Nick. What's the big deal? Big question. I just did the history of the entire huge clan, if you want to know what the big deal is, click on that video and watch it, but long story short, hinata has been kidnapped by the hidden cloud and here she is, in the Konoha higher-ups , they mobilize all their teams. to prepare for the hidden cloud lodges invading Konoha, at this point it is revealed that there is a hidden cloud spy in Konoha and it becomes team two's first mission to capture the spy, they find him relatively easily because Hitachi is a genius and Tenma rushes.
He comes to try to demonstrate his power over Hitachi, but naturally, being an eight-year-old genius with no special abilities, he almost gets killed by the grown man, but she pounces on him, saves him, and defeats the spy and then boom, they're better. . friends smash cut a year ahead hitachi hasn't done anything more important than the spy mission and because tenman shinko isn't necessarily as powerful as hitachi they haven't signed up for the tuning exams yet i mean play eight and it's In There's a Rush to Be a Chuni, but because Hitachi has made their team so prominent and so effective, they receive a pretty important mission: Team Two is assigned to escort the Fire Daimyo, also known as the Feudal Lord of the fire, through the land of fire, but here's the thing with the daimyo of fire, there will be some of his 12 pillars there protecting him as well and also the ombú would be following that group to make sure


goes wrong, so the fact that team two is there is largely symbolic and when they are halfway between the fire lord daimyo's residence. in Konoham they see a masked man walking towards them in a bouncy manner singing a bouncing masked man, who do you think he is?
He's Toby, he's fine, Obito, but here's the thing because he's so nonchalant and happy that no one is on guard when he approaches them and that's it. why is he able to trap everyone under genjutsu when he gets close enough, they are all buditachi the 12 pillars that ombud team two broke into genjutsu immediately, but what obito didn't take into account is that tenma's specialty was genjutsu and tenma he is able to break himself out of the genjutsu, which is crazy considering the fact that Obito put Yagura under a genjutsu so powerful that Yagura didn't notice it for years.
Tenma then takes this opportunity as he snaps out of the genjutsu to run after Toby and try. to attack him, but he runs through him and Toby kills him immediately, but remember what I said about Itachi. He never got caught in the genjutsu because he looked away before he could catch it because he was the only person on guard, but he did it. He rushes in like Tenma did and Toby congratulates him on this for not being reckless, but when Hitachi now sees the person he had reconciled with and befriends Henma bleeding on the ground, he realizes he has to attack. to Toby, who has already assured him that he only wants the fire lord, what is this avatar, the last airbender, I mean, I guess he is the fire lord, but the fire daimyo, so hitachi he attacks him, but like tenma, he passes through them and, since obito is going to kill hitachi, he senses it. something and that's Kakashi because yes, Kakashi had been one of the ombú members assigned to guard the daimyo, so before he can deliver the final blow to Hitachi and end this video very early, he runs away because not only has Kakashi escaped again. jutsu, he broke all the other members of the ombú and, although Hitachi survived, he did not emerge unscathed.
Remember that Itachi's lifelong goal was to eliminate conflict, and in fact, he had just watched one of his closest friends die in front of him when they returned. Shinko's escape from her, her other teammate realized that being a shinobi was not made for her and she leaves, she stops being a shinobi and Hitachi has been given a couple ofdays off to deal with the pain and these days he tortures himself because he trained for three years of his life to be as strong as possible and couldn't save Tenma. It is actually at this point that his Sharingan awakens, but this is also torture for him because the Sharingan is the same eye that he had seen. in Toby's face, so every time he saw his own Sharingan he returned to the moment when he couldn't save his friend and when his rest ended, he gave him two new teammates, Yoji Aburame and Himuka, who will be very important more go ahead, but the incorporation.
Of these two new companions it doesn't change Jonine's mind about letting them take the tuning exam, so Itachi's only way to improve his strength is to train with Sweet, but Yuki was doing this for a reason: he didn't want Hitachi to take the tuning exam. tuning exam because he knew that if he became a tuner he would do it. being thrown onto the battlefield, but Danzo being a donzo was realizing that if Hitachi couldn't be on the battlefield, Konoha lacked the strength it could potentially have, so he approached Fukaku, talked to his father. and said, "Hey, your son can just drink." the tuning exams alone and fukaku says yes without even asking hitachi and while hitachi is excited to become a tuning something he has wanted for a long time that way he can improve, he is worried about what fugaku and danzo have planned for him in The future tuning exams were not difficult for Hitachi, you know that written part where everyone is supposed to cheat because the questions are so difficult?
Hitachi simply knows all the answers and completes the exam so quickly because he knows all the answers that he spends the rest of the time looking at them all. the other cheats and then based on the ways they are cheating makes hypotheses. He's sorry, he used to be a scientist about his abilities and then make counterstrategies on how to defeat them later. Itachi then finds out that he got the second highest score on the written test the only person who had gotten higher was Minotau the second stage of the test gives all the genning five days to reach the center of the forest of death with two scrolls in his possession Hitachi heads straight to the center and runs into a couple of other shinobi, specifically shinobi from the hidden village of the mist, he pleads with them and says: listen, I'm nine years old and I'm only much stronger than you, There would be no other reason why I would be here. you ask them to please give you their scroll because they are outmatched and guess what they laugh in his face but then when they attack him he turns into crows and then he shoots a giant fireball at them and then when they see that he is no longer share.
They say okay, maybe he was right and give him his scrolls and then Hitachi completes the second course in five hours and 32 minutes, which turns out to be a new record, so he finally beat Minoto, leading Hitachi to the third round, as always. The other third round is a lot of one on one. Itachi's first one-on-one fight is supposed to be against another Konoha genius who is retiring because he's not Hitachi. Make him champion next year. Listen, I would have done the same thing, but. Hitachi's next fight is against one of my favorite people in all the naruto light novels n-e-m-u-i how would you say I'm going to go with nemo like leonard rest in power homie so nimoy is from the village hidden in the clouds and has a very similar ability to Zenitsu from Demon Slayer, where he actually only fights in his sleep.
This is actually super effective against Hitachi because, first, his subconscious naturally dodges all of Itachi's attacks and second, his eyes are closed so he can't be launched under genjutsu. But Hitachi is a genius and theorizes that because Nimoy allows his subconscious to fight, his conscious brain is cowardly, so when Nimoy occasionally wakes up to see how the fight is going, Hitachi catches his gaze with his Sharingan and uses genjutsu on him. , it projects images of Nimoy's gruesome death every time he wakes up and eventually causes Nimoy to no longer be able to sleep again because he is too afraid of fighting Hitachi and after he can't fall asleep he just gives up, but as He already started out being a coward. and now he was even more afraid to fight at the end of this fight, he is screaming in fear and it is so creepy that it actually makes the audience scream too and guess who absolutely loves this donzo that was present, but what is it really?
The good thing about this fight is that it is the first circumstance of Hitachi's type of fight in a way that will become a symbol of the way he fights in the future. Hitachi casts genjutsu, it's not tsukiyomi because he doesn't yet have a weapon to share mangikyo, but he casts a genjutsu on his opponent to break his fighting spirit and this effectively achieves his goal of wanting to end the conflict without killing people. I mean, I'm sure he's inflicted psychological trauma on this kid, but he didn't need to physically defeat him. Always alone I thought it was a cool moment he taught you so there's supposed to be a third party in the final fight but everyone says okay let's stop throwing this guy at kids and just make him a choony uchiha then they're ecstatic and begin to celebrate and plan the history of Hitachi. career as a member of the uchiha police force but fugaku recommends something else fugaku says they should break the tradition of hitachi joining the police force and that he should join the ombú at first the other uchihas are confused why they would send their student away more promising but It is at this point that Fugaku lists the reasons more specifically: the fact that Hitachi would keep an eye on every Hokage moon and could then report what is happening in Konoha to the Uchiha clan, but it is at this point that Hitachi learns a very lesson. valuable because he talks to fugaku and tells him, but the uchihas are part of konawa, so spying on konoha is simply counterproductive.
This leads the entire Uchiha clan into a massive rage against Hitachi to which he can only apologize. but this is the first time Hitachi has spoken publicly about the fact that he disagrees with fugaku and the general uchiha sentiment that the uchiha clan is separate from Konoha and it was also when he learned that it was very reclusive. in this stance, so for five months hitachi just goes out and is the best point there is and fugaku then takes these five months as some kind of resume and sends itachi to an ombú position, hirozin and donzo then argue to see if hitachi He should really be a member of the Ombu and they both agree that he should, except Hirosen thinks he's too young.
They agree that they should send him on an ombú-caliber mission to make sure he is in fact ready for ombú, so they say he should take a week. Outside of missions, this is for Hitachi, of course, and training to become strong enough for an Ombu-caliber mission. The only thing is that Hitachi is already strong enough for an Ombu-caliber mission, so he spends the whole week with Sasuke and once goes to lunch with Izumi. at this point, it's heavily implied that they are dating after the week is over. hitachi controls in wadonzo and danzo says that to do ombu you will have to do this mission this mission is an ombu caliber level mission it is actually an assassination and the assassination The target is a man named mukai kohinada, a former ombu captain and owner of a biakugan, but only in one eye.
In fact, I made a whole video about this mission. If you want more details, I would see it here. Sorry, he wasn't ex-ombu, he was actually still in boo and was selling Konoha's secrets to the hidden mists for money, but donzo knew he was a traitor and therefore wanted him killed. Hitachi knew he had to join the ombu. To get stronger and achieve his dream of eliminating conflict, he accepted the mission and since Mukai is still a member of Ombu, he is still sent on Ombu missions, so Danzo essentially approaches Hitachi and tells him that you can bring a person with assassinate Mukai, to which Itachi obviously chooses to shishway, but given that Mukai is an Ombu captain, the owner of a biakugan, and a very competent and gentle fist, Danto sees it as appropriate for Hitachi to go on a mission with him first under the pretext to do ombú things in order. to get familiar with his fighting technique, so hitachi and him go on a mission to the hidden stone where mukai actually has to defeat 20 shinobi from the hidden stone by himself.
After this mission, hitachi begins to formulate how he is going to kill this absolute monster of a man. but he also has problems at home. You see, Fugaku has made an announcement to the entire jihadist clan that Hitachi will soon be in the ombu and that this line of the Hokage's moves will be very effective in his coup d'état. This is the first time Hitachi hears about the coup and suddenly memories of when he was four years old on a battlefield of the third great ninja war start coming back to him and he realizes that aku means there will be more. conflict, it means that he will not be able to save his brother from the bloodshed that is to come and he is terrified by it and what is even worse is that the next day, Fugaku approaches Hitachi and says: I know you can take someone more with you to assassinate Mukhai. take me and that would have been bad for mukai, but hitachi doesn't want him there because he is trying to create distance between him and fugaku and also the next day is sasuke's first day at the ninja academy and itachi wants fugaku to be there so sasuke guarantee his happiness, eventually Fugaku relents, but this shows Hitachi how important it is to Fugaku that he become a member of the ombú.
The next day is the day they are supposed to assassinate Mookai, so Shiswi and Hitachi follow him around Konoha. they see him leave shadow clones so he can make appearances in places while he meets his lost hidden comrades and finally when he is outside of Konoha, they confront him, they confront him in a battle, and if you want a detailed picture of how that battle . fell please watch once again mukai kohinada's video but essentially shish was able to trap him in a mongiko sharingan genjutsu we just have to use this because mukai kohinada is immune to weak genjutsu like a normal sharingan skinjutsu except it was ombu mukai kohinada.
He programmed himself so that, if he ever got caught in a genjutsu that he himself couldn't get out of, it would instantly open his stomach like this, no secrets would ever be extracted from him, and as he lay dying, he confessed to all the crimes. of the. so that his family will not be prosecuted for what he did with this mission completed, hitachi is now part of the ombú and once he was accepted into the ombú, he actually asked to be placed on team ro aka the team that kakashi leads , this is because Kakashi had saved him earlier in life when they fought Obito, but Donzo wants to protect Hitachi, so he assigns someone else to team up with Hitachi.
This person wears a mask and his codename sugaru, his real identity is Yoji Abarame if not. remember that name is the person who replaced tenma when he died in hitachi team 2t hitachi doesn't think he needs protection but donzo tells him imagine if you die what the uchiha would think do you know how upset they would be and hitachi thinks? Oh yeah, actually you're right, they would be really mad because they'd probably think you guys killed me, so on his way back from his first day of ombuds he runs into Izumi and Izumi, his pseudo girlfriend, says: Hi, congratulations on do Ombu. but I'm a little afraid that they're turning you into a murderer.
He says you're right, but there's nothing we can do about it now and as Hitachi spends more time in the ombu and more time in the team line, he approaches Kakashi. In fact, he becomes so close to Kakashi that he defends him when people call him a friend killer because he thinks Kakashi is an amazing friend but a leader, but that's not all he's doing with the ombú now that he has an ear for them. movements. from konoha fugaku and the other uchiha are pressing him at the uchiha meetings about what is essentially happening, itachi then conveys to them that there is no prejudice towards the uchiha and that they are making up all the conflict they see, he says that there is some prejudice towards personal level and some jealousy, but that's it, the uchihas decide to focus on the last thing he said instead of the first and once again get upset with Hitachi when he says that they are making up the conflict they are looking for. but after that meeting changes, we take hitachi aside and say: listen, the third hokage approached me and offered to try to put an end to this planned coup, by becoming an ombu like you, so now shizui and itachi They are going to work together to finish the heist and Hitachi's first task in the team line at the Ombu is to monitor all the Uchiha with the use of hidden cameras, essentially, the defender placed hidden cameras throughout the Uchiha combo and the first time itachi looked at these cameras through all these monitors he notices something hitachi notices a man who would be imperceptible to most people sneaks into the naka shrine aka the uchiha compound and goes for the tablet of stone this is the same masked manthat he had seen years ago in years ago he had hypothesized that he was the new chiha, but now looking at him and identifying his presence he realized that he was right.
She guessed that this uchiha would have to be someone reported dead whose body was never confirmed and the only person she could think of who fit that description was a moderate. He didn't report this to anyone else but kept it in the back of his brain and Itachi remains on this surveillance mission for a couple of months until he receives a new mission, essentially Hitachi and the Rowe team are sent to surveil the signing of a peace treaty. between the land of frost and konoha, the only problem is when Konoha raises the land of frost and kills all the treaty signers, so the Row team retaliates to kill the people who killed the konohanians.
Hitachi leads the charge and kills those responsible for killing his companions neons of konoham icon hot knights people of konoha but here's the thing in the peace treaty there were also people from the land of frost who did not participate in killing the people from konoha and he wants to let them escape, he believes that you are innocent and he really just wanted to kill the people responsible, but tenzo aka yamato kakashi and yoji abrame the rest of his team kills all those people and this hurts hitachi a lot because it reminds him that he is no closer to the goal he once originally set out, which is the elimination of conflict through overwhelming power.
He failed to protect those he considered innocent, those of the land of frost who had not killed the people of konoha, it is at this point that he realizes that he will most likely never succeed and wants to stop being a member of the ombú but unfortunately he can't. His anger at his participation in the ombú then extends to his relationship with the uchiha. He becomes vocal at the uchiha meeting saying that you guys are making up the conflict against us and this vocal. Opposition to the Uchiha ideals makes the other Jihad suspicious of Hitachi and the only solace he can find in the world is the time he spends with Sasuke, but Fugaku is not the monster I've painted him so far that he actually sees. that the duality of being in the ombú and also being a member of uchiha is destroying Hitachi, so he approaches Hitachi and says: do what you think is best and Hitachi says that I promise not to let anyone else tell me how to carry my life. and that actually fills fugaku with a lot of pride, fast forward a couple of days and shishway calls hitachi to a meeting in the forest in the middle of the night the uchihas have told chiswi to spy on itachi even though this was not So. he comes from fugaku, he was voted by the majority of the uchiha and thought she was now a threat to them.
He also tells Hitachi that the coup will be voted on at the next jihad meeting and will most likely be approved. Shizui tells Itachi that they need to intervene. Itachi then comes up with a plan to use Shizu's kotomatsukame on Fukaku to change his mind about the hit. They believe that since Fukaku is the leader of the coup, he will eventually convince those around him to stop. the coup, which is who says that those who most ardently support the idea of ​​the coup are more than likely to think that you are the reason Fugaku backed out when he saw that you were Itachi, so Shizui says that Itachi shouldn't be at the meeting that night. and then they decided that hitachi would not be present.
Chisholm's plan was to use kodo matakame on fugaku before the meeting, therefore the meeting would be tilted in his favor, but before the uchiha meeting, danzo summoned chiswick donzo and then at their meeting, he explains to shisui that using koto matsukame will not stop the blow, it will only postpone it, he then tells shishwai that his eyes would be better suited to gonzo's care and it is at that moment that shishwii is paralyzed, yoji abarame emerges from the shadows and reveals the shizui he has achieved. a paralyzed and poisonous insect under shishui's skin, so while shizui stands there, completely frozen, gonzo rips one of his eyes out of his face, this pain snaps us out of his paralysis and he runs away, the only problem is that he still It is very poisoned, fatally poisoned and donzo's orders. that yojabarame and the rest of the ombú who were present killed shishway, he doesn't want me to reveal what he had done to hitachi, but here is what itachi is waiting for in the same place where he had met shishway and was going to wait there until the Uchiha clan meeting is over so he can hear about the big success.
The only problem is that the shifts stopped a couple of hours early. In one eye, he told her everything that happened and now the blow was inevitable. He then he summons. a passing crow takes out his last remaining eye and puts it on the crow and then tells the crow to follow Hitachi wherever he wants him to go. It is at this point that Chiswi actually tells Hitachi how he awakened their shared god Mangikyo during the Third Great Ninja War. Shiswi was on a mission with a couple of geniuses that was too difficult for Genny and he and his closest friend at the time were running away from enemies, but his closest friend stayed behind and we just didn't make any attempts. for saving him.
We use the enemies by killing. his closest friend to escape, that's actually what caused his mangikyo sharon to leave and although shishway didn't actually have to kill his best friends, he actually let the enemy kill his best friends because he was jealous of that boy's abilities and it is at this point that shizui tells hitachi that yo jizabrame's poison will kill me, but you can kill me first and awaken your mangikyo Sharingan, so Itachi slowly approaches Shishway with tears in his eyes and he kills him and as Shishui's body falls into a waterfall, Itachi can feel the shared god pulsing. his eyes believe it or not the next day hitachi is very upset you know it doesn't help when three police officers come to your house asking if you had anything to do with your best friend's death because naturally they suspected him because shiswee had been set up as a spy for hitachi is now mysteriously dead so yes hitachi attacks them i would have done the same it is at this point that the fugaku who has separated hitachi from the three policemen realizes that hitachi is on konohan's side this is a problem because the hit can't succeed without Hitachi, so Fugaku gets lost a little later, Izumi stops by to find Itachi and Fugaku sits her down and asks her to give Hitachi the support he wishes he had.
Fast forward to Itachi's 12th birthday. he has now been promoted to ombú captain this is because he was now in charge of making sure the coup didn't happen like shizui was hyrus and he doesn't actually want to make him ombú captain because technically you have to be 13 but danzo donzo like we're just breaking the rules here but this is also the first time hitachi has seen donzo since he murdered shish switch so hitachi looks at donzo and says why did you murder him to which donzo replies honestly and says that shishui's plan wouldn't be like that.
It didn't work and his eyes were better suited to Donso's hands. Then Gonzo starts listing ways that would be better to stop the coup than what we had planned and little by little we did it at Hitachi. We begin to realize that the only true way to stop it. The coup is to eliminate the Uchihas and as Hitachi abandons this mission, Yoji Operame, who has been masked as Suguro all this time, reveals his identity to Hitachi, telling him that Danzo placed him in the ninja academy to monitor Hitachi from the first day. that he knows that he taught you he wants to kill donzo but he shouldn't do it because donzo has taken sole responsibility for many deplorable things in Konoha's history, so killing him will be detrimental to Konoha.
It is at this point that it is revealed to us that Danza was actually the person who leaked Naruto's identity as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to create a hate rally point in Konoha to bring them back from the brink of destruction. Gonzo is the evil one. mvp hitachi then spends the next year collecting information on the uchiha and now all the uchiha hate him because he no longer attends the meeting, he and Fugaku verbally fight all the time about the future of the Uchiha and Easeme begs Hitachi to continue trying to influence Fugaku, but he says it's too late, but Itachi has been keeping an eye on all the uchihas with these cameras, now he has discovered that they plan to stage the coup in 10 days, he takes his information to the heroes in those he encountered and asks, can you stop him?
Hirozin wants to try it. and find some way to get closer to the Ichiya to stop the coup Danza approaches Hitachi after that meeting and tells him that he won't be able to accomplish anything, you should go ahead with our plan to eliminate the Uchihas because that's what Harison Va to fall as a response in the end, Hitachi agrees because why doesn't he continue to observe the clan through the cameras and one day he realizes that all the clan members have left the naka shrine to prepare for the coup. who breaks into the nak shrine to investigate a little but finds the masked man in the shrine naked looking at the stone tablet, he confronts the masked man calling him moder chiha and asks him everything about his planned revenge against Konoha knowing Matara's story, obito no I don't deny any of this and as at this point Hitachi says that since you hate Konoha you should help me eliminate the clan and Obito nonchalantly accepts that they plan to do the massacre the night before the coup because all the uchiha will be at the uchiha compound. so they are all together and ready to fight in the morning and when the fall begins, as it is called, itachi makes his first target is izumi, his girlfriend uses tsukiomi the first time he uses his ability to kill monkeys, sharon gone on izumi in a hundredth of a thousandth of a millionth of a second Hitachi makes Izumi live her entire life with him, where they have children and grandchildren to where she dies of natural causes and in the end she dies of natural causes in the illusion she tricks her body into that he dies of natural causes in the real world, but before he dies, he falls into his arms and says thank you for loving me and then he dies.
It is at this point that Obito and Itachi enter the complexes from opposite sides. Itachi offers to deal with as many women and children as possible, but Obito says that he shouldn't do this because he is already burdened with so many treacherous actions, so Obito is actually going to kill all the women and children. who do not fight and Hitachi is assigned the task of killing the jonine who fight in the men. Hitachi tries to kill the people he respects quickly and painlessly. He even allows some people the chance to fight back, but the people who were art and supporters of the coup and pushed Fugaku to make sure the coup happened.
Hitachi killed slowly and very painfully once everyone but Itachi's parents are dead, he takes a second to find Sasuke walking home from school enjoying his last moments of innocence before seeing what happened, then runs to his home to defeat Sasuke, there he finds his mother and father waiting for him there and they do not accept his apologies but they do not defend themselves either. Ugaku apologizes but also tells her that he is proud of how strong Hitachi is and that he believes in Konoha so ardently that he tells Hitachi that he believes that one day he could have been. the Hokage finally brings the Uchiha and Konoha together and before Hitachi kills them both, they only ask him to keep an eye on Sasuke until this point, Sasuke finds Hitachi standing over his parents' body and Hitachi puts into motion a plan that has especially for Sasuke.
Tashi's plan is to make Sasuke hate him so much that he gains an incredible amount of power and then finally kills Itachi, becoming a hero in the eyes of Konoha, but this is a dying guitar, but it actually works so well that Sasuke He pounces on him immediately and tries to attack him. and it actually hits him, but it hits him in the forehead protector. It's actually a fun little canon fact that Hitachi didn't scratch its own Konoha blade. No, actually it was Sasuke who did it while he was attacking him. Hitachi then escapes into the night.
But he fears that Sasuke would see him cry, which would destroy his entire plan. Hitachi then disguises himself and finds Danzo, who has now begun collecting the bodies of all the Uchiha members. Where do you think he has all those eyes? Hitachi looks at him and says that if you ever lay a hand on sasuke, I will reveal everything you have done and then approaches hirosen who has told him that he has stripped donzo of all authority for what he pushed hitachi to do, hitachi and then trust that. He will go to Akatsuki to keep an eye on them during Konoha and when Hitachi leaves the village he realizes that someone has followed him and that someone is Yoji Aburame, the person who killed Shisui Hitachi knows that he is in fact being followed once.
He leaves Konoha, turns around and casts Tsukiomi on the insects on Yojiabarami's body, this immediately freezes Yoji in his tracks and as Yoji stands there frozen, his insect gets stuck in Tsukiomi just like Shizui who was frozen in front of him. while Danzo ripped it off. Hitachi pulls out his eye and activates Amaterasu and watches him burn to death until this point where Obito actually takes Hitachi to the village hidden in the meet Ikotsky and then the rest is Naruto's story, but we were only talking about a couple. Of skills that I think we should really dive into with Itachi here, the most important thing is tsukiomi amaterasu and hisusano because those three things actually reflect a lot of the personality and upbringing that I just said.
Tsukiomi is intended to reflect Itachi's early idealism in placing people in a genjutsu. That only lasts a second in the real world, but 72 hours in his brain, Itachi is able to break the fighting spirit of people who are enormously powerful like Kakashi, in fact, Tsunade needs to cast medical ninjutsu on Kakashi's brain to get him back. of essentially comatose hitachi. He can use this to create a world where he is the strongest person, all he has to do is make eye contact with people much stronger than him to prevent them from creating conflicts. If Hitachi could use this on the right people, he could stop them. conflict does not arise again imagine he brought this to the Hokages and broke their will to fight Kage, who is afraid of the battle to the death of all these things, he will seek a peaceful resolution and that is why tsukiomi suits him so well In fact, Tsukiomi is actually the god. of the moon in Japanese mythology, while Hitachi's other ability, Amaterasu, is actually the god of the sun, but Amaterasu means something else to Hitachi, Amaterasu represents Hitachi's loss of that idealism, Amaterasu has an ability that shoots a black flame and if it hits you, you burn until you die.
There is no room for pity because yes, Itachi can prevent the jutsu from killing you by deactivating it. This is an ability that if he hits you with, it's very easy. It's painful, but think about how he awakened his mangikyo Sharingan ability by losing one of the closest people to him on earth, something he was actively trying not to do. , but just because he lost shish didn't mean he didn't want to do it yet. make a conflict free world for sasuke, that's why there is so much duality in his eyes abilities, but let's talk about the third deity susano susano is the god of storms in japanese mythology and someone who wakes up in mongikyoshar and leaves is capable of manifesting a susana and itachis is one that I talk about a lot, the most important thing is that it has two very interesting abilities that come along with susano, the yata mirror and the totsuka sword.
People wonder how he achieved these two things. Did he find them somewhere? Did you collect them? It's a jutsu but it's not any of those things when you awaken a susano you get your susano you don't collect new susano items therefore your susanoo is a manifestation of your spirit and hitachi susano makes a lot of sense the yatimir is a mirror that will change its nature of chakra to reflect any ninjutsu that is shot at him, so in essence he has a susan shield that can block all ninjutsu, but think about that in essence he has a shield that can withstand anything, much like how he has Hitachi.
To endure everything throughout his life he has had to take hate, anger, jealousy and reflect everything to protect and create a world for Sasuke and, on the other hand, he has the Totsuka sword, which if you pierce your enemies through of it seals. Take them to a genjutsu world called the world of drunken dreams, no matter who you are, if this sword pierces you, you will be gone, but think about that sword that can defeat anyone, that's what Hitachi is a sword that was used to defeat. All that gets confusing for everyone is the fact that arochimaru is searching for totsuka's sword, but we know that Naruto relies heavily on Japanese mythology, I mean tsukiomi susano amaterasu.
In Japanese mythology, many high-ranking officials in the realm of the gods have the totsuka sword. A very common item between them, so Orochimaru wasn't looking for the type of totsuka that Hitachi had, he was just looking for one for himself. In fact, in Japanese mythology, Susano, the storm god, steals his type of totsuka from an eight-headed snake, would you guess? That snake's name, Yamada no Orochi, so yeah, that's his backstory, why he has his weapons, his motivations, everything. I hope this video gave you a better understanding of who Hitachi is as a character, because he is loved as a character.
You know, he's a double agent. the whole time and the whole character arc may be incredibly well written, but there are a lot of hidden motivations that people don't understand, but if you're sitting here right now at the end of this video, this is going to end up being one of the longest videos I've ever seen. created, so if you liked it, like the video, subscribe to the page and press the notification bell. I have it. I didn't do that at first. No? I've been filming for like four hours. Did I do that at the beginning?
Mr. editor. Mr. Mr. editor. If I didn't at the beginning, listen, use the following clip at the beginning. That's fine, but also leave it at the end. ending for a kind of easter egg for those who finish the video, okay, okay, viewers who received this, listen, I'm not saying the hit would have been a good idea, but considering the fact that Donzo was kidnapping children and forcing them. into root monsters and also that the third one had caused two shinobi world wars like maybe we'll give the uchiha a chance to run this place.

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